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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 118119120 121122 ... 302
Gaming / Re: Which FPS (framerate) do you prefer?
« on: October 11, 2015, 06:24:40 AM »
Why would anybody not want the highest frame rate that can be achieved for whatever system?
muh filmic quality
I know you're joking but for the people that say that shit should go watch some WW1 footage.

Gaming / Re: Which FPS (framerate) do you prefer?
« on: October 11, 2015, 06:22:02 AM »
Why would anybody not want the highest frame rate that can be achieved for whatever system?

Serious / Re: So like...I sympathize with some NeoNazi ideology
« on: October 11, 2015, 06:19:21 AM »
Specifically how it views race mixing as a negative thing to be avoided.
How can we have race mixing when we're only reproducing with other humans? The color of your skin or what you look like doesn't change what race you are since we're all human. There is no such thing as as black race of humanoids, a white race of humanoids or an Asian one. We're all part of the same race called "human". That whole race shit is retarded.

Gaming / Re: So what's the verdict on Battlefront (if there is one, yet)?
« on: October 11, 2015, 05:53:43 AM »
Honestly I am having fun is this and to me this game is the same as I see GTA 4 and Judgement. They're not bad games but when you compare them to the other games in the series before them that's when they look bad. One thing I do hope they fix  are the snow speeders. I ended up taking out both walkers in about a minute. Those things are OP as fuck when it comes to that cable.

Also or Walker Assault why is it up to the ATAT's to take out that shield? A Star Destroyer could simply do it since it's already below the shield or a group of TIEs could also do it.  Hell since there's already Star Destroyers below the shield they could simply attack the base already. The only thing they have to do is send a group of them under it.

Gaming / Re: So what's the verdict on Battlefront (if there is one, yet)?
« on: October 11, 2015, 05:46:40 AM »
I played a single match yesterday and I turned the system off once it was done with. That was one of the most boring things I've played. I've spent a great deal of time looking for someone to kill and it's bullshit that you have to unlock vehicles, weapons and equipment. God forbid the class system stayed in place and the vehicles are located on the map like the other games.
You wot

The vehicles are all located on the map, you have to go and pick them up and call them in.
Finding them is a bitch and if you do find an icon it takes time to get the vehicle and you can get killed during that period. I ended up getting killed at the last second because of that bullshit. Those icons are a retarded design which makes no sense at all. There's no damn good reason why the vehicles couldn't have been handled in the same way Battlefield has them. BF4 and Hardline don't use icons so why should this game when it's the same shit?

Serious / Re: El Chapo put a $100 Million contract on Trump
« on: October 11, 2015, 05:40:21 AM »
Some group of Mexicans are going to dig a tunnel under Trumps house and storm the place by that.
It's gonna be a nice one too, with an armory locker and good lighting.
Hardworking mexicans man.
The stereotype is that they work hard not that they create things of great quality.

Did you see the tunnel they made for El Chapo to get out of prison? It was nice! Had lighting, a dirt bike, even a disguised house!
I seen that on 60minutes and that shit they dug is amazing. Chapo's house as one epic tunnel system under it. His bath tube lifts up which has an entrance under it.

The Flood / Re: I keep going back to to see if it's any better
« on: October 10, 2015, 07:01:57 AM »
I didn't think it was possible but Bnet manged to get worse. Now you need to play their shitty game just to post in any of their forums.

Serious / Re: El Chapo put a $100 Million contract on Trump
« on: October 10, 2015, 06:43:57 AM »
Some group of Mexicans are going to dig a tunnel under Trumps house and storm the place by that.

Serious / Re: Texas campus carry law
« on: October 10, 2015, 06:41:41 AM »
What a great idea. When somebody does decide to do a shooting every John Wayne is going to be firing like an ass. Chances are there's going to be people that get shot in the crossfire that's not from the shooter.

Serious / Re: So, what has your local police department bought lately?
« on: October 10, 2015, 06:38:52 AM »
My county isn't listed...

Gaming / Re: So what's the verdict on Battlefront (if there is one, yet)?
« on: October 10, 2015, 06:36:19 AM »
I played a single match yesterday and I turned the system off once it was done with. That was one of the most boring things I've played. I've spent a great deal of time looking for someone to kill and it's bullshit that you have to unlock vehicles, weapons and equipment. God forbid the class system stayed in place and the vehicles are located on the map like the other games.

