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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

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Gaming / Re: What's the best boss battle you played?
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:11:39 AM »
Ender Dragon from Minecraft.

Just kidding, that'd be lame. The best boss battle I've been through will have to be the brute in Halo 2, where you're surrounded by allies and your friend/family member. It felt like we all combined our strengths to take him down, but maybe that's just the nostalgia speaking.
The Tartarus fight was pretty bad
It is. The allies you had doing it are just getting in the way and you just have to run away until Johnson drops his shields. To make it even worse you can get the Banshee into the building and easily kill everybody. i couldn't even beat the game on Legendary but I easily did that battle without the Banshee. What's said is that the hardest part of the battle are those brute guards before you get into the room with him. 

Gaming / Re: If 343 adds mix and matching armor in the MCC
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:07:07 AM »
Instead of getting the game because you either found it fun or you like the story of the game you want to get it just because of armor dress up. That's just retarded. To make it even more retarded you hardly ever see your own armor in the game.

The Flood / Re: Elegiac did you die?!
« on: May 27, 2015, 05:38:30 AM »
Holy shit there's so much weeb shit in this thread. If I had the ability to nuke this thread that would result in every major weeaboo on this site being nuked.

The Flood / Re: So.....Americans?
« on: May 27, 2015, 05:31:13 AM »
Who...puts sugar in their cereal?
I put it on Corn Chex.

Gaming / What's the best boss battle you played?
« on: May 27, 2015, 05:19:39 AM »
For me it's the Lambent Berserker on insane in Gears 3. It wasn't hard because she was a bullet sponge like the bosses in Destiny which you most likely do shit for damage or there were smaller enemies helping her out like like the last boss in the game. She was hard to me because I had to develop a strategy each time I damaged her enough. At first I could simply stand still and fire at her chest and dodge at the last second. Then once she started doing the jumping attack I had to stay clear from her. I attacked her chest and then I run away from her jump range. Once she started leaving a trail I had to make sure I wasn't going to box myself in or dodge in the wrong direction. For the trail part I had to plan out my moves before they happened. Like I said above about dodging wrong once simply mistake will fuck you over if you trap yourself.

Serious / Re: Boy Scouts of America fucking ban water gun fights
« on: May 26, 2015, 05:38:33 AM »
People still sign their kids up for that bullshit Boyscouts shit?

Can anyone that was ever in Boyscouts, till the very end, say it was worth it? Like.. did they really become a better person and learn many useful things?
Unless you're someone that plans on being in the outdoors a lot or camping I don't see the things you learned impacting you. If anything Boy Scouts is just something to meet people and do things with each other.

Gaming / Re: Chinese gamers are worse than BRs and Russians.
« on: May 26, 2015, 05:23:55 AM »
NO ONE is worse than Russians. Point in case, War Thunder Russian Server.
Oh know what's worse?
World of Tanks public beta patch test servers.
You know what's worse than that? Firing at a tank and doing damage and the next shot you fire in the same spot does no damage. It amazes me that people find the piece of shit fun.

How are the Germans portrayed?
The flashback takes place around the 1930's so the German troops are stationed around the areas. The German soldiers you see in the movie look like them but instead of them being the SS it's ZZ. 

Gaming / Re: What are shadows?
« on: May 25, 2015, 10:23:24 AM »
I feel like it helps with the atmosphere tbh.
It adds to the cinematic experience, I think.
Too many frames for that I'm afraid
After all the human eye can't pickup anything past 30fps.

An excellently crafted film.
It is. I love how colorful the movie is. Everything about the hotel is pink. The building is, the cake boxes are, the cards from them are and that girls delivery car thing is as well. Then for their uniforms they go well with the pink color. For the comedy aspect I like that it's not trying to be funny. But that I mean the movie is not trying to force reactions out of people the comedy parts of it are either creative or subtle.

Serious / Re: Should the UN have an army?
« on: May 25, 2015, 06:52:26 AM »
I take it the reason why their vehicles are white is because they are surrendering the moment they get on the field of battle?


I was expecting random people to start walking up to the kid and he punches them out. I do love how that part was handled.

Gaming / Re: Spartan Sarah Palmer is Problematic
« on: May 25, 2015, 06:32:15 AM »

Gaming / Re: What are shadows?
« on: May 25, 2015, 06:29:26 AM »
Shadows are things that make the deadly if you are able to manipulate them. For example I can manipulate a part of my shadow to grab someones leg and pull them down to my realm of oblivion ,or I could use my shadow as a deadly blade.I can also use shadows to make myself invisible and I can move with the shadows.I can also make peoples insane. 

