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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 285286287 288289 ... 302
The Flood / Flood, I really fucked up this time.
« on: November 04, 2014, 07:06:34 PM »
So after work I did a little drinking which got me somewhat drunk. It wasn't a type of drunk where I would get mad easily, but I had a bad day at work which I was still mad about. So because of that by being drunk I get mad easily. I came home at around 6PM  and I find my shit laying around in the yard. I notice somethings where broken so seeing this along with my shit in the yard drove me over the edge. I want to the house to get inside and the door was locked. So I ended up kicking it in and I found my girl tripping on some pills(Right now she's going through back problems so she's talking pills to numb the pain down.). I did something to piss her off that day so the high with the pills ended up causing her to slap me in the face. During my drunken stupor in response to her I ended slapping her down and I took the keys to her car and I ended up crashing that piece of shit. So now I'm sitting at a bar posting to you guys and probably on the run from the law. Now I'm just going to pound a few more down while I can before I get put in jail. It's been nice posting to you Sep7gon. Take care you all.

The Flood / Re: Opinion on Fallout Boy
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:52:38 PM »
I was wondering what that song was. I heard it playing a few days ago then I forget the lyrics. 

Gaming / Re: I can't stop fucking laughing.
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:49:25 PM »
Why do all Tumblr bloggers wear those ugly fucking hipster glasses? It wasn't cool in 2009 and it's not fucking cool now. I hope she gets virtual raped.
If she had black hair I would think she's Jay The Cunt. They both have those glasses and they are both IGNorant or whatever term you want to use. Hell for a second I did think she was Jay simply because they are both similar.

The Flood / Re: BasedLove doesn't give a fuck
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:40:21 PM »
I'm tempted to start counting them as shitposts <_<

So it would be haram in the serious board.

BasedLove don't give a fuck.
What about now?

Gaming / Re: GTA V re-release has an fps option
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:37:57 PM »
I'm sure this is going to be hated on, but this is a good idea. It offers a new perspective in the world and it would make it a lot more immersive.

Gaming / Re: Ok these are getting out of hand now lol
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:35:13 PM »
There is also a battlefield 4 one.
Is it that gif where the female player asks for ammo and the whole team runs at her dropping ammo?

Gaming / Re: I have a question about the Pokemon games.
« on: November 04, 2014, 07:39:13 AM »
Because it's more than simple to find someone to trade with to get those "cut" Pokemon.
But they're still cutting Pokemon to be sold in another version of the same game just like Bungie or whoever cutting content to be sold as DLC.

Gaming / I have a question about the Pokemon games.
« on: November 04, 2014, 07:01:27 AM »
So why is it wrong for Oblivion to have the horse armor DLC, Destiny to have cut content DLC or Activision to have the zombie mod as DLC. But it's completely fine and acceptable for the Pokemon developers to cut Pokemon from one game and have them in the other version which is the same thing? Why is that OK, but the other things I listed is wrong? Bungie cutting content and selling it as DLC is no different than Pokemon Silver having Pokemon that Gold doesn't and vice versa. 

Gaming / Re: Everyone is on their Xbox One's
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:54:41 AM »
Not me because I have no games for it.

Still can't afford any?
I had Tomb Raider which I traded in. I had BF4 which I traded in. I had Ghosts which I traded in. I have Plants VS zombies, but that still got boring. Right now the only game on it that I'm going to get is the MCC. Other than that there's not many games for current gen out yet that I want to get. I might get Evil Withing, but that would be for my PS4. Also do you have some weird fetish with me when it comes to money? I notice this is the 2nd time you targeted me for some Xbone related post saying I have no money for something.

Gaming / Re: But IS it actually shit?
« on: November 04, 2014, 05:59:53 AM »
The MCC is different
How is it different? Unlike CoD which changes things from game to game this on the other hand is just a remake of one game. The other 3 games in it are just ports.
Halo 2 is completely redone
The only new things they added are new terminals, a few map remakes and that playlist for Halo 2. It's still the same shit that came out years ago. It would be different if they added in the cut content to make Halo 2 what it was supposed to be before MS fucked it up, but they didn't. Like I said it's mostly the same game that came out years ago. Campaign wise the only new thing in it are terminals. I wouldn't consider changing the graphics being "completely redone" when the game still plays the same and it still has the same content and nothing else gameplay wise or  lore wise outside terminals.
the multiplayer that was taken offline a few years ago is coming back
And with CoD you get a new MP with each game.
and you are getting four games, even if they have already been released previously, for $60.
With CoD you're getting a new game that you haven't played before. so you get a new story instead of one that you played years ago.

Halo is good.
I win.
If Halo is so good then why did a good guy like the MC blow it up? It had to be pretty evil for him to do that.

Gaming / Re: Everyone is on their Xbox One's
« on: November 04, 2014, 05:58:47 AM »
Not me because I have no games for it.

Gaming / Re: Surprise surprise, IGN gave another good review on COD.
« on: November 04, 2014, 05:47:59 AM »
But it isn't a bad game. You need to stop circle jerking at a game you personally don't like.

Did this game really change?

