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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 106107108 109110 ... 302
The Flood / Re: You guys drive great members away
« on: November 16, 2015, 06:50:08 PM »
Since you miss him so much then why don't you log onto your Mad Max account?

Even if he is nominated, he won't be elected.

You underestimate how much people hate Hillary.
They better get

Gaming / Re: "It's good to be back." | Fallout Megathread
« on: November 16, 2015, 06:39:51 PM »
Are scopes in this game working how they are supposed to? With Fallout 3 and NV they are pointless due to the enemies only appearing by the players sight and not the scope. So even though you are looking at an area 150ft away with a scope you have to get withing 50ft of it to see the enemies. 

Gaming / Re: "It's good to be back." | Fallout Megathread
« on: November 16, 2015, 07:36:13 AM »
Remember in Fallout 2 you could have 5 companions with you at one time? Those were the days.

The Flood / Re: Why is Youtube retarded?
« on: November 16, 2015, 07:32:09 AM »
Are you sure it's YouTube and not you who is retarded?
Many things are unkown in this universe, but there are two things that I do know. You're retarded, and you're a faggot.
Were you thinking of yourself when you typed that?

Be careful where you post then.
As long as I'm not spamming up a forum with wrong threads or breaking any rules with a post I shouldn't have to worry about getting banned, nor should I be getting banned for them.

Te carpet bans and the mods banning you on their own feelings sure was great. For the feelings thing I made a porchday thread and the reason I got banned was because it wasn't porchday. Then when the day came I made a thread and got banned for it. The site was a joke even before the update. The mods there are not as great as you people make them out to be.
Also maybe if you posted better you wouldn't have got banned lol
Don't give me that bullshit. You can accidentally post in the wrong thread and get banned due to carpet bans. No amount of better posting is going to change that. You can be a member for 10 years that hasn't got even a warning and get banned due to that. For my other experience I should be able to go by the word of a mod. The mods should not be allowed to fuck with the members by telling them one thing and if you go by it you get banned by another.

Septagon / Re: VOTE TO DEMOTE LC
« on: November 16, 2015, 05:00:51 AM »
If he wants to keep his power then he should post a nude pic of himself!

Gaming / Do any of you play Quake Live?
« on: November 16, 2015, 04:57:23 AM »
inb4 o0MrCheesy0o

The Flood / Re: Why is Youtube retarded?
« on: November 16, 2015, 04:47:18 AM »
Are you sure it's YouTube and not you who is retarded?

Gaming / Re: All hail the conquering hero
« on: November 16, 2015, 04:46:22 AM »

Gaming / Re: What have you been playing?
« on: November 16, 2015, 04:44:59 AM »
The Sandwicher 3.

The Flood / Re: Did anyone here actually try the black Burger King burger
« on: November 16, 2015, 04:43:50 AM »
I seen that episode of Spongebob so, nope. I'm not having my tongue or body become black. 

The Flood / Re: Should I get these boots in black or grey?
« on: November 16, 2015, 04:42:44 AM »
They look like overpriced shits that's going to fall apart on you in about a year or two at most.

The Flood / Spoiler I have a question for those of you that seen the movie Ex Machina.
« on: November 16, 2015, 04:41:02 AM »
How many of you were expecting the movie to end like that when Caleb first told Ava his plans for escape? I had a feeling Nathan was going to find out somehow so Caleb would have a change of them but I wasn't expecting him to get fucked over.

 I do love that the movie ends in a more realistic approach. When you see the footage for the other androids they all were freaking out, but not Ava. She simply acknowledge where she was at and handled it and when Caleb came she used him. She basically mind fucked him when she told him Nathan tells lies and not to trust him. Fooling Nathan would be hard but for Caleb which is a guy that knows nothing about her would be easy. All she had to do was fool him into thinking he was in control or that she was fully with him. Then once her chance came she didn't need Caleb anymore and she went her way. You can tell she no real attachment for Caleb when she walked by Caleb and didn't look at him and she didn't look back when she left the entrance. She just kept on walking to the helicopter as if she's not leaving anything behind.

Te carpet bans and the mods banning you on their own feelings sure was great. For the feelings thing I made a porchday thread and the reason I got banned was because it wasn't porchday. Then when the day came I made a thread and got banned for it. The site was a joke even before the update. The mods there are not as great as you people make them out to be.

Serious / Re: Shootings/explosions/hostages held in Paris. [149 dead]
« on: November 14, 2015, 11:02:28 AM »
Passport survives but the bomber blew up. The fuck they make those things out of? Space shuttle grade kevlar? That seems highly conveniant, honestly.
Parents are already conjuring up conspiracy theories based on that and a few other things.
The parents of the murderers?
No, mine.
What are they saying?
That it "seems staged", for the purpose of getting people riled up.

Not "staged" in the sense that no one died, but a "9/11 was an inside job" type thing.
They believe that, too.
Do they also believe that the moon landings were fake? I'm just curious because they think 9/11 was an inside job so to me that implies they might believe in other conspiracy theories. I'm sorry if I'm sounding like a smart ass by asking that like I said I'm simply curious. 

