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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 168169170 171172 ... 302
The Flood / Re: Which one of you British fuckers tried to swat me?
« on: May 15, 2015, 05:53:23 AM »
if thats true thats pretty shitty thing to do.
If this is true, that is fucked up.

PM Cheat about it.
It's not. It's just PSU being PSU.

The Flood / Re: Which one of you British fuckers tried to swat me?
« on: May 15, 2015, 05:51:12 AM »
Try harder next time.

The Flood / Re: Did you ever get a boner while in Church?
« on: May 15, 2015, 05:50:02 AM »
Only during Confession, I was raised Catholic you know.
Son, I think you got raped by the priest.

Septagon / Re: When do I get to use muh custom nameplate
« on: May 15, 2015, 05:48:00 AM »
Once you hit the traget number of posts you should just unlock it. It is a dumb system having to be up voted to get it when people just can down vote you because they don't like you or for a joke.

Gaming / Re: Blizzard bans 100,000 World of Warcraft accounts
« on: May 15, 2015, 05:45:58 AM »
That'll definitely help the game's dying population.
If anything people doing that were maintaining somewhat of a population due to people not wanting to do heavy grinding for shit.

Gaming / Re: Blizzard bans 100,000 World of Warcraft accounts
« on: May 15, 2015, 05:43:01 AM »
>the bot grinds for loot
>sell the rare shit to idiots that will pay irl monies
Oh, now it makes sense.

But still, its kinda dumb. And now they paid the price.
If you ended up making thousands off of doing it then the price of creating accounts to sell is well worth it. In EVE Online some dumb fuck paid $10,000 of real money on a ship. So you're going to have people paying a pretty penny for those accounts depending on how good they are.

Serious / Re: more on that chinese DNA manipulation
« on: May 15, 2015, 05:40:46 AM »
If not, then what's the point?
If you have a history of bad eyes, diabetes, heart attacks or diseases you can either remove them or hinder them.

Men’s violence against women is Europe’s greatest security problem.
I didn't know every man in Europe was muslim.

Serious / Re: Let's Discuss America's Infrastructure
« on: May 15, 2015, 05:36:49 AM »
American hegemony and force projection are part of why this country is as powerful and successful as it is. You don't remain the leading player in geopolitics without maintaining a military edge.
I will agree that having good equipment is a good thing to have but do we really need to be buying things that we don't need? We're still buying tanks that the majority are not going to be used and our jets are far better than those cold war era jets or jets from back water countries that we have been fighting. We can go years with the size we have now and the tech for them. If anything just update that things we have now every year or so.

The chances of another world war happen are slim. Even if one does break out and nukes are not involved it's most likely going to take place in Europe again since that's where most of the world powers are at. Lets say Russia does start something we have our allies in Europe to back us up if we get involved.
Given what we've got, I'm very glad it's the US wielding the biggest stick, and not China or Russia. I'm not very keen on seeing either of them climb to the top of the pile, and I would think you'd feel the same way.
If China wanted to they could wage one hell of a war in Asia and Europe. They have over one billion people living in that country so military age people would be far greater than anybody else. If anything is keeping people in line it is nukes. Why risk invading a country that has them are starting another world war when there's the chance of being nuked?

but the devs didn't listen to the competitive community in Reach and H4 and look how that turned out.but the devs didn't listen to the competitive community in Reach and H4 and look how that turned out.
343 did make stupid decisions in that game that should have been left in their heads but they did have a problem that Bungie didn't have. Due to Halo 2 and 3 being different than Reach you're going to have fans from both of those different games. So you're going to have to make a game that plays similar to both types to please both groups.

Gaming / Re: Any of you played these games?
« on: May 15, 2015, 05:22:25 AM »
really only played Murakumo because my friend that owned it really sucked at it and I was decent enough to  beat the levels.
The same thing was with me to. It took me a awhile to beat it just because of how punishing the game gets. One level that was a bitch is I think you're in pairs chasing after a spider mech.   

Gaming / Any of you played these games?
« on: May 14, 2015, 07:39:19 PM »

Robotech was the shit. The game did get a little repetitive after awhile but it was still fun to play. I remember those snipping mechs being a bitch to kill. The way I killed them was by being as far away as I can and sniping them.

