Gaming / That's it.
« on: July 11, 2016, 11:21:37 PM »
I honestly can't bear this actually cancer that was suppose to be a game.
I need to uninstall it this terror.
I need to uninstall it this terror.
This section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. 31
Gaming / That's it.« on: July 11, 2016, 11:21:37 PM »
I honestly can't bear this actually cancer that was suppose to be a game.
I need to uninstall it this terror. 33
Gaming / So Tmartn apologizes for CS:GO lotto scam. Someone managed to reupload the video« on: July 06, 2016, 04:01:10 PM »YouTube So..... Do you forgive him for his scamming activities? I still don't forgive him. As for Prosyndicate, I don't know if he responded or not. Though, I believe he has two strikes for performing illegal actions before, and I think this is his third. I don't think Prosyndicate is going to get out of this alive, honestly, which is sad considering that he was once a chill and cool guy. 34
The Flood / Favorite lead vocalists in music?« on: July 05, 2016, 03:54:21 PM »
Bruce Dickinson - Iron Maiden
James Hetfield - Metallica Bon Scott - AC/DC Ozzy Osbourne - Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabbath Phil Anselmo - Pantera Joe Elliot - Def Leppard Dave Mustaine - Megadeth Rob Halford - Judas Priest Dio - Dio, Black Sabbath, Rainbow Dave Grohl - Foo Fighters (I'm aware that he was initially in Nirvana, but he was a drummer) Lemmy Kilmister - Motorhead M. Shadows - Avenged Sevenfold Corey Taylor - Slipknot Zack de la Rocha - Rage Against the Machine Layne Staley - Alice in Chains This can be any genre of music, I just really love Metal and Hard Rock. 35
Gaming / Yesterday....« on: July 01, 2016, 07:24:16 PM »
...was the day that is dedicated to celebrating what once used to be a big and successful developer.
That is all. 36
Gaming / CoD: Infinite Warfare won e3's best shooter - Gameinformer« on: June 22, 2016, 10:41:15 PM »
This was involved in Gameinformer's "Best of e3 2016 Awards." Look under the category "Best Shooter" Best Shooter (of e3, at least): ![]() Quote CALL OF DUTY: INFINITE WARFARE So yeah. 38
Gaming / Halo 5: Warzone Firefight content update. (Release date: June 29)« on: June 18, 2016, 08:20:59 AM »![]() E3 attendees battle it out against one another in Halo Wars 2, with the help of coaching from 343 & Creative Assembly devs Quote We have returned from the annual pilgrimage of E3. In mostly one piece. Over the past four days, thousands of players stopped by the Halo Wars 2 booth to get hands-on with PC and Xbox One, and many more of you have joined the Halo Wars 2 beta, which still has a few days remaining. In fact, to thank you for your playtime, patience, and enthusiasm, we’ll be extending the Halo Wars 2 Beta on Xbox One through Wednesday, June 22. We hope you’re able to get a few extra battles in. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- COMMUNITY DOUBLES ![]() Quote Community Doubles is this week's social playlist, and it features a fine selection of community-crafted battlegrounds for you and a partner to try out. We worked with the folks at ForgeHub on selecting the top maps from their recent 2v2 map contest, and then worked with internal teams on getting them ready for their first stint in matchmaking. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- WARZONE FIREFIGHT ![]() Quote The Warzone Firefight release draws nearer, and various teams across the studio are finishing up the work required to get this sucker out the door and into your eagerly awaiting hands. As stated previously, this release is the biggest one yet, and we’re packing in as much as we can fit. You’ll of course find the improved and updated Warzone Firefight PvE mode on a variety of maps, the Warzone Boss Refresh, a brand new Forge canvas as well as accompanying Forge updates, Campaign Score Attack (which we announced and detailed last week), updates to Warzone personal scoring, Series 1 of the HCS weapon skins, new places to play in multiplayer, fixes for incorrect rank display as well as non-English languages not displaying placement matches, a couple of achievements for Score Attack as well as Warzone Firefight, new vehicles, armors, weapons, and plenty more that we’ll start to dig into today and over the next few weeks. Let’s take a peek. Here (as stated) is a sneak peek at the Content that Warzone Firefight will contain for us: ![]() I'll admit myself, the reqs are a lot smaller than I (Or anyone, really) anticipated; but then again, this is only a sneak peek, as we might potentially see more as time goes by in the not too long future. And the two Warzone maps + the one arena map (although both are going to most likely be remixes after recent events with CUs) + the new forge canvas make up for it. Also, here's just a better view of the Temple Banshee: ![]() ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Here's a inside look into Prospect, the new Warzone assault map: Concept art: ![]() ![]() Quote Thanks, Bravo. While our battle-hardened away team