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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 288289290 291292 ... 302
Gaming / Re: GTA: San Andreas HD a reality?
« on: October 27, 2014, 05:15:55 AM »
It's just a port of the PC version to the 360, not a remake.
Sadly you're right. This is nothing more than going from KoTOR on Xbox to the PC on max graphics. Like you said they changed nothing besides the  resolution. I was hoping this was going to look like GTA 5.
It looks better than the PS2/Xbox version. It has improved lighting, character models and draw distance.
That's what I want, especially the draw distance.

Flying airplanes in the PS2 version was a nightmare waiting to happen with invisible trees causing you to crash into them.
Oh god I remember flying the hydra in that forest island at low attitudes. 

The Flood / Re: Should I reveal Kiyo's secret?
« on: October 26, 2014, 08:04:59 PM »
Tell me.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: October 26, 2014, 07:55:11 PM »


Gaming / Re: Black Ops 2 has over a quarter million playing
« on: October 26, 2014, 07:52:49 PM »
I haven't played the game, but from what I've seen and read the game barely has any end game content, there's barely a story and the gameplay is a lot of grinding. For the story and grinding thing it's not just a person or so problem. The reviews I watched about it and people's comments all share the same problems. So because of those problems I think it's safe to say people are getting bored of Destiny and moving onto other games since there's not much to do or keep people playing. The other thing is that AW is coming out tommorw so there's people playing CoD games because of that. People did the same thing with GTA 4 shortly before GTA 5 got released.

Gaming / Re: GTA: San Andreas HD a reality?
« on: October 26, 2014, 07:27:43 PM »
It's just a port of the PC version to the 360, not a remake.
Sadly you're right. This is nothing more than going from KoTOR on Xbox to the PC on max graphics. Like you said they changed nothing besides the  resolution. To me the game looks worse because of this. I was hoping this was going to look like GTA 5.

The Flood / Re: I look like my avatar
« on: October 26, 2014, 07:12:27 PM »
So you look like a fag? I had a feeling you were one.
Insecure? No? Yeah, somewhat, or you came here to bash on me, which really tells me something about you.


The Flood / Re: Ellen Page
« on: October 26, 2014, 06:24:43 PM »
So OP what's it like knowing you will never end up with this person? Not because of social status, but because she's a lesbian. It must hurt knowing she doesn't want your D, but instead she wants you sisters V if you have a sister.

The Flood / Re: I look like my avatar
« on: October 26, 2014, 06:09:45 PM »
So you look like a fag? I had a feeling you were one.

Gaming / Re: Going to preorder AW soon
« on: October 26, 2014, 05:58:37 PM »
I did a few weeks ago.

COD is still a fun game to play in my spare time. Probably won't play it much because of MCC but its still a nice change of pace.
Agreed. As a main game it gets old, but if you want something to play for an hour or so or a time killer for something it is good for that. As long as you're not getting bullshitted the gameplay is fun.

Gaming / Re: GTA: San Andreas HD a reality?
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:06:26 AM »
It still isn't up.  >:(

The Flood / Re: Confession time
« on: October 26, 2014, 07:28:34 AM »
Your dick was kinda small. It didn't even make me gag.

Septagon / Re: Four glaringly obvious fixes to site moderation
« on: October 26, 2014, 06:07:31 AM »
How the fu­ck do you even get banned here?
By being a complete asshole like Verb. I'm surprised he wasn't banned the moment he joined.

Gaming / Re: Anyone want to play Reach?
« on: October 26, 2014, 05:58:17 AM »
Better than Halp4
At least Halo 4 has story focus. Also unlike in Reach we seen emotion in Halo 4. Kat and Carter are supposed to have this close bound but that's never even implied in the game. It's as if Nobel Team are a bunch of strangers to each other. You never hear them talk about past missions or encounters.

