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Topics - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 141516 1718 ... 23
The Flood / What do you love about Netflix?
« on: February 10, 2015, 06:17:05 PM »
I love that instead of having something like Babylon 5 and King of The Hill. We instead of shit like Blue Is The Warmest Color and Dance in the Vampire Bund.

The Flood / VW GTI's any good?
« on: February 10, 2015, 04:57:10 AM »
Once income tax comes in I was thinking about getting one if I can't find an Audi A4. They get good on gas and for a first time vehicle they don't seem bad because of their size. They would be very easy to back up and move around in town.

I was wondering becasue my friends took a look at them and started calling me a hobo. My parents seen them and my dad made a comment about them being something his dad wears. My mom said they're something her 91 year old dad wouldn't even wear.

« on: February 08, 2015, 06:58:10 PM »
I ended up getting a random erection so I had an idea to try out that toilet paper size thing. So I went into the bathroom took the roll off the bar and I slid it down my dick. It was a tight fit but I got it to my pubic area. When it came to taking it off that's where the problem is. My head is too fat for it to go up and I can't cut the roll due to it being almost full. So know I'm posting to you people with a toilet paper roll stuck on my dick. What to do?

Septagon / I have a suggestion for the gender options.
« on: February 08, 2015, 04:21:31 PM »
Instead of it being called "gender" it should be called "sex". After all if you were born male you are male and if you were born female you were born female. Being female and dressing up like a male or getting a surgery doesn't make you a male. It's the same with males that want to be female. The only thing you end up doing is making yourself look like a creep.

And for the users that we know are male or female that have their "gender" as the opposite should have it switched to what they are and locked. If God intended you to be male or female then he would have made you male or female when you were developing in the womb.

The Flood / Mostly everyone on this forum is a phony
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:59:05 PM »
Regurgitating memes, spewing hatred about groups you know nothing about, acting autistic in general...yeah.

People on this forum, and people in the world, mold their opinions to either match or refute the opinions of others. They don't objectively look at the world and form their own. And why do they do this? Why do you do this? To look cool and be accepted by your peers.

Not everyone here does this; I am in no way generalizing. And I don't even hate the phonies. I'm just pointing it out, to help them.


The Flood / Did Deej really mute MyNameIsCharlie?
« on: February 08, 2015, 05:17:44 AM »
What evidence does MNIC have to back that up with? Looking back at his whole reason for leaving the site which was just him over reaction like a child I think he just made that up. Sure Deej is a shit community manger but MNIC did leave this site out of overreaction. I'm thinking he did contact Deej about it and Deej simply told him to mute these people or create a different account. Due to Deej not taking action on that matter I'm thinking MNIC overreacted and told everyone Deej simply muted him for not doing anything about it.

If anything all you do is make the thing harder to kill. The driver can be firing at targets behind him and the machine gunner would be firing at targets in front of him. If anything the tank was more balanced when it had that gun. The reason why is because the gun would be also controlled by the driver. So instead of having the tank having the ability to do what I said above. It would only be able to attack targets that the driver is facing. So the front of the tank or whatever direction the cannon is not pointing at would be defenseless.

The Flood / What are some too good to be true things that happened to you?
« on: February 07, 2015, 06:15:08 PM »

Today I was going to get a 2001Audi allroad. The vehicle has around 91,000 miles on it and my uncle jewed the guy down to $6,400 on the phone. So we drove out there to check it out and for me to take it home. When we got there he noticed the doors had a slight rust problem. One door had a bubbling effect going on at the bottom. We took it for a test drive and that's when it all went downhill.

He pulled over at a school to look at how it was doing and he noticed a problem. The exhaust was still smoking a decent amount. Yes during the cold your vehicle does produced a lot of it but this was doing it a lot. It wasn't all that cold and even then it should have warmed up for it to stop doing it. When he was driving it back to the place it started shake badly. He said it was either a bent rim or something to do with the front. He had the same problem with his which cost close to $1,000 to fix. So I ended up passing it just to be on the safe side. And now I'm looking out of my window at the spot I shoveled out and pretending that car is there. 

Gaming / Come join Pistol Squed Alfa!
« on: February 07, 2015, 07:24:58 AM »
We are not a lolclan, we are THE LOLCLAN.

Come join pistol squed alfa today! We use the pistol cuz it's pro.

(Un)official Advertisement.


Gaming / If you aren't 1% Onyx in Halo Reach, don't tell me to "Adapt".
« on: February 07, 2015, 07:18:23 AM »
Clearly, I have done a far better job adapting than you. If you are gold, silver, tin foil or whatever other rank there is, or if you don't play Arena (or MLG), you are bad at this game. There are no exceptions. While I have mastered jew tactics such as the jetpack and crouching with power weapons, you have failed to achieve any sort of success in this game, struggling to win half your games in the "competitive" hopper.

