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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 286287288 289290 ... 302
The Flood / Re: keep this thread at the top of the page
« on: November 02, 2014, 08:40:10 AM »

The Flood / Re: keep this thread at the top of the page
« on: November 02, 2014, 08:28:36 AM »

Gaming / Re: 10 more days....
« on: November 02, 2014, 08:22:30 AM »
You accidentally put a "0" at the end of the "1" OP. CoD Advanced Warfare comes out tommorw.

The Flood / Re: I've Tried DP For The First Time In Years...
« on: November 02, 2014, 06:54:42 AM »
I use to drink a lot of soda growing up with my parents, I was able to stop though once I moved out. Soda is disgusting.

The Flood / Re: PSA: Don't buy the Glacial White PS4 Controller
« on: November 02, 2014, 05:01:03 AM »
It still looks white. Is it the lighting or is this just in your head?

Gaming / Re: What is your gaming level on?
« on: November 01, 2014, 11:05:48 AM »
Level 2 and 3.

Gaming / Re: Give me your gaming history!
« on: November 01, 2014, 11:02:35 AM »

The Flood / Re: Would you put down your child if it looked like this?
« on: November 01, 2014, 11:00:53 AM »
Is there a longer gif where the eyeballs pop out?

The Flood / Re: So I had a very uneventful Halloween
« on: November 01, 2014, 08:24:23 AM »
I went to a bar with a freind to watch him play pool to kill time. Then after that war went to an other bar to listen to a band his freind is in. The white Russian I had was milked down.

The Flood / Re: Which Booty is Superior? (White or Black)
« on: October 31, 2014, 07:16:06 AM »
If it ain't white then it ain't right.

Gaming / Re: Bungie is commiting suicide
« on: October 31, 2014, 04:57:11 AM »
Once the end of 2015 comes this game is going to be so dead due to other games.

The Flood / Re: :(
« on: October 30, 2014, 06:45:34 PM »
I'm sorry I'm not allowing you to take my butt virginity.

The Flood / Re: did you check your privilege today?
« on: October 30, 2014, 06:42:52 PM »
I don't have to since I'm white and male. I can do whatever I want because of that. 

The Flood / Re: I have a question about base jumping.
« on: October 30, 2014, 06:38:07 PM »

This is fucked up.
I know. When he landed his body was pretty fucked up.

Gaming / Re: Assassins Creed Unity goes WWII
« on: October 30, 2014, 06:21:46 PM »
Time rift in the would be visually impressive to see Paris flickering through multiple time periods as you're being chased/chasing a target.
The animus isn't a time machine you know.
I know that dipshit.
Okay. Chill the fuck out.
You're just a snide little asshole on every forum you post on, always have to be the smart ass. Get a life besides playing video games all day.
Who pissed in your cereal?
Nothing, and I apologize. It's time for me to get off the internet for a while.
Is it that time of the month?

The Flood / Re: I have a question about base jumping.
« on: October 30, 2014, 06:19:04 PM »
LOL, bro
 kiyo is on one level and you just surpassed that by a mile
So what's his level?

The Flood / Re: I have a question about base jumping.
« on: October 30, 2014, 06:18:50 PM »
Was a plane heading towards his building?
Are you implying the plane didn't already arrive?

The Flood / I have a question about base jumping.
« on: October 30, 2014, 06:01:58 PM »
I'm no expert on it, but shouldn't this guy be wearing a parachute when he jumps from a building? Also shouldn't he have jumped feet first instead of head first? Even if he had a parachute and he opens it like that the only thing he is going to do is tumble. The other thing is that he doesn't have enough time to flip back up. When you jump from a building you have to deploy right after that. You have no time for tricks like that.

The Flood / Re: ISIS strikes major blow.
« on: October 30, 2014, 05:51:01 PM »
Even if the car lost control like that and went through the wall. Would it even be rolling that badly?

The Flood / Guess what the white boys did to me?
« on: October 30, 2014, 03:55:35 PM »
Them White boys had me on crystal meth!

