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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

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The Flood / Re: If we were all foxes
« on: February 07, 2015, 02:12:53 AM »
It's safe to say the white one is the leader.

Gaming / Re: Fallout New Vegas is a better game than Fallout 3
« on: February 06, 2015, 07:15:39 PM »
Fallout 3 had a better map. Fallout New Vegas' map feels too linear, and you're basically guided down a path at the start of the game until you know what you're doing and how to run up the north road. However, it has much better mechanics; the Companion Wheel, true Iron Sights and Hardcore definetly improve the experience for the better.

It has very little emphasis on exploration- NV excels in it's story and RPG aspects, whereas FO3 excels in it's exploration and just general running around. I don't ever play 3 for it's writing, just as I don't play Vegas for it's exploration (Outside of DLC anyway)- they're both good games, but good for different reasons.

But there is a lot of exploration in new Vegas. Like the gecko canyon south of primm. The vertibird crash near searchlight. The back road from good springs to red rock canyon, then the trail from red rock canyon to jacobstown. There is a lot of exploration, and all sorts of neat things to find.

I never said there wasn't any exploration. Rather, it just feels tacke on and an afterthought when compared to the Fallout 3
In comparison to Fallout 3's bland dungeon crawler based exploration system, sure. It has less of a focus on Exploration. Namely, because BGS can't make a different game to save their lives.

I enjoyed FO3's dungeons. The Vaults and Metros were creepy.
They were good but they were too forced. When you're in the city you have to go underground every time you want to go somewhere. Instead of simply climbing up the rubble pile you have to go underground and go miles just to get on the other side of it.

Gaming / Re: Microsoft possibly buying Bungie back
« on: February 06, 2015, 07:12:42 PM »
Maybe they would have a Halo team that works alongside 343 and then have a team that does Destiny/New IP?
If Bungie does come back to Halo I see it being in parts. 343 does the campaign and story while Bungie does the MP.

Gaming / Re: Microsoft possibly buying Bungie back
« on: February 06, 2015, 07:08:50 PM »
After Halo Reach and Destiny I don't see why MS would want to buy Bungie back. With Reach they made their last Halo game with no passion and then there's Destiny. It's the game they've been working on since before ODST and it ended up being complete shit. Since they couldn't even develop their own game which is something they hadn't done in years I don't see them doing Halo any better now. It's easy to tell they got bored of it when Halo 3 was only focused on the MP and Reach was simply a tech demo for Destiny. Bungie is no longer the Bungie that made Halo CE.

The Flood / Re: Grammar Nazi Game.
« on: February 06, 2015, 07:01:53 PM »
Hitler did nothing wrong.

Gaming / Re: OFFICIAL Changes Made to Halo 5 Based on the Beta
« on: February 06, 2015, 05:35:09 PM »
Who's making all these maps for 4v4, 8v8 and 32v32? It's not practical.
The only thing they have to do is make maps that aren't as heavy for vehicle use and player count. It wouldn't be all that much of a hindrance. Hell they can take a 32v32 map and take a section of it for the 8v8 playlist.   
Lemon, yeah I play with randoms because how the fuck can you get 31 friends all online at the same time and in the same game.

Gaming / Re: OFFICIAL Changes Made to Halo 5 Based on the Beta
« on: February 06, 2015, 05:26:39 PM »
I disagree. 8v8 is the perfect big team size in halo.
Lel, no it's not. If the same still has the same outdated player count it's not going to survive when Battlefront and Planet side 2 comes out and the Battlefield games which are now 32V32 on consoles. You're most likely going to have a lot of people playing Halo 5 for the story and then going over to those games for the MP. Also like I said the player count is way too low for vehicle use. Almost half your team can be in the warthog. The player count would affect what vehicles can be in the game. It also hinders the vehicles due to the map size. 
Anything bigger just makes the maps enormous
Which would result in more vehicles being added that results in more fun and it would make the vehicles handle better. Like I said the warthog covers too much ground for the map size. The air vehicles are too closed in and the scorpion's range is outside the boundaries.
and makes strategy and communication impossible.
Lel. In EVE a whole bunch of players worked together to take out a ship. Just because there's more than 8 players on a team doesn't mean nobody is going to know what's going on. There is this thing called player chat. In Bf1942 there's text chat which can be used to talk to each other on your team.   
Wouldn't be competitive at all.
So? If you want competitive then play your 4v4 gametypes or your MLG. The whole game shouldn't be catered to a small group of the player base. 

