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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 215216217 218219 ... 302
The Flood / Re: everything i do on this site is for my like count
« on: February 25, 2015, 05:19:25 AM »

Gaming / Re: Hunger Games Movie Studio Ties Knot With Telltale
« on: February 25, 2015, 05:18:29 AM »
Oh boy another linear ass game with hardly any action.

Gaming / Re: Is there something wrong with me?
« on: February 25, 2015, 05:16:03 AM »
It's just Bungie using their Jew magic trying to get you back to the game.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5: Guardians - Live Action Teaser Image
« on: February 25, 2015, 05:15:30 AM »
Oh good, he's finally dead.

Maybe now we'll have a more interesting protagonist, like the Rookie
What was so interesting about a guy who doesn't talk and has no face? He's the worse of the bland Bungie characters.

[cough]Peter Dinklage[/cough]
What about him?


The Flood / Re: So I just called a parent of an autistic child "a downie"
« on: February 25, 2015, 05:01:57 AM »
There's a difference?

The Flood / Re: Why don't you smoke weed?
« on: February 25, 2015, 05:00:09 AM »
Right now it would be a waste of money, I don't know anybody to buy it from and I don't feel like going to jail for something that shouldn't even be illegal.

Gaming / Re: Blame Bungie
« on: February 25, 2015, 04:59:01 AM »
Why do people care about the rocket launcher when the sword sucks so much ass it blinds you when you hold it.

I really hope they fix that.

Yeah. One of my few complaints about H5 was how I ende up avoiding the sword as it just blocks half the screen.

Personally, I like the new rockets- looks way more functional now. I really hope they do the same to the 'Hog and Scorpion, and make them actually look like feasible military vehicles.
For the scorpion it could look something like this with the tracks on each side being connected. It looks like an actual tank and it still retains a similar design.

Even going the route of the Grizzly from Halo wars and Spartan Assualt would be better; thicker armour and now the turret to above the driver so they any be sniped out.

That alone would increase the functionality like, 100%.
This thing would be one badass Scorpion. Like you said it  would have thicker armor and the driver is more protected. The other thing is that there are tracks in the middle would would help prevent it from bottoming out. But we can't have anything like this due to retarded gameplay. After all hijacking it would be a pain in the ass.

NSFW...ish... lol

The Flood / Re: Shit, I met this awesome mom today
« on: February 25, 2015, 04:52:44 AM »
Being perfectly honest here.

Whenever I see you make your car threads.

The only thing I can think of is how fucking fast any one of those vehicles would be trashed in a day on the roads here. Nevermind summer roads god forbid they touch upon the ground here in the winter.

It makes me thankful for my somewhat clunky but durable piece of shit vehicle by your standards.
Pennsylvania. That state where you can go offloading on the highways. 

The Flood / Re: Is Barefoot Gen the anti-weeaboo anime?
« on: February 25, 2015, 04:51:29 AM »
Anybody that knows how Japan acted and the invasion would realize the bombs were the best bet. The invasion would have a death toll in the millions.
No they fucking weren't. The Japs surrendered not only after the bombs, but also after having their force in the north get curbstomped by Soviets fresh from the Eastern Front. If there was an invasion, there was nothing that would stop Stalin from getting a piece of that sweet nippon ass, and the Japs knew it.
The last thing they wanted was an invasion by both piggu Americans and the Soviet rape-machine. The threat of  the Japanese people being collectively skullfucked by the two biggest superpowers on earth would have been enough to get a surrender with conditions just as good or better than what we got from the bombs.
The whole point of Okinawa was to buy Japan time to build up its defenses. If they were really going to surrender it would have been after that battle, not after the nukes. Hell it would have been before that battle since it's clear the US would win it and move onto Japan.   

Gaming / Re: Battlefield Hardline
« on: February 24, 2015, 05:56:02 PM »
Nope, I'm not buying texture pack that's nothing more than a cops and robbers skin. The 1918 mod for BF 1942 is the same exact type of thing as this and it's free.

The Flood / Re: Is Barefoot Gen the anti-weeaboo anime?
« on: February 24, 2015, 05:53:58 PM »
It's actually designed to rack the American viewer with enough guilt to make them become a weeb as apology.
Anybody that knows how Japan acted and the invasion would realize the bombs were the best bet. The invasion would have a death toll in the millions.

The Flood / Is Barefoot Gen the anti-weeaboo anime?
« on: February 24, 2015, 04:56:01 PM »
I was just wondering.

The Flood / Re: Shit, I met this awesome mom today
« on: February 24, 2015, 04:41:55 PM »
>makes car thread

>people respond with


can we like........chill out?

