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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

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Septagon / Re: idea for anarchy
« on: October 18, 2015, 10:30:33 AM »
We should have a version that's for only Americans so that way we can loli post.

Gaming / Re: Minecraft Story Mode scores are in...
« on: October 18, 2015, 10:19:09 AM »
I take it the game didn't live up to the hype and it's not Telltale's best work?

Gaming / Re: halo is dad | 9 days to Halo 5 | No spoilers allowed
« on: October 18, 2015, 10:05:52 AM »
Nothing beats when TB members got put in their place on their forums by Frankie for being so obnoxious.

Happens in this thread

(images from Tackel)
I'm most likely stereotyping but I take it the majority of the people on that site want Halo to be built exactly how they want it and nothing built for the non-competitive population? 

The Flood / Re: Would this be considered murder or suicide?
« on: October 18, 2015, 10:03:45 AM »
Murder. The instant after replication the body experiences different stimuli that the chip has not, therefor the two are measurably different in memory and thought.
Nobody with the chip finds out they have one until it gets pointed out or they discoverer it. None of the adults knew about it until Nova went public about it and showed them what the chip looks like and told them what happens. When they get the chip it's as if nothing happened at all to the body. Their memories, thought processes and personalty are exactly the same before and after the chip.

The Flood / Would this be considered murder or suicide?
« on: October 18, 2015, 09:56:20 AM »
I'm going to use the Tiphareans from Battle Angle Alita as an example. When they turn 19 their brain is replaced with a chip and their memories are copied to it which goes into their body. The brain goes to the incubator and the body that has the chip still goes on living as if nothing happened at all. So the brain is on a type of life support and their body goes on living the same life since the chip in it is a perfect clone of them.

My question is lets say the clone finds out what really happens when someone turns 19 and they manged to hack into the incubator to find the brain that was in their body. Since the brain is still alive the clone is able to cut it off which would result in brain death. So then would it be murder if they do cut the life support since they are a clone or would it be suicide due to them being a perfect copy of the brain which means they have the same type of thinking? Cutting off the life support in a way would be committing suicide due to them killing them self. Yes they are a clone of this brain but it would be like holding a gun up to your head. Whatever thought process you have during pulling the trigger would be used in thinking about cutting of the life support. 

The Flood / Re: I saw somebody get shot tonight
« on: October 18, 2015, 09:37:26 AM »
Not a gun problem here folks.

The Flood / Re: You are in a prison shower...
« on: October 18, 2015, 07:19:34 AM »
I ask him if he's a health inspector.

Gaming / Re: halo is dad | 10 days to Halo 5 | No spoilers allowed
« on: October 18, 2015, 06:48:56 AM »
I still think 343 missed a golden opportunity to make Buck, Mickey and Dutch their own spartan squad - fireteam Firefly.
It would get cancelled after this first mission.

When he got spotted did the person that catch him have a giant ! over their head?

Serious / Re: "America does not have a gun problem..."
« on: October 17, 2015, 06:39:41 AM »
The only gun problem America has is all the gun restrictions and not everybody being armed to the teeth.

Gaming / Re: Which Game Rating Destroyed Your Faith in Published Reviews?
« on: October 17, 2015, 06:38:29 AM »
It's not a rating but it's the shit with IGN. They go from starting out with an article about the shit that's wrong with Battlefront, then they make one about if we should be worried about the game and now they have one about there being no reason to worry about it. Then or Halo 4 in their review they praise the game and about two or so years latter they have an article that's bashing it.


The Flood / Re: How to make your own fleshlight
« on: October 14, 2015, 04:58:00 AM »
I want to see a vid where some chick has one inside her vag and she's getting fucked there.

The Flood / Re: How do you deal with straight edges?
« on: October 14, 2015, 04:56:22 AM »
Why do you need to drink or smoke to have fun? There's many other ways to have fun with this person that doesn't involve consuming substances. It's your own fault if you can't think of anything else to do besides those two things. If anything the person that sounds the least fun is you.

I have my AK with 160rounds and two 30round mags.

Serious / Re: Army: Women will have to register for the draft
« on: October 14, 2015, 04:38:29 AM »
Hopefully this will get congress to actually do away with the draft.

The military doesn't even want it in place so it doesn't even serve the institution it was implemented to.

Liberal as I am, I'm all for compulsory military service for everyone at 18.

I believe the rich and powerful would be less likely to wage war if their kids could be sent
Even if their kids get sent they're going to pull some strings to make sure they don't have any combat roles or are not anywhere close to the front.

