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Topics - Mattie G Indahouse

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I see it ended up like GTA 3, Vice City and GTA 4 where there isn't much to do because of the location. With San Andreas and GTA 5 there's a little more variety since the lactation of the game has different environments to it. With Vice City it's all just city so there's not much of a variety environment wise because of that. The reason why I think Vice City was received well to the fans is because of the atmosphere of the game and the theme to it. The atmosphere does have an interesting 80's feeling to it. I do love that RockStar created a band just for that game. Then for the theme it's somewhat based off of Scarface. A newer game I think wouldn't do as well since Vice City is more of a atmosphere and theme based game then anything else.

For Mad Max I see that doing well both sales and reception wise. I haven't seen the first movie but the trailer looks like it's returning to the dark atmosphere the second one has. It looks like it's going to be more of a serious movie than what the third one is which was just to campy with the midget and those kids. It looks like a movie the old fans and new people to the series will enjoy.   

For Star Wars it's going to do very well sales wise but reception wise I see Mad Max having better reviews and being received better by the watchers. I know it's just a very simple teaser trailer to show you there's a new Star Wars movie but it still didn't get me pumped up for it as what the one for Mad Max did. The only thing that trailer did was turn me off from the movie. The trailer looks like there's going to be a lot of stupid things in the movie because of that droid moving around on a ball and that retarded giant square speeder bike. The other thing about the movie is that we all know it's going to be another kid focused thing that Star Wars is all about. There's a lot of fans of Star Wars that are old enough to have kids and grand kids of their own. Sure there's going to be older fans that will enjoy it but it's just going to be a camp fest.

The Flood / Lets say a girl tosses her cat at you.
« on: March 23, 2015, 07:27:56 AM »
Does that mean she wants your D since she threw her pussy at you?

There's rumors about it taking place in Vietnam. 

The Flood / Do you Australians have more than one toilet in your home?
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:18:34 AM »
I was just wondering...


The Flood / I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
« on: March 22, 2015, 07:21:53 PM »

The Flood / So why are you Australians so afraid of spiders?
« on: March 22, 2015, 06:07:31 PM »
I don't know about you people but they look pretty cute and harmless to me. What's the worse they're going to do to you? Make you go "Awwww it's so cute"?


The Flood / So what's so Great about Britain?
« on: March 22, 2015, 10:09:54 AM »
During the late 1700's this almighty empire ended up loosing control of America to a bunch of hicks. During WW1 and WW2 this group of hicks that kicked their ass during the Revolutionary War pretty much balled them out. For WW1 one of the reasons why Germany did that major offensive attack after Russia quit the war was because of the US. They wanted to knock Britain and France out before our 2million soldiers came over. That attack they did because of us pretty much fucked them over. If we didn't enter that war then Germany would have most likely won. France was already bleed.

For WW2 we were giving Britain supplies like tanks and ships. Our M3 Grant/Lee tanks were pretty much godsends to them in Africa. For D-Day it was the US using our own ships for the fleet. If we hadn't enter that war then the Western front would have been over with. France was already gone and Britain was pretty much screwed. Then there's Germany that was kicking their Britain's ass once again.   

If anything Great Britain should get a name change to "Lame Britain".   

If you're a gay or a lesbian Republican your party is against that sexual orientation. The same is for same sex marriage.
If you're a Republican women that wants to get an abortion your party is against that.   
If you're a Republican women there's some nut job politician that's also a woman that wants women to be paid less so they can find husbands.
If you're a Republican that needs public assistants to get by your party is against you for that.
If you're a Republican that ended up going to the hospital for something major your party wants you to go into debt for that.

Do you quack like a duck when you suck or do you buck like a horse when you fuck? Also for you RC can you take every inch up your butt?

The Flood / Flood, I think I'm about to get the shit kicked out of me.
« on: March 20, 2015, 08:03:47 PM »
So right now I'm at some dive bar in my town. Before I posted this I was in the restroom room fucking around with the soap dispenser. When you push on it a bunch of soap bubbles are coming out of the top. I found that fun so I was pushing on it for a minute. When I left the restroom about a minute after I guess the guy who works there went in and screamed. "Hey! Who made all these bubbles!?" Right now the doors are blocked and there's not many people in the bar to blame. What to do? 

So why is Heavy Rain, MGS 4 and 1886 getting shit for the length of the cutscenes compared to the gameplay which people are calling them "movies". But Talltale Games are being praised or liked for their games when they are the exact same concept? What makes it OK for Talltale Games to make "movie" games but the others are being criticized and condemned for being "movie" games? 

The Flood / Flood, I'm 22 years old but I haven't had my period yet.
« on: March 20, 2015, 07:49:53 AM »
Is their something wrong with me?

Not only was the song being played by the character but the song was actually representing the characters actions. He was out numbered against 6 coyotes and he still stood his ground and he didn't turn around at all during it to run away.That right there was basically standing at the gates of hell.   