Wreckless I had fun in but I was never able to get past the first few levels. I know one of the levels you had to take pictures of things at a dock and I always drove off into the water. To me what made the game worth playing is the GTA feel to it. To me crashing into random cars and driving around fast was more fun than playing the game right. That game should have simply been a free roam driving game than a linear one. 

Murakumo I had some run playing but that game got old and the levels were just insane. You had to have a set path to beat them. If you're doing a level which is chasing after some mech and you fuck up once like crashing into a building. you're going to have to restart it no matter how far you got into it just becasue the game is that punishing. The game is more of a made up movie game you would see  just to show you the person is playing a game. When you're playing it the thing seems like it shouldn't even be real just because it is that bad. It is fun at times but for a game it's something you would find at an arcade. What's funny is that the same people who made this shitty game made Bloodborn.

I guess it would take a group of scientists to find your dick.

Septagon / Re: Cheat's Big Suggestion Thread
« on: May 14, 2015, 07:09:22 PM »
Ban the weeaboos.

-What new footage?
-Putting MLG in quotes doesn't make any sense: they were/are pros in MLG circuits.
-Considering how quickly H4 and Reach died pandering to casuul vermin, I don't blame them for shifting their focus towards advertising to eSports kids.
-Git gud, scroob
Jesus christ

Halo, shifting to the esports crowd

what a fucking way to go...
you know the "esports crowd" is the reason xbox live/halo is even a thing, right?
For Xbox Live being a thing that was because of Halo 2, not the "esports crowd". Then for Halo being a thing that is more because of your causal players or non competitive ones. There's more social and non-competitive playlists in Halo than what there are for competitive ones. There's more causal players than what there are of MLG players or whatever gaming event players.
the MLG/competitive players were the only ones who played CE in any sort of organized way, and they got bungie's attention and made halo 2 what it was.
So then if the MLG/competitive players were responsible for what Halo 2 ended up being I say Bungie did a bad decision by listening to them. We went from Halo CE which has a useful weapon sandbox to a dumbed down game that has a shitty weapon sandbox which nearly plays for you due to the massive aim assist. Good job Bungie. 

The Flood / Re: If Harriet Tubman is put on the $20 bill..
« on: May 14, 2015, 06:06:03 AM »

The Flood / Re: You find her attractive?
« on: May 14, 2015, 06:04:57 AM »
Let me guess she has a bigger dick than me?

-What new footage?
-Putting MLG in quotes doesn't make any sense: they were/are pros in MLG circuits.
-Considering how quickly H4 and Reach died pandering to casuul vermin, I don't blame them for shifting their focus towards advertising to eSports kids.
-Git gud, scroob
Jesus christ

Halo, shifting to the esports crowd

what a fucking way to go...
you know the "esports crowd" is the reason xbox live/halo is even a thing, right?
For Xbox Live being a thing that was because of Halo 2, not the "esports crowd". Then for Halo being a thing that is more because of your causal players or non competitive ones. There's more social and non-competitive playlists in Halo than what there are for competitive ones. There's more causal players than what there are of MLG players or whatever gaming event players.   

The fuck is this shit about tin foil hats, did I mention the Illuminati somewhere?

The Flood / Re: Spongebob is secretly a porno
« on: May 14, 2015, 05:53:10 AM »

Gaming / Re: So I finished KOTOR
« on: May 14, 2015, 05:05:13 AM »
KOTOR 2 is literally unfinished cause Lucas wanted a game for the holiday season and kicked it out the door long before it was ready.

If you can get over that fact depending on who you talk to some people say it's better than the original.
How's it unfinished?

Basically it skips from what would have been about two thirds of the way through the story to the last level with no explanation as to how or why you got there. There's also a bunch of plot threads that basically go nowhere because of this as well. Some of which are made out to be a big deal and then never resolved.
For example HK-47 has a droid line inspired from him. In the beginning of the game you go from being hunted down by them to finding out where they are being made at. The furthest you get in it is HK-47 trying to find out where the plant is located at. You never find the location of it size the quest simply ends there. With the restoration mod you restore the game that has the quest in it.
Where can I get the mod?