Serious / Re: Army: Women will have to register for the draft
« on: October 14, 2015, 04:35:23 AM »
Women will eventually have to register for the draft if "true and pure equality" is to be realized in the U.S. military,
That's never going to happen when women have a different stranded test than the men. If the US wants and women want to be in the military than they should go be the same standards that the men have to.

Gaming / Re: New Destiny Class Unveiled
« on: October 14, 2015, 04:32:46 AM »

Shouldn't it be "Shut up and give me your shekels"?

I got that game in 2011 and I still haven't beat it. The dialog in the game is painful, the save system is shit and the cutsceens are unnecessary long. 

The Flood / Re: Am I ugly
« on: October 14, 2015, 04:27:56 AM »
Holy shit put that plastic bag back over your head.
If that's you on your avatar, I think you're the one that should have the bag on your head imo, then tie it around your neck, and tighten it. Make sure there aren't holes either
If that's you in yours than you aren't any better looking.

The Flood / Re: memes that need to die
« on: October 13, 2015, 07:49:44 AM »
- calling girls "grills"
But Verb just like grills girls also have racks and you can put your meat in them.

how much of a 343 shill does it make me if I'm getting the console and the limited collector's edition
Far out man you're worse than Logfish.
Was that kid just trolling us or was he serous?

The Flood / Re: Am I ugly
« on: October 13, 2015, 05:09:23 AM »
Holy shit put that plastic bag back over your head.

The Flood / Re: in order to post on bnet you must be a desticle
« on: October 13, 2015, 05:06:56 AM »
WTF is a desticle?
It's an ignorant Destiny player that refuses to accept any faults with the game and before it also meant a Destiny player posting in the wrong forum. Gaming ended up being overrun with Destiny threads due to a shit load of users posting Destiny shit in that forum. Even though we told them that #­gaming was for non-Destiny discussions and #Destiny was their for Destiny threads they refused to listen to that. No matter how many times you made it clear to them they still thought Destiny could go in #­gaming because of the name for the forum. What didn't help is that the mods were doing nothing about it and that the dipshits that did the update didn't make it clear what goes into #­gaming.

The Flood / Re: in order to post on bnet you must be a desticle
« on: October 13, 2015, 04:56:10 AM »
Looking back it's ironic that other members and myself were telling Destiny kids that #­gaming wasn't a Destiny forum and that Bnet wasn't a Destiny site.

The Flood / Re: Have you ever fantasizes about being raped by a tentacle?
« on: October 13, 2015, 04:52:09 AM »
I'm not a girl so no.

The Flood / Re: I Will Rate You Out Of 1O
« on: October 13, 2015, 04:51:46 AM »

Gaming / Re: Battlefront Demo Discussion Thread
« on: October 13, 2015, 04:39:05 AM »
Just played my first match. I enjoyed it.
Not worth £40, but I'll definitely consider getting it in the future for cheap.
Same here. Before the beta came out I thought the game was going to be shit and since playing it I've found it to be fun.

I'm going to pre-order today so how many of you are going to have the game lunch day or withing the first week?


Gaming / Re: So what's the verdict on Battlefront (if there is one, yet)?
« on: October 11, 2015, 04:56:53 PM »
I played a single match yesterday and I turned the system off once it was done with. That was one of the most boring things I've played. I've spent a great deal of time looking for someone to kill and it's bullshit that you have to unlock vehicles, weapons and equipment. God forbid the class system stayed in place and the vehicles are located on the map like the other games.
You wot

The vehicles are all located on the map, you have to go and pick them up and call them in.
Finding them is a bitch and if you do find an icon it takes time to get the vehicle and you can get killed during that period. I ended up getting killed at the last second because of that bullshit. Those icons are a retarded design which makes no sense at all. There's no damn good reason why the vehicles couldn't have been handled in the same way Battlefield has them. BF4 and Hardline don't use icons so why should this game when it's the same shit?
They could have been if they were just making a battlefield clone.

If you are getting killed when trying to call something in you have two options.
1. Grab the pickup and jetpack away whilst simultaneously calling it in. You'll land on the ground right as the timer is complete.
2. Bubbleshield that shit and hope they don't have a sniper

The first of the two works 19 times out of 20 (from what I've tried)
I should be using the jetpack to be getting to the vehicle and the shield for defending myself at an objective. I shouldn't have to use equipment just to get inside the damn thing. The vehicles in the game should be easy to spot and easy to get into, not the other way around. Even if you know where the icons are at depending on the location it would be hard to tell if they're still there at a distance. When it comes to the icons they should have been large highlights of them and not small circles. When it comes to entering one the time it takes should be at least the time it takes for Halo.

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