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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 209210211 212213 ... 302
Gaming / Re: Anybody else having this Origin problem with Windows 8.1?
« on: March 09, 2015, 05:35:48 AM »
>Windows 8

Found the problem
Origin worked when I still had Window's 8. It stopped working when I downloaded their piss poor damage control 8.1.

Gaming / Re: Anybody else having this Origin problem with Windows 8.1?
« on: March 08, 2015, 03:28:55 PM »
Did you try uninstalling/reinstalling it?
That's a cute avatar you have there bby.

Gaming / Re: Anybody else having this Origin problem with Windows 8.1?
« on: March 08, 2015, 03:23:06 PM »
Did you try uninstalling/reinstalling it?
Yes and I still get this problem.

The Flood / Re: The Justice League of Sep7agon
« on: March 08, 2015, 03:17:53 PM »
So who am I?

Gaming / Anybody else having this Origin problem with Windows 8.1?
« on: March 08, 2015, 10:38:49 AM »
Whenever you click on it to launch that message box keeps coming up. Any of you know how to fix it?

The Flood / Re: The Justice League of Sep7agon
« on: March 08, 2015, 07:40:27 AM »
That feeling when I regularly post and I'm still unknown.

The Flood / Re: let me tell you why I hate poor people
« on: March 08, 2015, 06:51:12 AM »
Aren't you the ungrateful prick that made a thread bitching because your parents got you a laptop?
really really really really rude. get hit by a truck.
Agreed. How dare they try to be nice by getting you a gift.

The Flood / Re: let me tell you why I hate poor people
« on: March 08, 2015, 06:44:07 AM »
Aren't you the ungrateful prick that made a thread bitching because your parents got you a laptop?

Gaming / Re: Team Beyond Royally Screwed Up
« on: March 08, 2015, 06:10:52 AM »
PSU getting BTFO ITT
When doesn't Mad Max?

Serious / Re: 1920's glaciers vs today
« on: March 08, 2015, 06:07:58 AM »
Technically, isn't it a good thing we're terraforming Antarctica to make it habitable? Technically.
Which when all the ice and snow melts it will flood the coastline. The other thing is that it will still be unhabitable due to it not getting much sun.

Gaming / Re: Why do normal people play with flaming heads?
« on: March 08, 2015, 06:02:41 AM »
Shut up Class
blue flames were a preorder bonus for Halo: Reach, but I think eventually they were given to everyone by 343. Or.....was it the orange flames? REGARDLESS the flames were kinda handed out.
Blue flames were originally for Bungie employees then they gave them out if you played the game during a certain week.   

Gaming / Re: Guy who pirated Shovel Knight Pays Devs in person...
« on: March 07, 2015, 07:22:47 PM »
Doesn't justify it. They should call the police and arrest him. He's a thief.
For what exactly? Downloading a game that was legally provided to him? He didn't walk into some store sand steal an item.

>reminder that this is from Halo 3 and not from Reach or 4.

>reminder that this is 2015, not 2007
Which changes the head shot being great, how?
No, it shows how Halo 3 is still relevant even 8 years later, and how Halo Reach and 4 aren't even mentioned.
Or it just shows a nice kill someone got in Halo 3 and someone decided to tell about it. The same thing could have happened in Halo Reach or 4. 

Serious / Re: 1920's glaciers vs today
« on: March 07, 2015, 06:08:29 AM »
Unless you have something to do with oil or gas I don't get why there are people that deny it. With all the things we have today that produce greenhouse gases that's going to change the environment. There's no way in hell the environment is going to naturally produce the amount of gases we have done over the years. The other thing are those photos you posted. That's proof right there the planet is heating up.   

>reminder that this is from Halo 3 and not from Reach or 4.

>reminder that this is 2015, not 2007
Which changes the head shot being great, how?

The Flood / Re: why do you hate homosexuals so much?
« on: March 07, 2015, 05:37:28 AM »
Because you wont admit that youre gay
Hating someone for being "indecisive" with their inner emotional turmoil is a pretty douche move honestly.
You're going to have a fun time on this site.

