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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 269270271 272273 ... 302
the only one I truly liked
To me it sounds like a mix between KoTOR and some fantasy game.

The Flood / Re: The most beautiful hair on my body....
« on: December 07, 2014, 02:54:05 PM »
I also have hair that grows around my nipples. Sometimes when I'm laying on my bed I pull it gently and I sometimes tug it to.

Serious / Re: What is the general consensus on gay marriage here?
« on: December 07, 2014, 02:22:55 PM »
You guys seem to be very anti-feminist,
If anything we're anti social just warriors like that women that is claiming women are treated like shit in video games even though men have it far worse.
So on the topic of gay marriage where do you guys fall?
I support it fully. Someone having sex with, marrying or being in a relationship with the same sex doesn't bother me. I see no reason why it should to anybody else. A guy marrying a guy is not going to destroy your life or cause the world to end. Any reason to be against same sex marriage is out of ignorance.
Is it anti-scientific to ignore the needs of a child to have two parents of both genders?
A same sex couple can raise a child just as good if not better than a "straight" couple. There's also single parents that raise kids up good.
Does it encroach upon religious freedom to force churches to marry gays?
Since church and state is separate I don't see anything wrong with churches not doing the ceremony. When it comes to marriage it self the government should allow it since religious reasons have no place in government and there's the whole equality thing. 
Can we really redefine marriage without it losing its merit?
The whole point of marriage is a benefit thing between families or businesses which still has the benefit factors to it.

Serious / Re: Are you Muslim? Do you live in Kennesaw, Georgia?
« on: December 07, 2014, 02:08:18 PM »
So much for the 1st amendment. These Muslims should involve guns in their whatnot so that way they would be able to have their mosque. After all if they did that then these people wouldn't ban the mosque because that would be against guns.   

I did listen to each song for a few seconds and skipped through them to get an idea of what they sound. Each one does sound good but for myself they sound generic and nothing about them stands out. They all sound like something I heard before in some JRPG. 

The Flood / Re: "Welcome to The World's Largest Ghost City: Ordos, China"
« on: December 07, 2014, 02:01:27 PM »
Why can't Detroit be this nice

Because blacks.
Dammit, I wanted to say that.
Does Sep7agon hate blacks or do we just like making fun of them whenever we can? With myself I like making fun of them but with the rest of the people here I honestly can't say.

« on: December 07, 2014, 09:18:35 AM »
You hear that? That's the sound of Lonepaul copying his photos to photo bucket and posting the links in a reply.

Gaming / Re: New No Man's Sky video.
« on: December 07, 2014, 09:17:16 AM »
Thanks for that last link! I think that's a true example of a company listening to fans. I remember back at launch they said there wouldn't be a traditional multiplayer
They did. They said something about when you come a across a planet it tells you who found it but you're not in the same world as each other. It is a good idea a game like this would be having "traditional" MP for whatever type they're not talking about. Even with the near infinite worlds a game like this would get boring after awhile if you're just he only one playing. With other people you can do exploring with each other and in the one trailer you see ships which might hint there's space combat and even pirating. Those two things would be far funner with humans than AI.

The Flood / Re: "Welcome to The World's Largest Ghost City: Ordos, China"
« on: December 07, 2014, 09:13:19 AM »
Why can't Detroit be this nice

Because blacks. For real though I'm saying it's because nobody are at least hardly anybody lives in these cities. These cities are supposed to hold a few million people but they only have a few thousands if they're lucky. So the cities would be looking nice until the day they collapse due to no population. 

Gaming / Re: The Halo Community is a pile of garbage
« on: December 07, 2014, 07:22:14 AM »
>Complains about CoD because it has been the same for years gameplay wise.
>Complains about Reach and Halo 4 because they had changes and they weren't Halo 3.5.

>Complains about Halo Reach being a bad game.
>Halo 4 comes out and now Reach is in the gold standard.

>Says Reach and Halo 4 are not Halo even though those two games are closer to Halo 2 and 3 than what Halo 2 and 3 are to CE.

The Flood / Re: I hope everyone enjoyed the show.
« on: December 07, 2014, 06:39:20 AM »
Just like the Boston Marathon.

Gaming / Re: PlayStation 20th Anniversary PS4 announced
« on: December 07, 2014, 06:37:39 AM »
I like that Sony is selling this to the public and I really like that the system is designed to look like the PS1. With MS on the other hand the 10th anniversary Xbox was only giving out to the people that had Xbox Live for 10 years and it's a random design. I do like that it was giving out for free to those people but it's still dumb that the public couldn't buy one and that it wasn't designed to look like the OG Xbox.

Gaming / Re: Red dot LED. Cheating?
« on: December 07, 2014, 06:33:40 AM »
You could just get tape.

Gaming / Re: Elites hatch from eggs.
« on: December 07, 2014, 06:31:13 AM »
Like Xenomorphs
Just like Xeno's. When Elites have sex the egg in the males chest gets fertilized. When the time comes for it to hatch they burst out of the chest and it kills the dad. That's what happened to the Elite Key's and his group saw in the 343 level in Halo CE.