The Flood / Re: Click this, for a hilarious joke
« on: November 14, 2015, 09:22:19 AM »
I was expecting women's rights.

The Flood / Re: >sick because of vidya
« on: November 14, 2015, 09:18:14 AM »

Serious / Re: Indonesia's Fire Crisis
« on: November 14, 2015, 09:01:53 AM »
The real interesting thing about this, is that there's been no media coverage of it whatsover. In almost any country, when it's a pretty damn big issue at the moment.
That's because they're not white.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 14, 2015, 07:08:28 AM »


Look at these themes that were explored in Halo 5

I really think the script must have went through some changes. I wanted to see a Guardian cause total destruction to a city, have the Infinity crash land on Meridian. Civilians die, Locke finds Chief, fights him, but he escapes on the Guardian. Everyone thinks Chief is a traitor for activating it, which he really didn't because it was Cortana. But then that really doesn't work because we know Cortana's back from the many things the game could have done better. I loved those trailers.
I'm thinking that as well. Every build up we got for Halo 5 was just pointless due to the game not in corroborating any of it. There's that trailer of the MC walking in the desert and he comes across that guardian. Due to him wearing the cloak he most likely wore it as camouflage to stay hiding. When it comes to the game he was not hiding from anybody at all and instead of being on the run he's just finding Cortana.

For the those two point of view trailers there wasn't a level where we came across the Chief like that and there was no real conflict at all between the two. In the Locke trailer you can tell he has something against the guy and wants to make him pay for whatever he thought he did. When it comes to the game there is no hate for the guy and there's no real reason at first why him and his team were looking for John. The whole AWOL thing was a dumb reason for us to track him down. There should have been a stronger reason than that to put the events into motion.

I haven't listened to Hunt The Truth but from what I read the game treats it like it never happened and I an tell in the game it has nothing to do with it.

Hunt The Truth wasn't even conceived until February this year (And it was originally a five part series to air over the course of one week). By that point, the game was in late development, so it's hardly fair to criticism the game for not mentioning events which hadn't been thought of when it was written.
It's perfectly fair to criticize the game for it when it's another misleading build up for it. Since it has nothing to do with the game then it should have not been created in the first place. It's complete bullshit releasing something like that to build up hype that isn't there. 

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 14, 2015, 06:52:38 AM »


Look at these themes that were explored in Halo 5

I really think the script must have went through some changes. I wanted to see a Guardian cause total destruction to a city, have the Infinity crash land on Meridian. Civilians die, Locke finds Chief, fights him, but he escapes on the Guardian. Everyone thinks Chief is a traitor for activating it, which he really didn't because it was Cortana. But then that really doesn't work because we know Cortana's back from the many things the game could have done better. I loved those trailers.
I'm thinking that as well. Every build up we got for Halo 5 was just pointless due to the game not in corroborating any of it. There's that trailer of the MC walking in the desert and he comes across that guardian. Due to him wearing the cloak he most likely wore it as camouflage to stay hiding. When it comes to the game he was not hiding from anybody at all and instead of being on the run he's just finding Cortana. Then for him searching for her like what we seen in the trailer we did none of that. We just had one level where we already knew the location of her and we just went to it by her telling us where it is.
For the those two point of view trailers there wasn't a level where we came across the Chief like that and there was no real conflict at all between the two. In the Locke trailer you can tell he has something against the guy and wants to make him pay for whatever he thought he did. When it comes to the game there is no hate for the guy and there's no real reason at first why him and his team were looking for John. The whole AWOL thing was a dumb reason for us to track him down. There should have been a stronger reason than that to put the events into motion.

I haven't listened to Hunt The Truth but from what I read the game treats it like it never happened and I an tell in the game it has nothing to do with it.

Gaming / Re: New Yooka-Laylee character
« on: November 13, 2015, 06:09:19 PM »

Gaming / Re: Possibly the end of DLC for SSB4 is near...
« on: November 13, 2015, 06:07:17 PM »
Oh the humanity.

The Flood / Re: Which is worse? Being an ugly guy or an ugly girl?
« on: November 13, 2015, 06:03:30 PM »
Lets face it for girls all you need to be is skinny. When it comes to guys you need to be in great shape, look great and have a large dick. Basically you need to look something like that guy in Jurassic World.

Sports fans sure are crazy.

Serious / Re: Shootings/explosions/hostages held in Paris. [26 dead]
« on: November 13, 2015, 05:45:18 PM »
Sounds like they have roughly 100 people being held hostage in a theater too.
The Spetsnaz should be called in for that shit if there was time to.

Serious / Re: Shootings/explosions/hostages held in Paris. [60 dead]
« on: November 13, 2015, 05:42:08 PM »
For once a major shooting is not taking place in the US.

Gaming / Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« on: November 13, 2015, 05:35:47 PM »
Is there instant action or a game mode that's similar to it? For being similar instead of having a map that expands we all fight for the same CP's just like in the other games and we stay in the same map area.   

The Flood / Re: Whatever happened to SpartainKen15?
« on: November 13, 2015, 05:03:09 AM »
I remember the name, but not much about him.

What was he like?
He was the biggest Bungie dick rider there ever was
What about Burritosenior?(It's burrito something.)

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