Gaming / Re: So what's the verdict on Battlefront (if there is one, yet)?
« on: October 09, 2015, 07:09:30 PM »
This is so fucking good 10/10
How much did EA pay you to say that?

Serious / Re: Do all men cheat?
« on: October 09, 2015, 07:09:01 PM »
Well I beat San Andreas using cheat codes.

Gaming / Re: So what's the verdict on Battlefront (if there is one, yet)?
« on: October 09, 2015, 07:08:15 PM »
Battlefront 3 got cancelled twice. 

Who needs education or run down neighborhoods fixed up when you can have a jet that's not going to get used instead. 

Gaming / Re: Hey guys, checkout this awesome Battlefront gameplay.
« on: October 09, 2015, 06:14:25 PM »
Just give me Imperial Commando

but travissty quit star wars
Her Gears of War books aren't that bad.

Gaming / Re: Hey guys, checkout this awesome Battlefront gameplay.
« on: October 09, 2015, 06:01:50 AM »
Whether thats real or not it looks better than what theyre giving us
It was going to be real then out of sheer stupidity LucasArts cancelled the game when it was withing 90some% finished. Elite Squadron is basically what that game was going to be like due to the story and content being the same. Years after that game got cancelled LucasArts ended up developing their own Battlefront 3 which ended up getting cancelled due to Disney.

Pandemic went under in development.

Speaking of cancelled games, rest in rip Star Wars 1313
After all these years that Star Wars existed the adult fanbase was finally getting an adult targeted thing and it gets cancelled. It's sad that there are fans that are old enough to have grand kids and the only adult targeted thing that Star Wars has is the porn.

Now disney's here to make sure that Star Wars is always a kids thing
But Star Wars has always been a family-friendly franchise so...
It still doesn't hurt to give the older fanbase something just for them to enjoy.

Serious / For once something fucked up didn't happen in Florida.
« on: October 09, 2015, 05:15:30 AM »
Son Said He Felt 'Good' After Murdering His Mother and Cutting Out Her Heart: Reports
A California man charged with murdering his mother told police that killing her and desecrating her body felt “good,” according to reports. Omar Pettigen, 31, allegedly used a tomahawk that hung on the wall of his 64-year-old mother’s Monroe apartment to strike her on the head before shooting her in the back at least seven times and cutting open her chest to pick up her heart, according to court documents obtained by The New York Daily News.

He put the heart back in Nailah Pettigen’s body and then reportedly masturbated because “he needed to be with himself and needed a release after the event,” the documents apparently said. Omar Pettigen allegedly said the gruesome act felt “good” when he was arrested north of Oakland on Sunday, wrote.

His arrest came after police discovered the woman’s body in her blood-soaked bedroom, according to the News. They were performing a welfare check on the behest of Nailah Pettigen’s ex-husband. The former American High School math teacher “appeared to have been disemboweled,” the News wrote, noting she had been cut from her neck down to her cervix.

Omar Pettigen allegedly told detectives he comitted the act because his mother was killing herself with prescription painkillers, which he said she had become addicted to after hip and knee problems as well as surgery, the News wrote. He allegeldy told detectives that his mother was yelling at him and during the argument, she pointed a gun at him, which prompted him to grab a hammer off the bedroom wall to knock the gun out of her hand, wrote. He left the room and returned with the tomahawk.

He allegedly told police that after the gruesome killing, he left the home, had a few beers with friends and booked an airline ticket for Chicago, the News reported. Police said Omar Pettigen “did not show any signs of remorse,” the News said. “I asked how he felt about his actions and he said good,” a detective reportedly wrote.

Family members that the detective spoke with said the mother and son had not been getting along, going on to allegedly say "it is well known that the family has seen a change in Omar since he has returned from Morocco several months prior to the murder," the News reported. He was arraigned Tuesday on charges of murder and desecration of human remains and was ordered held without bail, the News wrote. That court appearance came one day after a candle light vigil was held by loved ones, including her former students and friends.