braved the harrowing halls of conventional warfare, those of us holding the proverbial fort down were embroiled in a variety of preparatory activities – not the least of which has been giving some late-game TLC to Halo 5’s latest upcoming free content release: Warzone Firefight. While much has been discussed regarding the fireteam-friendly cooperative mode itself, the update includes much more than just the update’s namesake. One of the most exciting aspects of the impending content release’s repertoire is the addition of some awesome new multiplayer maps upon which Halo fans will soon be unleashed. Today we’ll take a look at Prospect – a new Warzone Assault variant set on the glassed human colony of Meridian. Here's also an inside look at the new forge canvas, Tidal: ![]() ![]() A quote relating the same sub-topic: Quote Next up, here's a quick look at another specific something we haven't yet shown you. You may remember the mysterious top banner in Bravo’s Hints and Heroes blog, which at the time was an unreleased piece of concept art for an upcoming Warzone map. Today, we reveal the full piece of art, as well as an added bonus peice of artwork from that same map. Keep an eye out for tonight's Canon Fodder for a bit more detail. Concept Art: ![]() ![]() ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Quote BURNING QUESTIONS That will do it all for this week. So what do we think about this? 39
Gaming / Battlefield 1: Multiplayer gameplay reveal on June 12th, 2:00PM PT« on: June 01, 2016, 04:00:26 PM »![]() https://www.battlefield.com/squads?setLocale=en-us Quote The First-Ever Battlefield™ 1 Multiplayer Livestream at EA Play on June 12 at 2:00PM PT Time is set on Sunday, June 12th at 2:00PM PT. Our time zones will obviously vary, so feel free to convert the given time zone to yours. This should be exciting to most of us, and I know I am personally. Which is weird (due to EA's recent history, specifically in the Battlefield series), but I'm curious to see if EA has potential in themselves to make not only the reveal of MP a success, but the game overall; Or it might just become an over-hyped catastrophe. I also feel that this is extremely early for MP, considering that the game was revealed approximately a month ago. Who knows, this is a two-way street. Just other minor sources regarding the (same) topic: http://gamerant.com/battlefield-1-multiplayer-64-player/ https://www.vg247.com/2016/06/01/battlefield-1-heres-when-well-see-64-player-multiplayer-footage/ http://wegotthiscovered.com/gaming/battlefield-1-dice-to-showcase-64-player-battles-on-june-12/ 40
Gaming / IW (and all of Activision) in a nutshell.« on: May 30, 2016, 09:27:39 PM »YouTube This has been clearly established multiple time before IW even being announced (basically defining CoD since MW3), but just a fresh reminder. 41
Gaming / Halo 5: Hog Wild update (Not really a lot to anticipate from this update)« on: May 28, 2016, 12:14:22 PM »Quote This week, we’ve got a quick blog showcasing the full suite of Hog Wild REQs, and a bit more. Onwards! ![]() Quote Just in case you missed it last week, a few of the bigger items that were slated for the Hog Wild update have been given a bit more time for finishing touches and polish. As a result, much of the contents of the Hog Wild release have moved to the Warzone Firefight release, which is currently scheduled to be Halo 5’s largest release to date, and to drop at the end of June. ![]() Right here is a fully closer look at some of the reqs: Vespin Rocket Warthog Advanced and deadly Rocket Hog with high-acceleration Rocket and faster reload time: ![]() Rally Warthog Advanced and durable high-speed ‘Hog, with greatly increased speed and heavy armor (I like that design though): ![]() hybrid scope Sangheli-sourced and based on the Carbine’s holoscope, the Hybrid scope uses holographic target acquisition and can retrofit your BR, DMR, SMG, or AR. ![]() Stinger Armor (I loathe the egg helmet): ![]() Interceptor Rictus Armor: ![]() Aurum DMR (The Aurum skin applies to all of the loadout weapons): ![]() —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ARENA MULTIPLAYER SUMMER UPDATE: ![]() Quote After several weeks of internal testing, your feedback from the Team Arena Summer Preview playlist, and multiple rounds of feedback with HCS Pro League teams, the multiplayer team has locked on final map layouts as well as map and game type combinations for Team Arena and the HCS Pro League, as well as new map layouts for additional playlists. To see the full details, head here. Quote SLAYER Quote We’ll see you in the playlist, and remember: Pro League starts next Thursday, June 2nd on Twitch.tv/Halo. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— WARZONE BOSS REFRESH (Sounds a little unique to see): ![]() ![]() Quote The Warzone Firefight release has a few items we haven’t talked about just yet. One of these is a Warzone Boss Refresh, which the Character and Warzone teams have been working on for quite some time. This week, we’re giving you a sneak peek into what’s on the way: Judging from the reqs, we can't expect a lot from Hog Wild, which is said to be the smallest CU in H5 history. However, most its initial reqs were pushed back to work on. They will be in the Warzone FF update, which will basically be a CU now. In fact, it will be the biggest CU update in H5 history. Weird.... Also, just wanted to make it clear that they didn't specify if they would do a livestream on Hog Wild or not. 42