Serious / Oklahoma is making atheist marriages illegal
« on: March 19, 2015, 05:11:15 AM »
Religious politicians sure are a great thing.
In what has been described as a not-so-covert attack on gay marriage, a bill banning non-religious people from marrying and requiring all marriage licences be approved by a member of the clergy has been passed in Oklahoma.

The bill, which was approved by the Oklahoma state House last week and will now go to the state Senate for consideration, would restrict marriage only to people of faith.

But while it might seem on the surface like an assault on atheism, critics are saying that it is same-sex unions that the bill is not-so-stealthily attacking. By making the clergy – not judges and court clerks – the sole marriage licence issuers, it will be more difficult for gay marriages to take place.

‘Marriage was not instituted by government,’ said Rep. Dennis Johnson, who backed the bill.

‘It was instituted by God. There is no reason for Oklahoma or any state to be involved in marriage.’

Rep. Todd Russ, who sponsored the bill, told KSWO-TV that it stemmed from his personal opposition to marriage equality, saying same-sex marriage laws were ‘stuck down our throats’ by the Supreme Court despite Oklahoma voting ‘overwhelmingly’ against it.

Troy Stevenson, head of the LGBT advocacy group Freedom Oklahoma, said that the community would ‘fight back’ against the ‘discriminatory legislation’ – but added that there was a silver lining.

‘There are… 160 members of the clergy who have publicly declared their willingness to marry LGBT people [in Oklahoma],’ he said.
Pick whatever other source you want.

The Flood / Leprechaun in Crichton.
« on: March 18, 2015, 09:01:17 PM »
Old or not this shit is still a classic.

The Flood / Are Land Rovers even made for off roading anymore?
« on: March 18, 2015, 07:30:29 PM »
If you skip to 4:40 at 4:46 you can see there's something dragging under the vehicle. Then skip to 6minutes you can see the check engine light is on. Whatever is dragging under the vehicle is most likely causing that to come on. So are these things even made for off roading anymore when the environment before 4:46 which wasn't even that bad caused damaged to the vehicle? If anything these things are nothing more than a flashy SUV that's made for bad winters or field like off roading.

The only thing that's being done about it are his threads getting locked. That's not how the problem should be solved. The only thing locking thread after thread is doing is either encouraging him to make more spam threads or keep making spam threads to see which ones get locked. I'm not saying he should be banned but he should loose his ability to create threads for a period of time. 

Candy Island is basically the same concept of BRCM except it's more adult themed with the lyrics. BRCM is this hobos paradise and Flapjack and Captain K'nuckles are basically hobos who's paradise is Candy Island.

The Flood / Any of you 80's kids remember a band called "Love Fist"?
« on: March 18, 2015, 05:16:20 PM »
They were the shit back in the day.

The Flood / I am also sorry to all the gays on this forum.
« on: March 18, 2015, 05:16:13 AM »
I'm sorry you're such faggots who are going to burn in hell!!!!!

How the hell do you check the oil dipstick? I looked at the manual and I watched a video and I still have no idea how you read it. God Audi are fucking hipsters. 

The Flood / Here are some pics of my 2002 Audi A6 Allraod.
« on: March 15, 2015, 12:25:38 PM »
This fucker has a twin turbo. I got this for $5,300 and it has 122496. So what was your first vehicle?

Today I'm going to Ohio to get a vehicle with my dad an uncle. If my uncle and I get one then we're going to do an Audi convoy(The three of us.) from the dealership back home. Which means I'm going to be driving my car home as well. So if I don't end up posting latter today or this week you know that I died in a crash. Also the vehicle I'm hoping to get is an Audi allroad quattro or an A4. This is what an Allraod looks like.

The Flood / I have a question for you Britbongs.
« on: March 12, 2015, 05:03:03 PM »
Do you call a zebra a "zedbra"?

The Flood / Are Mini Coopers fun to drive?
« on: March 12, 2015, 07:29:30 AM »
I was wondering because I've found one near me and I'm going to check it out Saturday.

The Flood / Has a TV series ending topped the MASH goodbye?
« on: March 12, 2015, 05:52:36 AM »
I'm not talking about the final episode in terms of quality. I'm talking about in the terms of a sendoff. The MASH goodbye is more of a goodbye to the people that watched the show than it simply being a message from BJ to Hawkeye.
Skip to 2m50s.

The Flood / F is for friends who...
« on: March 11, 2015, 06:09:00 PM »


For myself the only new character I like better is Winchester. The reason why is because he's a lot more in depth and better played out than Frank. He has more to him than being a stuck up Army officer and he's more on par with BJ and Hawkeye. Other than him I like the originals better. I find Henry funnier and more entertaining than Potter and Trapper is a better match for Hawkeye. They are basically mirrored versions of each other due to them both acting the same. BJ is a little more strict than Trapper when it comes to things.

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