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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

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The Flood / Re: Here are some pics of my 2002 Audi A6 Allraod.
« on: March 16, 2015, 06:51:34 PM »
Why are people hating on this thing? Pretty dope for a first car
I have no idea either. It's either they hate Audi's or it's just because it's a station wagon. Even with it being a station wagon it's in a class of its own. I don't think there's many wagons out there that are able to go places this thing can and have the sports feeling/handling like this thing. It's more of a cross between a wagon and a sporty SUV. The wagon has a twin turbo while the A6 just has a turbo so that there tells you this thing is more beefy.
I hate Audis because of their drivers. Every single Audi driver I've encountered always goes slow as fuck.

But I pretty much hate every car other than Mercedes-Benz and BMW.
Beamers and Mercs are the most boring and lame cars around.
I would rather drive one of their types than a Chevy Cobalt.

The Flood / Re: Here are some pics of my 2002 Audi A6 Allraod.
« on: March 16, 2015, 06:50:24 PM »
Did I miss some drama here?
OP spazzed out because people don't like his car

The Flood / Re: Here are some pics of my 2002 Audi A6 Allraod.
« on: March 16, 2015, 07:34:33 AM »
Absolutely disgusting.
Tell me about it. The ground being wet is causing the tires to get all muddy. I can't wait for this shit to melt.

The Flood / Re: Microscope can see down to individual atoms
« on: March 16, 2015, 07:32:44 AM »
So, you can finally see your penis

The Flood / Re: Here are some pics of my 2002 Audi A6 Allraod.
« on: March 16, 2015, 07:12:15 AM »
Why do you care about what some random online fuckers have to say?
Wouldn't you get a little hurt if you invested a lot of time into something you felt proud of and thing some person comes up to you and says it's shit for no real reason?
Depends, if it's like my lecturer giving me shit about an assignment then yeah sure but some random fuckers from Hell no, I'll just tell them to go kill themselves and then I'll go fap.
Well then you should go suck RC's dick and choke to death on it since I know you love the D. I will be there watching you doing it while I fap all over your face.
As long as you're happy with it then you shouldn't give a fuck about what I or anyone else thinks about it.
Until it comes to parking the thing. (-___________-)

Serious / Re: Who should the parties nominate in the run-up to 2016?
« on: March 16, 2015, 07:11:33 AM »
If Republicans knew what was good for them we'd see Jon Huntsman again. I strongly considered voting for him in the last run.
That's the second time I've seen you mention Huntsman, what do you like about him? What makes him better than Bush or Rubio or Walker?
Huntsman's strength is foreign policy, especially with China. He supports LGBT equality, campaign finance reform, education reform, and a few other more liberal positions that other republicans seem to be afraid of being associated with. He doesn't push the "sanctity of marriage" or pander to "your freedoms are in danger" or "America is #1 forever" bullshit. So many other republicans are down in the mud, busy dragging everyone through it, and Huntsman is more high-road material.
I think it was on the Colbert Report where he basically said super packs are bullshit.

Serious / Re: Who should the parties nominate in the run-up to 2016?
« on: March 16, 2015, 07:04:24 AM »
Ted Cruz
I want to see his birth certificate.

The Flood / Re: Here are some pics of my 2002 Audi A6 Allraod.
« on: March 16, 2015, 07:01:44 AM »
Why do you care about what some random online fuckers have to say?
Wouldn't you get a little hurt if you invested a lot of time into something you felt proud of and thing some person comes up to you and says it's shit for no real reason?
Depends, if it's like my lecturer giving me shit about an assignment then yeah sure but some random fuckers from Hell no, I'll just tell them to go kill themselves and then I'll go fap.
Well then you should go suck RC's dick and choke to death on it since I know you love the D. I will be there watching you doing it while I fap all over your face.

The Flood / Re: Listen to my band :D
« on: March 16, 2015, 06:09:10 AM »
Sounds good to me. It's not something I'm in to but it still sounds good.
Way to make me feel like a dick after my comment in your car thread.  >.>
You're wlecome. :D

The Flood / Re: Listen to my band :D
« on: March 16, 2015, 05:59:52 AM »
Sounds good to me. It's not something I'm in to but it still sounds good.

