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Messages - w/e

Pages: 1 ... 100101102 103104 ... 176
The Flood / Re: I love these kinds of things
« on: December 13, 2014, 01:07:05 PM »
you know most people are gonna be suspicious of a swf
Not the ones who matter.

The Flood / I love these kinds of things
« on: December 13, 2014, 01:02:55 PM »

The Flood / Re: Let's develop our Spanish skills
« on: December 13, 2014, 11:27:33 AM »

The Flood / Re: Let's develop our Spanish skills
« on: December 13, 2014, 09:26:09 AM »
me no hablaba nada de Inglés, yo sólo hablo español, habla conmigo.
No es verdad, porque he vi tú reply en un otra thread.

Didn't know that the past tense of ver was vi. I originally wrote the sentence with "he vido", but I knew that was wrong so I translated it.

The Flood / Re: Let's develop our Spanish skills
« on: December 13, 2014, 09:21:59 AM »
No hablo Ingles.
Oh, perdon. Tú es muy bonito, como un perro, pero necesito salsa si quieres hacerme feliz, Señior.
Make your own mate, go to the market for some fresh ingredients.
Cuál es tú problema?

The Flood / Re: Let's develop our Spanish skills
« on: December 13, 2014, 08:58:54 AM »
No hablo Ingles.
Oh, perdon. Tú es muy bonito, como un perro, pero necesito salsa si quieres hacerme feliz, Señior.

The Flood / Let's develop our Spanish skills
« on: December 13, 2014, 08:44:45 AM »
I once chatted with Nuka in Spanish, and he said "eso", which I hadn't thought of before. It's a highly useful word that can be applied to many things, so I suppose that the thread would progress if we were to speak Spanish in it.

Hablo español mejor que tú. Argumentas para tú amigos contra mi, o contra tú amigos/fagolas.

Edit: Por favor.

Serious / Re: Update on my absolutely horrible neighbours
« on: December 13, 2014, 08:40:17 AM »
You either live with it for as long as you're there, or you do something about it.

The choices are obvious, but the question is what're you doing right now?

So you turned down having some fun because?
This song should explain it.

Are you asocial, or antisocial?

The Flood / Re: Post ITT and I'll tell you something I know about you
« on: December 13, 2014, 05:56:20 AM »
I've posted a lot of information about activities and events concerning my life, so I'll tell you where you got the information that you're telling me about me.

The Flood / Maybe you guys should watch this video
« on: December 13, 2014, 03:52:26 AM »

It's a bit long, but you really need to watch it.

The Flood / Re: How cool am I?
« on: December 12, 2014, 05:06:23 PM »
How have you posted so much with me never seeing you?
You've probably seen me. Actually I'm quite sure you have.

The Flood / Re: How cool am I?
« on: December 12, 2014, 04:54:33 PM »
Don't really know you
Nobody seems to do.

The Flood / How cool am I?
« on: December 12, 2014, 04:42:32 PM »
How many cool do I have, yo, man?

The Flood / Best of B0ss in TV
« on: December 12, 2014, 03:27:29 PM »


Too lazy to watch, can someone tell me when it starts?
2 minute marker.


You'll know when it comes.

The Flood / oops, wrong board
« on: December 12, 2014, 03:02:34 PM »
Holy shit I just realized what board I posted on.

The Flood / Re: Elegiac Says
« on: December 12, 2014, 02:58:45 PM »
I don't get it.

Serious / Re: Socialism, Liberalism, Conservatism SEP7AGON EDITION
« on: December 12, 2014, 02:50:34 PM »
I put it on Serious because
this could lead to latin words being searched for, and different discussions of better ones as they're more suited, which one can only convince one off through arguing with good points about the psychology of the users on here and latin words.

Serious / Socialism, Liberalism, Conservatism SEP7AGON EDITION
« on: December 12, 2014, 02:48:50 PM »
Let's create some.

Praeliumism- The ones who want to argue
Benedism (from benedicus) - The kind ones who want to help
sine metalism- without meaning

I'd say that I'm a Praeilium-sine metalist.

Serious / Re: The Meyers-Briggs Personality Test
« on: December 12, 2014, 02:11:25 PM »

Variant: Turbulent
Role: Analyst
Strategy: Constant Improvement
Individual traits:
Mind - Introverted (32%),
Energy - Intuitive (31%),
Nature - Thinking (51%),
Tactics - Prospecting (26%),
Identity - Turbulent (23%).

