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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 212213214 215216 ... 302
For the "love my neighbor thing" he sure is loving them when he snuffs out every non-water base living thing with that flood. I don't know about you people but he seems like one damn big cunt when he snuffs out animals that did nothing to him when it was the humans who made him mad. He sure did show some wraith with that flood.

For the envy sin he sure did seem pretty envious of the other gods when he wants you to see him as the "One true god" or whatever that one god thing is.

For the pride sin it seems like wanting your followers and others to see you as a one god is a self esteem thing. When you have a lots of people saying you're the one and only god in their lives you would take pride in that.

God didn't create sin itself. Sin's creation came when Lucifer rebelled against God out of jealousy.
This would indicate that Lucifer is more powerful than God, if Lucifer has the ability to create something that God cannot stop.

Unless God CAN stop it, but chooses not to, which would indicate he's not the loving God that people say he is.
He's not a loving god when he snuffs out all those animals with that flood that did nothing to him.

For San Andreas they gave a few hints that Smoke and Ryder were traitors For the drive through mission Smoke refused to fire his gun. In that Terminator 2 like missions he basically set CJ up. The building was a trap and every location he told you to go to had guys already there. With the house party mission Ryder said he was going to get backup but that never showed up.

For KoTOR they gave you hints that you were Revan. On Taris for the dueling thing that hut gave you the name "Mysterious Stranger" because of some mysterious background he thinks you have. On the Jedi planet that one master was talking about Revan and one of them told him to shut up because of what he said. There's also that one master who kinda of treats you like shit because he knows your past. I know there are other hints for both games but those are the only ones I remember. 

« on: March 02, 2015, 06:36:45 PM »
That missions is a pain in the ass. Smoke takes too long to lock on and he fires short ass bursts. For CJ you are completely useless like you said. At a certain distance you should be able to lock onto people and fire at them. 

The Flood / Re: Go fuck yourself UPS
« on: March 02, 2015, 06:33:23 PM »
What size is it?

The Flood / Re: Which forum is worse?
« on: March 02, 2015, 06:31:18 PM »
Why do men smell so bad
For the brief seconds I looked at that forum I'm going with Chatterbox all because of this thread.   

Outside player controlled games is there any Dark/Jedi or Sith that isn't some generic good and evil thing? For example there's a Jedi who fallows the light side but their cations are controversial. Lets say someone got kidnapped or there's a bomb about to go off and this Jedi is on a mission or knows about it. So in order to get information they torture a person they think or know who has information about it. Besides pain torture they could kill off people that are close to this person. Another example would be when this Jedi is fighting. Instead of simply disarming a person and letting them go. They kill the person just to eliminate them from being a future threat or problem.

For a Dark Jedi or Sith they have some type of honor code. They are fighting a Jedi Padawan and they cut their arms off instead of killing them because killing someone this pathetic is beneath them. There would be no honor in killing someone who bascilly can't defend them self compared to them. For an action there could be a Dark Jedi or Sith who tries to help out the less unfortunate. Also instead of being a Sith just because of power they are simply doing it just to master both spectrum's of the force.

So why is this country spending a shit load on the military and on war when there are actual things things that need a high budget that would accomplish more?

State taxes don't contribute to the defense budget.
Still doesn't change the military has a budget that's high has fuck. Instead of making all these tanks and planes we don't need it should be going to something worthwhile that we do. We need better bridges than a few jets that's not going to be used.

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 02, 2015, 06:08:51 PM »
I hope this ends up being a universal law for this country and other places. The only thing these fucktards that don't believe in vaccinations do is spreed ignorance and diseases. For the ignorance part it's passed down to the retarded parents to their kids and it keeps on going. For the disease part they risk of dying from something or their kids risk from dying of something that is curable or preventable. They also risk getting people who too old or young to be vaccinated.

Remember the carpet bans? Yeah that shit was great. There was nothing like somebody getting banned all because they accidentally posted in the wrong thread or being banned for posting in it before it went to shit.
Yeah, most of us have "BS reasons I got banned" stories.
I had a thread that got locked because it wasn't posted on porch day. Then when porch day did come the thread still got locked. For dumb bans I got banned for asking the Flood to do a challenge. The reason why I got banned was because I didn't post the thread in the community forum. 

Remember the carpet bans? Yeah that shit was great. There was nothing like somebody getting banned all because they accidentally posted in the wrong thread or being banned for posting in it before it went to shit.

Serious / Re: "You should trust police, most of them are good people"
« on: March 02, 2015, 05:05:53 AM »
Shut up Cam.

The Flood / Re: Bye
« on: March 02, 2015, 05:00:22 AM »
Dumb Nigger.

Talking shit about B.old when the format of this forum is a directly inspired by it.
So how does the members or the rules involve site design?

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Gordians
« on: March 02, 2015, 04:55:23 AM »
I do hate it when Brutes eat my flesh after they crush my school. Something should be done about that.

The Flood / Re: Прощание.
« on: March 02, 2015, 04:51:08 AM »
So why keep members that are not posting here to post besides trolling? That's just shit modding
use the mute feature
After all avoiding the issue is how you solve it..
Trolling in the general sense shouldn't be against the rules (in the flood).  If a user uses their account solely for the purpose of trolling and you don't want to see them anymore you should mute them.