The Flood / Re: Here are some pics of my 2002 Audi A6 Allraod.
« on: March 16, 2015, 05:55:21 AM »
Why do you care about what some random online fuckers have to say?
Wouldn't you get a little hurt if you invested a lot of time into something you felt proud of and thing some person comes up to you and says it's shit for no real reason?
It's a hatchback so it's a good first car, a very common choice for a first time driver.
So is this thing since it's AWD, the space and the handling. I live in an area that gets a decent amount of snow so that comes into play. For the space of the thing it is roomy and I have the back if I need it for something. For the handling it is responsive for its size. For highway wise that is good to have for passing and the other thing that helps are the turbos.
Also stop talking about how it can go through deep water no one gives a shit. When are you ever going to have to go through a river like that? Sure a fucking polo can't but I live in London I'm never going to need to.
Will I ever have to do something like that? No but it's just something that shows this vehicle isn't some typical piece of shit. It is made well for what it is.

Gaming / Re: What games are you waiting for right now
« on: March 16, 2015, 05:39:07 AM »
Mad Max.
Phantom Pain.
No Mans Sky.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Or New Vegas?
« on: March 16, 2015, 05:35:53 AM »
Oh, and Little Lamplight. God I hate that place, full of fucking kids who evict everyone past 16 yet still exist after 200 years...I'd rather not dwell on that.
They fuck when they are eight.
I highly doubt you hit puberty at 8. The other thing is that how would kids even know how to birth and raise a baby? Little Lamplight was nothing more than plot holes.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Or New Vegas?
« on: March 16, 2015, 05:30:09 AM »
Fallout New Vegas for the better gameplay, story, depth and character development.

Gaming / Re: Official: Gears of War Thread
« on: March 16, 2015, 05:27:10 AM »
But they lowered the skill gap immensely by adding in starting weapons that take no skill to use while still out preforming the ones that do which basically thew the competitive aspect of the game into the garbage bin.
The retro lancer has shit range outside close range. I would love to see anybody getting a kill withing the range the lancer and the semi auto is able to do.

For the sawed-off it is easier to get a kill with but you only have one shot with the thing and the range has to be withing melee. With the gnasher you have a lot more shots to work with and it has longer range. You are able to kill someone outside melee range. The other thing is that if you miss your first shot you have others to use unlike the sawed-off.

Reading blogs on a page that's nothing but naked guys that turn you on...Totally not gay OP...

The Flood / Re: Here are some pics of my 2002 Audi A6 Allraod.
« on: March 16, 2015, 05:03:26 AM »
It must have really bothered you.
Honestly it did. I spent a lot of time and money getting something just for it to be called shit for no reason at all by people trying to put someone down for no good reason. You or the other three didn't give any reasons why it's shit besides just calling it shit. I would love to know why it's a shit vehicle for someone first.
I don't have my license yet but I'm most likely going to get a Volkswagen polo or gold.
So then what year? Also I like it you're calling my vehicle shit but yet you want to get something that looks like a minivan. Can that vehicle do the things mine can though? In the video I linked is it able to cross a body of water like that without getting stuck?

Septagon / Re: can custom titles be made more easily achievable?
« on: March 16, 2015, 04:57:39 AM »
Also, the customs stuff is kinda right. I mean, ever since I hit 3,000 posts, my activity here has dropped massively in favour of HaloArchive and /r/halostory.
You ever thought it may have to do with you getting bored of this site? Posting over that many times to the same people would get boring. Also by looking at the sites you listed it tells me you like talking about Halo which is hardly done on this site. So that there would make you more bored of this site.

The Flood / Re: Here are some pics of my 2002 Audi A6 Allraod.
« on: March 16, 2015, 04:49:28 AM »
That's a shit car and you should feel shit.
That's a shit car and you should feel shit.
^This so fucking  much.

You already look like Ned Flanders now you drive a similar car too.
So then why did and do you two fags drive? You two were quick to diss me and call it shit but yet you avoided the other part of the thread. I would love to hear what your first vehicle was.

