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Topics - Mattie G Indahouse

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The Flood / I have a question about cross-dressing.
« on: June 03, 2015, 05:54:19 AM »
Would a woman be considered a cross-dresser if she wore a kilt?

Gaming / What was so terrible about ET?
« on: June 03, 2015, 05:47:17 AM »
Sure it wasn't the greatest game in the world but it's not some abomination that people seem to think it is. After watching AVGN that game looks like a godsend compared to some of the game's he played. ET looks a lot better than games like Friday The 13th or that Halloween game which are both Atari games. If anything a group of people were bitching about having no idea what they were doing. And that turned into a band wagon of people jumping on a hate train. 

Gaming / What was the dumbest gaming accessory(ies) you got?
« on: June 02, 2015, 05:22:38 AM »
For myself it was the original cooling fan add on for the 360. It was the one where you plug it into the consoles power outlet and the power card plugs into the back of the fan. If anything that thing caused the system to heat up more than what it was supposed to do which it fails. The other thing which I got in 2011 was a Turbo Fire 2 controller. That thing was a piece of shit. It was too big and the design is shit which made it awkward to hold and use. The thumbsticks on the thing are rounded up and have no grip to them so your thumbs easily slide off them.  For battery life it might as well not even exist. When using the turbo mode you will drain the batteries withing minutes.

Gaming / What's the most interesting game universe to you?
« on: May 31, 2015, 06:04:27 PM »
For me it's Gears of War. I find the Locust and the queen interesting. For the Locust I find them interesting because they are this mysterious species that nobody knows the origins to besides the queen. They just one day popped into existence and waged an all out war against humanity. What makes them even more interesting to me is that theory thread on the Epic forums that talks about their existence. I like that they make you wonder if they are either a species that has been underground for who knows how long or they are the offspring of lambent humans. Which would be those Sires at that research fatality.

For the queen I find her interesting because she is a human that is waging a war to wipe out humans. Whatever motive she has is still unknown. The mysterious background to her is what I find interesting. For her origins there are those theories that she was a scientist at that research facility or she was an offspring of a lambent human that looks human and not like a locust. The thing about the second theory is that she survived after that device went off. So she couldn't have been locust since they died from. The only option to her then is that she is a normal human. Due to her being one it makes you wonder why she wants us dead and why she considers herself a locust. Either way she somehow came into contact with the locust and she somehow became the ruler of them to the extent they wage war for her.   

For my order it's telling me it could be $0.00 instead of $52 if I get that card and I would get $70 off instantly as a gift card. Which means that $70 gift card is being partly used on that order. For my question if I did that payment option would there have been any negative things about it? I know I'm signing up for a card but I don't know if there's any negatives about it down the road. If I did that payment option I would have just used it for that order and I would forget about the card and never use it.

Gaming / What's the best boss battle you played?
« on: May 27, 2015, 05:19:39 AM »
For me it's the Lambent Berserker on insane in Gears 3. It wasn't hard because she was a bullet sponge like the bosses in Destiny which you most likely do shit for damage or there were smaller enemies helping her out like like the last boss in the game. She was hard to me because I had to develop a strategy each time I damaged her enough. At first I could simply stand still and fire at her chest and dodge at the last second. Then once she started doing the jumping attack I had to stay clear from her. I attacked her chest and then I run away from her jump range. Once she started leaving a trail I had to make sure I wasn't going to box myself in or dodge in the wrong direction. For the trail part I had to plan out my moves before they happened. Like I said above about dodging wrong once simply mistake will fuck you over if you trap yourself.

The Flood / What's your opinion on The Grand Budapest Hotel movie?
« on: May 25, 2015, 06:16:29 AM »
For myself at first I thought it was going to be retarded but after the first 30minutes that's when it became great. I love how stupid the movie is. To me it's one of those movies you can't believe exists just because of that. The whole movie is just stupid fun.