Gaming / June Games with Gold.« on: May 24, 2016, 05:54:50 PM »![]() https://majornelson.com/2016/05/24/xbox-live-games-with-gold-for-june-2016/ Thoughts? The Crew will seem to be free for approximately an actual month. 44
Gaming / Halo 5: The Memories of Reach update« on: May 07, 2016, 08:53:48 AM »
![]() I guess the phaeton helios was acceptable, but was still a little disappointing. Here's basically everything regarding the update. At the end it's just talking about the Halo Pro leagues, so I didn't include it: Quote FINDING THAT PERFECT MATCH (MATCHMAKING PREFERENCES) ![]() Quote A NEW PGCR ![]() ![]() ![]() Quote SANDBOX UPDATES INFECTION: ![]() Quote Last week, we took a look at Infection game type details as well as medals and medal art, and today, we’re detailing the specifics of the hardware as well as taking a look at a community spotlight map. If you’re anxious to see Infection in action, be sure to keep an eye on Game Informer early next week. This is just what they said on the remix. Quote STASIS ![]() And, of course, they will be doing a livestream on the Content Update. Quote MEMORIES OF REACH LIVESTREAM ![]() 45
Gaming / ITT: Halo Machinima« on: April 25, 2016, 04:21:07 PM »YouTube Anybody remember these at least? It was just entertainment every time. 47
Gaming / Cross-Network Gaming finally happening?« on: March 16, 2016, 09:54:35 AM »
http://www.rocketleaguegame.com/news/2016/03/xbox-one-cross-network-play/ http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/gaming/2016/03/14/xbox-one-support-cross-network-play/81771482/ A few sources on the topic. This basically means that X-bone players will now be able to play against and/or with PS4 and PC players. One of these sources, I believe, states that Rocket League will be one of the first titles to support this new feature. M$ has been hinting this since the XB1's launch in 2013, and now it might be happening. 48
The Flood / Why is the Kids' Choice Awards still a thing?« on: March 12, 2016, 07:24:30 PM »
My little brother is watching it. So....
Gaming / So this is ACTUALLY a thing....« on: February 12, 2016, 11:27:06 PM »YouTube A SUPER special edition enhancement of the original special edition of Dying Light.... For $10,000,000 Anyone remember the Saint Rows edition for $1M joke? Lol. The edition's content is just sad as he points out in the video. This is, though, just hilarious. Thoughts? Spoiler Also, here's just a link of the same case on GameSpot without AlphaOmegaSin talkng about it. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/pay-10-million-get-dying-light-and-a-role-in-a-mov/1100-6434708/ 50
Gaming / Ahhh, MCC. It's still in a nutshell....« on: February 07, 2016, 06:00:41 PM »
So I decided to play MCC after almost 4 months since H5's launch, and...... Well, it's still in a funny state. I was playing in the Team Slayer Playlist, and it was Slayer (Obviously) on Warlock, so Halo 2. There were three idle players on the other team, while there was one actually trying to win. We were just destroying him until the point where he decided to rage-quit due to the frustration of destruction and the fact that his other three teammates were idle. If you notice, it was a 3v4 (thanks, 343!), and one of our teammates quit, so now a 2 on 3 (The other team was doing nothing). For some reason, the only other teammate on my team was now idle, leaving me the only active player in the game (*Sighs*). Because the other team was unproductive, and my other teammate was doing the same, I just started to just bundle them up into one and was scoring triples the entire game. It was quite funny, actually. This clip basically tells it all. I know, it was strange of me to make this entire post like it was an essay, but this basically wraps up MCC in a nutshell. Even though it was funny for me in this match, it's not surprising. 52
Gaming / Anybody remember rocket baseball?« on: January 06, 2016, 09:26:35 PM »
A small little activity that I use to do in the H3 days. It was something that I picked off of somebody in a video on B.old (I think it was CMNeir). I'm pretty sure some of you guys at least heard of it.
http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/The%20Smiths01/video/13725734 53
Gaming / This might not make sense or appeal to you.... But....« on: December 28, 2015, 11:31:36 PM »
So this guy feels that their is a strong "possibility" that wolf is returning (regardless of the fact that corrin and Beyonetta are the last batch of DLC charcaters), that he's willing to bet everything on the line and.....
