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Topics - Mattie G Indahouse

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Gaming / Leaked Halo 5 campaign gameplay.
« on: December 31, 2014, 08:55:57 PM »

The Flood / ITT we show off our manly facial hair.
« on: December 30, 2014, 07:03:55 PM »
I'm sorry if my image broke your monitor or cracked your device's screen.

Gaming / How come FPS games don't have random weather effects for the maps?
« on: December 30, 2014, 06:27:34 PM »
This is an idea my dad came up with when he was watching my uncle playing Black OPS 2. His idea is that instead of the map being the same thing each and every time you're playing it. Instead each time you play it the weather for the map is different. So one time it's sunny out, one time it's storming out, one time it's snowing out, one time it's all foggy, one time it's having a hurricane and one time it's night.. For the fog that would effect your visibility greatly and so would it being night. For the hurricane that would cause your bullets to drop and change their course. With something like this it would greatly help prevent a map from getting repetitive fast due to each time you play that map it's different. So how come this isn't a thing outside RPG like games?

For MLG or whatever this effect can controlled. So for custom games you can choose which effects you want to use and for matchmaking there can be playlists that have it set to sunny.

The Flood / Are those all in one PC's worth getting?
« on: December 29, 2014, 04:30:56 PM »
For my dad I'm thinking about getting him one for his birthday/Christmas present. He doesn't care for laptops and due to space the monitor also being the PC would work since he's use to desktops. So I was wondering if those things are worth it? I know with it only having 4GBram and whatnot he's not going to be gaming much. But he's just going to use it like a normal everyday PC. So then are these things worth it? I figured for a cooling system he can simply have a fan blowing out it. 

The Flood / So how did the Empire manage to control most of the galaxy?
« on: December 27, 2014, 09:10:00 AM »
I was wondering because of Return of The Jedi. When the fleet they had at Ender got defeated there was this galaxy wide celebration. One of the planets that was celebrating was Coruscant which would be the Empires home world or at least a major one. So because of this galactic wide celebration which also took place on a planetary scale on coruscant. That fleet at Ender must have been the only fleet they had and Vader and Palpatine must have been the only ones running the Empire. So then how exactly did the Empire managed to conquer must of the galaxy with a very small fleet and managed to be ran by two people for some years after A New Hope?

The Flood / Does anybody else here think Spartain Ken 15 is an idiot?
« on: December 25, 2014, 09:26:57 PM »
I honestly can't tell if he's trolling or his just a retard. It seems like all that kid does is suck dick all day. The only thing that kid loves more than armor lock is sucking cock. Oh god Ken is such a faaaaaaaaaaaggggg.

What I mean is that in the pilot they had a scene where Pike enters this castle and fights this fantasy like creature. Even though the pilot is for a sci-fi TV show they had a fantasy setting to it for a scene. So basically what if Destiny was like that? Instead it of being some generic sci-fi game that looks like something you already played before. It's a hybrid of the two. So the game would have something like that castle but it has a sci-fi twist to it. It would look kinda like a castle version of Coruscant. For the creatures they are fantasy like but they have weapons like pikes which fire plasma. And for the magic it would be like how mass effect handles it. Would a game like that done far better and be received a lot better since something like this would be different and would require more thought put into it?

The Flood / NRS-2. Russian knife that fires a bullet.
« on: December 25, 2014, 05:37:35 PM »

Today my grandma was walking to her mailbox and she get nailed by a car that had these accessories on it in the image below. She ended up getting a broken leg, some bumps and some cuts. Right now we are at the hospital. What are great Christmas.

The Flood / Santa isn't real.
« on: December 24, 2014, 11:19:34 AM »
Just saying he only exists in media and books just like this one deity.

The Flood / Are tanto blades pointless for stabbing?
« on: December 24, 2014, 07:37:42 AM »
I know they were designed to make stabbing easier but to me I see no difference. I have a short K-Bar USMC that's tanto designed and I compared it to my USMC and my Becker BK7. When I hold the knives at the same angle and I push on my palm with them they feel the same. Tanto or not they both feel like they're going to go in as easily. I did the same thing with my chest which produced the same results. So is there some short of advantaged that they have over normal knife points?



The Flood / Today is my birthday you faggots!
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:03:37 AM »
What did you get me? Also are you fags jealous of my cake?

Gaming / Who's the voice actor for Gordon Freeman?
« on: December 23, 2014, 07:26:55 PM »
I was wondering because I noticed he has the same voice as chip from Spongebob and that rock from MLP. I tried Googling it but I couldn't find anything. So I was hopping you people would know who it is.

The Flood / If I wore this shirt in Japan would I get beat up for it?
« on: December 23, 2014, 06:08:43 PM »

The Flood / Tonight I might get visited by the Birthday Skeleton.
« on: December 23, 2014, 05:58:01 PM »
What should I wish for Floof? I'm thinking about wishing for getting lucky with Isara.  ;D 8)

Gaming / ITT retarded game logic.
« on: December 23, 2014, 07:28:16 AM »
Star Ocean The Last Hope:
-Instead of using our high tech rail guns we are using primitive weapons instead. Why? It's because of a single encounter with a single species on a single planet. With that retarded logic the military should get rid of AR's and start using rocket launchers instead because AR bullets are useless against tanks.

-Even though your sword or bow are built using better technology they are shit compared to shit built on back woods planets all because of progression. So even though my starting sword is able to cut through steel it's shit compared to a simple steel sword built in Skyrim(I'm using Skyrim as an example.). 

