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Topics - Mattie G Indahouse

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I'm going to use MASH as an example. Lets say Henry leaves for good and Frank ends up being in charge of the unit and Frank suddenly dies a few days latter. Who would be in charge of the unit then? Would it be Marget since she's a majoir or someone else due to her being a women and it is the 50's.

The Flood / Fl00d, ive ran out of w33d!
« on: March 09, 2015, 07:04:16 PM »
How am I suppose to play Halp 3 MLG now?

The Flood / Anybody want to go for a ride on the Magic Weed Bus?
« on: March 09, 2015, 06:49:43 PM »
ITT we post dank videos.

The Flood / 2006 Jaguar X-Type 3.0 Sedan or a 2003 Audi Audi A6 2.7T.
« on: March 09, 2015, 06:23:56 PM »
They are both selling for the same price and have around the same mileage. The Jag has 104,000 and the Audi has 97,000. I need to know by Saturday.

The Flood / Alright, put the up votes in the bag!
« on: March 09, 2015, 07:18:41 AM »

Gaming / A World War 1 Battlefield game would work.
« on: March 09, 2015, 07:12:41 AM »
If you played that 1918 mod for BF1942 that right there shows that a WW1 game would work. A lot of the maps for the game aren't trench warfare. There's a lot of movement to them. Even if the maps are not histrionically accurate they don't have to be. People would still buy the game just for the fun factor. True there weren't many weapons in WW1 but you don't need a shit load of them. Using riles is just fine. If you played CoD 2 the game is still fun using bolt action. If people really want to use a machine gun then they can run around with one like in the mod. Like I said the game doesn't have to be true to life. It just has to be based off o the war and be close enough to it like the mod.

Gaming / Anybody else having this Origin problem with Windows 8.1?
« on: March 08, 2015, 10:38:49 AM »
Whenever you click on it to launch that message box keeps coming up. Any of you know how to fix it?

Lets say you're having sex with some blind chick doggy style and you throw mayonnaise on her back to fake cumming on her. She turns around and you blow your load all over her face. She won't see it cuming. Something like that would be more fun with a blind person simply because she would be easier to trick.

The Flood / Would a 2003 car need a computer module?
« on: March 05, 2015, 07:32:19 AM »
Online I've found a 2003 Mercedes-Benz C-Class that is near me. On the sellers site for it says "Mercedes Benz Dealer said it needs a Computer Module" so I was wondering how important those things are? To me it sounds kinda expensive to buy one and get it put in.

The Flood / Dear Cheat.
« on: March 05, 2015, 05:36:04 AM »
You're a nigger.

Gaming / In Oblivion how tough was your shadow clone(Shivering Isles)?
« on: March 04, 2015, 07:03:33 PM »
When I was still playing the game mine always kicked my ass on anything that wasn't easy. I'm able to go through the game on the second hardest difficultly and for most things the hardest, but not that asshole. If I'm playing on the second hardest I get rapped in seconds. That fucker is wearing the best armor while using whatever magic attacks I have but I'm not able to use them. The only way I was able to beat it was like I said on easy.

Gaming / Any of you called that Who Framed Roger Rabbit phone number?
« on: March 04, 2015, 04:51:15 AM »

When I'm laying down with my eyes closed I get to the point where I'm unconscious but at the same time still aware. Sometimes I get a dream where I'm walking and I step on paper and I slip. My body ends up reacting to it by having my feet kick out like I slipped or I try to brace. Any of you experience anything like this?

The Flood / I think I'm using this site too much.
« on: March 03, 2015, 04:26:17 AM »
Last night I had a dream I made a thread asking if I was able to find a certain car for around $7,000. There were two users in it spamming the thread so instead of removing their posts some mod locked it. That really pissed me off in the dream. So when I woke up I was going to make a thread bitching about that here. Then I remembered it was just a dream. Anybody else having simlar problems?

For the "love my neighbor thing" he sure is loving them when he snuffs out every non-water base living thing with that flood. I don't know about you people but he seems like one damn big cunt when he snuffs out animals that did nothing to him when it was the humans who made him mad. He sure did show some wraith with that flood.

For the envy sin he sure did seem pretty envious of the other gods when he wants you to see him as the "One true god" or whatever that one god thing is.

For the pride sin it seems like wanting your followers and others to see you as a one god is a self esteem thing. When you have a lots of people saying you're the one and only god in their lives you would take pride in that.

For San Andreas they gave a few hints that Smoke and Ryder were traitors For the drive through mission Smoke refused to fire his gun. In that Terminator 2 like missions he basically set CJ up. The building was a trap and every location he told you to go to had guys already there. With the house party mission Ryder said he was going to get backup but that never showed up.

For KoTOR they gave you hints that you were Revan. On Taris for the dueling thing that hut gave you the name "Mysterious Stranger" because of some mysterious background he thinks you have. On the Jedi planet that one master was talking about Revan and one of them told him to shut up because of what he said. There's also that one master who kinda of treats you like shit because he knows your past. I know there are other hints for both games but those are the only ones I remember. 

Outside player controlled games is there any Dark/Jedi or Sith that isn't some generic good and evil thing? For example there's a Jedi who fallows the light side but their cations are controversial. Lets say someone got kidnapped or there's a bomb about to go off and this Jedi is on a mission or knows about it. So in order to get information they torture a person they think or know who has information about it. Besides pain torture they could kill off people that are close to this person. Another example would be when this Jedi is fighting. Instead of simply disarming a person and letting them go. They kill the person just to eliminate them from being a future threat or problem.