Gaming / Re: New No Man's Sky video.
« on: December 07, 2014, 06:22:57 AM »
I still don't see why every single time there's a new video for this game people compare it to destiny.
I'm thinking the reason why people compare it to Destiny is simply how bad the game ended up being. We have this experienced AAA developer with a huge ass budget that ended up making a shit game. They did a piss poor job on the story, there's not much content to it, the game is very repetitive and there's things that got cut to be sold as DLC.

With this game we have a small indie team that is seeming to put more into this game than what Bungie did with theirs. When you look at the trailers for it for myself they are giving off a vibe that seems like the developers are proud of what they're showing. With those Destiny vidoc videos I seen replies here that are saying Bungie wasn't as exicted talking about Destiny as what they were with Halo 3. 

The one thing No Man's Sky has on Destiny are the spaceships. In Destiny they are simply loading screens. In No Man's Sky you are able to take off from a planet and travel to another planet and land. By the looks of it there's space combat as well. With Destiny there is none of that. You would think after Halo Reach having it Destiny would as well, but it didn't.
And we still don't know what exactly the point of this game is. Yeah you can run around and collect resources and upgrade your ship, but why?
Just simply exploration. If you play GTA and you mainly drive around fucking around. Picture doing that for a space game.
Yeah the game has multiplayer but they outright stated you'll never be able to even find your friends so just flying around screwing around with them is out the window.
No Man's Sky Will Have "Traditional" Multiplayer, But Probably Not at Launch. We don't know what it is but the word "traditional" does give us an understanding what what this might be. It could be something like a PVP or a GTA like free roam thing. 

Gaming / Elites hatch from eggs.
« on: December 07, 2014, 06:12:57 AM »
really, they do!

Gaming / Re: SFV Cross-Platform
« on: December 07, 2014, 06:03:47 AM »
Don't you love Microsoft's retarded policies that ruin the users experience? There's that one where an indie game has to be released on the Xbone the same time it is released on the PS4. And there's this retarded one. MS sure does love their user base.

Gaming / New No Man's Sky video.
« on: December 06, 2014, 07:51:26 AM »

It's sad that this small indie team is making a game that looks far more interesting and better than what Bungie did with this huge ass budget for Destiny. You can tell these people are devoted to making the best game they can and you can tell they are putting everything they have into it. Unlike Bungie which makes a series and can't even explain why the war started in game which was the main theme to their Halo games.

The Flood / Re: Too Far, Science?
« on: December 06, 2014, 07:30:16 AM »
The only thing I see here is a great fapper.

Gaming / Re: Wood Wii U
« on: December 06, 2014, 07:25:03 AM »
Nintendo must be loosing so much money on the things that they have to resort to making them out of wood to save money.
Nintendo can afford to have multiple blunders like the WiiU without having to even worry about their financial situation.

The money they lose on the WiiU they easily make back on the money printer 3DS.


The Flood / Would I be gay if I masturbated to myself?
« on: December 06, 2014, 06:01:40 AM »
So lets say I recorded myself fapping and I uploaded it to xHamster. A day latter I'm in the mood to fap and for the hell of it I decided to fap to my own video. Would doing an act like that be considered gay?

The Flood / Re: Flood's own letter to Santa
« on: December 06, 2014, 05:45:31 AM »
Santa doesn't exists.

Gaming / Re: New Zelda WiiU footage!
« on: December 06, 2014, 05:42:28 AM »
I only watched about 10 seconds of it but it still looks like fun. If only they made the game on the Unreal Engine or made the game look like this. The art style can still be the same but to me it would look at lot better if the graphics were a little less cartoony.

Gaming / Re: Wood Wii U
« on: December 06, 2014, 05:38:34 AM »
Nintendo must be loosing so much money on the things that they have to resort to making them out of wood to save money.

The Flood / Re: Black Friday...
« on: December 05, 2014, 07:07:57 AM »
Holy fuck your avatar is adorable
Yours used to be.

Gaming / Re: Big Team ARs is the worst thing since Anita Sarkeesian
« on: December 05, 2014, 06:01:36 AM »
Can't be as bad as AR Starts on Valhalla

It IS AR starts on Vallhala
What was Bungie thinking when they designed the weapon sandbox and these game types? Out of the games I played Halo seems to have the worst weapons.

Serious / Re: What is your sexuality?
« on: December 05, 2014, 05:58:09 AM »
I'm normal.

Gaming / Re: So this is what modern Battlefield fans are into
« on: December 05, 2014, 05:53:51 AM »
Shit like this, the launch problems and having very few launch maps makes me very worried about Battlefront.
It launched with 10 maps which is the norm nowadays.
Remember 1942? That game launched with close to 20 maps and it had two expansions. Now a days it's a norm to launch a game with shit and have the rest as DLC that feels like it has been cut or held back. 

Serious / Re: CNN-communist news network
« on: December 05, 2014, 05:51:44 AM »
So then what's Fox News considered?

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