Here's some of the things I thought were great or just stupid fun. When Gustave went to that dead women's will thing I love that scene where her son said something in the lines of this. "You're still a faggot but you're bisexual." When they're escaping that prison I love how they did that ladder. When they picked it up it seemed like it was going to go on forever. I say the stupidest part of the movie is when they were going down those winter games courses. Once it got to the end you see the main villain simply turn off it and the other two fly off the course. The main villain is was walking and you see the kid's feet sticking out of the snow and Gustave hanging on the cliff. To me the best part of the movie is when Gustave was insulting that kid because he didn't bring that spray. Then the kid told him his whole family died in the war and then Gustave was insulting himself. I love that during part of it you have the kids POV during it. There's also the Germans which I love how they did them. Instead of the SS it's the ZZ.

The Flood / Flood, there's a dog on my porch.
« on: May 24, 2015, 06:04:07 AM »
What to do?

The Flood / Remember to carry balloons on you at all times.
« on: May 22, 2015, 05:33:50 AM »
So that way if you are carrying some illegal like drugs and the cops pull you over you can simply lift it away.

So what are some funny gifs like this you have came across?

As far as we know every city is destroyed either by the CoG or the Locust. The buildings there would be nearly unusable and the areas in them would be as well. There would be either massive holes caused by the Locust or the Lambent causing even more damage. The infrastructure is pretty much destroyed world wide. There are those Locust tunnels that would be causing problems. Depending on how deep they are building on top of them would hinder the area. When it comes to building there's very few vehicles to use and making more would be nearly impossible. The main fuel source they were using is now gone.

And then there's the problem of humanity being nearly extinct which means the numbers would be too low to do any serous rebuilding. The other problem is teaching kids. Due to humanity being separated and your sources of knowledge being nearly destroyed teaching kids and their kids would be a problem. Over time the new generations would get more and more ignorant.   

How do you handle seeing people dying on you or coming to scenes where the person is already dead or there's no hope at all? I was wondering because today at work I looked up and I seen one of our workers getting CPR preformed on him. The guy ended up having it done for about an hour before the EMT's decided he was gone.He ended up having a heart attack and to make it even worse he might have been left up there for about 20 minutes before people checked out what was going on. So I was just wondering how you people handle coming to a scene trying to revive someone and having it ended up being pointless.

Here's what I'm talking about. For myself I don't want to some destroyed landscape with hardly any settlements and developed areas like what Fallout 3 and NV have. Lets face in these two games they have hardly and settlements to them and you see nothing new. The only thing part of that games environment is destruction and no new buildings. What I want to see instead is what the environment is like in Fallout 2. You see a lot of settlements and there's developed areas like the Enclave helicopter base, New Reno, the NCR city,  that power plant being ran by the ghouls and Vault City. Vault City is a new city that was built after the nukes fell when they left the vault. With Fallout 3 and NV you don't come across any areas like Vault City. You just come across settlements that are in already destroyed areas. Fallout 2 is more of humanity developing after the war instead of Fallout 3 and NV which are more of a apocalypse setting.

Serious / What's your opinion on sales tax for used items?
« on: May 15, 2015, 07:11:52 AM »
To me it's nothing more than a racket. The tax should only be paid once which is when that item was sold new. Any more than that is greediness that fucks over people depending on what it is. Lets take a used car for example. Even though it has been sold a total of five times each time the person had to pay tax on it. If you're someone on a budget that tax is going to fuck you over becasue even if you do a out of the door deal you're still going to have to include the tax. If it wasn't for that racket tax you would have got that vehicle for cheaper

Gaming / Any of you played these games?
« on: May 14, 2015, 07:39:19 PM »

Robotech was the shit. The game did get a little repetitive after awhile but it was still fun to play. I remember those snipping mechs being a bitch to kill. The way I killed them was by being as far away as I can and sniping them.

Wreckless I had fun in but I was never able to get past the first few levels. I know one of the levels you had to take pictures of things at a dock and I always drove off into the water. To me what made the game worth playing is the GTA feel to it. To me crashing into random cars and driving around fast was more fun than playing the game right. That game should have simply been a free roam driving game than a linear one. 