Gaming / Re: TFW when I can't play Vidya
« on: March 07, 2015, 05:34:45 AM »
>not PC gaming by default
>using shitty mouse and keyboard
After all having more control of your movement and more options to games is shit. 

Gaming / Re: How many players are still on MCC?
« on: March 06, 2015, 06:56:30 PM »
343 didn't release a population counter, so we don't know. It fell off the top 10 charts back in December tho, so I would say no more than 15k actually play it everyday.
I highly doubt 4 games collectively has about the same population as Halo 4 360.
Well when it doesn't work for over 100 days people aren't going to bother anymore.
Believe it or not, not everyone was affected by the big problems.
Most people were from what I could tell.

So most people fucked off.
>Most people
You do know most people have the internet right, I think you might also need it to play online.
Every person that plays a video game online has internet but a small portion of them use the forum site for that game. 

The Flood / Re: Roughly 20 years ago the internet went up
« on: March 06, 2015, 06:39:20 PM »
I wish the internet was never invented
Since you hate it so much then why are you using it?

Serious / Re: Officer killed in line of duty
« on: March 06, 2015, 06:18:10 PM »
He was only one week away from retiring to.

Now you're YouTube famous OP.

Gaming / Re: Team Beyond Royally Screwed Up
« on: March 06, 2015, 05:25:20 PM »
You can play Halo CE-3 and know its Halo.
Except Halo 2 and 3 play hardly anything like Halo CE. All three are FPS game but the gameplay for Halo 2 and 3 is completely different than what Halo CE is. Since you're saying Halo 4 and Reach aren't Halo neither is Halo 2 and 3 since they're different from the original Halo game. With your logic we can say Halo 2 and 3 are not Halo since they don't play like Halo CE.
When playing reach and 4 its not halo.
What exactly is "Halo"? Halo is Halo as long as it is based off of the lore. Halo Wars is not a FPS game but it's still a Halo game due to it being based off of things that make up Halo. 
They changed everything.
Everything would be they changed it from being a future game fighting aliens to a modern game fighting Russians. All the Halo games are still Halo games.

The Flood / Re: The Gore Spam Has Started In Anarchy
« on: March 06, 2015, 07:34:08 AM »
I thought Anarchy spillage wasn't aloud?

Gaming / Re: Team Beyond Royally Screwed Up
« on: March 06, 2015, 05:17:28 AM »
Comparing a sports game to and FPS lol.

Madden didn't change its core gameplay like Halo did from 3 to reach.
No, it just changed it's core gameplay from Halo CE to Halo 2 in one game. Halo 3 and Reach play closer to each other than what Halo 2 and 3 do with Halo CE. Hell Reach plays somewhat closer to Halo CE due to the fall damge and the health system. Also Reach still plays like an arena based game. Even with having classes it can still be an arena game due to each side having the same classes and load outs. The only difference between spawning players is the AA the pick. Invasion is the only one where each side has different weapons. 

Gaming / Re: Team Beyond Royally Screwed Up
« on: March 06, 2015, 05:09:48 AM »

Frankie got rekt
Well no shit. There's less people with the Xbone in 2014 than what there was with the 360 in 2007. So of course the system with the more sales is going to have a larger player base for a beta on that system. The other thing is that the MCC is a broken game so that would effect the beta as well. Even if it wasn't broken I see it still turning away a large amount of people due to it being nothing new and how it handles the playlists. Instead of each game being separate and having playlists you vote on which game you want to play.

You're disgusting and weird.
I get bored at work.

Well I was prepared to talk seriously but then you spew this bullshit
You can still give me the talk.

Well blind girls aren't bothered with looks so it'd be all about that touch

You could also lie about your dick size to.

The Flood / Re: I know Dragonforce is so 2006..
« on: March 05, 2015, 07:53:54 PM »
I bet she could give wicked hand jobs.

Well I was prepared to talk seriously but then you spew this bullshit
You can still give me the talk.

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