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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 291292293 294295 ... 302
Gaming / Re: I thought of a legit way Valve could let us re-sell a game
« on: October 21, 2014, 05:14:24 AM »
That is ridiculous. You choose how to spend your money, if you do not like being able to not return games, then stop playing on PC and play on an actual console meant for gaming.
So if consoles are meant for gaming how come I can watch DVD's and now BluRay on them? If consoles are meant for gaming how come there's a shitload of non-gaming apps on them? If consoles are meant for gaming how come modding is a bannable offense for any game and why do they hardly support mods? If consoles are meant for gaming how come PC's are able to do it better when it comes down to the size of the game and preference?

Gaming / Re: Some people still think that consoles are better than PC
« on: October 21, 2014, 05:11:22 AM »
Hiding behind money is such a weak argument.  I've put less money towards my $2500 PC (which I built for more than just gaming: you can get a gaming PC at a fraction of that price) and massive game library than I have towards my Xbox 360, its services, and its library.  Unless you intended to drop a few hundred dollars on a console to play 1 or 2 games, you'll get more out of your money on a PC in the long run.

Keep justifying your peasanthood.

That was a very valid argument he made there.  If anyone's the peasant here it's you.

No its not. He can't afford Xbox Live, he can't afford to buy new games for full price. He relies on cheap indie games and Steam sales and he tries to justify his stance by saying how much money he saves (lol peasant) and that Xbox has no 1 or 2 games (subjective).
When you pretend to be retarded you still end up making yourself look like a retard.

Gaming / Re: Xbox master race thread.
« on: October 20, 2014, 07:20:22 PM »
This person is representing you, the console gamer. This is your average console user.

A stupid 12 year old who doesn't know anything about anything. He hasn't even seen any titties. Your average PC user has on average seen more titties only by the fact that the average PC user isn't 12 years old.

You can have fun with PC or consoles just the same, but once you claim that a console can do more/is more powerful than a good PC, you've lost your way.


And before you Xbox people say something about him circle jerking the PS4. He is still representing your Xbox. His video is representing all console users.

Gaming / Re: Xbox master race thread.
« on: October 20, 2014, 06:22:46 PM »

Gaming / Re: Xbox master race thread.
« on: October 20, 2014, 06:22:11 PM »
So how's that 1080p for that new Dragon Age game?

The Flood / Re: Tomorrow marks my 7th year as a Christian
« on: October 20, 2014, 06:16:58 PM »
You should celebrate by hanging some blacks or by protesting funerals. That is what you people do, right?

Gaming / Re: >TFW People have the MCC early and are leaking stuff
« on: October 20, 2014, 06:15:13 PM »
I wouldn't say people have it early when it's just a collection of games that's already out. And how can you leak things that are already out?

Gaming / Re: Some people still think that consoles are better than PC
« on: October 20, 2014, 06:12:30 PM »
You people should read the replies he's been responding to me with. He just gets dumber and dumber. He seems to think he represents the entire BF community.

Septagon / Re: What're the measurements for nameplates?
« on: October 20, 2014, 05:50:01 PM »
How do you get the ability to upload a custom nameplate?
Get 3000 posts.
That is all.
Or you can be Cheat's cousin and have privileges that the other people below that post count don't have.
That's Cheat's decision.
It still doesn't change that this person isn't involved in the site. This person is a regular member and in order to get the speacil features normal members have to have over 3,000 posts. Which this person doesn't have. 

I've seriously never seen anyone that upset over a ban lol, I'm still getting death threats and called a "cunt" because Slash perma banned him lol

Reported for bypassing the filter. Enjoy your three second ban.

I didn't realize Slash was that cool. What was he banned for? Was it really for abusing the report function?
Not to spill too much of the staffs business but when we say Verby abused the report function, we mean he really did abuse it, we opened the report log and within 15 minutes there were 30 reports filled by verby with reasons like "fracktard", "maggot" and "vegetarian", and the comments he reported weren't rule breakers.
We asked him to stop but he told us to "go frack yourselves it's not against the rules" and he kept spamming the report button, so we made it against the rules then banned him for 2 days, he kept doing it when he was banned so we kept extending the ban until he did something that I wont say and a mod slapped him with the perma ban.