Murakumo I had some run playing but that game got old and the levels were just insane. You had to have a set path to beat them. If you're doing a level which is chasing after some mech and you fuck up once like crashing into a building. you're going to have to restart it no matter how far you got into it just becasue the game is that punishing. The game is more of a made up movie game you would see  just to show you the person is playing a game. When you're playing it the thing seems like it shouldn't even be real just because it is that bad. It is fun at times but for a game it's something you would find at an arcade. What's funny is that the same people who made this shitty game made Bloodborn.

There's this Mexican family in my town who has a daughter that looks like shes in elementary school. I seen the kid and she's a blimp. The kid looks like a marshmallow with legs. Yesterday I was at Subway and some fat fuck moms walked in. Each one had to way at least 300pounds or close to it. Then their kids came in behind them which were just as fat. There's some middle school girl who probably weighs over 200 and some elementary kid that probably weighs over 130.

To me the parents of these kids should be forced to get their kids on a diet and exercise program to get them down to a health weight and if they fail to do so that's when the government steps in. Each month if nothing changes in their weight the parents get fined and after so many strikes that's when SS takes action. They take the kid(s) to a group and they have programs to get them down to a healthy wight.

For the name of the site, home link and the banner for the home it has the 7 in it. But just for this forum name which is the only time you see the name of the site being spelt out without the 7 replacing the t. Why is that?

I get 15 or 16 city and 21 highway. (._____.)
inb4 Lemon says something about it being a piece of shit.

The Flood / Remember to vote for Mr. Hilter in 2016.
« on: May 05, 2015, 06:56:54 AM »
A vote for him is a win for you.
Working time stamps sure would be nice Cheat.

I did find Judgement fun but it was just too arcady. The star system is something more for a game mod type of thing like in Halo rather than being part of the campaign. A lot of the sections were just wannabe horde type of deals and they were too short. A lot of sections were just you defeating groups of enemies in a horde inspired thing and you move on to the next horde section. With Aftermath it plays like a normal Gears campaign. You don't have that star system, you're not fighting wave after wave of enemies for most of the section and the sections are longer.

The Flood / Do you people sleep with your windows open?
« on: April 30, 2015, 06:09:36 AM »
If not then why do you hate Shrek so much? Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life.

Those of you that saw this movie. Did anybody else find this song to be very pedoish? The whole time he was singing that I find it cringy because of how pedo sounding those lyrics are.

The Flood / If you're white you should fear Obama.
« on: April 27, 2015, 09:13:34 AM »
A few miles from my house there's this right winged nut job who has been doing this retarded signs for years now. What's funny is that he owns that motel but he's basically driving away business by doing that stupid shit. What retarded political shit like this do you see in your area?

The Flood / What's so entertaining about Nascar?
« on: April 27, 2015, 06:55:39 AM »
It's nothing more than a group of cars going around for hundreds of laps in a circle doing nothing more than one big left turn. It's sad when the most entertaining thing about it are the crashes or the pit crews which are not even part of the race. I was at Arby's one day and they had that shit on the radio. That was nothing more than the guy saying what position a driver was in and what car they are driving.  Every so often he went from saying the drivers name and the vehicle to the vehicle being driving by whoever to keep it from getting repetitive which it is. I think listing to it is even more boring than watching it.

It's made up by Jeff Lynne(ELO), Tom Petty, Roy Orbison, Bob Dylan and George Harrison(The Beatles).


I know that's going to be scary. I don't think there's anybody that wouldn't be scared of that. Anyway what would you do to get away from this large black man on PCP? I would turn around and flee. Going through them is something you just don't want to do. Black people are already violent in their nature and when you add in the PCP they're going to go through the roof. 

The Flood / Brace yourselfs Flood.
« on: April 24, 2015, 01:00:04 PM »
May 24th is a month away.

That movie was the shit. You got to admit adult Timmy was one badass mother fucker.

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