Gaming / Re: I almost want to email 343 a letter
« on: March 16, 2015, 04:43:20 AM »
Mainly about how to steer Halo in the right direction if they want it to be the most profitable like how Bungie did it.
Which are making games that has shit campaign and story focus, hardly any character development and  a weapon sandbox that just has useless weapons to have them? I hate to break it to you but Bungie did a shit job at Halo for the main games. After each game it just got worse. Halo 2 is broken and unfinished which is also the start of a pointless weapon sandbox. Halo 3 has half a story and we have no idea what the Arbiter is doing during it. Halo Reach is random as shit(It even has less of a story than what Halo 3 has.), it broke pre-established canon and the gameplay is a mass with stupidity. It's sad 343 which are the people that didn't even make the game made up things just so that game makes since in the lore.

The Flood / Re: Here are some pics of my 2002 Audi A6 Allraod.
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:06:27 PM »
Why are people hating on this thing? Pretty dope for a first car
I have no idea either. It's either they hate Audi's or it's just because it's a station wagon. Even with it being a station wagon it's in a class of its own. I don't think there's many wagons out there that are able to go places this thing can and have the sports feeling/handling like this thing. It's more of a cross between a wagon and a sporty SUV. The wagon has a twin turbo while the A6 just has a turbo so that there tells you this thing is more beefy.
wagons are the shit when you want to get a group of buddies together and go do something, and unless you're spoiled as fuck you can't have a 20 thousand dollar car as your first
They are. They might be longer but they do have the same space as a SUV and get better millage. For the people that are saying it's shit I would love to know what they drive. Unless they're privilege I don't see them having something that's any better or at least slightly beyond.

The Flood / Re: Here are some pics of my 2002 Audi A6 Allraod.
« on: March 15, 2015, 05:31:23 PM »
I hate Audis because of their drivers. Every single Audi driver I've encountered always goes slow as fuck.
My uncle isn't one. On the interstate he was passing almost everyone.
But I pretty much hate every car other than Mercedes-Benz and BMW.

The Flood / Re: Yo soy el taco!
« on: March 15, 2015, 05:28:25 PM »
If you can't speak American then get the hell out of this country! We don't need your foreign ass here taking our jerbs.

The Flood / Re: Here are some pics of my 2002 Audi A6 Allraod.
« on: March 15, 2015, 05:26:04 PM »
Why are people hating on this thing? Pretty dope for a first car
I have no idea either. It's either they hate Audi's or it's just because it's a station wagon. Even with it being a station wagon it's in a class of its own. I don't think there's many wagons out there that are able to go places this thing can and have the sports feeling/handling like this thing. It's more of a cross between a wagon and a sporty SUV. The wagon has a twin turbo while the A6 just has a turbo so that there tells you this thing is more beefy.

The Flood / Re: SEP7agon HUNGer games
« on: March 15, 2015, 05:21:24 PM »
i cant believe i dieded
At least you're in it.

The Flood / Re: Here are some pics of my 2002 Audi A6 Allraod.
« on: March 15, 2015, 04:15:43 PM »
My first ride was your mom.

Gaming / Re: Footage of Locke in H5
« on: March 15, 2015, 03:07:45 PM »
"The best games of 2015".
I'm going to laugh if Battfeild Texture Pack gets a lot of shitty reviews just like Destiny. 

The Flood / Re: (Goodbye in German) Flood
« on: March 15, 2015, 03:02:40 PM »
Good day to you to.

The Flood / Re: Here are some pics of my 2002 Audi A6 Allraod.
« on: March 15, 2015, 03:00:41 PM »
You have 100% more cars than BC.
I see what you did there. Unlike him I posted proof or at least images of the vehicle I own. I was going to do a video of me starting it to make fun of his video but I was too lazy.

The Flood / Re: Here are some pics of my 2002 Audi A6 Allraod.
« on: March 15, 2015, 02:59:05 PM »
Where's it's front numberplate?
In PA we just have a back plate.

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