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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 173174175 176177 ... 302
When did he get that beard?
beard elves
I said when, not where.

During the Dark times


We all know that kid who has their lightsaber being controlled by Vader is going to be saved at he last second. I have a feeling it's going to be that alien girl Vader used to have as an apprentice. 

The Flood / Re: Jesus Christ elderscrolls.wikia is literal downs
« on: May 06, 2015, 05:09:21 AM »
Dear retards: he's not downs because he says the Stormcloaks are the better option, he's downs because of his reasoning and grammar
Well Skyrim is babies first RPG.

The Flood / Re: lol is just a placeholder now
« on: May 06, 2015, 05:07:54 AM »

Gaming / Re: Hey guys I'm selling my copy of Destiny...
« on: May 06, 2015, 05:06:31 AM »
For being a social game the thing sure doesn't seem very social.

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect: How did you deal with this problem
« on: May 06, 2015, 05:04:54 AM »
She was a better character and squadmate than Kaiden, so there's literally no reason to kill her unless you're a faggot.
You're the faggot if you killed him since his voice actor did Carth Onasi.

Yes. We need to go back to the horror roots of the original. Remember those levels with the Kryll where you needed to say in the light and went through gloomy mansions? That frightened me. We need more of that instead of the lush bright environments from Judgement.
What was great about the first game is that you have choices on what path you want to go. For example you can control the spotlight for Dom or he does it for you. Then after that game they just disappeared.  For Gears 2 I think you might have a choice path in that research building but that would be the only one. For the horror roots for the first what was fun is that level part in that imulsion plant section. The part is the one where you had to walk across those wooden boards and hope you didn't fall. Also the first Berserker part was fun as well. You're in a small building with that thing trying to kill you. With Judgement on the other hand even though you have two of them you don't get that "oh shit" feeling you did with the first encounter with one in Gears 1.

So it wouldn't be my fault for shooting my AK in a public area and a cop guns me done for it?
What a fucking specious analogy.
The point is that there are times when the victim should be accountable for their own actions and this guy is one of them.

The Flood / Re: Saying that the US isn't free is pure ignorance
« on: May 05, 2015, 05:24:30 PM »
And oh no, 5 days.... HURRRRR
I would love to see you go five days without any food or water.
In a single isolated case? LOL.

In so many countries, that stuff happens on an almost institutionalized basis.
In so many countries in Europe the cops fire less bullets and kill less people than what our single developed US does. I don't care about what is going on in these "Nazi Germany like countries". What I do care about is that the cops in our developed country are like I said acting like it's the Wild West. Tell me. Did this guy really need to be shot 17 times and killed for throwing rocks?

Blah, blah, blah, Europe, blah, blah, blah.

The US had guns all over it since its inception, and gun culture never caught on in Europe the same way. Seriously, trying to use European solutions for American problems and vice versa is complete ignorance.
How does having a gun culture make it OK to use deadly force when it's not needed? Having a gun culture shouldn't mean the cops are free to use deadly force when it's not needed like on that guy. Like I said I wonder how the better trained cops in Europe would have handled that. Also a gun culture shouldn't allow cops to be able to freely turn off those dash cams.

The Flood / Re: Saying that the US isn't free is pure ignorance
« on: May 05, 2015, 05:15:30 PM »
And oh no, 5 days.... HURRRRR
I would love to see you go five days without any food or water.
In a single isolated case? LOL.

In so many countries, that stuff happens on an almost institutionalized basis.
In so many countries in Europe the cops fire less bullets and kill less people than what our single developed US does. I don't care about what is going on in these "Nazi Germany like countries". What I do care about is that the cops in this so called developed country are like I said acting like it's the Wild West. Tell me. Did this guy really need to be shot 17 times and killed for throwing rocks? I wonder how the cops in the UK or Germany would have handled that.

The Flood / Re: Saying that the US isn't free is pure ignorance
« on: May 05, 2015, 05:04:52 PM »
And oh no, 5 days.... HURRRRR
I would love to see you go five days without any food or water.

