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Topics - Mattie G Indahouse

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The Flood / Any of you ever lived like Larry before?
« on: April 06, 2015, 09:23:42 PM »
I did to day. I went to work with the shits which lasted for about four hours. If that's not living life on the edge then I don't know what is.

The Flood / Hitler did have a strong anti-underage tobacco campaign.
« on: April 06, 2015, 08:09:54 PM »
If you watch the video you can see the SS guy shot the girl after she took a chunk of that chewing tobacco. It's clear she's under 18 which means she's chewing it illegally. So in order to stop the use of underage tobacco users Hitler got the SS to do trappings on kids. They open the can and hold it out to them. If they ignore it they pass but if they take a chunk and use it then the SS guy executes them.   


My Audi(2002 Allroad) can go from 0-60 in 6.8 seconds or slight under point 8.

The Flood / So some nigger at work stole my Monster today.
« on: April 03, 2015, 06:40:06 PM »
At work in the cafeteria we have a fridge where we are able to put food and drinks in. When I got there I put my Monster in it to keep it cold till lunch. When it was lunch time I went to the fridge and some stupid nigger stole it. I know it wasn't from a white worker because we don't do things like that.

Why are niggers fucking assholes? 

The Flood / What's under your hood?
« on: April 02, 2015, 06:17:08 AM »

The Flood / Flood, pick your poison.
« on: April 01, 2015, 07:28:46 PM »
So you are tied up and forced to suffer through one of two things. It's either being forced to listen to the ramblings of Jay The Nerd Kid for an hour or suffer 3 hours of this rave. So which is it? For myself I pick the rave. At least I'm not able to hear my thoughts about how much I want to get shot.

The Flood / I have a question about Daniel Boone.
« on: April 01, 2015, 07:30:45 AM »
Is it true that he ran like a nigger up a tree because the bear was bigger?

The Flood / It's obvious humans are causing global warming.
« on: April 01, 2015, 05:29:42 AM »
When Kinder's parents brought him into this world he gained so much weight that it ended up tilting the Earth closer to the sun. So thus human caused global warming happened.

So that way instead of "God save the queen" it's "Batman saved the queen".
OK I stop posting now.

You know if they are unique users or someones alt? I was wondering because they both stood out to me.

For the trailers as you know there's one for each character. There's the one about Locke walking up to the Chief and the Chief has one that's reversed. Because of that you think there's going to be a duel campaign where each character has a separate one? For Alien VS Predator 2010 each of the three characters have their own campaign. It's different from each other but it takes place at the same locations at different times and sometimes involves each other. For the Xeno the predator you inpregnated you end up fighting as the Predator. 


Ford has announced that the new S-Max, which goes on sale in Europe in August, will have a new feature that automatically slows you down so that you're traveling within the speed limit.

Called the Intelligent Speed Limiter, the new feature is a combination of two nascent automotive technologies: adjustable speed limiters and traffic sign recognition. An adjustable speed limiter might sound like cruise control, but it's slightly different: cruise control keeps your speed constant, while an adjustable speed limiter stops the throttle from delivering more fuel to the engine once you reach the desired speed.

Traffic sign recognition is exactly what it sounds like: using a forward-facing camera, usually behind the rearview mirror, an on-board computer scans the environment for signs that might be important. Over the last few years, there have been a number of cars that automatically recognize signs and flash up alerts on a digital dashboard display.

Now, Ford is combining these two technologies to create a car that automatically slows down when you pass a traffic sign that indicates a new speed limit. If you're going over the speed limit, the S-Max will reduce the amount of fuel being delivered to the engine, smoothly slowing you down.

For now, the automatic deceleration can be overridden by pressing firmly on the accelerator. Amusingly, you can also tell the car to decelerate to 5mph above the speed limit—so you can actively choose to do 35 in a 30 if you so wish.

Ford's Intelligent Speed Limiter, like lane-departure warning, adaptive cruise control, and parking assist, is yet another mile marker on the route to fully self-driving vehicles. While autonomous cars already have myriad ramifications to work through—and surely many more issues that are yet to be discovered—something like the Intelligent Speed Limiter, on its own, is just a helpful tool to stop you accidentally getting a speeding ticket.

It's not difficult, though, to see how this could be the beginning of the end for spirited driving. The first cars to offer an automatic speed limiter will have the feature turned off by default—but at some point down the line, it's not inconceivable that a car company might offer an on-by-default vehicle for safety (or speeding ticket) conscious customers.

It would be about them going off on missions that take place after Frieza destroys Vegeta up to the the point where Nappa and Vegeta land on Earth. The problem I see with this is the power scaling. If there's an enemy or a group of them that give Nappa a hard time they would rape Raditz. The same thing would happen to Nappa for an enemy that can give Vegeta a hard time. The only way I can see that problem being avoided is if there's a single strong enemy that Nappa or Vegeta fights.