Verby thought I was the one who originally banned and perma banned him so I've been getting a shit tonne of funny messages from him ever since.

What I love about Verb is that he waited over an hour for a user here to reply to him. What makes him even sadder is that he muted the person because the reply wasn't worth his time or it wasn't what he expected.

The Flood / Re: lol me donate blood??
« on: October 20, 2014, 07:13:01 AM »
I cannot donate until November 1st. I'll just get another tattoo so I can have an excuse.

I've done it once, and the individual missed my vien several times.
I fixed that for you.

Septagon / Re: What're the measurements for nameplates?
« on: October 20, 2014, 07:04:21 AM »
How do you get the ability to upload a custom nameplate?
Get 3000 posts.
That is all.
Or you can be Cheat's cousin and have privileges that the other people below that post count don't have.

Septagon / Re: Do custom title bar colors/text colors work?
« on: October 20, 2014, 06:59:50 AM »
I changed mine a bit ago and haven't seen any changes. Is it not fully functional?
They unlock for normal users in stages. Heroic + 3000 posts gets your custom nameplate (as long as you're wearing Imposter), Mythic gets you a custom title, and the one beyond that gets you custom bar/border colors.
Why does this person have a custom nameplate and color when they have only 200 posts?
That would be Cheat's cousin.
So why does that mean this person has privileges that others bellow the 3333 posts don't have? Cheat did say that you have to have +3,000 posts for those features to unlock. Cousin or not this person is way below the post count for that stuff and they shouldn't have those features unlocked when the other people with a similar post count don't. Last time I checked this person isn't a mod, an admin or any other type of site involved person.

Septagon / Re: Do custom title bar colors/text colors work?
« on: October 20, 2014, 06:03:02 AM »
I changed mine a bit ago and haven't seen any changes. Is it not fully functional?
They unlock for normal users in stages. Heroic + 3000 posts gets your custom nameplate (as long as you're wearing Imposter), Mythic gets you a custom title, and the one beyond that gets you custom bar/border colors.
Why does this person have a custom nameplate and color when they have only 200 posts?

Serious / Re: Confederate flag...
« on: October 20, 2014, 05:57:20 AM »
The symbol of a nation that got its ass whooped so bad that it no longer exists. Hurr durr durr but mah South will rise again! 

The Flood / Re: Because I love you guys
« on: October 20, 2014, 05:51:03 AM »
Damn. I never thought I would see good looking booties being posted on this site. The only ones I've seen are those overweight ones Cam loves to posts.

The Flood / Re: Who would make a better Hitler?
« on: October 20, 2014, 05:32:14 AM »

Mr Spock can be his second in command and Dr McCoy can be the doctor that does experiments on people.

The Flood / Re: Recon Number 54 Returned to Bungie
« on: October 20, 2014, 05:30:54 AM »
Too bad there's nothing to return to. The only thing he came back to is stupidly and autism.

Gaming / Re: Help with Skyrim!
« on: October 20, 2014, 05:26:54 AM »
So much ignorant hate towards Skyrim.
It's just as hilarious as those who hate on Fallout 3 lol

But Fallout 3 is actually good.
It depends on what parts of it we're talking about. The atmosphere of it isn't bad, but the game does lack depth. The story is really nothing more than purified water, the quests are filled with plot holes and the characters lack depth. Besides appearance and a slight backs troy your followers are almost exactly the same when it comes to humans and even the mutant. They have hardly an personalty and back story. New Vegas on the other hand your followers are unique from one and other. They have unique quests to them and they have a for more detailed back story.     

Gaming / Re: I thought of a legit way Valve could let us re-sell a game
« on: October 19, 2014, 04:56:36 PM »
More proof Steam is for peasants.
Would a peasant spend over $2,000 for one of those titan things? I seen an image where some guy has 4. Also GameStop sells games for around $1... 