If it doesn't already exist there should also be a practice of banning people from serious only.
Like I said avoiding issues isn't how you solve them. One user can start posting those spam threads that Based Love did. another sees that there's nothing being done about it so they start doing it. Then another user does the same then and so on. DigitalIzesty makes threads after threads that gets locked and nothing is done about it. So you can have users seeing that and they start doing the same thing. Muting an entire forum shouldn't be the way to solve an issue. An issue should be solved before it turns to be a problem.

The Flood / Re: Прощание.
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:30:50 PM »
So why keep members that are not posting here to post besides trolling? That's just shit modding
use the mute feature
After all avoiding the issue is how you solve it..

Shut up you fucking paedo

Loli is loli. If you want to see that shit go somewhere else
Where did I say I want to see that shit in anarchy? I simply said the rule should be explained better so you're not going to have people like Jim getting banned from it due to vague writing.
Jim knew what he was doing.
He sure did...
Maybe he didn't know he would get kicked out of Anarchy for it, but I strongly doubt he didn't realize that posting such loli porn would escape the rules just because what's clearly a preteen girl just so happens to have wings.
His post implies he didn't know that humanoid loli was banned. Like I said the no loli rule is vague. 

The Flood / Re: Прощание.
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:26:26 PM »
Yeah, we are a bit too lenient. Part of this stems from the fact that this is a relatively small offsite, we don't have a massive turnover of users like a developer's website does (I.e, Bnet) so bans aren't something given out lightly.
Even with being a small site people like Based Love should have been a lot sooner when he was just posting those spam threads. That's all he did and it took awhile for him to get banned. We all know Xboxdotcom just posts here to troll and nothing is being done about him. So why keep members that are not posting here to post besides trolling? That's just shit modding

Shut up you fucking paedo

Loli is loli. If you want to see that shit go somewhere else
Where did I say I want to see that shit in anarchy? I simply said the rule should be explained better so you're not going to have people like Jim getting banned from it due to vague writing.
Jim knew what he was doing.
He sure did...

The Flood / Re: Прощание.
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:11:19 PM »
people who literally only troll and shitpost (Dustin) remain unpunished
You are right about that. It took them forever to perma-ban Based Love who was just pointing shit. Xbox dot com just posts to troll and we all know he just posts here to troll. DigitalIzesty makes thread after thread that gets locked. This site is honorable at modding.

(I've no idea what he posted but the point is what pierces the balloon, not the density of the material).
The comment was "Yeah Nuka get a job."


So why is it OK to insult Kinder but it's wrong to make a post about Nuka?
Because we make schoolyard jokes and he loses his mind.

What you're doing is the equivalent to offering a homeless guy food then throwing it in the trash.
It still doesn't change anything. Before making fat jokes about Kinder wasn't allowed and when he was still posting that rule ended. The mods knew that the fat jokes bothered him but it was OK for us to post them. Making a joke about the special snowflake is no worse than the fat jokes about Kinder. Since it's OK to make fat jokes about him I should also be allowed to make a job joke about the sites special snowflake. 


So why is it OK to insult Kinder but it's wrong to make a post about Nuka?

Septagon / Re: Priorities in Community Growth
« on: March 01, 2015, 10:45:16 AM »
So the real issue here, is creating a community that welcomes people when they finally show up here.

Unless the new people we get love being called nigger faggots, they're not going to feel welcomed.
Look at all the new people in this thread being called niggers or faggots. I don't know about you but a lot of the new members that post in that thread were being welcomed. For the people that get called niggers or faggots are people that been here for a while.

Shut up you fucking paedo

Loli is loli. If you want to see that shit go somewhere else
Where did I say I want to see that shit in anarchy? I simply said the rule should be explained better so you're not going to have people like Jim getting banned from it due to vague writing.

The Flood / Re: I just got back from a Chris Tomlin concert.
« on: March 01, 2015, 10:28:13 AM »
Had to make things quick though, there was a huge line behind me.
Did you make him cum the fastest or was he empty by the time you got to him?

Pennsylvania roads give me that little bit of excitement and risk I need every morning to wake up.
I like that you can experiences off roading on the highways. 

It was a joke, dunno if you know what that is.
I know what a joke is and I know that thread had no discussion value at all to it.
Realising the joke and expressing your thoughts on it was the discussion.
That's not discussion the thread. Discussion the thread would be talking about what it's in the OP, not creating your own discussion just to post in it. There isn't much discussion value in something when it consists of "fuck you" or you got me posts. Hell there wasn't any thing to discuss anyway since the OP is just a bait thread. Like I said it's hard to derail something when there anything to derail to begin with.
It was verging on the type of shitpost that's usually locked on the Flood, but the derail by Kupo and Verbatim was very clear if you saw the posts Psy deleted.
A thread can't be derailed when there was no discussion from the start. I don't know about you but the thread I saw had nothing at all to talk about besides telling the OP "Oh shit man you gotz mah g00d."

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