For a Dark Jedi or Sith they have some type of honor code. They are fighting a Jedi Padawan and they cut their arms off instead of killing them because killing someone this pathetic is beneath them. There would be no honor in killing someone who bascilly can't defend them self compared to them. For an action there could be a Dark Jedi or Sith who tries to help out the less unfortunate. Also instead of being a Sith just because of power they are simply doing it just to master both spectrum's of the force.

Gangs and the infrastructure are more of a threat than what the Middle East is to us. Gang related violence and attacks have killed more Americans than what the Middle East has. The infrastructure is either falling apart or is way too outdated. These black outs could be prevented or at least hindered more if the power grid is updated. Our road system is just shit. Apparently there are "thousands of bridges that are vulnerable to collapse". We have a lot of run down neighborhoods. The other thing about fixing the infrastructure is that if you fix up these gang areas and setup programs you would reduce the amount of people that are in gangs. If anything you have these kids joining them because it's the only choice they have to get by. There's no other hope in their lives. So why is this country spending a shit load on the military and on war when there are actual things things that need a high budget that would accomplish more?

I was wondering because of that fake Pokemon topic in gaming. MR P and LC were telling people to stop derailing it but how exactly was it being derailed? The whole thread was nothing more then a bait thread with a single image for the OP. There was no discussion value at all to it. The only things that were being said was either telling the OP to fuck off or you got me things. So how exactly can you derail a thread like that?

Gaming / Was the PS Vita intended outside Japan?
« on: February 28, 2015, 03:41:49 PM »
If you go onto these Japanese game sites like ones were you can import games from. You will see a shit load of games that are only Japanese. I don't know about you people but for myself I've seen a few that look like they would be fun to play. The library of Japanese only games is far larger than what we have outside importing. Sure you can find a game but your library is going to be very small due to the lack of games and the types there are. The system has been out for 3 years now and there's still shit for games for the thing outside Japan. With the Japanese only games on the other hand it looks like there are many games for someone to have a decent library. So then was this thing intended outside Japan due to the lack of games being made for it outside Japan?

The Flood / Do SJW's change light bulbs or even use them?
« on: February 28, 2015, 06:28:04 AM »
I was wondering because to them it might be rape. The reason why is because the light bulb has a male part and the socket is the female part. Even though both things are inanimate objects they might think the socket is getting rapped because it has no say if it want's to have the light bulb screwed in it.

Gaming / I have a question about Microsoft about the Xbone.
« on: February 28, 2015, 04:59:14 AM »
Microsoft is this company that is worth billions if not a few trillion. Which means they have a large budget to throw into R&D. Sony on the other hand is worth less so they wouldn't have as much of a budget for R&D. So then how did the PS4 end up being more advanced than the Xbone? Not only is this system more powerful but it's smaller and it doesn't have a power brick. The Xbone on the other hand is a little bit weaker, it looks like a system that would have came out during the PS2 gen and it still uses a power brick. Shouldn't MS be the ones with the more advanced system due to the amount of money they have, not Sony?

The Flood / Flood, I'm probably going to get murdered soon.
« on: February 26, 2015, 04:57:17 AM »
Today I stood in front of my mirror and said "I love Vietnamese people" three times in a row. I'm afraid Mark Wahlberg somehow heard me and now is going to come after me.

The Flood / Is Barefoot Gen the anti-weeaboo anime?
« on: February 24, 2015, 04:56:01 PM »
I was just wondering.

I have one when I was there stationed at some back water base in a jungle. We got a radio message telling us that about a few miles away there was a VC compound off in the jungle. Since we were he closest we were ordered to take care of it. The major that was in charge of the base picked the best five soldiers to make up a squad. I was a M60 gunner, Private Icy was a rifle man, Corporal Challenger was a sniper, Corporal Flee and Sergent Cheat were our heavy weapon guys. They carried and used our China Lake grenade launchers. Once we were formed up we set off into the jungle.

Since this was a stealth mission we couldn't use a jeep or any type of vehicle to get there faster. So we had to painful walk our way to this compound. We seen some smoke off in the distance so we headed off for that. On our trip to it we encountered no resistance at all. We figured the gooks didn't want people to know they were out here so they didn't attack us. We ended up arriving to a clearing where the smoke led us to and we seen a building. 

We took up positions around the building ready to attack. Challenger seen someone in the dark building holding what looks like a gun so he sniped them. There was a bunch of gook screaming and Flee and Cheat shot a grenade throw the windows. After they blew up everything went silent and that's when I opened fire with the M60. I shot up the whole front of the building with it. I didn't stop until the barrel was red hot. When I was reloading some blood covered gook came running out at me with a pitchfork. Icy shot him did before he could get withing range of me. 

After the attack we went into what was left of the building and found the bodies of children. It turned out this building was an orphanage. So to cover it up we burned down the building and left back to our base. We told the major we found nothing and that the report was wrong. 

The Flood / Forgive me Flood for I have sinned.
« on: February 23, 2015, 04:53:08 PM »
I own the two omnibus volumes for Magic Knight Rayearth. I own three omnibus volumes of the Dance in the vampire bound books. I own a complete set of the original Battle Angel Alita books and 5 omnibus volumes for the Last Oder series of it. So yeah. I'm somewhat of a weeaboo. I'm not an extreme one like some of the users here but I still own some Japanese manga's.

Before you say it I know the things in Aliens are a more redefined version. But what I'm talking about are the concepts themselves.They would be perfect for some mechanical horror styled thing due to how fucked up they look. Imagine walking into a room and you see these two women hooked up inside a machine like this. You don't know what it is or what purpose it is but all you know it's some type of torture device. You continue walking and you coem across some bond guy on a table with this creature on him. You look down and you see the tail having some type of suction end over his dick. You panic and you run out of the room into a hallway that comes to a dead end. You hear strange noises behind you and you turn around in the low light to see this thing crawling at you.

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