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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 293031 3233 ... 302
Those sound people will never make it into the movie business.

The Flood / Re: why did ender kill herself
« on: November 14, 2016, 05:55:05 AM »

Serious / Re: Reince Priebus Picked as Trump's Chief of Staff
« on: November 14, 2016, 05:49:25 AM »

I want it to happen, but I hope it doesn't due to the fallout which would be generated due to this.
-The guy won the EC so it would be bullshit to deny him of office simply because the government doesn't like him.
-The amount of Trump voters rioting would be extremely high and I see non-Trump voters joining in with them due to our so called democracy being left up to the government. 

Serious / Re: Eight years from now we're going to look back and say...
« on: November 13, 2016, 05:51:27 AM »
Weren't you slamming trump and denouncing him before the result?
Which was before the election, now that my denial and anger are gone, I fully accept Meme God Emperor Trump as our president.

The Flood / Re: Ok, I'm drunk AF
« on: November 12, 2016, 06:34:52 AM »
Where you celebrating Trump's presidency?

Serious / Re: Eight years from now we're going to look back and say...
« on: November 12, 2016, 06:16:08 AM »
I'm gonna curve your head into the pavement to try and cure you of your autism
Denial  [✓]
Anger  [✓]
Bargaining [ ]
Depression [ ]
Acceptance [ ]

Gaming / Re: NES Classic Edition Sold Out
« on: November 12, 2016, 05:58:50 AM »
I beat the Wii U never had that problem.

Serious / Re: Trump's cabinet
« on: November 12, 2016, 05:57:10 AM »
That list has to be fake due to how stereotypical it is.

Serious / Eight years from now we're going to look back and say...
« on: November 12, 2016, 05:50:38 AM »
"Man, I wish I supported Trump for both his elections rather than just his last one."

For you non-Americans you're going to be saying "I wish we had God Emperor Trump grabbing our country by the pussy and leading her onto the path of greatness."

Mark my words Sep7agon, this man is going to have his head curved into the face of Mount Rushmore by the time he's done in office.

The Flood / Re: Hmm...
« on: November 12, 2016, 05:43:01 AM »
Obviously wondering how he's going to get out of this mess.

I like the profile theme you have going on here.
Thank you, I wanted to use "I, for one, welcome our new god emperor", but the nigger known as "Cheat" lowered the name character limit. 

The Flood / Re: Hmm...
« on: November 11, 2016, 04:22:05 AM »
Obviously wondering how he's going to get out of this mess.

Even Obama has called for one at times but it was just posturing.

The Flood / Re: FLAG THREAD 2.0
« on: November 11, 2016, 04:15:18 AM »

The Flood / That feeling when we voted for this women.
« on: November 11, 2016, 04:13:46 AM »

Serious / How was Crocked Hillary going to maintain a no-fly zone in Syria?
« on: November 11, 2016, 04:12:10 AM »
The women couldn't even keep a fly off her face so I highly doubt she was going to keep planes out of a country.

Serious / Re: Now for the $20,000,000 question:
« on: November 11, 2016, 03:41:58 AM »
Politicians would only pay attention to NYC, Boston, Atlanta, Miami, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Diego.
How would that be any different than politicians only focusing on the few swing and battleground states? Even if they were only focusing on the heavy populated ares we have this thing called the internet and mass media now. People from all over the country are able to watch and read about the person they want to vote about. In 2000 more people voted for Gore, in 2012 it was Romney and now it was Clinton. So having a popular vote wouldn't make voting a biased thing.
If you live outside them, your voice isn't heard.
Oh bullshit. With the EC your vote isn't heard and it basically makes voting pointless and it destroys it. If you live in a blue state like CA than voting read is pointless and if you live in a red state like Texas than voting blue is pointless. With a popular vote then that would make voting actually have a purpose due to every single vote counting and it would make voting actually seem like a democracy.

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 10, 2016, 05:17:59 PM »
Dow Jones Industrial Average closes at a fresh all-time high.

Man what a fucked up society.
money >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ethics >>> morality

Nice argument you have. Considering Donald is 10000 times more ethical than Hillary. And we know damn well you wouldn't have posted this if she won.

Yawn. Stop bitching and go back to your safe space.
trump is a misogynist which automatically makes him an irredeemable monster

end of thread

lock this mods

if hes a misogynist, so are 95% of other men.
and 95% of men are evil, terrible "people"
What percentage would you fall under?

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 10, 2016, 05:07:55 PM »
On top of that Trump said he would leave it up to the states. So that doesn't mean that ALL states would make abortions illegal. I could travel to another state and get an abortion, too.
What a great fucking idea. Some poor rape victim is going to be screwed due to her living in the deep religious south. So then, what would a victim like that due about a rape child when she has no other state next to hers to get an abortion at?