The Flood / Re: Saying that the US isn't free is pure ignorance
« on: May 05, 2015, 04:59:59 PM »
Free as in you're free to do say/do what you want for the most part. It's something that most people living in free Western countries fail to fully appreciate.
Like US cops being able to freely turn off those dash cams during an arrest?

Move over to an authoritarian state, and you'll be begging to have a police force whose worse problems are those.
After all begging to have a police force that guns down an unarmed black man running away is a great thing to have. We all know shots to injure are nearly impossible to do on someone who is running in a straight line away from you. We have to gun the person down instead of firing a single shot at them. It's a wonder how Germany manages to keep order when their police force fires so little bullets each year unlike the US.
Okay, so do you wanna live in a country where this could happen to you if you so much as be suspected of criticizing the Police? Cause this is what's happening right now in actual police states.

Extremely NSFW

This is literally Nazi-level shit going on, and you're just bitching about some minor police abuse without having to worry about becoming another corpse in a torture camp. Fuck off.

You don't know what an actual police state is like, and thank god you will never have to know.
If I lived in a middle east country then I would be worried, but I don't. I live in a nation that is supposed to be a developed first world country. Even though this is supposed to be a developed nation our poilce force acts like it's the wild west. A country that was formally Nazi Germany which you even mentioned treating people like what happened in the image you linked has a better poilce force than us. A single US cop can fire more bullets than a football size team of cops in a year. Our cops are way too trigger happy and they get away with shit they shouldn't be allowed doing. Those dash cams should not be setup to be turned off whenever the cop feels like it. When those lights go on they should stay on. Hell they should stay on the moment that cop goes on shift.
about some minor police abuse without having to worry about becoming another corpse in a torture camp. Fuck off.
No, I just have to worry about getting placed inside a cell like Daniel Chong and being forgotten about for five days.

Bullshit, the story is pretty good
So then Alduin is the main bad guy in this game. He is called the world eater because apparently he is able to destroy the planet or whatever destruction. My question is what about him besides his nickname makes him so bad? Basically what is he doing that makes the player want to go out of their way to do the story and to defeat him? Since the intro of the game they guy doesn't make a appearance outside those two times you fight him. The only bad thing this main Lillian has done is destroy one town in the game. The guy has done nothing else beside destroy that town. Wouldn't you say a good story would have the main bad guy doing things that would make the player want to end him?

Look at KoTOR. Darth Malak is hardly seen in the game but we get an idea that he's an asshole that should be stopped. You hear about the things he has done in the dialog and you see him order his fleet to destroy cities that resulted in the deaths of billions or trillions. Alduin on the other hand has done jackshit besides that one town.
he combat isn't "easy" if you decide to challenge yourself and ramp up the difficulty.
The game has enemies that unlock when you go up levels. I wouldn't call having you hand held the entire time challenging.
and the RPG elements are certainly apparent.
It's kinda hard to role play as a mage when you can't even make your own spells.

Has Elder Scrolls ever been good?
morrowind and oblivion were good, and skyrim is a really great game if you're 10 years old and have never played an RPG before

Skyrim is amazing you clearly have no idea what you're talking about
It's amazing at having no depth and holding you hand the entire time.

>You people actually think choosing a side impacts anything other than model changes.

The Flood / Re: Murder/Suicide in Tisdale, Sk
« on: May 05, 2015, 04:33:33 PM »
I live in a small town. Would any of these fuckers dying impact my life? Not a chance.
I also live in a small town. Some kid I went to school with died the year of graduation. I had no idea who this person even was until I went on the Facebook page for him. A person I used to hangout with ended up having their parents die in a car crash. Even though I was friends with this person that still didn't affect me since I had nothing to do with them. It was after school which they died that I was going to this persons house.

His point people is that just because you live in a small town doesn't mean you're going to be connected with every person that lives there. Even if you know the person it still doesn't mean their death is going to impact you. If it's some person that works at a place you go to every week. Them not being their isn't going to impact you in anyway when you just see that person in the checkout line.

The Flood / Re: Murder/Suicide in Tisdale, Sk
« on: May 05, 2015, 04:29:16 PM »
Also, lol, now the red headed girl can become bat-girl.
How? She's dead along with the other three.