Also OP- do you mean aysmmetrical more then unbalanced?
Pretty much that. Nearly every map know is a mirrored version of each half or plays out about the sane.

The Flood / Re: The mods aren't online so post loli pics.
« on: February 06, 2015, 07:53:58 AM »
Lel You mods can't do anything since she's from a video game that was released in both the US and Europe. 

The Flood / The mods aren't online so post loli pics.
« on: February 06, 2015, 07:47:37 AM »

News / Re: Anarchy? Anarchy.
« on: February 06, 2015, 07:43:42 AM »

For those of you that played it lets look at BF 1942. For the D-Day map the Germans control the whole hill and the US has to storm the beach and then make their way up it. For some of the island maps which either nation controls the whole or one area isn't controlled by them. With the Berlin map the Germans only have flags and the Russians have a spawn that's non-captureable. The map is pretty damn one sided to the Russians but it is possible for the Germans to win.

For the sides each side has the same type of weapons and vehicles but one side is a little stronger. The Germans have the Tiger which is the best tank. And the have the STG-44 which is good and the godly MP40. The Japanese also have a better AR than what the US has. 

I know Battfeild has some maps that have a team starting from the water but even then they still have vehicles that are the same as the other.

Gaming / Re: TFW theirs a soccer game that I want to play
« on: February 06, 2015, 06:11:49 AM »

>sports games
I'm sorry you are a fatty, but try not to let your obesity infect us all please
But he's not Kinder.

>kinder defence force
Just saying that making fun of his weight outside anarchy will get you in trouble.

News / Re: Anarchy? Anarchy.
« on: February 06, 2015, 05:47:06 AM »

Gaming / Re: TFW theirs a soccer game that I want to play
« on: February 06, 2015, 05:40:26 AM »

>sports games
I'm sorry you are a fatty, but try not to let your obesity infect us all please
But he's not Kinder.

The Flood / Re: Check this out.
« on: February 06, 2015, 05:25:48 AM »
Now my eyes are fucked up. Thanks.

It hurts to post this, but I feel obligated.

This guy did this on purpose to show us what can happen to your thumb.


There's nothing like the pinning noise to tell the enemy you're out of ammo. 

Gaming / Re: TFW theirs a soccer game that I want to play
« on: February 06, 2015, 05:13:25 AM »

>sports games
I'm sorry you are a fatty, but try not to let your obesity infect us all please
How are sports games and how much I weigh related?
Last I checked, sports games don't involve physical activity that affect how fit you are.

You bellend.
If you enjoy sports, you enjoy sports games-at least in some capacity. I'm guessing you have two left feet, no athletic ability or natural talent when it comes to sports-else you'd be able to talk about it and play sports games.

I'd like to see you try and have a conversation in depth about anything sports-related
There's a big difference between playing the sport in real life with people and sitting on your ass playing a sports game. It's not something like Halo which can't be done in real life. With a sports game you can go outside and get a group of your friends or have a meet up to play something like soccer.

Gaming / Re: TFW theirs a soccer game that I want to play
« on: February 06, 2015, 05:10:17 AM »

>sports games
I'm sorry you are a fatty, but try not to let your obesity infect us all please
How does not liking sports video games mean the person is fat? Last time I checked sports video games are not active outside the Wii. 

Gaming / Re: OFFICIAL Changes Made to Halo 5 Based on the Beta
« on: February 06, 2015, 05:07:49 AM »
Because they request things such as 32v32 BTB.
It's because they find using vehicles on larger maps funnier than the limited 4V4 shit. For the player count it does make since. With the current map sizes for BTB they're too small for them. The warthog and ghosts can get across the map in under a minute. The scorpion's range is well beyond the boundaries of the map and the air vehicles are way too limited on them. The banshee has hardly any room to move around. So a larger player count would increase the map size.

The other thing about a larger player count is that it would add more things to big team. With the current player count in Halo 2 and 3 you can fit half your team inside one vehicle. With a larger count that wouldn't happen. For the more things it would add more vehicles to the games or ones that have been in the games before. With larger maps and player counts we can have things like the elephant, the troop transport warthog, that ground transport vehicle the Covenant use in Halo 2, the phantom and the pelican. A 32v32 player count would make the playlist a lot funnier than the current outdated 8v8.

