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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 140141142 143144 ... 302
When it comes down to the brutes or the prophets talking to the arbiter it's straight up English without any software. Whenever the mention a species during that it should be the actual name, not the nickname.
it's in english because it's translated for the player so we know what they're saying. canonically they aren't speaking english.

it's literally the same reason why movies do it - so the viewer knows what they're fucking saying.
I know it's like MGS 3 when that scientist guy tells Snake he's speaking good Russian when they're talking in English. To me it's just out of place having the members call each other those nicknames. When it comes down to names to me it makes more sense having the Covenant call each other the real name and for the humans they use their nicknames. Having the characters and NPC's speaking English is easier but when it comes down to names I think they should be using the real name for it. It's not out of place and it doesn't brake immersion.
how old are you?
22 turning 23 in December.
are you sure?
Does this look unsure to you?

When it comes down to the brutes or the prophets talking to the arbiter it's straight up English without any software. Whenever the mention a species during that it should be the actual name, not the nickname.
it's in english because it's translated for the player so we know what they're saying. canonically they aren't speaking english.

it's literally the same reason why movies do it - so the viewer knows what they're fucking saying.
I know it's like MGS 3 when that scientist guy tells Snake he's speaking good Russian when they're talking in English. To me it's just out of place having the members call each other those nicknames. When it comes down to names to me it makes more sense having the Covenant call each other the real name and for the humans they use their nicknames. Having the characters and NPC's speaking English is easier but when it comes down to names I think they should be using the real name for it. It's not out of place and it doesn't brake immersion.
how old are you?
22 turning 23 in December.

Gaming / Re: This is what $4 million in crowdfunding gets you.
« on: July 31, 2015, 03:22:31 PM »
How engaging do people normally expect level 1 to be?
In the same level as Halo CE and Cod 2. Unless the game is like Half Life 1 and 2 which builds up to it when it comes to a gameplay game I want to get into the action fast. With FTL you would get raped if the starting sector is like the latter ones but for a gameplay game like this it makes sense for the first level to be engaging. It doesn't have to be hard at first but there could be more on screen.

When it comes down to the brutes or the prophets talking to the arbiter it's straight up English without any software. Whenever the mention a species during that it should be the actual name, not the nickname.
it's in english because it's translated for the player so we know what they're saying. canonically they aren't speaking english.

it's literally the same reason why movies do it - so the viewer knows what they're fucking saying.
I know it's like MGS 3 when that scientist guy tells Snake he's speaking good Russian when they're talking in English. To me it's just out of place having the members call each other those nicknames. When it comes down to names to me it makes more sense having the Covenant call each other the real name and for the humans they use their nicknames. Having the characters and NPC's speaking English is easier but when it comes down to names I think they should be using the real name for it. It's not out of place and it doesn't brake immersion.

The Flood / Re: .
« on: July 31, 2015, 03:04:54 PM »
I give you $1 for that image.

Well, actually, most Covenant don't speak english by default. The higher ups have a grasp of it but they rarely speak it, and most speak with difficulty.
Even thing they would know what each species calls itself. They would be going by the real names far longer than the names the humans go by. I highly doubt withing all the years the Covenant has been formed they had no idea what each member species calls itself and so resorted to the names the humans go by because of that.   
Any gameplay we had with english speaking covenant was most likely translation software.
When it comes down to the brutes or the prophets talking to the arbiter it's straight up English without any software. Whenever they mention a species during that it should be the actual name, not the nickname.
Consider that translating for the audience.
Basically we're too retarded grasp a prophet calling an elite a Sangheili?

The Flood / Re: Moms
« on: July 31, 2015, 06:32:57 AM »
>TFW your big sis will never move into your room

Do you weeabs have a stash of these images waiting to be used?

The 8th season should be about the food. If what my dad told me is true the books have a decent amount of pages or space just about food.

Gaming / Re: Daily reminder that the Geth did nothing wrong
« on: July 31, 2015, 06:28:24 AM »
I find it odd that their universe thinks it's wrong for AI to have intelligence but it's OK to destroy an intelligent species by hindering their reproduction. 

