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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

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Septagon / What about a Sep7agon wikipedia forum?
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:48:56 AM »
I don't know if you have to pay to have one of those types of sites like what Bnet has. But if you do what about having a forum section that's dedicated to being a Sep7agon wiki? It would compose of the same type of things as what that Bnet one has. Members, mods, Bungie employes, events and whatever.

"Have you played a game that made you turn the system off withing minutes of first playing it?"

I ended up doing that with Star Ocean The Last hope when I first played it. The moment that pink haired loli popped on I turned off my 363 and went "What the fuck?". Even though I got the game 3 years ago I'm still trying to beat it. There's a lot of cringe worthy moments in that game.

The Flood / Re: Anyone here ever get bored and just stare at their dick?
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:40:47 AM »
I look at my dick with disgust and contempt.
Why? It's a floppy tool of baby making. I don't know why you would feel that way unless you have a micro-penis. If that's the case, I genuinely feel bad for you.
No like, one cuz it's not a vagina. Like, what the hell? Where's my geneder option?
And two, if it's not gonna be a vagina, the be bigger! Like seriouslly! I ain't got time for mediocrity.
Life's not much if you're going to complain about what you've been given and do nothing with it. You have a dick, so use it(when you're old enough). A baby cannon is meant to make babies. Get married and have a couple. Teach your kids to be absolute badasses who know how to do everything. Sports? Nah. Teach them how to take apart and rebuild an engine, weld, build shit, and all that. Having kids is an opportunity to make someone into the better person you never became. Also, why would you want a vagina? Vaginas are scary tools of pain and paranoia. They are pretty, but high maintenance. I'm glad I was born a man. Both because of circumstances that come with it and the physical, and interest aspects of it. I'm glad I got into guns and welding rather than being a woman and not being so interested in that kind of thing.
But I'm already really girly.  I don't care for "man" things.  And if I'm having kids, I wanna birth them, but everyone says I can't... And I already know I'm gonna have some kind of mental breakdown when it hits me that I really can't..

What the fuck did I just read
You read this.
But I'm already really girly.  I don't care for "man" things.  And if I'm having kids, I wanna birth them, but everyone says I can't... And I already know I'm gonna have some kind of mental breakdown when it hits me that I really can't..

The Flood / Re: >You will never be as hot as young Stalin
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:37:55 AM »

>Young Hitler
Since when was Hitler Cuban? That's a young Fidel Castro.

Gaming / Re: How do you feel about this picture?
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:32:26 AM »
Skyrim had that problem, too, but I think Fallout was even worse. Bethesda sucks.
I do agree with both things. With Fallout 3 the main story just had so many plot holes to it that don't make sense. The Enclave has no idea where this giant robot is stored at even though they are this Shadow government of the US government. At any point in the game they could have siege the Brother Hood until they starved to death. There would be heavy losses but the Enclave has the manpower and tech to do that. Then there's that camp filled with kids that somehow survived since the days the nukes fall and to make that even worse the camp is located next to a vault filled with super mutants. Then there's other plot holes as well.

Gaming / Re: So the X button on my controller broke.
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:28:28 AM »
Use another controller u fgt
The right trigger on that is broke. So I'm not able to climb my way out of that ship. 

Gaming / Re: am gettin teh xbone
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:27:13 AM »
It's the same as my username.

Gaming / Re: So the X button on my controller broke.
« on: December 13, 2014, 08:23:25 PM »
you wont be able to play any of Ryse either
Or Call of Duty.

The Flood / Re: >You will never be as hot as young Stalin
« on: December 13, 2014, 08:12:21 PM »
Whenever a lady walked passed him I bet they were Stalin just to look at him longer. What's funny is that when I look at that image I see someone that loves and values human life.

The Flood / Re: Anyone here ever get bored and just stare at their dick?
« on: December 13, 2014, 08:10:07 PM »
I like spinning it around in a circle and pretending it's a helicopter.. 

The Flood / Re: My colleague was just fired
« on: December 13, 2014, 08:08:47 PM »
Hey. Free market.
Although, you can only blame her for not joining the union.
lol unions.
What's so bad about unions if you're a regular worker?

Gaming / Re: How do you feel about this picture?
« on: December 13, 2014, 08:05:30 PM »
Instead of saying the main quest it should say every quest. When you start a quest there are no multiple ways for it to end. For the guilds they all fallow the same story setup. There's no choices to determining an ending. For minor quests you don't have the option of keeping the quest item but still demanding money from the guy that asked you to retrieve something for them. There's also no endings where the guy that asked you to retrieve something threatening you to hand it over to him for free. Then there's the dungeons and caves which all share the same type of layout structure. The path inside them is like train tracks. When you enter one you fallow a path that either takes you to a secrete exit or doorway or it circles back to the entrance.