The Flood / Re: Literally why
« on: May 25, 2015, 06:26:41 AM »
Oh baby those armor bras.

The only thing I have to do is turn left or right and I would take you all out with my dick.

The Flood / Re: Come Here I'll Give My Humble Opinion Of You
« on: May 25, 2015, 06:24:30 AM »

The Flood / What's your opinion on The Grand Budapest Hotel movie?
« on: May 25, 2015, 06:16:29 AM »
For myself at first I thought it was going to be retarded but after the first 30minutes that's when it became great. I love how stupid the movie is. To me it's one of those movies you can't believe exists just because of that. The whole movie is just stupid fun.

Here's some of the things I thought were great or just stupid fun. When Gustave went to that dead women's will thing I love that scene where her son said something in the lines of this. "You're still a faggot but you're bisexual." When they're escaping that prison I love how they did that ladder. When they picked it up it seemed like it was going to go on forever. I say the stupidest part of the movie is when they were going down those winter games courses. Once it got to the end you see the main villain simply turn off it and the other two fly off the course. The main villain is was walking and you see the kid's feet sticking out of the snow and Gustave hanging on the cliff. To me the best part of the movie is when Gustave was insulting that kid because he didn't bring that spray. Then the kid told him his whole family died in the war and then Gustave was insulting himself. I love that during part of it you have the kids POV during it. There's also the Germans which I love how they did them. Instead of the SS it's the ZZ.

The Flood / Flood, there's a dog on my porch.
« on: May 24, 2015, 06:04:07 AM »
What to do?

Oblivion was better than Skyrim, this is fact.

The moment Skyrim removed a few skill tree's from Oblivion, that was the red flag.
Don't forget about them removing races being different from eachother like Nords being stronger than Elves. When people say Skyrim is babies first RPG they are not far from the truth. That game is a joke when it comes to depth.
It's as wide as an ocean

as deep as a puddle


They really did do that though huh? Lol
That is so true about current Bethesda. When it comes to creating areas they can do it. In Skyrim they did a nice job on that underground world but the rest of the game even on the PC is empty, lifeless and barren. For Fallout 3 they did a good job on Pointlook out and that Dunwich Building. The rest of the game though is depth lacking and a mess. For the mess thing they made navigating through the city a bitch because they want the players to use their underground railroad. 

Fallout 3 is shit but Skyrim is objectively amazing
What's Skyrim amazing at? Holding your hand the whole time while you're playing a game that has as much depth as a small puddle on the sidewalk?

Sorry you must have Fallout 3 mistaken for Skyrim
Nope, I'm sure I'm talking about the game where every guild has the exact same story setup with no choices and the game that is holding your hand the whole time you are playing it. How can you find Fallout 3 shitty but for Skyrim it's amazing when it's just as bad? They are both have the same faults.

Except you're wrong
What's amazing is that the series is about magical shit and you can't even make your own spells in that game.

LMFAO that's why you hate it so much? Because of one stupid gripe? Now I get it, you're a magefag. I hardly use magic because fucking swords and getting in people's faces and cutting off their heads is where it's at, not using some pussy magic shit. Fuck outta' here
swordplay is the least mechanically and intellectually intensive mechanic in the game. im about [ ] this close to rewarding you with a dunce cap.
That is so true. I know in a video game like this you're limited on what you can do, but the developers could have made it a lot more in depth. There's a sword form called half swording. Even though the game is a middle ages based you don't see any types of sword forms that they used. It's just I slash at something, I block and then I bash with my shield. 

The other thing is that you don't have any magic combo attacks. Lets take a look at Shadow of Mordor. When you are fighting you are able to do magic attacks like you are able to attack a group of ermines very fast or a single target. In Skyrim it's just shit like I toss a fire ball at you and then I slash you with my sword. It's very basic shit.

Oblivion was better than Skyrim, this is fact.

The moment Skyrim removed a few skill tree's from Oblivion, that was the red flag.
Don't forget about them removing races being different from eachother like Nords being stronger than Elves. When people say Skyrim is babies first RPG they are not far from the truth. That game is a joke when it comes to depth.

It does make sense since his character is called the "Human Torch". After the first time of being on fire your skin will burn.

The Flood / Re: Why do all of you
« on: May 23, 2015, 06:51:07 PM »
Tom Petty.
The Chameleons.
Traveling Wilburys.

The Flood / Re: Uncle Larry has a YouTube Channel. Finally!
« on: May 23, 2015, 06:49:29 PM »
Living like Larry!

