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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 169170171 172173 ... 302
Gaming / Re: Best Mortal Kombat kharacter?
« on: May 13, 2015, 06:56:12 PM »
the black guy with the arms

Black people don't have arms.
If they don't have arms then how are they always stealing things?

Gaming / Re: Best Mortal Kombat kharacter?
« on: May 13, 2015, 06:55:44 PM »

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V figure has squeezable boobs
« on: May 13, 2015, 06:54:25 PM »
A action figure having squeezable boobs is not going to affect them in anyway.
if you don't care about something just because it doesn't personally affect YOU, then you're a selfish cunt
How does it make myself and anybody else who doesn't see the problem with this a massive cunt? Like I said this action figure having squeezable boobs is not going to change anybodies life. From the day after those figures got made women are still going to be in the military or making millions each year. Nothing about those figures has changed their life for the worse or better. It's like they never got made at all.

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V figure has squeezable boobs
« on: May 13, 2015, 06:52:15 PM »
and i'd actually argue very very many people look like ken--it's not that difficult to get a light build and a tan
but that's another topic
Like I said most men out there don't look like him. They may have a flat chest but they're not going to be as built as him. Him having a build is just to make him more attractive to young girls.
the reason you don't hear "SJWs" like me complaining about ken dolls is because ken dolls are ancient history
It's still sexualizing something to make it look more attractive to the target buyer. The reason why you don't here about him is because Kent is a male. If these women like Anita Sarkeesian are actually for equality than they would be bringing up how men are treated in video games as well. If anything men are the ones having the worse of it. When was the last time you played a game where women were getting killed in mass amounts like men?

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V figure has squeezable boobs
« on: May 13, 2015, 06:43:10 PM »
sad thing is, a lot of them are women
Maybe the reason why a lot of them are women is simply becasue they just don't care. A action figure having squeezable boobs is not going to affect them in anyway. Their life is going to go on just as it did as if the action figures boobs were just plastic. It's the same thing with video games, movies, anime and whatever forum. A female character like Princess Peach always needing rescued is not going to change their career of making a million or o a year. And neither is some Jap video game having a female character with huge bouncing tits. 

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V figure has squeezable boobs
« on: May 13, 2015, 06:35:16 PM »
oh look, it's the forum misogynist

just kidding
most of you are probably misogynists
So what does that SJW term mean?

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V figure has squeezable boobs
« on: May 13, 2015, 06:32:28 PM »
I've enjoyed watching all the brave white knights defend this poor helpless womyn.

It's safe to say she doesn't even care. If anything the boob thing is just an adult joke to her.

Gaming / Re: Nintendo Get Ready for E3
« on: May 13, 2015, 06:28:47 PM »
Even more games.
I wonder which already existing IP of theirs they're going to be making games for.

God damn that game looks boring.

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V figure has squeezable boobs
« on: May 13, 2015, 06:10:00 PM »
For the SJW's which is just Verb here bitching about this how many men out there look like Kent?  Quiet having squeezable boobs is no different than Kent being muscular for his looks. They're both sexual based things.

Serious / Re: Let's Discuss America's Infrastructure
« on: May 13, 2015, 05:54:54 PM »
Development costs are insane compared to other developed countries. You can have cheaper infrastructure, but only if you're willing to slim down unions, cut environmental legislation and roll-back entitlements.
Or we could just cut the highly unnecessary military budget and use that for far better things like fixing up our infrastructure and education. We need a better power grid  than jets and tanks that are just sitting there. We can go by for years on the tech we have for it since our only threat is North Korea and I highly doubt they're going to hurt us.

Serious / Re: Let's Discuss America's Infrastructure
« on: May 13, 2015, 05:52:56 PM »
It's shit.
We have thousands of bridges ready to collapses.

Our road systems are shit and filled with holes. When it rains the water just pools on the roads. Roaming roads on the other hand are built where the water drains off the road due to them being angled. 

We are way to dependent on semi trucks. We should be more train based due to them being able to hull far larger loads and will reduce traffic. The other thing about trains is that they are great for public transposition which is something we hardly do.

Our power grid is complete shit. If it was up to date the amount of power outages would be reduced.

We are way too dependent on fossil fuels. Instead of using nuclear energy which is safer and far cleaner we are using dirty and dangerous coal and gas. For some odd reason we are avoiding nuclear power which would be more effective and practical. Outside powering building they would be great for larger vehicles like trains and cargo ships.

Instead of updating and fixing our infrastructure we are wasting it on a far unnecessary military budget. Instead of using that budget to fix up bridges and the power grid which would create jobs and would be far more useful. We are buying vehicles that are just sitting there waiting for piss poor North Korea do make a move.   