The Flood / Re: The best
« on: October 26, 2014, 05:56:29 AM »
*clears internet history*

Gaming / Re: Going to preorder AW soon
« on: October 26, 2014, 05:54:11 AM »
Just wait and see wait the reviews are for it. 

The Flood / Re: Even Master Chief hated black people
« on: October 26, 2014, 05:48:12 AM »
I love that there's no black officers is Halo.

Septagon / Re: Camnator must've designed the ads
« on: October 26, 2014, 05:33:33 AM »
That ass is too attractive.

The Flood / Re: tfw no bf
« on: October 25, 2014, 09:06:23 PM »
If you buy me a Ford F-650 pickup I will let you put it in my ass.

The Flood / Re: Did Charlie really leave?
« on: October 25, 2014, 08:33:18 PM »
Maybe he left so he can find a doctor about his erection problem.

Rate me like one of your French models.

The Flood / Re: Should Darth Maul have been in RoTS instead of Grievous?
« on: October 25, 2014, 07:38:54 PM »
Only real problem is that Kenobi cut Maul in half, and then Maul's remains fell into the core of a reactor system. It could've been interesting, but with how Episode I ended there was no possible way. Had Maul turned around and walked away after knocking Kenobi into the pit, it could've happened, but even that seems against Maul's character.
He could have survived. When he got cut in half his wounds would have been sealed up due to the heat. If he uses the force he could reduce the impact of the falls and control himself. Since the trade federation works for Palpatine they could have simply turned him into a cyborg like what he looks like in the EU.

The Flood / Re: What should I do? (Chest pain)
« on: October 25, 2014, 06:56:49 PM »
Do you remember a dick like thing going down your throat right before you blacked out from being chocked?

The Flood / Re: Attention!
« on: October 25, 2014, 06:47:49 PM »

The Flood / Re: Ellen Page
« on: October 25, 2014, 06:47:11 PM »
Look at that flat chest. Look at it.

The Flood / Should Darth Maul have been in RoTS instead of Grievous?
« on: October 25, 2014, 06:45:42 PM »
To me he would have been a great adversely for Kenobi. In the first movie he kills his master which the guy is not only a friend, but the closest thing to a father he has. At that point Maul basically killed is entire family. That right there would have deeply affected him for a decent amount of time. Even during RoTS that would probably still be affecting him to a degree. The way I thought Maul would be reintroduced is on that ship in the beginning. They go on it to rescue Palpatine and instead of Grievous being present it would be Maul.

To me that right there would be better setup. The guy that basically killed Kenobi’s only father figure which has been presumed dead for years is back to haunt him. Whatever emotions he suppressed from his master’s death would come back to haunt him and drive him into a type of rage. So not only would Anakin be haunted by his wife’s possible death at the time, but Kenobi would also be haunted by the guy that kill his master.

Latter on Kenobi gets into a fight with Maul and he ends up killing him. Not because he got a death blow on him, but because he beat him down and he executed him because of the pain he caused him due to his master’s death. That right there would show that no Jedi no matter how noble they are is no better than their counterpart. Then after that order 66 would take place and the events it leads to.     

The Flood / Re: Remember when General Grievous was a complete Badass?
« on: October 25, 2014, 06:23:56 PM »
Since there's the tech for it the prequels should of had clone combat and lightsaber battles like in that cartoon. The first movie should of had Darth Maul seen throughout the whole thing and the 2nd movie was just a love stroy. That movie should have been the one where it was mostly action since that was the start of the clone wars. The 3rd movie could of had better battles, but to me they did do the action and talking amount right.

Gaming / Re: New employee at 343i just leaked the release date to Halo 5
« on: October 25, 2014, 06:03:47 AM »
This is why cameras are not allowed during workdays inside the studio...

Workdays in your moms house actually require cameras.

Grow up.
Well a part of him is growing up inside your mom.

The Flood / Re: What would your post count be if....
« on: October 25, 2014, 05:30:10 AM »
Over 30,000.

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