The Flood / Re: Daily reminder that Bronies still need to be exterminated
« on: October 30, 2014, 03:16:10 PM »
Oh god he's from PA...
You feel bad? He's one goddamn county over from me.
Nigga this bastard is a days drive from me. At lest with you it can be over one.
wait.. Over one what?
Over one day of driving.

The Flood / Re: What's your opinion on this shotgun?
« on: October 30, 2014, 11:13:51 AM »
Once income tax comes I'm going to get a shotgun for trapshooting and hunting. I asked a freind which would be a good shotgun and he said that type of brand. Out of the ones I seen on the website I'm going with this one because I like the way it looks, it comes with a rail, a scope and an iron sight. I'm thinking about getting it, but I'm wondering would it be a good choose for those two things? Also this is a dumb question. It's a turkey shotgun, but would it also be good for deer hunting?

The 870 is cool as shit, but that model looks like absolute ass. This is the one I have:

It's the "tacticool" version. Go for that.
Can it fire slug rounds at stock or do I need to get a choke for it?

The Flood / Re: What's your opinion on this shotgun?
« on: October 30, 2014, 10:23:18 AM »
I'm no gun expert, but deer are pretty skittish. I would get something that has more range. A scoped rifle, perhaps? If they say its designed for turkey its designed for turkey, not deer.
Shooting a deer with a shotgun, especially one that you plan to eat is retarded, lol not like the previous statement like that before, but because all the bits get in there. it's bad. A rifle should be used when killing Deer.
There are slug rounds.

The Flood / Re: What's your opinion on this shotgun?
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:43:12 AM »
I would assume it wouldn't be good for deer hunting, but I'm not familiar with shotguns to say the least. I'm a rifle type of person
It's just setup for turkey. If I want to fire slugs then I have to get an improved choke for it. I found that out in a video I watched for it.

Gaming / Re: Give me your gaming history!
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:40:39 AM »
It started when I was in pre-school. Back in the early 90's my dad and I played PC games together. He did the moment and I used the mouse. Some of the games we played were Blood and that Chex Quest game. One day at school my teacher asked me what pitchforks were used for and I said killing zombies because of Blood. That was either in pre-school or kindergarten.

Sometime in the late 90's my grandma got me a PS1. I played Tony Hawk, Spyro, some demotion derby game and mostly demos on that. I don't have much memories of it since I was young at the time and I didn't have that many games for it. I know at my uncles my Step cousin and I played some twisted metal game a lot on that.

Some years after the PlayStation I traded that in for an Xbox. That's when I really got into gaming. I played GTA, Halo, Max Payne, Star Wars and other fun titles. Halo is the only reason why I stayed with Xbox. Also the first game I got for that is the first Max Payne which I still have.

Then around 2005 the 360 came out and I got that. The first game I got for it was CoD 2. I traded in my Xbox for that game. That was when the game was still new. I finally got Live back in 2009 so the 360 was my first time playing online with people. The first game I played online was Halo 3 at my uncles. Then for the first game on my account that was Medal of Honor Air born.When the 360 still had the RRoD problem I ended up going through three 360's because of that. For online the two games I had the most fun in is Halo 3 because of the custom games and Black OPS because I played that with real friends. In Halo 3 I joined a clan back in 2009 called I.C.E. which has been dead for years. For Black OPS my freind started a clan called PHAG which stands for Pretty Hardcore Awesome Gamers. That clan consisted of friends and people that know each other in real life.

Then now 8th gen is out and I have all 3 of those systems. I pre-ordered the Xbone a few months before it came out. I January I got sick of waiting to find a PS4 in stores so I bought one on Amazon for $530. and I got the Wii U for my sister as an early Christmas present a few weeks ago. I also have a laptop which is able to play games.
For moments I remember I was playing Skyrim for the firs time one day. I was a low level and I shot a mammoth in the ass with an arrow. The thing turned around and started running at me so I sprinted towards a guard tower. I ran past a guard and in real life I screamed "There's a pissed off mammoth running after me!" After lots of arrows I did kill the thing.