The Flood / Lock this. I was in a bad mood today.
« on: December 23, 2014, 06:22:52 AM »

The Flood / A freind of mine needs some girl advice.
« on: December 22, 2014, 05:39:47 PM »
So my freind has this girlfriend which he isn't getting along very well with. Every time I see him he tells me "I hate that bitch." The reason why is because she sits on her ass everyday while he is the one that has a job paying for their things including giving her money to spend. He's basically working his hands to the bone to support them. I think he loves her it's just he doesn't like the way she acts. Is there any advice I can give to him besides telling him to loose that bitch in the worst kind of way?

The Flood / Has Below Rader been changed in BF3?
« on: December 21, 2014, 05:30:14 PM »
Before Aftermath if I went below the radar, nothing would be able to lock onto me, but now it doesn't seem to do anything, no matter how close I get to the ground I can still get locked on, has it been changed?

Gaming / Is the Spartan 4 program the "true" spartan program?
« on: December 21, 2014, 06:51:35 AM »
The ORION Project didn't work out as great as what the people in charge of it thought it would be.

The Spartan 2 program did create effective super soldiers but at the same time I consider it a fail. They kidnapped kids and trained them which hinders the amount of people they have doing the program. If that wasn't bad enough then there's the augmentations which has a high casualty rate. So on top of having limited numbers in the program there's these augmentations which lowers the numbers even more. So you have to end up kidnapping even more children than what you should just to make up for the ones lost during the augmentations. The other problem is that it's a waste of time training kids. With people that are already soldiers you can put them into the field a lot sooner.

For the Spartan 3 program the Spartan weren't as great as the Spartan 2's physical wise but the augmentations were 100% safe. So if you have 500 people getting the augmentations done to them you will have 500 people after that to use. The only real negative thing about this program is that just like the Spartan 2 program they are kidnapping children for it.

Then there's the Spartan 4 program. The augmentations are as safe as the Spartan 3's but here's the great thing about this program. Instead of using kids they are using volunteers which gets rid of that dark aspect to the program. So there is really a limitless number of Spartans you can have for this program. The other good thing is that since they are using already trained people they don't have to waste as much time training them since they were kids. They are able to put these people into the fields as Spartans as soon as possible. 

Gaming / The new zoom mechanic for Halo 5 is great.
« on: December 19, 2014, 08:13:14 PM »
I hate to make the comparison but it does work in the same way and as well in games like CoD. You push down the left trigger to go in it and you release it to get out. So no more constantly clicking the analog stick to get in and it. It's a lot faster and easier. It also still has the dropout thing as well when you're talking damage. When you get shot you get out and it keeps you out of it until you're talking no more damage. So you can hold down the left trigger and not once get into it if I'm firing at you with the AR. 

Gaming / Anyone else having hearing problems in the Xbone party chat?
« on: December 19, 2014, 07:57:49 PM »
I was in one with BC and we couldn't hear each other. He wasn't able to hear me on his end and it was the same for me. My mic is not broken since I was able to talk and hear people in Halp 5.

The Flood / What's a good rifle for deer hunting?
« on: December 18, 2014, 05:07:37 AM »
So the worst case is that I'm not able to order in the shotgun I want or find one that I like. What would be a good rifle for $900 at max and a little beyond?

The Flood / Who wants to go to Stalin's World?
« on: December 17, 2014, 07:02:41 PM »
There has to be at least one of you that's a little nostalgic for the Soviet Union. 

I really can't explain what I'm asking. To me when you first walk into the town you see this community that seems more developed than the other locations in the game. You see people doing different things like their jobs, walking around or whatever. I know the other locations have people doing the same things but it seems like Riverwood is more developed around the people than the other locations. For example that city where the Companions is located at. There's people there but the city feels dead. It too damn empty unlike Riverwood which has the people that is based around its size. You don't see the amount of people doing things like you should.

The Flood / American Expeditionary Force Siberia 1918-1920.
« on: December 17, 2014, 05:09:47 AM »
Basically it's a cool unknown US force that got sent to Siberia. They got sent there to rescue 40,000 men of the Czechoslovak Legions and the main reason is to recover the military and railroad supplies we gave Russia for their fight with Germany.

The Flood / Do you have any sympathy for the Japanese soldiers in WW2?
« on: December 16, 2014, 05:26:59 AM »
For the Germans, the Italians and the others that fought on the same side I do. I know the Germans done bad things but it wasn't the whole German military. Sure there might have been some war crime like things the Germany army did but the Nazi's were the big ones for that. Those two things were separate. But for the Japanese I don't have any. I know I'm generalization but from the things their military did I just don't have any sympathy for their soldiers. Their whole army is pretty much on the same level as the Nazi's.

Gaming / So how did the Enclave in Fallout survive the nukes?
« on: December 15, 2014, 06:43:54 PM »
I was wondering because of Liberty Prime. Even though they are this shadow version of the US government that existed before the nukes fell. The somehow don't know the location of this giant robot that got put into storage sometime after that Alaskan battle. So to me since they have no clue where LP is they would also have no clue were the real vaults were and other safe government locations since those would be on record as well.
Yes I know I'm talking about the pre-nuke Enclave and comparing them to the post-nuke one. But even then they should know where the hell this thing is stored at.

Gaming / What's your opinion on this idea of mine for selling games?
« on: December 14, 2014, 05:14:03 PM »
So instead of selling a game that has both the campaign and MP it would be separate. For the campaign part you can buy a physical copy of it like you can normally do with games. You can also buy it online as well. For the MP that would be bought separately. That would be handled in the same way you buy online. You can either buy it online or by those cards you can find in stores. When you buy the campaign either way you get a one week trial for the MP. For the campaign there can simply be demos.

To me this would be a good idea simply because not everybody likes the campaign to a game or there's people that buy a game just for the campaign. So if you're buying a game like Halo 5 why should you pay full price for the game if you're only getting it for the story?

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