Septagon / Re: Why did I get a warning for spamming?
« on: May 13, 2015, 07:45:20 PM »

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V figure has squeezable boobs
« on: May 13, 2015, 07:44:19 PM »
What is the most killed sex in those games? That's right men.
Doesn't matter. Violence =/= sexism. Against EITHER gender.
It is sexist when you have men usually being these violent charters or most killed enemies in games. Violence can be a form of sexism when you have it being portrayed on one sex more than the other.   

Gaming / Re: So I finished KOTOR
« on: May 13, 2015, 07:40:42 PM »
KOTOR 2 is literally unfinished cause Lucas wanted a game for the holiday season and kicked it out the door long before it was ready.

If you can get over that fact depending on who you talk to some people say it's better than the original.
How's it unfinished?

Basically it skips from what would have been about two thirds of the way through the story to the last level with no explanation as to how or why you got there. There's also a bunch of plot threads that basically go nowhere because of this as well. Some of which are made out to be a big deal and then never resolved.
For example HK-47 has a droid line inspired from him. In the beginning of the game you go from being hunted down by them to finding out where they are being made at. The furthest you get in it is HK-47 trying to find out where the plant is located at. You never find the location of it size the quest simply ends there. With the restoration mod you restore the game that has the quest in it.   

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V figure has squeezable boobs
« on: May 13, 2015, 07:37:15 PM »
Actually the figure having squeezable boobs would be a lot more arty than it being just plastic due to it being more realistic.
except there is bad art, and there is good art

the worst art is realistic
How is a realistic figure bad? Wouldn't being able to fully create the human body to look like what it does naked and for it to feel realistic more arty than just being lifeless plastic? 

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V figure has squeezable boobs
« on: May 13, 2015, 07:33:47 PM »
It's only sexist when it's about women and it's just people being portrayed as whatever when it's men so it's OK.
I LITERALLY never said anything remotely similar to that.
You are basically implying it when you ignore men being the most killed thing and are usually being psychopaths as sexism. Men usually being those things is sexist.
It's possible to portray sexism against men in video games.
I just haven't seen it yet. Except for character designs. That's IT.
We have in games like CoD, Battlefield, GTA, Gears, Halo, Max Payne, Last of Us, Shadow of Mordor and Borderlands. What is the most killed sex in those games? That's right men. What sex is the majority of the villains in those games? That's right again men. Even though Last of Us has stranded groups of survivors you never kill a female human enemy in that game. Men are being portrayed in a sexist way outside character designs. You are just ignoring it.   

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V figure has squeezable boobs
« on: May 13, 2015, 07:19:53 PM »
It's making men look like drones and killers. So men being the typical enemy in games is sexist.
No, it's making people look like drones and killers. Most of them just happen to be men.
No, it's sexist since men are usually being portrayed as drones or killers just like how women are being portrayed as helpless victims or those big boob babes in Jap games. aAso nice double standard logic you have. It's only sexist when it's about women and it's just people being portrayed as whatever when it's men so it's OK.

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V figure has squeezable boobs
« on: May 13, 2015, 07:12:43 PM »
and that's because you probably don't respect art as much as i do, and don't really care if an otherwise respectable work of art has blemishes of sexism and exploitation on it
Actually the figure having squeezable boobs would be a lot more arty than it being just plastic due to it being more realistic.

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V figure has squeezable boobs
« on: May 13, 2015, 07:06:34 PM »
I'm not Anita Sarkeesian. I DO bring up--well, okay, I try to bring up male sexualization as well. It's not always that easy just because, frankly, it's much easier to exploit women and women are exploited MUCH more. Undeniably.
It might not be as easy but men are exploited. Very few males are that built.

FUCK no! Are you insane?
My first thread on Sep7agon was about how men are treated in video games. So then how are women treated worse again when it comes to games?
That's not sexist at all, though?...
It's making men look like drones and killers. So men being the typical enemy in games is sexist.

Serious / Re: I've become incredibly numb
« on: May 13, 2015, 06:56:41 PM »
I've become incredibly dumb
Yes you have.

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