This is the old test that I took some months ago, but I saved it in my profile. I'd say that the description is spot on on many points, and a miss on a few.

The top three seem reasonable. I always want to improve, I analyze, and I'm Turbulent.

Serious / Re: The Meyers-Briggs Personality Test
« on: December 12, 2014, 02:09:30 PM »

91% Introverted (holy fuck)
How is that even possible!?

Serious / Re: Why is fascist used as an insult?
« on: December 12, 2014, 02:00:28 PM »
I'm not too familiar with the hipster talk that you Americans use, but other than the meaning behind the words I can't say much more.

Being called a communist means that you're a passive person imo. You want everyone to have equal power and such, which is  utopian socialism IMPOV.

A fascist is someone who values that strong people should rule over weak people, and thus it can be used for many people as that is how humans work. There's just that it's more like a disco ball, and different strengths shine at different angles.

Edit: This means that fascism can be used to tell someone that they're overpowering something/someone/some ones, and that is frowned upon in our society.

A shy smart guy that says that he's not that smart, but that he just spends his time reading books is seen as someone nice, whereas a smart guy that says that he reads a lot of books while you're goofing about when asked the question of how he knows stuff is looked down upon, and often times even met with hostility.

The Flood / How do you deal with a conservative party that stands for
« on: December 12, 2014, 01:48:52 PM »
the reduction of immigrants in Sweden, but has failed to bring up any other issue?

Actual quotes from followers:
islam är det största hotet mot världsfreden, det har inte att göra med rasism, islam är en ideologi, men det är över statsministerns fattnings förmåga, att statsministerns kompisar är muslimer kunde man ju bara ana, landsförädare!
Islam is the biggest threat to world peace, it doesn't have to do with racism, Islam is an ideology, but it is over the prime minister's knowledge, that the prime minister is friends with muslims one could guess, country traitor!
du måste skämta!? en fredlig religion? vilket knark använder du? islam vill erövra hela världen, propagerar förtryck mot kvinnor och homosexuella, vill döda alla judar, tycker att det är ok att våldta alla icke muslimska kvinnor, att det är ok att mörda oliktänkade, det är vidare ok att hugga händerna av någon som stulit, det är ok att mörda medlemmar i sin egen familj om denne har ett kärleks förhållande till någon som inte är muslim, blir du påkommen med alkohol i hemmet blir du halshuggen, och sen ska vi inte tala om alla terror dåd av jihad som mördat milliontals oskyldiga både kvinnor och barn här i världen. att du bara har mage att försvara denna otroliga ondska bevisar bara vilken okunnig människa du är. det går inte att bli medmänniska mot någon som hatar dej och vill döda dej, det är inget att diskutera om, muslimer kan inte omvändas och lämna islam, då blir dom dömda till döden, det fins inget att debattera, dom gör det som står i koranen, nämligen att om du inte kan omvända någon till islam ska du döda dom, det är väl en hälsosam och fredlig religion det:) jag vill betona att det här är inget jag hittar på utan det är 100 procent fakta, tror du mej inte så rekommenderar jag att du kollar upp saken lite bättre.
Basically that the quran says to murder jews and non muslims, and that muslims need to take over Europe.

I really wanted to quote the one that said something like "Sweden is waiting by as we're torn to pieces, we need to fight the chaos and destruction that is bringing this country down!"
but I couldn't find it.

The reply to that comment was "What chaos and destruction? Sweden has many luxurious properties, and a lot of satisfied people." Which I think is perfect to sum up the difference between a Swedishdemocrate follower and a sane person.

They're called the Swedishdemocrates, and their main idea is to lower immigration, as if every other party ignores it. If people were to pick them to rule this country, then my guess would be that they'd put the money in the wrong slots. They'd focus on the wrong things.

Also their fanbase is among the most stupid one I've seen.

The Flood / Re: I've got a question for you folks
« on: December 12, 2014, 11:57:02 AM »
Becoming "quiet" works pretty well.

The Flood / Re: This .swf has a deep psychological effect on me
« on: December 12, 2014, 11:51:03 AM »
The second time I played it I was overloaded with hatred, so I furiously started doing push ups.

When I came back, I felt petrified.

The Flood / This .swf has a deep psychological effect on me
« on: December 12, 2014, 11:45:24 AM »
At first it was just decent, then I smiled, but then I felt offended, and it was a horrifying experience with a lot of hidden meanings.

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