Gaming / Re: Fallout New Vegas is a better game than Fallout 3
« on: February 06, 2015, 04:54:32 AM »
The other thing are followers. Each one is unique due to skills, backs troy and quests. In Fallout 3 and Skyrim every follower is the same except what they look like. They hardly have any back story and development to them and when it comes to skills they are the same. The only unique follower in Fallout 3 is the mutant because he's a mutant and that's it.

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 05, 2015, 07:46:57 AM »
Not to mention Halo 2 had the weakest melee damage in the series.

... pre patch Halo 2? Post patch was among the most powerful in the entire series [momentum BR melee killed in a maximum of two bloody hits man]. It's why BXR/BXB became actual options in combat.

And precious Halo 2 would still be about as bad as Halo 3 had Bungie not accidentally fixed the BR spread [look at their patch notes, there's nothing listed about the BR].
The actual melee damage was always the weakest in the series in Halo 2. Notice how your shields never went down all the way from one melee attack in Halo 2.
Halo 2's melee system was based on three levels of player movement, with a stationary melee doing the least damage, a running melee taking down roughly half of the target's shields, and a jumping melee almost completely removing the target's shields. Halo 2 Auto-Update 1.1 increased the melee's attack. The stationary melee destroys three quarters of the target's shields, a running melee destroys seven-eights of the target's shields and a jumping melee completely destroys the target's shields.
A normal attack was weak but the jumping attack still dropped you. There's also that double melee button combo. And no it's not the weakest in the series. The melee in ODST is the weakest.

Gaming / So why are we trying to stop Alduin in Sklyrim?
« on: February 05, 2015, 07:34:23 AM »
Besides attacking one town which is one of two appearances in the game what is he doing that makes me want to go out of my way to stop him? For being the head bad guy in the game he doesn't have all that many reasons for why the player should stop him. The only thing we're being told is that he's the "World Eater" but he isn't doing anything to live up to that name. Hell you don't hear about any areas that are not in the game but are lore wise being attacked by him. He goes off after that attack and is not seen again until you fight him.

So what's the difference between him and the Imperials? It doesn't matter what side you choose at the end of the day nothing major changes.

The Flood / Re: People born to 43+ year old parents.
« on: February 05, 2015, 07:20:18 AM »
I believe that a child conceived on a young girl undergoing her first ovulation
Is that you Lonepaul?

The Flood / ISIS sucks at doing barbecues.
« on: February 05, 2015, 07:19:01 AM »
I keep telling them to use less gas because it burns the meat and what do they do? They still use too much gas. For the last cookout they used so much gas that some guy in a front loader had to dumb gravel on the fire to put it out before it goes out of control. 

« on: February 05, 2015, 06:14:37 AM »
Holy shit that MLG username.

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 05, 2015, 06:13:14 AM »
No you don't. Every AR duel in Halo 3 ended up in a beatdown.
That's what happens when you have a weapon sandbox that is shit. The only useful thing the gun can do is drain your shields for a melee attack.
And every other close quarters combat in later games.
With Halo 4 and 5 the AR has damage to it so you don't need to do the beat down as badly. You can kill the person before you get in melee range with it.
Not to mention Halo 2 had the weakest melee damage in the series.
Even if it does it still doesn't change the range of the attack. It might have the weakest damge but it has the longest lunge and highest aim assist for it. Unlike Halo 3 and the others you don't have to be right on the person or even aiming at them to get the hit.
It's still the best game we've had since 2004.
Lel. You must not play all that many games then.

« on: February 05, 2015, 05:49:18 AM »
but also atmosphere.
I'm not even debating this. Todd missed the atmosphere so fucking much it was like getting fisted by a protectron.
>mad because it was in the East and not the West. Lol.

Not even.
>200 years after great war
>No vegetation growth at all
>Literally three settlements
>Humanity going nowhere
Even in Fallout 1 humanity was better off than it was in Fallout 3.
Fallout was never about a dark gritty survival atmosphere.
What I love is that in both games there are these vehicles everywhere. You would think they would be stripped down for the metal but they aren't. There's complete vehicle bodies everywhere that still have the doors, hood and trunk.

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