Halo is the same shit over and over again and look at people jerking off to the MCC here. Everyone is a hypocrite.
No, Halo 4 was radically different, and we hated it too.
Define "we"? For myself I found the campaign to the game better than what Bungie was making after Halo 2 and besides ODST. I like that the game has a clear story focus from the start and you know what your objectives are from the start until you get new ones. With Halo 3 it's completely random and you have to beat the level for the first time to know what that levels is about. Reach is just nothing, but randomness until you get Cortana. The game is about Reach falling, but you still have no idea what you're doing in each level and there's no clear focus to give you a hint of what the other levels will be like. 

For the MP my main thing about that are the maps. I don't mind the gameplay I just find the maps boring.

Serious / Re: Lena Dunham admits to molesting her younger sister
« on: November 04, 2014, 05:31:39 AM »
It's a good thing she looked inside her sisters vagina otherwise those pebbles would have caused some damge.

Gaming / Re: But IS it actually shit?
« on: November 04, 2014, 05:30:25 AM »
The MCC is different
How is it different? Unlike CoD which changes things from game to game this on the other hand is just a remake of one game. The other 3 games in it are just ports.
Halo 2 is completely redone
The only new things they added are new terminals, a few map remakes and that playlist for Halo 2. It's still the same shit that came out years ago. It would be different if they added in the cut content to make Halo 2 what it was supposed to be before MS fucked it up, but they didn't. Like I said it's mostly the same game that came out years ago. Campaign wise the only new thing in it are terminals. I wouldn't consider changing the graphics being "completely redone" when the game still plays the same and it still has the same content and nothing else gameplay wise or  lore wise outside terminals.
the multiplayer that was taken offline a few years ago is coming back
And with CoD you get a new MP with each game.
and you are getting four games, even if they have already been released previously, for $60.
With CoD you're getting a new game that you haven't played before. so you get a new story instead of one that you played years ago.

Gaming / Re: I can't stop fucking laughing.
« on: November 04, 2014, 05:19:19 AM »
and they get away with looting and murder
I don't know what game she has been playing, but in GTA 5 if you hold up a store you get a wanted level. And for the murder thing if you kill enough people you get a wanted level. If it's right by a cop you get one or a ped in GTA 4 and 5 calls the cops on you. Hell in GTA 5 you can't get away with killing people in the middle of nowhere even with a suppressor. After like two people you get a wanted level. I just love it when there's people that talk about video games when they know nothing about them. 

Gaming / Re: You can't customize armor in MCC
« on: November 03, 2014, 06:25:20 PM »
Remember back in Halo CE and Halo 2 you were only able to change your color? It's amazing Halo gamers were still able to play Halo without the ability to change your armor. 

The Flood / Re: What were the 90s like?
« on: November 03, 2014, 07:26:27 AM »
Pokemon was the shit.
You're the shit bby.

God damn, Activision makes my blood boil. I'd say they could even be worse than EA.

They are at this point <.<

EA is at least trying to turn things around and make amends for being the shittiest company in America three years running. They dropped online passes, Microtransactions are now pointless shit not central to the AAA title aaand they delayed Hardline when people said 'Fuck off, do something better with this'


An award that in no way deserved might I add. Butthurt gamers just stuffed the ballet box so they could "stick it to the man" while the real worst companies in America (Monsanto, Verizon, Comcast, and various banks) got off scot free.

Cause you know, video games are more important than real peoples lives, families, and businesses getting destroyed.
Maybe the reason why EA won is simply because more people are gamers than victims of those other things.

The Flood / Re: One of my former students
« on: November 02, 2014, 06:54:58 PM »
OP teaches kindergartners and is now checking them out in 5th grade.
Good god OP. At least lonepaul waits until they're 14.

The Flood / Re: One of my former students
« on: November 02, 2014, 06:54:25 PM »

The Flood / Re: Anyone Watch Hell on Wheels?
« on: November 02, 2014, 06:49:39 PM »
Now I'm waiting for season 4 on Netflix. That intro song is catchy as hell.

Gaming / Re: Here's three of the Halo 5 armour permutations.
« on: November 02, 2014, 04:32:01 PM »
Why do they look like shined wax?
Because these are just renders to show off reflections. Frankie said they won't like like this in the game.
If the don't like like this why did they made them? ō.ô
Because it's to demonstrate the real time reflections, and because they're not textured yet. The models won't be nearly as shiny in the final game.
*le cough*
Which part of what I said confuses you?

The "They wont like like this in the game
they won't *be like this in the game

fgt nagger
Look at your post m8...the only nigger here is yourself :3
We don't like your kind around here nigger guy.

The Flood / Re: I'm Going To Post This Every Day Until You Like It
« on: November 02, 2014, 04:19:09 PM »
If only both bombs were Fat Man. If only we had more than two bombs to drop.

The Flood / So what's so bad about the KKK?
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:06:41 AM »
Who doesn't like kandy?

The Flood / Re: mfw no mods online
« on: November 02, 2014, 09:35:26 AM »
There's nothing in the spoiler.

Serious / Re: Should The United States of America Revolt?
« on: November 02, 2014, 09:34:19 AM »
Lets say we do and we win. Does the South have to stick around with the union?

The Flood / Re: Exotic cars don't do it for me anymore
« on: November 02, 2014, 09:29:32 AM »
The mid 80s up until the early 2000s were the best years for cars.
Agreed. Those 90's Mustangs and Camaro's looked wonderful.

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