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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 172173174 175176 ... 302
Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach is objectively the best Halo Game
« on: May 07, 2015, 03:04:21 PM »
Reach sucks.
I drink to that any day.

Gaming / Re: Star Wars battlefront 2 £2.00
« on: May 07, 2015, 03:03:33 PM »
What's sad is that you're getting more content with that $2 than what you would buy paying $60 for DICE Battlefront.

Gaming / Re: Destiny Raids to cost extra
« on: May 07, 2015, 03:02:37 PM »
No one is surprised by this right? They said HoW would not have a raid quite a long time ago. And of course, any new content released isn't going to be free. I try not to defend Destiny. But I will say this. The game was a disappointment. I don't buy the whole cut content BS. And that Bungie and other developers are evil entities out to get your money. There is no disc locked content, other than empty areas, that weren't even finished. You can even see the locked off areas have changed a lot after a patch we downloaded. And another patch we'll download this month. Now, is everything they're offering in these DLCs worth the price? Not really. And to suggest, that content that is coming out later this year, and even next year, is content that's already finished right now, is laughable. The game was a disappointment. For whatever reason, they released it with a poor story, and not much content. Even though we have no idea, if the story was much different than it is now. Bungie has further brought down their reputation with the release of Destiny. Hopefully, in the future they can redeem themselves.
The Desticles have foundSep7agon. The Winter Contincency is in effect. All threads standby Cole Protocol. This is not a drill
Josh has been here for a while.
You really can't blame him for thinking he's a new user or whatever. Josh has been here for awhile but he only has 26 posts. So because of his very low activity it's not hard to understand someone thinking he's a new user.

Gaming / Re: Destiny Raids to cost extra
« on: May 07, 2015, 01:08:15 PM »
There is no disc locked content, other than empty areas
Changing those areas or not they're still areas in the game that are locked to you and you have to pay in order to unlock them. Some of the so called DLC for the game takes place in those locked out areas that are already on the disc.

>project prophecy
Oh lord, I saw this on facebook today shared by a person who's always reposting articles about how Obummer's gonna take our guns, Clinton offended some Saudi guy,  and the administration is turn the US into the USSR via Obamacare.
this is some top tier tinfoil
Meh, just another day in the redneck part of Pennsylvania... which is really any part of the state that's not Pittsburgh or Philly.
Which part of PA do you live in? I live in Warren County.

The Flood / Re: The Illuminati Killed Robin Williams
« on: May 07, 2015, 03:46:51 AM »
What was so great about him?

Gaming / Re: Hunt The Truth Episode 2 / Live Action Halo Trailers
« on: May 06, 2015, 08:43:45 PM »

Septy, be nice to our guests.
If he posted that gif to any other user on this site would you have said the same thing? To me the only reason why you said that was because of the failed merge with Halo Archive.
god you're such an autist
and don't you forget it.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach is objectively the best Halo Game
« on: May 06, 2015, 08:21:51 PM »
What's next OP, a thread about you trying to find that GRD helmet?

What the hell even happened to that thing?
Once the anniversary map pack came out the helmet just died out to people. What I love is that epic thread about it that was pinned in the Reacharound forum. There were many people doing stupid shit trying to unlock it. Like some of them thought you had to kill a certain amount of the BOB elites to unlock it. That thread was full retard. 

Septagon / Re: Proposal: one name change a week limit
« on: May 06, 2015, 08:16:58 PM »
Your avatar is out of control.

Gaming / Re: Hunt The Truth Episode 2 / Live Action Halo Trailers
« on: May 06, 2015, 08:12:02 PM »

Septy, be nice to our guests.
If he posted that gif to any other user on this site would you still have said the same thing? To me the only reason why you said that was because of that merge with Halo Archive Cheat was trying to do.

Septagon / Re: We need a new rank at 17,777 posts.
« on: May 06, 2015, 08:08:22 PM »
But from what I gathered with people talking about it, the admins there are a bit soft in the head, as a whole and that Bias guy went full SJW in Serious where a couple of members btfo him and he raged hard.
I take it those posts got deleted? I went through his post history and they're not there, Do you know what the topic was about?
I don't, I've just seen it discussed.
If anything happened to the posts/threads I presume it was damage control by our own to staff to save face for the other guys, gotta be nice to the people you're trying to cozy up to and all.
I remember he posted a thread about something that was already posted before and his thread get merged into a thread about the same topic. If that was anybody else their thread would have been locked. Even if he didn't rage quit I don't see the merge working out anyway. Like you said he was posting clickbait shit and I don't see that many people here being all that interested in Halo Archive. There's Halo fans here but I don't think there's that many of them that care to discuss the lore of Halo like what HA does. 