However, when I complain about poorly designed maps, or terrible gameplay mechanics, I am told to "adapt." Assumptions are made that my complaints stem from losing because of certain aspects of gameplay. I do not lose. I complain for the good of the game.

The Flood / I found a video about TOTDesticle in his early years.
« on: February 07, 2015, 05:28:13 AM »


The Flood / The mods aren't online so post loli pics.
« on: February 06, 2015, 07:47:37 AM »

For those of you that played it lets look at BF 1942. For the D-Day map the Germans control the whole hill and the US has to storm the beach and then make their way up it. For some of the island maps which either nation controls the whole or one area isn't controlled by them. With the Berlin map the Germans only have flags and the Russians have a spawn that's non-captureable. The map is pretty damn one sided to the Russians but it is possible for the Germans to win.

For the sides each side has the same type of weapons and vehicles but one side is a little stronger. The Germans have the Tiger which is the best tank. And the have the STG-44 which is good and the godly MP40. The Japanese also have a better AR than what the US has. 

I know Battfeild has some maps that have a team starting from the water but even then they still have vehicles that are the same as the other.

Gaming / So why are we trying to stop Alduin in Sklyrim?
« on: February 05, 2015, 07:34:23 AM »
Besides attacking one town which is one of two appearances in the game what is he doing that makes me want to go out of my way to stop him? For being the head bad guy in the game he doesn't have all that many reasons for why the player should stop him. The only thing we're being told is that he's the "World Eater" but he isn't doing anything to live up to that name. Hell you don't hear about any areas that are not in the game but are lore wise being attacked by him. He goes off after that attack and is not seen again until you fight him.

The Flood / ISIS sucks at doing barbecues.
« on: February 05, 2015, 07:19:01 AM »
I keep telling them to use less gas because it burns the meat and what do they do? They still use too much gas. For the last cookout they used so much gas that some guy in a front loader had to dumb gravel on the fire to put it out before it goes out of control. 

Gaming / For Battlefield what map designs did you like better?
« on: February 05, 2015, 05:40:44 AM »
In 1942 instead of the maps being linear the whole thing was open up and the maps were more open as well. So with D-Day the US can land on the beach and storm up the hill and be pushed back. The whole match can go like that. With the island maps you can be in a plane and attack from any side and you can land in a boat from any side wit ha group.

With the current games the maps are more linear. The map isn't open at first so it unlocks over time. And when a section does get unlocked nobody is fighting in the previous sections. Unlike 1942 where the whole map usually has things going on. Then for the more open maps they are still linear. You're going down the map in line which the maps are more like a rectangle unlike the maps in 1942 which was more of a square shape.

For myself I like the 1942 designs better. I like being able to attack anywhere on the map instead of it being closed off until a certain amount of time. And I like how open they felt. In the current games they feel almost linear like since the map long wise is larger than the width wise.   



The Flood / The Super Bowl halftime show was pretty good.
« on: February 03, 2015, 05:16:58 AM »
Tom Petty and his band did do a damn good job.

The Flood / So I ended up drowning in the bathtub.
« on: February 02, 2015, 07:01:20 PM »
Now I will never know what it's like to get kissed by a girl or fly because my 12 year old self was too stupid to turn the water off or lift up be head.

The Flood / Do feminist hate ducks?
« on: February 02, 2015, 05:16:53 PM »
I was wondering because the male ducks are the prettier ones and the females are just a dull brown.   

It's as if they get this shit from a random dream they have and try to pass it off as something real.

The Flood / There's something I want to say to you all.
« on: February 01, 2015, 08:21:54 PM »

The Flood / Now this is how you cosplay.
« on: February 01, 2015, 03:56:49 PM »

The Flood / Those bolt action AR-15's.
« on: February 01, 2015, 10:21:48 AM »
Can you buy them like that or do you have to convert it over to be one? I was wondering because next year I was thinking of getting one and since you can't hunt with semi's in PA. I'm going to get a bolt action one to target shot with and hunt with.

Serious / Is mayonnaise a gender?
« on: February 01, 2015, 09:31:02 AM »
So I will be defending mayo as a gender. Okay. Mayonnaise is a gender. Why? Because there is no proof that it is not. According to the Solipsism theory (that most Psychologist will agree with) "there is nothing that we can prove besides our own conciseness". If that is the case, and you can't prove it is not, then external stimuli aren't valid as a scale to judge things by. Meaning that ideas (including gender) aren't anything further than my imagination. If I can imagine mayonnaise as a gender, there is nothing to prove me wrong.

The Flood / "Panties Vending Machine in Japan! THEY EXIST! "
« on: January 31, 2015, 04:08:19 PM »



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