The Flood / What are the darkest songs you know of?
« on: March 28, 2015, 08:48:31 PM »
Tom Dooley. The reason for this song is because the song is about a real person that is going to die. What makes it darker is that there's a possibility the guy didn't even kill her. 

The cat came back. Reason for this song is because the whole thing is about people trying to get rid of it and they end up dying.

In the mountains. Same reason as Tom Dooley. It's based on something real that happened and the guy is eating his team.

Suicide is painless. As you can tell it's about suicide and to me at the end of the song if this was a story the person committed suicide. The other thing is that because of the painless thing that's kinda giving a suicidal person a reason to go for it. 

On my road at two locations I seen a outside generator or whatever that looks similar to the image. On top of it there's an exhaust stack. The thing is fenced in which there's a crane that opens a ground door and there's a small shed next to it. 

The Flood / Remember Flood, bananas need protected to.
« on: March 28, 2015, 09:06:56 AM »
So pick up your banana bunker today. 

The Flood / Do construction workers have good unions?
« on: March 28, 2015, 09:03:51 AM »
I was just wondering.

Lets take a look at the Allied countries in WW2. We were unified together fighting the Axis countries which had some other countries backing them up. The US gave the British military supplies like tanks, ships and food we also did the same for Russia. If this was today I doubt we would be giving Russia tanks and shit for them to buy. Anyway when the war was over with did the allied countries stay together to fight another threat like the one in WW2? Nope Russia ended up doing it's thing until the Soviet Union broke up and NATO was formed to counter Russia which is still in play today. So then would it be possible for the world to end military conflicts with each other without some type of outside threat like aliens to keep us together?

Gaming / I have a question about the Hatred gane and movies.
« on: March 28, 2015, 04:58:33 AM »
So why is it OK for a movie like God Bless America to have the two characters going on a asshole killing spree, but it's wrong for Hatred to be about the player controlled character going on killing sprees? I don't get the logic to that. Player controlled or not both things are about killing sprees but it's OK to have movies where characters go around killing and movies like SAW where it's about torture.

The Flood / Please lock.
« on: March 28, 2015, 04:53:52 AM »
Please lock.

The Flood / Do feminist go to bars?
« on: March 27, 2015, 06:33:50 PM »
I was wondering because to me they would have one hell of a bad day unless it's a dyke one. Lets say they walk in and the bar tender asks them what they will be having. Because of that simple response they would panic and think the guy is trying to get her drunk and rape her. Then another example would be she is at the counter and some guy sits down next to her. Even if the guy doesn't try talking to her she would probably have a panic attack because he might drug her drink.   

The Flood / Street Fighter Church Edition
« on: March 27, 2015, 06:24:11 PM »
I can't believe the amount of idiots that fall for this shit.

The Flood / So I just spent $70 on two center caps.
« on: March 27, 2015, 06:00:33 AM »
For the rims on my Audi the type of caps it uses I believe are somewhat rare since they go from $30 on up. So what was the most expensive or overpriced thing you bought that doesn't even seem worth it?

Serious / Should women be officers and prisons guards?
« on: March 27, 2015, 04:58:45 AM »
Chances are a male civilian or inmate is going to be stronger than the female officer or guard. For the officer you're not always going to be able to reach down on your belt to safe you. If that's the case you're going to have to fight the person hand and hand to overpower them or simply defend yourself. With the female officer that might be harder due to males usually being stronger. It's the same thing with prison guards but worse. Unlike cops you don't have a gun, paper spray or anything else to use to protect yourself. You're going to have to defend yourself while backup comes and helps you out. Even in female prisons it makes sense to have all male guards simply because they would be able to control and overpower the inmates easier. 

I was wondering because one of the dialogs in the game is "CIS scum". 

Gaming / Out of the Halo novels what ones are worth reading?
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:06:15 AM »
The ones I have are Fall of Reach, The Flood, First Strike, Ghosts of Onyx, Contact Harvest and Cole Protocol. The first four I enjoyed reading but Harvest and CP I found boring and couldn't get into. So what other Halo novels are there that are worth reading? Don't list any Karen Travis ones since I know I wouldn't be able to read those. I have a few of here Star Wars books and I can't get past the first few chapters because I find them boring.

So instead of saying "Black Power" it would say "White Power" and have different text at the bottom.

The Flood / Flood, I think I'm turning into a Britbong.
« on: March 25, 2015, 07:08:47 PM »
For the past couple of days I started to drink tea. I'm afraid the tea is going to make me make rash decisions like stopping taking care of my teeth and getting rid of my AK. Is their anything I can do to stop the tea from taking its affects on me? This shit is good.

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