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The Flood / Re: Man, fuck people
« on: May 06, 2015, 09:31:02 AM »
That's enough of that now.

If this shit carries on in another thread I'll take my lack of sleep out on you <___<
I swear to god you're always sleep deprived.
Pretty much.

Hell even as a newborn I didn't sleep well (Obviously not firsthand recollection, this is what my parents say) so a quick checklist goes

Born and barely slept as a baby
3 years old - parents got a sleep therapist to make me go to bed/sleep, which sort of worked for a few years
6 - Same shit different age
6-10 -- I think I actually slept well at this point of my life, it's hard to remember though.
10-15 -- ayylmao my dear ol' mummy decided to play deafeningly loud music all night every night, so I only got sleep from 4am-7am ish when she passed out and I could turn the surround sound off ._.
15-now -- Insomnia from the after effects of the sleep deprivation described above, I've got sleeping tablets that sort of help but it's still an uphill struggle every night.

The bags under my eyes have pretty much been a permanent fixture since I was old enough to look in a mirror, but on the whole it is getting better nowadays. It's just a bad night with little sleep tends to hit me pretty badly.

Oh that? That's just my image of you.
He has a beard and black hair, I have neither.
My brain malfunctioned with that sentence, and this is you now.

The Flood / Re: New Member Introduction Thread
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:15:06 AM »

I forgot that I had something copied already

The Flood / Re: Who the Fuck are You?
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:08:54 AM »
I'm Zen, I'm an undercover ag...I mean, I'm a pedo who joined this community because I heard there was young boys here.
How young are we talking here

The Flood / New Member Introduction Thread
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:08:09 AM »
Introduce yourself!

The Flood / Re: Who the Fuck are You?
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:06:48 AM »
lol why are we doing this? Isn't there already one of these threads out therE?

Edit: I did it because I thought the name was clever nad funny and cunning and decisive and outmost and foremost

The Flood / Re: Who the Fuck are You?
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:02:24 AM »
I'm the one true Destycle

The in game music because it's good
How do I follow you?

The Flood / Re: Man, fuck people
« on: May 05, 2015, 01:11:35 PM »
That's enough of that now.

If this shit carries on in another thread I'll take my lack of sleep out on you <___<
I swear to god you're always sleep deprived.
Pretty much.

Hell even as a newborn I didn't sleep well (Obviously not firsthand recollection, this is what my parents say) so a quick checklist goes

Born and barely slept as a baby
3 years old - parents got a sleep therapist to make me go to bed/sleep, which sort of worked for a few years
6 - Same shit different age
6-10 -- I think I actually slept well at this point of my life, it's hard to remember though.
10-15 -- ayylmao my dear ol' mummy decided to play deafeningly loud music all night every night, so I only got sleep from 4am-7am ish when she passed out and I could turn the surround sound off ._.
15-now -- Insomnia from the after effects of the sleep deprivation described above, I've got sleeping tablets that sort of help but it's still an uphill struggle every night.

The bags under my eyes have pretty much been a permanent fixture since I was old enough to look in a mirror, but on the whole it is getting better nowadays. It's just a bad night with little sleep tends to hit me pretty badly.

Oh that? That's just my image of you.


Do you know what Hearthstone is?


I've already repeated this song some 10 times, so gimme something new.

inb4 that song with Zach gafilianiski doing the head thing

The Flood / mfw mfi mfwm
« on: May 05, 2015, 11:01:17 AM »
LOol :o

The Flood / Re: mfw I got banned from my city's wifi
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:38:42 AM »
maybe its just not whitelisted?
Would be kind of weird to let some gaming sites be if that were the case. worked btw.

What a cool word: Whitelist. Thanks for that word
Its a real word btw

Its used in a protocol where everything is banned unless its not. (i.e its in the whitelist)
Yes, and yes.

I figured it out, but thanks for verifying.

The Flood / mrw Cheat asks how much my healthcare covers
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:37:53 AM »

Länge leve Sverige!

The Flood / Re: mfw I got banned from my city's wifi
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:33:21 AM »
maybe its just not whitelisted?
Would be kind of weird to let some gaming sites be if that were the case. worked btw.

What a cool word: Whitelist. Thanks for that word

The Flood / Re: mfw I got banned from my city's wifi
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:31:59 AM »
What did that do?

Sep7 is .net.
I know, but still.

What are the odds of someone else in my city (aside from true Velox) going to sep7agon . net/com?

The Flood / mfw I got banned from my city's wifi
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:11:18 AM »



Meh... Needs more cute girls doing cute things in schoolgirl outfits.
But dude, we have two guys from the same family that looks like girls.
We have a guy that gets turned on by a little boy's fighting spirit

Not to mention a loli that's actually a really buff person

>discussion value
What are they gonna do, ban me?

omg what's wrong with you people?

"It's simply jaw breaking!"



I've seen these videos so many times already

It's literally Satan's gift to this world.

It makes you want more and more because it's the most perfect thing existing. Then you find out that they've taken a huge break.

The Flood / Re: This song is universally loved by everyone
« on: May 03, 2015, 02:26:10 PM »
the girl in aisle 10
Hellooooooo Allissooooon

The Flood / Re: This song is universally loved by everyone
« on: May 03, 2015, 02:23:07 PM »
Anyone that doesn't like if is a faGgot.

But, your a massive faggot and you like this song so what does that mean?! õ.ô
Using that logic, birds are gay as shit.

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