The Flood / Re: How much should I ask for this?
« on: May 23, 2015, 06:48:33 PM »
Wait a few years and then sell it. If you do that you might get more out of it then what you would now. That $160 could turn into a few hundred or even in the thousand range.

Gaming / Re: This is true pain
« on: May 23, 2015, 06:45:33 PM »
I want to play Battlefield Vietnam but Origin for some odd reason doesn't have it. It's as if EA doesn't want people to see Battlefield games at one point launching with many maps.

The Flood / Re: Question about Groups
« on: May 23, 2015, 06:34:54 PM »
I'll open group creation up to the most active members.
I wounder how many anime clubs there will be.

Gaming / Re: Playing Region Locked Gamecube games on the Wii
« on: May 23, 2015, 06:30:04 PM »
Only Nintendo defends region locking.

LMFAO that's why you hate it so much? Because of one stupid gripe?
Where to begin?
Even though Alduin is the main villain in the game who has the nickname "World Eater" the guy does jack shit besides destroying one town in the game. Besides the two fights you don't encounter him anymore and he doesn't pop up again. You don't come across any destruction besides that one town caused by him.

The guilds have the exact same story setup. You join, something happens and you become the leader of it. There are no choices or multiple endings for them. They are all liner as fuck. 

There are no penalties in the game. Even though my character sucks at magic I can still become leader of that magic school.

The civil war quest line is pointless. It doesn't matter which side you choose nothing happens besides NPC model changes. What makes it even more pathetic is that it's not even finished. At those camps you can't kill a NPC at them because they are story based. So because of that there was going to be something that involved them.

For the fetch this quests you have no other endings for them. I get sent to find a sword and I get paid to give it to them. I don't have the option of keeping the item and forcing the person to give me the money or item.

The followers you can have might as well be all the same model. There is hardly any back story to them. In New Veges each follower has a unique back story and quest line for them. In Skyrim you see none gf that for them. It's just a very basic back story.

Even for the PC version the cities are nearly empty. You see hardly any life in the game.

Even though this is supposed to be a fantasy game the things you see in it are things you would see in real life. Lets take a look at Morrowind. The buildings and the monster/animal life in the game look very fantasy. Skyrim on the other hand has things like wolfs, deer foxes, rabbits and generic castles. Sure there are fantasy life and buildings in the game but the game still doesn't have the same fantasy theme that Morrowind has. That game did it a lot better. Hell in Lord of The Rings you see people ridding on giant wolves, pigs and in Shadow of Mordor those lions and that troll. Meanwhile in boring Skyrim you just have horses. The game is very very lazy when it comes to fantasy things.

Even though you see beast races, Orcs and Elf's in the game you don't see any kids for them. All you see are human kids.

Even though the game has a lot of voices actors you hear the same few a lot.
Hand holding:
All the caves and dungeons have the same theme. You walk into them and you fallow the linear path to the exit which is either a backdoor or a secret path back to the entrance.

In Morrowind you can encounter every enemy at level one. In Oblivion and Skyrim on the other hand you unlock them so there's' really no sense of progression. In Morrowind I can be at level 10 and get my ass kicked by a level 15 monster. Because of that I level up to level 16 and I beat it. In Skyrim on the other hand I can't do that because I'm unlocking enemies at levels instead of them already being there. The enemies should be a little like Pokemon where the areas are setup by progression.

In Morrowind you can find any item at level one. In Oblivion and Skyrim you unlock items at levels.

There's no penalties for your stats. Like I said above you can become head of the magic school even though you suck at magic.

Every race is the same besides some special ability. In Morrowind and Oblivion you have races that are stronger than each other or more resident to things. The males were stronger as well.
Even though the game is about magic you can't make your own spells.

There is no unarmed tree.

Having food and drinks in the game is pointless when there is no hardcore mode like in New Vegas.

You don't have the option of starting out as a sword fighter or a mage like in the other games.

The damaged limb system that Fallout uses would work perfectly in this game but it's not used.

A fucking horse can report me for committing a crime. 

Instead of being able to wear 10 rings I'm bound to only one ring. In I want to be a god with magical items I should be able to do that.

The puzzels are a children's memory game. At first they may be hard but after the 2nd time they become very very repetitive. I've played that seasons Zelda game and the puzzels in that are both fun and challenging. Skyrim's on the other hand are not fun at all.
I hardly use magic because fucking swords and getting in people's faces and cutting off their heads is where it's at, not using some pussy magic shit. Fuck outta' here
Just because you don't use magic doesn't mean nobody else does either. Not being able to create spells does ruin the game for past players.

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