Serious / Re: President Elect Donald J Trump (Official)
« on: November 10, 2016, 04:36:16 AM »

If Sanders was on that bike he would have rode it all the way to the white house.

Serious / Re: President Elect Donald J Trump (Official)
« on: November 10, 2016, 04:35:23 AM »

Why is a Lannister ridding beside a Mormont?

Serious / Re: Still down/exhausted about the election?
« on: November 10, 2016, 04:19:29 AM »
When I woke up and found out Trump one I was depressed and disgusted, but latter on I just accepted it. Now I'm thinking Trump isn't going to be the retard we thought he was going to be, there is still a chance he could be decent.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 10, 2016, 04:17:51 AM »
If you like the story to IW, I feel sorry for you
and H5 was doing bad before all this
It's dead man
It's not the shit story I like, it's the structure of the campign. I love the half life style narrating(Which is each level flows into each other without being separated but a cutscene.), we're not thrown into another level the moment we beat one, being able to walk around your ship, we're able to pick side missions in any order we want to and I love that we're ale to pick our load out as well. It makes doing levels a hell of a lot easier when we are able to pick what gun we want to use for it or our play style.

Serious / Re: My mom has terminal breast cancer
« on: November 10, 2016, 03:41:39 AM »
Is it too late for the breasts to be removed?

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 10, 2016, 03:40:14 AM »
It's the Demarcates own fault for Trump becoming president. Instead of Sanders being the one we're going to vote for, it was controversial Clinton. I'm sure more people would have voted for Sanders rather than Clinton who was being investigated by the FBI during her whole time running for president. I know Trump has his shit to, but maybe people simply didn't want Clinton to become president due to a possibility of her doing the same thing again. More people did trust Trump than the amount who trusted Clinton. 

I am highly disgusted with America, but in the age of BLM, SJW's, modern feminism and political correctness to the point where a movie like Blazing Saddles would never get made today. I am glad an offensive man like Trump got elected just to piss those people off. It's bullshit people like modern feminist care more about video game issues, than real ones, so I'm glad Trump is there just to trigger them even more for their stupidity.

I am still disgusted with America, but I moved on and accepted him for president. Winning and bitching about him winning is not going to do anything besides make the person like pathetic. I have hope that we were wrong about him being incompetent in office. There is a chance that he could surprised us and do decently just like how he surprised us by winning when Clinton was in the lead poll wise.

The Flood / Re: Girl put in a coma after punching a dude who punched back
« on: November 09, 2016, 05:06:30 PM »

A) nobody gives a shit about your reaction, because you're a nobody
B) spoiler your bullshit to take up as little space as possible (remember that 0 space = what you're worth)
Equal rights...and lefts.
fucking everywhere on youtube comments... I don't find it good enough to make me laugh even a little. I won't even blow out my nose a little harder, or think "haha funny"
That shit looks staged.
What're you, autistic? That looks 0% fake. What the heck does a "real" situation look like in your head?
I linked an image of one punch man to go with the video of the man one punching the girl, calm down you nobody.
You linked an image of Saitama who is very strong etc where he says "ok" to my thread about a girl getting put in a coma. Either you're retarded for not seeing that there's no red line here, or you're autistic and simply don't like the colour red.

and don't fucking use my insult against me. Pathetic.
Calm down child, if it will make you feel better then I will apologies for linking an image which triggered you.

Serious / Re: Now for the $20,000,000 question:
« on: November 09, 2016, 05:01:15 PM »
Hillary was leading by large margins.
The bullshit thing is that she got the majority of the votes, she only lost due to the electoral vote.

I fear for Tom Hanks' life
Even 100 Tom Hank's won't save us from the Trump.

I meant Tom Hanks dying would be the worst thing to happen this year.
I know, I mean that even if there's 100 Tom Hunak's running around they still wouldn't lift our cloud over America due to Trump.

The Flood / Re: Girl put in a coma after punching a dude who punched back
« on: November 09, 2016, 04:52:28 PM »

A) nobody gives a shit about your reaction, because you're a nobody
B) spoiler your bullshit to take up as little space as possible (remember that 0 space = what you're worth)
Equal rights...and lefts.
fucking everywhere on youtube comments... I don't find it good enough to make me laugh even a little. I won't even blow out my nose a little harder, or think "haha funny"
That shit looks staged.
What're you, autistic? That looks 0% fake. What the heck does a "real" situation look like in your head?
I linked an image of one punch man to go with the video of the man one punching the girl, calm down you nobody.

Serious / Re: President Elect Donald J Trump (Official)
« on: November 09, 2016, 04:34:35 AM »
Resignation or assassination.

Which is more likely?


he still has the possibility of being convicted with a felony
Would it be from the case were he supposedly raped a child or the meeting with the Mob boss?

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