Gaming / Re: Hey guys, checkout this awesome Battlefront gameplay.
« on: October 09, 2015, 05:09:08 AM »
Whether thats real or not it looks better than what theyre giving us
It was going to be real then out of sheer stupidity LucasArts cancelled the game when it was withing 90some% finished. Elite Squadron is basically what that game was going to be like due to the story and content being the same. Years after that game got cancelled LucasArts ended up developing their own Battlefront 3 which ended up getting cancelled due to Disney.

Pandemic went under in development.

Speaking of cancelled games, rest in rip Star Wars 1313
After all these years that Star Wars existed the adult fanbase was finally getting an adult targeted thing and it gets cancelled. It's sad that there are fans that are old enough to have grand kids and the only adult targeted thing that Star Wars has is the porn. 

Gaming / Re: Hey guys, checkout this awesome Battlefront gameplay.
« on: October 09, 2015, 05:04:31 AM »
Whether thats real or not it looks better than what theyre giving us
It was going to be real then out of sheer stupidity LucasArts cancelled the game when it was withing 90some% finished. Elite Squadron is basically what that game was going to be like due to the story and content being the same. Years after that game got cancelled LucasArts ended up developing their own Battlefront 3 which ended up getting cancelled due to Disney.

Gaming / Re: So i played H3 on the X360 for the first time in a while...
« on: October 09, 2015, 04:59:26 AM »
That, and the fact that hit registration was actually on point on the X360 version (I'm still waiting).
ok. this is objectively wrong.

that game had a terrible netcode. the guns werent hitscan. hit registration was so bad that they BUILT IN a bullet refund system.
One SWAT game I had I ended up getting hit in the head but I didn't die due to only one or two of the BR's three bullets hitting me. Was that due to the netcode or the gun only being program to kill when all three bullets from the burst impacts you?

The Flood / Re: Booty Thread?
« on: October 09, 2015, 04:55:34 AM »
If only Cam was here to post his overweight fat fucks.

When it comes to ones like baseball, basketball, football, soccer or tennis. What about them keeps them entertaining to watch for lets say three years? To me they would get repetitive fast due to each game ending up in one of two ways. Either team A and team B are equal with each other or team A ends up rapping team B. The same would go for single player sports like tennis or fighting ones like boxing. Either both people are going to be equal or one person is greatly better than the other. To me watching some where each game setup is hardly going to change would get boring after one year. 

Serious / Re: NASA set to announce another discovery. This time, Pluto
« on: October 09, 2015, 04:40:45 AM »
inb4 it's a joke.

Gaming / Hey guys, checkout this awesome Battlefront gameplay.
« on: October 09, 2015, 04:39:09 AM »

I deserve to get banned for reminding people that this game almost came out.

Gaming / Re: So what's the verdict on Battlefront (if there is one, yet)?
« on: October 09, 2015, 04:34:55 AM »
Looks like Battlefront but plays nothing like it
So it doesn't play like a Battlefield clone?

It does, that's why I said it looks like BattleFRONT but plays nothing like it. It plays like Starwars: BattleFIELD, though
Battlefront was Star Wars: Battlefield

No it wasn't
Go play Battlefront 1 or 2 then go play BF 1942. 

Gaming / Re: Will Star Wars Battlefront live up to the Battlefront name?
« on: October 09, 2015, 04:33:25 AM »
Lel. A game from 2004 or 5 has more content to it than this game that is coming out 10 years latter which is on more powerful systems. Even if we get the Clone Wars or space battles they're going to be DLC and if they are free there's going to be piss poor content for them unless you buy it. Then there's the player cap which is only 40 players even on PC. Battlefront 2 has a player cap of 64 players on PC which is a older game which came out on weaker hardware. To me the whole purpose of having a player cap that low is just so this game doesn't overshadow Battlefield.

The Flood / Re: Gotta write a 4 page paper on Female Empowerment
« on: October 06, 2015, 05:22:37 AM »
Writing about the feminist movement alone would be more than enough to cover four pages
It's a good thing Jay has a post history on Bnet.

The Flood / Re: What are the drawbacks to having sex with an octopus?
« on: October 06, 2015, 05:20:01 AM »
I was bad.

Gaming / Re: I'm gonna make a Sep7agon Community on PS4
« on: October 06, 2015, 04:39:37 AM »

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