The Flood / Re: >Naruto is 15 years old
« on: October 19, 2014, 04:53:53 PM »
What percentage of the show is canon? I know a lot of the episodes are filler. 

Gaming / Re: Some people still think that consoles are better than PC
« on: October 19, 2014, 04:47:34 PM »
"Let me show you why console exclusives are better!"


I thought he was supposed to prove console exclusives were good, not shit.
What's funny is that Killzone and TLoU are not console exclusives to begin with, they're system exclusives. 

The Flood / Re: This is unacceptable
« on: October 19, 2014, 10:44:58 AM »


Gaming / Re: Some people still think that consoles are better than PC
« on: October 19, 2014, 09:07:51 AM »
I'm waiting to see what stupidity he has to say about my post to him.
1: The only thing you did was list 3 games that you like and nothing else. You didn't give any reasons why they're better, you just listed 3 games and moved on. When it comes down to which games a person likes it's all opinion, not facts. So your fist reason doesn't count since it's simply an opinion. Also lets say a PC user listed 3 games that they like. Would that mean PC games are better since that's the same thing you did?

2: The online community would be the same for all systems. All the communities would have the assholes and the little kids that make it up. This is another opinion based thing you mentioned that doesn't count. Also it's funny that you're saying the console community is better, but yet in the video you act like an immature child. The "I don't care what you say" thing shows you can't handle opinions that are different than yours. And the whole "You can go screw yourself" thing really shows that as well. So nice job putting down your own point.

3: Consoles also have updates for the system and games. For the MCC there's a day one update. So you just can't "plug in and play" the online the day you get it. Also depending on when you get your system there would be updates you need to install. So if I got my PS4 today there would be updates to install.

4: The used games are cheaper, but Steam does have its sales so the price difference really isn't much of a difference. Also since we're on the topic of price for games. Playing your games on the PC would be cheaper since there's no online fee. With a PC outside subscription based games the only fee you need to play online is the internet fee. With your PlayStation you not only need that, but you also need to pay that systems online fee if you want to play online.

5: Console gaming is not always cheaper. With the online fee it will quickly add up to the price of a $600 laptop and go beyond it. Also being cheaper is not always a good thing. Laptops and PC's do cost more, but you get a hell of a lot more out of them than what you would on a console. If you're able to pay $430 on a PS4 then you're most likely able to save up a few hundred for a laptop or PC.

By going with what you're saying McDonald's would be better than a 5-star restaurant or Mustang would be better than Lamborghini just because they're cheaper. Even though the 5-star restaurant has far better quality than McDonald's or the Lamborghini outperforms the Mustang. They are still inferior to their counterparts just because they're cheaper. Yes price doesn't always means it's better, but when you compare it to most things the more expensive thing is usually better. So unless you're on a budget a console being cheaper than a PC or laptop doesn't make it better. It just makes the console more affordable.

Gaming / Re: Do you prefer Indie games or AAA games?
« on: October 19, 2014, 08:38:34 AM »
So far AAA games. World of Tanks got old and there's too much bullshit and I got bored of DayZ, but I might go back to it if I feel like it. So far the only indie game I played and enjoyed is Faster Than Light Faster Than Light.

Justice was done for that shit show.
Now listen to me. I have a very specific set of skills. Skills I've acquired over a very long career. In real estate. If you take that back then, that... will be the end of it. But if you don't, I will look for you. I will find you. And I will build a house around you. With no doors. 

Jake could not wait any longer and neither could Finn...

The Flood / Re: Trust system
« on: October 19, 2014, 06:31:39 AM »
So what does the trust system do?
It affects your prefix (respected, ascended, heroic, legendary...). You can increase yours by receiving positive karma votes, posting often and generally being active.
So basically the OP is complaining about nothing of importance?

The Flood / Re: Trust system
« on: October 19, 2014, 06:26:05 AM »
So what does the trust system do?

The Flood / Re: These ads are getting out of hand
« on: October 19, 2014, 06:24:34 AM »
My ads seems to be under control since I use AdBlock.

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