Sex Cars™

"Ride" your car while you drive it.


My jaw has dropped to the floor.
>Tron cars

This is the color you're looking for.

Can't get enough of that authentic Lambo green.

There's nothing like baby shit green.

The Flood / Re: Have you ever cried while jerking off?
« on: February 24, 2015, 04:40:41 PM »
I do when I realize my dick isn't going to get any bigger.

The Flood / Re: Damn my great uncle died.
« on: February 24, 2015, 04:39:07 PM »
Was he in WW2?

The Flood / Re: Wow. I'm going to kill myself.
« on: February 24, 2015, 04:38:28 PM »
I use adblock, so...

Because ads annoy me.
There's a tiny space for an ad banner that shows up 1 out of all 10 times you refresh a page. It's hardly intrusive or obnoxious in any way. I'm not a fan of ads myself, but it's hardly even noticeable and keeps this site alive, so I see no reason not to disable my adblock for this site.

How do ads keep the site alive?
Yes, this isn't some free proboards forum. Cheat is paying for the upkeep, server costs and certain plug-ins (like the notifications one). By putting up ads, the revenue helps cover these costs.

And ads are the best way to pay for these, huh?
Unless you want to have a subscription fee.

The Flood / Re: Wow. I'm going to kill myself.
« on: February 24, 2015, 04:37:32 PM »
There's a song about you OP.

The Flood / Re: Shit, I met this awesome mom today
« on: February 24, 2015, 04:34:14 PM »
I was expecting a nude pic of her.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon.old
« on: February 24, 2015, 04:29:58 PM »
So why did Slash quit being a mod?

Gaming / Re: GTA V On PC got delayed, again. *sigh
« on: February 24, 2015, 04:28:15 PM »
Consoles are better than PC.
Lel. At what? Having far weaker hardware, online fees and having limited games?

Gaming / Re: GTA V On PC got delayed, again. *sigh
« on: February 24, 2015, 04:27:06 PM »
Let me guess they are delaying the game just to build up hype. It's a shitty console made game that's getting ported over to the PC. There's no reason why it's taking this long to come out. Even if it's the shitty online they just have to release that sometime after the SP.

The Flood / Re: Flood is deader then my social life atm.
« on: February 24, 2015, 06:21:30 AM »
This forum is still more active than me sex life. (._.)

The Flood / Re: Gook food thread.
« on: February 24, 2015, 06:14:24 AM »
Fucking weeaboo. It makes me ashamed to think that you were in Vietnam dying for us so we can be free of this gook threat.

The Flood / Re: I Memoriam: A Friend of Sep7 and an Unbiased Moderator
« on: February 24, 2015, 06:11:36 AM »
In* memoriam.
Oh, thanks.
You're welcome brah.
Gooks amirite?
They need some tender love and care every so often too.
They don't though.
Is it just me or has your thread about that one advertisement made you a little less friendly towards gooks?

It's okay to talk about traumatizing experiences, Challenger.
I seriously want to know how in the fuck I got that ad. I mean that was some creepy shit.
One user said it's based off of your internet history.

You're triggering flashbacks of that fateful day, OP.
At least we put down future threats. Those gook kids could have been sent to attack our base one night.

I have one when I was there stationed at some back water base in a jungle. We got a radio message telling us that about a few miles away there was a VC compound off in the jungle. Since we were he closest we were ordered to take care of it. The major that was in charge of the base picked the best five soldiers to make up a squad. I was a M60 gunner, Private Icy was a rifle man, Corporal Challenger was a sniper, Corporal Flee and Sergent Cheat were our heavy weapon guys. They carried and used our China Lake grenade launchers. Once we were formed up we set off into the jungle.

Since this was a stealth mission we couldn't use a jeep or any type of vehicle to get there faster. So we had to painful walk our way to this compound. We seen some smoke off in the distance so we headed off for that. On our trip to it we encountered no resistance at all. We figured the gooks didn't want people to know they were out here so they didn't attack us. We ended up arriving to a clearing where the smoke led us to and we seen a building. 

We took up positions around the building ready to attack. Challenger seen someone in the dark building holding what looks like a gun so he sniped them. There was a bunch of gook screaming and Flee and Cheat shot a grenade throw the windows. After they blew up everything went silent and that's when I opened fire with the M60. I shot up the whole front of the building with it. I didn't stop until the barrel was red hot. When I was reloading some blood covered gook came running out at me with a pitchfork. Icy shot him did before he could get withing range of me. 

After the attack we went into what was left of the building and found the bodies of children. It turned out this building was an orphanage. So to cover it up we burned down the building and left back to our base. We told the major we found nothing and that the report was wrong. 

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