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Topics - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 151617 1819 ... 23
The Flood / Why don't anime characters look Japanese?
« on: January 31, 2015, 05:56:26 AM »
Shouldn't they look like this

instead of this?

Gaming / Do the Elder Scrolls games now feel all that fantasy to you?
« on: January 30, 2015, 07:05:26 PM »
For myself Oblivion(The only time that game gave off that feeling to me was from that DLC.) and Skyrim don't give off that feeling to me all that much. With Morrowind we have environments, buildings and creatures that look like they're from another world. With Oblivion and Skyrim we have shit that looks like it's from Earth. Instead of having some badass looking towns and castles that look like they're from LoTR or simlar. We have generic looking towns and castles that look like something from the middle ages.

For the creatures it's the same thing. Instead of having creatures that are based off of something or made up a lot of them are just shit we have on Earth. Oh boy bears and wolfs. Look at Shadow of Modor. The Caragor's are most likely a lion like animal. In Skyrim on the other hand instead of having a made up animal like that we just have a mounting lion that's from Earth. It's the same thing with the mounts. In LoTR not only do they have horses, but they have those giant pigs, those wolfs, those dragon like creatures and those Caragor's. In Oblivion and Skyrim we just have horses.   

The Flood / Did you guys here the news about Kiyo?
« on: January 30, 2015, 06:08:15 PM »
She got told that she was going to be removed from being a mod so she nuked her account before that happened.

The Flood / Be on a lookout for this guy.
« on: January 30, 2015, 05:14:45 AM »
That nigga stole my bike.

The Flood / Sep7agon Organ Trail Adventure.
« on: January 29, 2015, 05:13:12 AM »
Basically what I'm going to do is update the thread with the captions of what happened to us health wise.   
We lost BC.

The Flood / I bet I drive the best car here.
« on: January 28, 2015, 07:16:32 PM »
By the way the interior is crocodile alligator.

What I'm going to do is give updates every now and then on what happens throughout the game.

The Flood / How do I buy stocks?
« on: January 28, 2015, 07:32:30 AM »
For example if I want to buy stocks for Microsoft, Nintendo or Apple how would I do that? 

News / Inside the Infinium Labs Phantom Console.
« on: January 27, 2015, 05:16:19 AM »
So back in 2004 or 2005 there was this console called the "Phantom Console" that was supposed to be released. For what happened to it nobody knows except the people that were doing the thing. The release date for it just kept changing. In the article from GameSpot there are people from 2006 talking about. This thing was bascilly the Duke Nukem Forever version of a console. For the time the game was nothing more than vaporwear until it came out. With the console it's almost the same thing except it never came out. The closet thing that came out to it are those Alienware consoles that are out now.

For its time it was advanced. Think of it as the 360 or PS3 of its day. On it's marketplace you were able to buy games online and download them to the system which was something that became a thing for 7th gen. It had no CD drive so that was the only way to get games for the thing. The downloading thing was a good idea but due to internet speeds it would have flopped. It had built in wireless systems so you can use a wireless keyboard, mouse and controller on the thing. If you remember for the Xbox you had to get an attachment for a wireless controller to be used on it. So once again it was the 7th gen of it's day. It was also the Steam machine of it's day. Since it has no CD drive the only way to get games was like I said to download them. So the thing was pretty much the concept console for the Steam Machine. So Valve could have got the idea for their console from this.
Would it have made it if it had released? Most likely not if it didn't have that CD drive. Like I said the internet speeds for the day were too slow and the tech wasn't there for it to be dependent on just digital downloads. If anything it would have been the console version of a tech demo. The things it was going to be using were very advanced for the day or at least on consoles. No other console back then had wireless support built in and they didn't have the ability to be used with a keyboarded and mouse. For the specs they are listed in the first behind the system link.
For the games it was going to have all I know is what is being shown in that E3 video link. The first game is Unreal Tournament 4 and the other is some kids game. It's safe to say it would be playing the same games the Xbox and PS2 shared. For certain games like Morrowind it might have got that since it's a console version of a PC.