The Flood / Re: Why does Comms have such a hard on for the EU?
« on: May 05, 2015, 04:25:40 PM »
Funny because US citizens are literally made up (mostly) of nations of the EU.
EU nation were so hardcore, they came over to an island - fucked up all of the native people and set up their own system there. Later that system became the US.

>North America

We're an island nation since we have a body of water around us. We're not like some country in Europe like Poland which has other countries surrounding it.

Gaming / Re: Witcher 3 Save System
« on: May 05, 2015, 04:19:52 PM »
It still baffles me why every game doesn't have a Skyrim/Fallout save system.
I love how Halo saves. In order to save you have quit the game and in order to quit you have to save. Bungie went full retard with that system and it looks like 343 is carrying it on.

and his private life has been put on display for everybody to laugh and gawp at.
Then he shouldn't have been sending nude pics of himself to people. It's his own stupid fault since nobody told him to do that.
If a woman was sending naked pictures to her boyfriend and he shared them online, you and everyone else would blame him.

It's only because he didn't vote for an anti-discrimination bill that would have led to massive overreach that any of you blame him.

Victim blaming doesn't become okay just because the victim did some things you do not like.
Sending them to a person she's in a relationship with =/= To random strangers online.

Serious / Re: You know what atheists? Fuck you
« on: May 05, 2015, 11:15:01 AM »
gODS not real
Yes he is you gay loving heathen! It says it right in the bible. After all why would a book that was writing years and years ago and translated so many times lie?

i'm not just concerned about my own experience; i never am
How would others and myself modding Skyrim ruin yours and anyone else playing the game experience when whatever we do would not be seen in yours or theirs? Whatever mods we would be running would not be effecting anybodies game but ours. 

Serious / Re: You know what atheists? Fuck you
« on: May 05, 2015, 11:05:14 AM »
So PSU where was your god at when you posted this topic? If you god was truly real then you would have posted this in the right forum.

The Flood / Re: I am a breakfast defector
« on: May 05, 2015, 11:03:29 AM »
It's 12:04 and I'm still alive.

Your game would still be the same.
except it would have different faces

which is bad

"same" means "same"
How would it be bad when you wouldn't even see those faces? Like I said your game would still remain the same and whatever I do to mine would not affect yours at all.

Because whoever did the video is pissing on the developers art by editing those faces on the models and changing the music to something else.
youtube videos do not affect the game itself at all, whatsoever
Neither do mods that would replace the characters faces with those faces. Your game would still be the same.

The Flood / Re: Saying that the US isn't free is pure ignorance
« on: May 05, 2015, 10:49:20 AM »
Free as in you're free to do say/do what you want for the most part. It's something that most people living in free Western countries fail to fully appreciate.
Like US cops being able to freely turn off those dash cams during an arrest?

Move over to an authoritarian state, and you'll be begging to have a police force whose worse problems are those.
After all begging to have a police force that guns down an unarmed black man running away is a great thing to have. We all know shots to injure are nearly impossible to do on someone who is running in a straight line away from you. We have to gun the person down instead of firing a single shot at them. It's a wonder how Germany manages to keep order when their police force fires so little bullets each year unlike the US.

The Flood / Re: "To be or not to be that is the question"
« on: May 05, 2015, 10:39:46 AM »
It means Lemön is a fag.

It's his own stupid fault since nobody told him to do that.
No, it's not his fault somebody ran to the media with it.
So it wouldn't be my fault for shooting my AK in a public area and a cop guns me down for it? Like I said it's his own fault for sending these people nude images of himself. If he didn't want them to be seen like this then he shouldn't have sent them. There is a thing called "being responsibility for your own actions". It would be different if somebody hacked his phone and posted them but forcing sending didn't happen. He freely sent them on his own will.

Oh man Verb is going to shit himself when he sees that. That would be one epic mod.
why would i
Because whoever did the video is pissing on the developers art by editing those faces on the models and changing the music to something else.

The Flood / Re: Saying that the US isn't free is pure ignorance
« on: May 05, 2015, 10:33:15 AM »
Free as in you're free to do say/do what you want for the most part. It's something that most people living in free Western countries fail to fully appreciate.
Like US cops being able to freely turn off those dash cams during an arrest?

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