It's pretty obvious Bungie just saw it's crowd as a bunch of kids that can't comprehend a story, so they just got worse and worse over time.
This. In Halo 2 we have Grunts and Hunters fighting the Brutes along with the Arbiter. But in Halo 3 we don't have a real civil war due to having no other species besides the elites fighting the brutes, grunts, hunters, drones and jackals. It's a civil war that seems more like the elites simply broke off and waged a war with the humans against the Covenant. When it comes to the games there's nothing civil about it. It's like Bungie thinks we're too retarded to tell the difference between grunts and hunters that could have a different color to determine their side for us.

Then when it comes down the Covenant instead of them calling each other their actual species name they use the names the humans gave them. Once again Bungie thinks we're too retarded to handle them calling each other names that we're not used to.

Gaming / Re: GTA V mod is trying to turn the game into a RPG
« on: July 30, 2015, 06:59:53 PM »
Is there a mod that adds a gym where you can go workout like in San Andreas
Yes having to eat and starting out with no skills was annoying but it was fun being able to build up your character. You started out as a near useless gang banger and by the end of the game you are a beast. It was fun being able to get invested in your character like that. The developers didn't even force you to build up your skills since there are cheats for them. When it came to San Andreas they outdid themselves and sadly after that they ignored content and downgraded from that game. With GTA 4 they ignored a shit load of content and even though GTA 5 added some of it back it's still missing a bit as well.

Gaming / Re: Name my Tentacool
« on: July 30, 2015, 06:34:59 PM »

When it comes down to buying things with real money there definitely should be a limit and a Email conformation. For the limit instead of being able to drain your checking account or max out your credit car there should be a $200 limit every week. That way if a kid gets a hold of their parents card they can't drain it or ma it out in one day. For the Email conformation when ever you use real money it should first send you an Email with a link to the purchase. That way it's harder for kids to buy shit.

Gaming / Re: This is what $4 million in crowdfunding gets you.
« on: July 30, 2015, 06:29:21 PM »
Mega Man already exists.

The Flood / Re: Brits pls
« on: July 30, 2015, 06:22:53 PM »
If only he had the most British looking mutton chops.

Gaming / Re: GTA V mod is trying to turn the game into a RPG
« on: July 30, 2015, 06:06:08 PM »
For San Andreas you could play it as an RPG. You could start from your house, change into the cop uniform and drive to a station to pick up a car and do cop shit. There are many ways you can role play in that game.

Gaming / Re: GTA V mod is trying to turn the game into a RPG
« on: July 30, 2015, 06:04:33 PM »
All you need to do is add skills and it would be more of an RPG than skyr-
Skyrim is more of an RPG than what JRPGs are.

Serious / Re: What's your opinion on nuclear weapons?
« on: July 30, 2015, 06:00:36 PM »
I'm a great believer in MAD, an it being why we haven't had a major war since WWII.
You can also make the counter that they are the reason why we almost had another major war. Something simple in the monitoring system ended up braking we caused 2,000 fake nukes to be heading towards the US. If we jumped the gun we would have ended life. During the Cuban Missile Crisis which the clock was at three minutes to midnight. There's also that period when Russia set off their first nuke test. Having nuclear weapons are more of a problem than not having them. In today's world the world as calmed down a lot more than what it was during the Cold War and before that. Now it's really just the Middle East starting shit and maybe North Korea which really isn't a threat.

The Flood / Re: Do you guys think I'm gay?
« on: July 30, 2015, 05:39:01 AM »
Regularly posting threads about other males which you have a sexual attraction towards and getting an erection from a bunch of penis images is totally not gay.

I don't want that responsibility. I don't trust myself with it.
The other problem is that lets say you shoot someone and there's no witnesses near by. The only thing the authorities know is that their is either someone in critical condition at the hospital or is dead and they know you were the shooter. Even though you are innocent you can fuck your self up by talking and not having a lawyer. If you need to carry a gun to feel safe like you said you should avoid those ares and to me you also should see help since you're dangerously  paranoid. Who the hell needs to carry a gun when they are doing something like buying food in a safe area? It's nothing more than paranoia.