CNN article about it being a rival to the Xbox.

GameStop article about the redesign of the console.

Behind the Infinium Phantom Console.
Inside the system articles:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Promotion video:

E3 2004 gameplay:

Unreleased info footage:

Gaming / Remember this in-game show on Max Payne?
« on: January 26, 2015, 06:40:40 PM »

Still better story than Destiny.

Gaming / Why was the OUYA even made?
« on: January 26, 2015, 06:24:09 PM »
It shouldn't take a genius to figure out that the thing was going to flop like Magikarp. There's no market for a console that plays Android based games when nearly everybody has an Android device or a device that has access to the Google store. For the whole emulator thing the same thing can be done on your PC or other devices like my Nook.

It seems like the only reason why this thing was made was a pure money grab. The developers probably knew how bad it would do and they know there's going to be people that will buy the thing so they do a kick starter for it. They make the thing and sell it and once it flops it's done with.

The Flood / Would I get arrested for reenacting this?
« on: January 26, 2015, 05:59:41 PM »
I have a very strong urge to walk into a bank and do this. I honestly don't know if I would go to jail for this. It's innocent but technically I would be trying to rob the bank which is a big no no. 

News / The Sturmtiger(German: "Assault Tiger").
« on: January 26, 2015, 05:57:27 AM »
So basically it's a Tiger 1 chassis that is converted over to be a TD like looking vehicle with a large rocket launcher cannon on it. The thing weighed 68tons which is half a ton lighter than the Tiger 2 and 14tons lighter than the Tiger 1. The thing with the Tiger 1 is that the engine is underpowered and it suffered mechanical break downs. So this thing would be even worse due to the large weight on the problem chassis which is being powered by an underpowered engine. It was designed from 1943-1944 and it was being produced from 1943(4)-1945. Only 19 of these things were built.
For the  380 mm rockets they are a two stage device. They get sent out of the cannon and then the rocket engine takes over. If you look at the front of the cannon you see all these holes in a circle going around it. Those are for the gases. The rounds are so heavy that the only way to load the thing is from the crane on the side. Once inside the entire 5 man crew had to load the rounds into the breach. The vehicle was able to carry 14 of those 828lbs monsters. One already loaded and 13 others in the ammo rakes.
For combat as the name "Assault Tiger" suggest they were made to be attacking enemy fortifications with the support of the infantry. They could be back at about 20,000ft to fire their explosive charge of 125 kg(276 lb) at their target. The thing though about this due to the year they were produced Germany was on the defensive. So these things would have been used more for a defensive role than a attacking one.
For combat the limited numbers of the thing saw action during the Warsaw Uprising, the Battle of the Bulge and the Battle of the Reichswald. There's a story about an AT destroying Sherman tanks in one rocket. Could it happen? Maybe if the tanks are close enough together but if anything it would destroy one tank and the others would be knocked out. To me this is nothing more than German propaganda.

Inside the tank video:

The Flood / One of the greatest commercials ever.
« on: January 26, 2015, 05:09:22 AM »


The Flood / Star Wars posting.
« on: January 25, 2015, 06:34:27 PM »

The Flood / So why did you people join Bnet?
« on: January 25, 2015, 06:31:11 PM »
Don't say bc of halo because no one joined up for that.

The Flood / Any of you getting one of those Philips "Flat TV's"?
« on: January 25, 2015, 06:11:06 PM »
It looks nice but unless you have the money $15,000 is a lot for a TV. For now I'm sticking to my tube TV.


The Flood / What are good TV sound bars for around $130?
« on: January 25, 2015, 05:31:17 PM »

The Flood / ITT first world problems.
« on: January 25, 2015, 05:39:55 AM »
>Gets a 48inch TV for my room.
>Ends up having room for around a 50-60inch TV.
>The SUV had room for a 55inch TV.
>That feeling when I would have bought the 55inch TV instead.