Gaming / Re: Destiny Raids to cost extra
« on: May 06, 2015, 08:02:43 PM »
If you were approached by somebody, not even say, five years ago, and were told that Bungie, and Bungie.Net would go to complete and utter shit as a community and a developer, would you believe them?
For the part about them becoming a shit developer I would believe that. Halo 3 has a shitty campaign and Reach is just shit. After Halo 2 they just lost focus on Halo besides ODST. Whatever passion they had with CE died with Halo 2 when MS had them butcher it.

For the part about their site Bungie really never did care for their game community. They only cared for the current game fanbase. There were no forums for ONI or Marathon, just Halo ones. For being a Bungie site it was more of a Halo site than a developers site.

Gaming / Re: Destiny Raids to cost extra
« on: May 06, 2015, 08:00:32 PM »
I'm not sure this game has a future,
Did it ever have one?

Septagon / Re: We need a new rank at 17,777 posts.
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:57:55 PM »
But from what I gathered with people talking about it, the admins there are a bit soft in the head, as a whole and that Bias guy went full SJW in Serious where a couple of members btfo him and he raged hard.
I take it those posts got deleted? I went through his post history and they're not there, Do you know what the topic was about?
It didn't help that the only stuff he posted outside of Serious was clickbait crap on par with HaloFollower.
I have no problem about Halo things being posted here but if it's just articles from that site to me it does seem kinda pointless. The two threads he posted did seem like they were more clickbait things for that site than a Halo info thread for here.

The Flood / Re: Goodnight Floof
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:47:56 PM »
No spider image?

Septagon / Re: We need a new rank at 17,777 posts.
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:46:26 PM »
We could be original and not have a seven fetish.
And not try to desperately tie ourselves to Halo?
You must've missed the whole thing where Cheat wanted to merge with Halo Archive or whatever it's called.
Did that happen? I know MediaBias is an ambassador from that site but his account has been dead for awhile.

Camnator: I say just do away with bans entirely except for stuff like threats and just implement an actual mute function for the whiners that let words on the internet bother them.
I agree to that. Insulting someone should not be a ban. If you are bothering the person then there should simply be a mute feature like you said. If the person mutes the one bothering them then that person no longer has to put up with it. For people that are making pointless threads that keep getting locked. Instead of locking them or banning the person for it the punishment should simply be the removal of the create a thread feature. Once that happens then they have to have a thread approved by a mod in order for it to be posted.

Septagon / Re: We need a new rank at 17,777 posts.
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:38:29 PM »
We could be original and not have a seven fetish. 

The Flood / Re: What's your view on fur
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:36:57 PM »
I see no problem with it as long as it's not from an animal that's endangered. Lets face it there's really no difference between someone eating meat and someone wearing a fur coat.   

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect: How did you deal with this problem
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:34:14 PM »
She was a better character and squadmate than Kaiden, so there's literally no reason to kill her unless you're a faggot.
You're the faggot if you killed him since his voice actor did Carth Onasi.
Carth was even whiner than Kaidan.  The only thing he was good for was keeping the sith trooper armor.
I would be whinny to if me family, friends  and planet got destroyed be the guy I looked up to. I would be even more whinny when I find out the closest thing I have to a friend at the moment is a Sith Lord.
Sucks to suck, so get over it.  I only ever talked to him when the game forced me.
I hope your planet ends up getting attacked just like his one day. 

Gaming / Re: Arby 'n' the Chief Season 8 Teaser
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:33:11 PM »
I take it this is like the Simpsons which has been on for so long that it's just shit now?

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect: How did you deal with this problem
« on: May 06, 2015, 11:24:41 AM »
She was a better character and squadmate than Kaiden, so there's literally no reason to kill her unless you're a faggot.
You're the faggot if you killed him since his voice actor did Carth Onasi.
Carth was even whiner than Kaidan.  The only thing he was good for was keeping the sith trooper armor.
I would be whinny to if me family, friends  and planet got destroyed be the guy I looked up to. I would be even more whinny when I find out the closest thing I have to a friend at the moment is a Sith Lord.   

The Flood / Re: Oi weebs
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:42:05 AM »

The Flood / Re: Who the Fuck are You?
« on: May 06, 2015, 05:58:48 AM »
Septagon's official Nazi apologist and history revisioner.
All we know is that you're called the Das.

The Flood / Re: Who the Fuck are You?
« on: May 06, 2015, 05:38:06 AM »
I'm not your average saiyan warrior. I am a SUPER SAIYAN!

The Flood / Re: post your rarest of pepe's ITT
« on: May 06, 2015, 05:36:59 AM »
Gotta post your rare pepe's fast.

The Flood / Re: post your rarest of pepe's ITT
« on: May 06, 2015, 05:36:30 AM »

Gaming / Re: Star Wars Battlefront release date + first screenshot!
« on: May 06, 2015, 05:32:45 AM »
I do not see how they could possibly do the Battle of Jakku right without space battles when it is a ship graveyard. There has to be space battles, or this will be disappointing as fuck.
The game already is.

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