YouTube 8:43 "If wolf is not revealed at some point in the early January 2016, then I will literally make a sandwich out of my own ballsack, nuts included, and choke on that bitch on camera live. Quote me on that shit." YouTube Shofu (a smash pro) is really bringing him down on all of this, which is really funny in the video. I think we know that he will pay the price. 54
Gaming / Well, I finally did it....« on: December 26, 2015, 11:03:24 AM »
I finally won a tourney in tourney mode in SSB4 (Wii U) online with every character in the game (excluding Miis):
I'm Just Gonna list all of them off by Franchise: TLoZ: Link Toon Link Zelda Ganondorf Sheik Super Mario Bros: Mario Luigi Peach Bowser Rosalina and Luma Dr. Mario Bowser Jr. Yoshi (I'm just gonna include him in the Super Mario Bros. Category) Pokemon: Pikachu Jigglypuff Greninja Mewtwo (Main) Charizard Lucario Kid Icarus: Pit Palutena Dark Pit Punch-Out!: Little Mac Pac-Man: Pac-Man Duck Hunt: Duck Hunt Star Fox: Fox Falco Fire Emblem: Roy Marth Lucina Robin Ike (Corrin) R.O.B: R.O.B (Well, he originally was a controller) Metroid: Samus ZSS Sonic The Hedgehog: Sonic F-Zero: C. Falcon Earthbound: Lucas Ness Wario: Wario Mr. G&W: Mr. G&W Wii Fit: Wii Fit Trainer Kirby: Kirby King DeDeDe Meta Knight Pikmin: Olimar Animal Crossing: Villager Mega Man: Mega Man Xenoblade Chronicles: Shulk Street Fighter: Ryu FF VII: Cloud Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong Diddy Kong Bayonetta: (Bayonetta) I have put Corrin and Bayonetta in () to highlight that due to their February release, I haven't gotten my hands on them yet, meaning that their tourney attempts are pending. I feel that this is a high gaming accomplishment for me, considering the countless hours I have spent doing everyone. 55
Gaming / This guy is trying to sue Bethesda......« on: December 22, 2015, 06:33:02 PM »
For his addiction to playing Fallout 4.
This guy says that his addiction caused him his marriage and job. I have very mixed emotions and thoughts because it's funny and sad at the same time. So what do you have about this? Spoiler inB4ThisIsIrrelevantToGaming 56
Gaming / Man got injured by a car while playing Fallout 4.« on: December 19, 2015, 08:09:17 AM »
So the driver causing the crash isn't having any consequences (or in this case, paying for the charges) to this situation. His gaming chair is what saved him from actually dying from the crash is what the victim says Thoughts, m8s? 57
Gaming / >tfw you go 5.3 (positive) in H5 slayer......« on: December 08, 2015, 08:24:50 PM »
But only move up 5 points as an onyx.... Seriously, I was the top player with 21 kills, and we won 50-14. I only went from Onyx 1639 to 1644.
I really don't know if you have do terrible on purpose and have the other 3 teammates carry the game and win just to get the extra 10 - 12 points. Anyone who's an onyx also feel this? 58
The Flood / So Fox News apparently manages to "call out" Star Wars and its Fanbase.« on: November 21, 2015, 10:03:48 PM »
YouTube Something also I feel I should share with you. 59
Gaming / Has XBL been trash for anyone else at the moment?« on: November 19, 2015, 07:24:10 PM »
It constantly says "Syncing data", but just says that it failed every time I play an app or game.
Has anyone else had this issue. 60
Gaming / Possibly the end of DLC for SSB4 is near...« on: November 13, 2015, 04:24:58 PM »YouTube So Wolf, Snake, and other new coming requests might not become a reality after all... As Andre says in the video, we had a good run with SSB4. We also still have nice content consisting Roy, Ryu, Mewtwo, Lucas, Mii costumes, and stages. Thoughts? |