Then for KoTOR the firs time I played the game was just great. I had no idea what I was doing which made it fun. For my first play through I went through the whole game by myself because I had no idea how to select party members to go with me. I remember on the Jedi planet I was running around thinking I was some badass with my two lightsabres. Then all of a sudden I encountered that Mandalorian leader. I thought I could simply kill him, but nope. When we locked blades I had a WTF moment because my sabers didn't slice thorough his swords. After so many play through's finally found out the swords are made a speaicl way to prevent that.

For Black OPS I remember going over to a friends house and we played it online together. I took my 360 with me and we sat next to each other playing with other friends. He used his TV, I used a spare and the person upstairs used his.

Also because of Halo 3 I ended up meeting someone in real life. Before we played custom games online together and sometime latter his account got hacked so he got a new one. I didn't know that, but at some point after that I still had an account of his on my list. I was talking to him one day and I brought up a person I used to play with. That person was him. So him and I with other real life friends played GTA 4 and Black OPS a lot together. We ended up getting close and we found out he lived around 3 hours from us. So one day we picked him up and he stayed with us for around a week. That was around 4 years ago.

The Flood / Re: What's your opinion on this shotgun?
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:11:37 AM »

Hunting sounds pretty fun, IMO.
Okay sociopath.

Were our ancestors sociopaths? Is the wolf spider that spends its nights hunting for crickets a sociopath?
Hunting for food and survival =/= fun.
Wouldn't hunting put the population in line? If there's no deer hunting wouldn't these deer populations get to big which would result in there not being enough food to support them? Also what if you're somebody that hunts more for the food than the fun of it?

The Flood / What's your opinion on this shotgun?
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:53:43 AM »
Once income tax comes I'm going to get a shotgun for trapshooting and hunting. I asked a freind which would be a good shotgun and he said that type of brand. Out of the ones I seen on the website I'm going with this one because I like the way it looks, it comes with a rail, a scope and an iron sight. I'm thinking about getting it, but I'm wondering would it be a good choose for those two things? Also this is a dumb question. It's a turkey shotgun, but would it also be good for deer hunting? 

The Flood / Re: I'm enlisting into the Navy
« on: October 30, 2014, 06:33:02 AM »
Are you going to be ramming shells with other semen on the rear admirals poop deck? 

The Flood / Re: Happy Birthday Officer Nasty!
« on: October 30, 2014, 06:23:15 AM »


Gaming / Re: You know how the armor in Halo 4 was ugly.
« on: October 30, 2014, 06:21:01 AM »
Something being able to kill quicker than something else doesn't objectively make the thing that kills slower the worse thing to put in the game.
It depends on what it is. If it has a role like the focus rifle sure it doesn't need to have decent kill times. But if it's a normal weapon then it's down right shit. The assault rifle is nearly useless due to the shit range and damage. The plasma repeater is just pointless since the damge output is shit. For Halo 2 and 3 unless you're doing weapon combos duel wielding the same type of weapons is pointless since the damge output for them is low. Halo does have a lot of weapons that are shit. The only decent ones are the power weapons or the precision ones.
Thinking that everything needs to be designed to kill is what made retards hate the Focus Rifle so much; despite its nerf from the Beta the thing still worked great as a counter-sniper, when a target was out in the open at range(as they couldn't scope in to shoot at you), and when assisting a teammate.
The thing though about it is that it's the only counter to the sniper rifle. Since the thing has the range of one you're going to have people using it for that role. Normally if a rifle like weapon has the rage and scope power of a sniper rifle it's generally a sniper rifle. Which resulted in people using it for one. Bungie shouldn't have replaced the beam rifle with this thing. They should have included both weapons in the game.
Space Combat in BF2 was the main addition to the series, ofc it's going to have more content than Reach, where it was only designed to be in 1/2 of a Campaign mission.
It still shouldn't be an excuses for how shitty it is. The only reason why it's that bad is because Bungie didn't put focus into the campaign as much as they did with Halo CE and 2. It's just laziness. CoD 2 has only two tank missions out of all the levels where you're on foot. Even with them being the minority they are still well developed.   

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