Serious / Re: What's your opinion on nuclear weapons?
« on: July 29, 2015, 06:37:00 AM »
although their potential to stop asteroid collisions may be a it closer to a considerable trade off.
If it's by blowing them up it's not going to work as great as you think. You're still going to have around the same mass coming down to earth and since the asteroid is broken up you're going to have pieces coming down which would do even more damage.

Serious / What's your opinion on nuclear weapons?
« on: July 29, 2015, 05:53:38 AM »
For myself I think they are something that has to go. When it comes to the power of them a single nuke is destructive on its own. Two thirds of Hiroshima ended up getting destroyed by an amount of uranium the size of a pepper corn and nowadays nukes are a lot more powerful. I know we don't have ones this powerful outside the test but here is how powerful the Castle Bravo test was. I'm going to remember this as best as I can from the podcast about the Illusion of Safety book. If you detonated that thing in Washington DC the fallout would kill everybody there, everybody in Philadelphia and half of New York. Like I said it was a test nuke but the nukes of today are still powerful. You don't need to drop a shit load to fuck up a nation. Once one is dropped the damage done will take years for the area to be liveable again. A weapon like that is just wrong.

When it comes to accidents it's amazing that the US didn't have any go off in the country. There's been a few times where a nuke ended up falling out of the bomb bay and there was one that almost nuked North Carolina. If it wasn't for the 5 safety lock that thing would have went off due to the other being triggered. Then there is the Titian 2 which is 3 times as powerful as every explosive weapon that was used in WW2 including the two nukes. A socket from a wrench ended up falling off and on the way down it punched a hole in the rocket which caused the fuel to leak. If a spark ended up causing that to go off that nuke would have went along with it. Recently the US lost track of 50 nukes due to the connection between the base and the control enter going dead. Yes you would still need codes to launch them but it's still the fact we lost track of our nukes. Something like that could be deadly in a terrorist type of attack. There are many other accidents as well that happened. For the US itself we are probably the safest at handling them but it still doesn't change that we almost nuked our self's or lost track of our nukes. Imaging how well nukes are handled in places like India and Pakistan. When an advanced nation like the US has problems with handling nukes less developed countries would have it even worse which is a problem.   

The more countries that have nukes the problem about them greatly increases. Lets face it if every country had nukes that there wouldn't decrease the chances of a nuclear war. The chance of one braking out would greatly increase due to more countries having them and the problems along with it. In the US a glitch ended up making it look like Russia ended up sending 2,000 nukes our way. Imagine a glitch like that happening in a country that is about 10 minutes away strike range from another country that has them. There wouldn't be much time to think so they might panic and send the nukes without first seeing if it is really a strike being launched at them. The more nukes you have the higher the chances of a war with them, the threat of a terrorist act increases and so does the accidents. If we truly want to be safe with nukes then would should deactivate them and pretend they are armed. Nuclear weapons are nothing more than an illusion of safety.

Bethesda offtopic forum
It's sad when they lock threads at 200 posts do to site problems meanwhile this site which is made by a random is better designed.

T4R. This place is dead and a wasteland. Anyone who still comes here either shitposts or is exclusively hostile or sarcastic.

I've noticed that too. There's been a dip in post activity, although population size has been pretty good. And yeah, people love to post memes and joke around; It's starting to annoy me too, but I'm not sure a whole lot can be changed without upsetting a lot of people. There's always Serious for discussing topics without memes...
What kind of discussion do you like most?

I actually enjoy debates, but haven't done any here since I have to keep up this admin facade. But just regular discussion is good too; memes and play insults have their time, but after a few dozen times, they get annoying.
You know what else is annoying?

The Flood / Furry Force Part 3.
« on: July 29, 2015, 05:20:00 AM »


The Flood / Re: Goodbye flood
« on: July 29, 2015, 05:17:24 AM »

Gaming / Re: GwG August
« on: July 29, 2015, 05:15:20 AM »
Metal Gear.
Oh boy a tech demo.

Gaming / Re: What game has your favorite soundtrack that isn't a OST?
« on: July 28, 2015, 09:03:52 PM »
Don't think i've played a game like that

damn old people
>young people

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