And defeating alduin and shit well I want you to make your own roleplaying thing. It can be anything as long as it has a back story unless your supposed to be a daedric prince or a demora.And if you can please provide a video of you,of course this is optinal.Anyways mine is the most powerful daedric prince...Odion the daedric prince of death,envy,gluttony,and the rest of the deadly sins.I only have 100 followers and compared to the rest of the daedric princes I have little followers.So most of the people of skyrim have destroyed all of my shrines,and killed my followers.This angered me and I decided to wait for the perfect momers nt.I waited 1000's of yearsand then I attacked.Oh yeah I forgot to mention you have to tell bungie how you look like and if your a supernatural being you have to tell us your powers.Of course most of your powers probably won't be in skyrim without mods.Anyways I have a ebony helmet,the ebony mail,ebony gauntlets,and ebony boots.My powers are spreading my sins to others,killing a person just by staring,I have all the spells in the game,I can manipulate my shadows to make the deadly for example.I can manipulate a part of my shadow to grab someones leg and pull them down to my realm of oblivion ,or I could use my shadow as a deadly blade.I can also use shadows to make myself invisible and I can move with the shadows.I can also make peoples insane. (Ha I took sheograth's job)My void of oblivon has black sky's with a black castle with demora guarding the castle and vampire thralls guarding the castle too.There also physical versions of the deadly sins that I plan to bring on all of the world.What's yours.

Gaming / I have an idea on how WW2 games can make a comeback.
« on: January 24, 2015, 05:08:21 AM »
It's simple have them be a sci-fi game that's based on the events, people and equipment. For example Germany and Russia would be their own planets and they invade this planet together known as Poland. For things like Normandy it would be the planets America and UK invading occupied France in order to get a foot hold in Germany's sector. The island hopping in the Pacific would be planet/moon hopping so the US gets bases closer to planet Japan. The nukes would be a ship base weapon. So it would be a ship armed with a Death Star like laser, but it takes out cities in one blast. The air battles would be both air and space battles. The sea battles would be space battles.

For vehicles the u-bots can be similar to those romulan warbirds, aircraft carriers would be large space ships that have a bunch of fighters on them, battleships would be generic battle ships like Star Destroyers and that large battleship that Germany and Japan had would be around the size of Super Star Destroyers.   

The Flood / Did you see those TV's at Sam's Club?
« on: January 23, 2015, 08:40:36 PM »
They got curved TV's. Curved. TV's.

There's no denying how cool and skillful this form is. You can tell this takes time and a lot of skill to do. Unlike that screaming heavy rock shit.


This is what I got.
Hey man add me on here. I just got a new Xbox and made a new account. I entered my email in a raffle. was doing and actually got an Xbox One.

Gaming / If you're a wolf, you don't have to be alone!
« on: January 22, 2015, 07:30:17 PM »
Are you a gun for hire, a mercenary who works alone, or maybe a guardian looking for a group to join and achieve the high ranks. Do you have what it takes to be a wolf, then join our cause! Grey Warden Wolf Squad is the wolf unit lead by Greywarden. I am BerzerkCommando, second in command and recruitment officer. I am looking for new blood and fresh meat to observe, train, promote, enlist and most of all lead you to the very top of the mountains. All wolves search alone but with your request to join our pack, we can hunt together and rise all four as one. Please message me if you're interested or comment for any questions you want to ask. :)

Gaming / How can I get the blue flaming helmet for Halo Reach?
« on: January 22, 2015, 06:26:12 PM »
I played Halo Reach since 2010, but I haven't the blue flaming helmet and the flaming helmet, how can I get this?

For the flare it was only useful when the AI used it. Due to them being AI the blindness didn't effect them unlike you. When you used it on them they still kept firing at you. For the MP it's still useless on other players. Unless you're able to use something to take it a long ways from you you're just going to blind yourself and your team. Instead of the thing acting like the flash bang in CoD it's a constant blinding light. The only thing it does is stop combat in that area and slow the game down for everyone.

For the trip mine the damage it does is pathetic. It can't even kill a fully shielded player. For campaign use it's only good for trying to get a vehicle and there are times it doesn't work for that. The thing should of had the power to destroy a warthog instead of being another pointless edition to the game just to be in there. 

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