The Flood / Re: Are There Any Black People on This Forum?
« on: May 13, 2015, 11:21:47 AM »
Probably not because you people are racist.

I'm serious.
I'm not racist.

Then why do you people keep dropping the N word?
Is it raciest when blacks call white people "crackers"?

"Hey, if you have a problem, go to Sep7agon"
"Hey, if you have a problem, go to Septagon"

Even then when there's a forum in the list called "Sep7agon" and someone tells you to go to that section for a forum related thread you get the idea that's the forum for feedback. Having the 7 in the name isn't going to make it harder to know that.

Septagon / Re: Why did I get a warning for spamming?
« on: May 13, 2015, 05:50:53 AM »
I wonder why...

The Flood / Re: Are There Any Black People on This Forum?
« on: May 13, 2015, 05:47:04 AM »
I don't think there is. If there was then there would be KFC, Kool-aid and watermelon ads.

Gaming / Re: Destiny Raids to cost extra
« on: May 13, 2015, 05:37:06 AM »
So like........should I blow my copy up, or burn it?
Sell it. I sold my copy less than a week after the game came out. Reached level 20 and realized there was nothing left but an endless grind with no story and nothing but bullet sponge bosses. No regrets.
Once you reached up to level 20 that was when you realized the game is nothing more than grinding? Nowhere before that that thought didn't come into play? For the game having no story that probably would have been something you found out withing the first few hours. And for the bosses being sponges you would find out after two of them. It's kinda said it took you to level 20 to find that stuff out about the game.

The Flood / Re: Man Kills Imaginary Friend
« on: May 13, 2015, 05:18:53 AM »
Geoff Gaylord

The Flood / Re: How do I bypass the swear filter?
« on: May 13, 2015, 05:17:10 AM »


The Flood / Re: I saw a kid at the grocery store today.
« on: May 13, 2015, 04:47:15 AM »
Your homophobic Republicans are gay themselves so Verb being a closest weeb isn't too far off. He probably hates manga and anime just so it tricks people into thinking he's not into it himself. 

The Flood / Re: What actually happened on 9/11?
« on: May 13, 2015, 04:41:36 AM »
What happened is that Bush was struggling to read a kids book.

Gaming / Re: Jade - Positive Female Characters in Video Games
« on: May 12, 2015, 08:46:35 PM »
I was going to watch that video but when I clicked on the video spoiler to open it the thing asked me to check my privileges first. I guess me being a white straight male caused the video to crash. 

Gaming / Re: Found a Spore preview in an old magazine
« on: May 12, 2015, 08:39:10 PM »
Well shit, remember when the PS3 controller looked like shit and the Nintendo Revolution was a thing

that controller would have been better than the actual one
It would. The analog sticks are wider apart and what I like is that the ends are a lot longer. Becasue of that holding the thing would feel a lot better since you're not having your fingers around something that's almost too short for you to fully hold it with them. holding the thing would feel more comfortable.

Gaming / Re: Safe to say The Witcher 3 is a masterpeice!
« on: May 12, 2015, 07:53:11 PM »
Looks like I'm going to be able to dust off my PS4.

Gaming / Re: You can pinpoint the moment...
« on: May 12, 2015, 05:53:35 AM »
As usual there's the EA fanboys defending this game. I love that a few people are saying it's OK for this game to be like this just because it's Star Wars.
People are stupid. They need to be happy that there even IS a Star Wars battlefront now.
I don't get all the hate. Last time I checked, battlefront II was not really a groundbreaking game. Battlefront took their gameplay straight from battlefield gameplay, except dumbed it down for console play. Never once was there any "amazing" space battles, just flying ships from one larger cruiser to another and boarding. Sure you could stay in space and dogfight but am I missing something? The dogfighting was trash! Why is everyone in such an uproar? I think gaming nostalgia has blinded many of you, to the point that no matter how the game turns out, it "isn't as good" as the originals. True Star Wars fans will have faith, while the rest of you haters will bitch about days gone by...

Gaming / Re: You can pinpoint the moment...
« on: May 12, 2015, 05:52:21 AM »
I love that in their Halo 4 review they love the game and sometime latter they make an article about what they find wrong about it and criticize the things they loved in the review. They go from having it being this great Halo game to some thing you can't even look at.

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 05:10:13 AM »
Plants have nervous systems, plants feel pain, plants, even have short term memory.
Mowing my yard will forever change now.

Serious / Re: Open Carry Fixing to be legal in Texas.
« on: May 12, 2015, 04:50:47 AM »
If you're going to carry a gun on you for protection you're just better off doing a CC. To me the only thing open carry does is make people around you uncomfortable and nervous outside something like hunting. Walking into a store or a restaurant with a pistol in your hostler is going to like I said make people uncomfortable. 

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