Gaming / So the X button on my controller broke.
« on: December 13, 2014, 07:59:30 PM »
How am I supposed to beat Halo 4 now?

The Flood / Re: Unexpected Thug Life
« on: December 13, 2014, 07:55:29 PM »
It's a STUG life.

The Flood / Re: Unexpected Thug Life
« on: December 13, 2014, 07:51:18 PM »
You can tell that guy gets all the pussy he wants.

Gaming / Re: The Crucible is a fucking joke.
« on: December 13, 2014, 07:29:31 PM »
So what else is new?

That feeling when some people believed this. 

Serious / Re: Update on my absolutely horrible neighbours
« on: December 13, 2014, 07:29:22 AM »
Just go over there and put it in their pooper.

This is in Serious because I'm genuinely unsure of what to do
Are you implying my post wasn't serious?

Serious / Re: Update on my absolutely horrible neighbours
« on: December 13, 2014, 07:16:53 AM »
Just go over there and put it in their pooper.

So you turned down having some fun because?
Yes because I'm a socially awkward straight edge faggot.

But like the socially awkward straight edge faggot I am I turned her down. I don't do any type of drinking because I'm anti-social and I don't want to risk the slightest chance of having promiscuous sex. So to have a discussion value ITT discuses how socially awkward you are. 

What a waste of time and money, it woulda been cheaper to have shot him.

SIx hours, huh? He'd probably have been shot in six minutes over here...
For the six minutes thing I take it that would simply be the response time? The shooting part would take seconds?

Gaming / Re: The reviews for The Dark Below are in
« on: December 13, 2014, 05:44:29 AM »
Bungie have been a joke since 2009. No surprise here.
For myself I want to say 2007 because of the campaign for Halo 3.
The game does have a better story and atmosphere than what Halo 2 has for a story, and the campaign for Halo 3 and Reach. But the game could have been much better. In the live action trailer for it we saw an ODST drop down into a live combat zone. Did we do anything like that in ODST? Nope. We just dropped into a building and by the time we woke up the battle was over. The game could have been more action packed to make up for that disappointing Earth invasion in Halo 2 and 3.

For the gameplay it was nothing more than another Master Chief game. The only real difference is that you have health packs and your stamina which acts as your energy shields don't recharge. They could have made the game feel like you're playing as a normal human instead of a Spartan. 

Serious / Re: Tamir Rice's death ruled a homicide
« on: December 13, 2014, 05:38:56 AM »
If the kid was white you wouldn't be hearing about this.

Gaming / Re: The reviews for The Dark Below are in
« on: December 13, 2014, 05:34:11 AM »
Bungie should just hire back all the valuable people it fired/forced out and make a new Marathon, which could easily compete with Halo
There's a small team at Bungie working on a new Marathon game.
I'm hoping that game ends up getting better reviews and is better received than what Destiny is. Not because I'm going to get it but just because to show up Bungie.

Gaming / Re: The reviews for The Dark Below are in
« on: December 13, 2014, 05:32:21 AM »
Bungie have been a joke since 2009. No surprise here.
For myself I want to say 2007 because of the campaign for Halo 3.

Gaming / Re: The reviews for The Dark Below are in
« on: December 13, 2014, 05:17:20 AM »
I know that reviewers may not be all that great sometimes But when a lot of your major reviewers and YouTube ones say something is bad and share similar problems you know the game sucks. It's as if Bungie doesn't give a damn about making games anymore. You would think since this is a new IP they've been working on since before ODST they would be trying at this. The only thing they've been trying at is making the game as bad as possible, screwing over the people that bought it and pushing away their older fanbase. What's sad is that those retards on #Destiny and the other fanboys are going to be defending Bungie and this DLC.

The Flood / Re: The gayest name in military history
« on: December 12, 2014, 08:48:52 PM »
Where's the doors, windshield and roof? What is this, WW2?

Gaming / Re: Was Joel the bad guy? (TLoU) (Obvious spoilers)
« on: December 12, 2014, 08:42:08 PM »
Was what he did at the hospital wrong?
I say he was acting in the father figure role. By this point in the game Ellie has become a daughter figure to him. The way Ellie would have died would be in the same way his daughter died. She died from some solider acting on orders and her death was outside his control. He wasn't able to have a real final moment with her. The same thing was going on with Ellie. The black women ordered the surgery and Joel wasn't allowed saying goodbye to Ellie. So this would have been another loose outside his control. So because off that he lost control and only wanted to protect Ellie.

If the black women allowed him to say goodbye to her I say she would have talked him into it. It's the whole thing where Ellie would have died in the same way his daughter did that made him loose control. 

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