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Topics - Mattie G Indahouse

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Serious / What's your opinion on nuclear weapons?
« on: July 29, 2015, 05:53:38 AM »
For myself I think they are something that has to go. When it comes to the power of them a single nuke is destructive on its own. Two thirds of Hiroshima ended up getting destroyed by an amount of uranium the size of a pepper corn and nowadays nukes are a lot more powerful. I know we don't have ones this powerful outside the test but here is how powerful the Castle Bravo test was. I'm going to remember this as best as I can from the podcast about the Illusion of Safety book. If you detonated that thing in Washington DC the fallout would kill everybody there, everybody in Philadelphia and half of New York. Like I said it was a test nuke but the nukes of today are still powerful. You don't need to drop a shit load to fuck up a nation. Once one is dropped the damage done will take years for the area to be liveable again. A weapon like that is just wrong.

When it comes to accidents it's amazing that the US didn't have any go off in the country. There's been a few times where a nuke ended up falling out of the bomb bay and there was one that almost nuked North Carolina. If it wasn't for the 5 safety lock that thing would have went off due to the other being triggered. Then there is the Titian 2 which is 3 times as powerful as every explosive weapon that was used in WW2 including the two nukes. A socket from a wrench ended up falling off and on the way down it punched a hole in the rocket which caused the fuel to leak. If a spark ended up causing that to go off that nuke would have went along with it. Recently the US lost track of 50 nukes due to the connection between the base and the control enter going dead. Yes you would still need codes to launch them but it's still the fact we lost track of our nukes. Something like that could be deadly in a terrorist type of attack. There are many other accidents as well that happened. For the US itself we are probably the safest at handling them but it still doesn't change that we almost nuked our self's or lost track of our nukes. Imaging how well nukes are handled in places like India and Pakistan. When an advanced nation like the US has problems with handling nukes less developed countries would have it even worse which is a problem.   

The more countries that have nukes the problem about them greatly increases. Lets face it if every country had nukes that there wouldn't decrease the chances of a nuclear war. The chance of one braking out would greatly increase due to more countries having them and the problems along with it. In the US a glitch ended up making it look like Russia ended up sending 2,000 nukes our way. Imagine a glitch like that happening in a country that is about 10 minutes away strike range from another country that has them. There wouldn't be much time to think so they might panic and send the nukes without first seeing if it is really a strike being launched at them. The more nukes you have the higher the chances of a war with them, the threat of a terrorist act increases and so does the accidents. If we truly want to be safe with nukes then would should deactivate them and pretend they are armed. Nuclear weapons are nothing more than an illusion of safety.

The Flood / Furry Force Part 3.
« on: July 29, 2015, 05:20:00 AM »

Gaming / What game has your favorite soundtrack that isn't a OST?
« on: July 28, 2015, 07:49:20 PM »
Basically it's a game that the soundtrack is composed of already existing music like Vice City(Excluding the few Love Fist songs.) instead of having a soundtrack made for it like Halo. For myself I have to go with Guitar Hero 2 due to nearly every song in that game being one I like. I greatly regret trading in that game for GTA 4 and I hope that game ends up being backwards compatibly for the Xbone.

Besides different regions and Pokemon designs what are the differences between X/Y, Black/White and the ones before it? At this point the series has to be like sports games where you're playing the same game over again just with different designs. 

It's amazing how much content is being taking away in this version compared to Battlefront 2. Hell even Battlefront 1 has Y-wings being controllable along with AT&Ts. For myself each time there's new news for this game the amount I'm interested in it keeps lowering. By looking at this mess of a game I'm hoping KoTOR 3 never becomes a thing because I think it's safe to say that would end up being ruined.
Q: Can I fly the Y-wing?

A: Y-wings are non-player controlled vehicles. They are a support vehicle that you can call into battle within certain game modes.

Q: Is Split-screen available on PC?

A: Split-screen will be available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One only.

The Flood / Would you do a gun game to win millions?
« on: July 14, 2015, 05:37:28 AM »
Lets say you get accepted to be on a game show and you go down to the building where it's at. You walk into a room and you see two tables where one has a single gun and the other has many. Table one has twelve 9mms in a line and only one has a bullet in it. If you pickup up one, put it against you head and survive you win 5million. Table two has a revolver on it and if you survive you win 10million. If you do participate you can only do one of the two tables and if you win you get to keep the money from the one with with no tax at all.   

Honestly I would do table two due to the larger payout. Yes my chances of wining are lower but like I said the payout is greater. The way I see it is that you can either go on with the rest of your life loaded or you can end up dying instantly and you wouldn't know it since you go into nothingness. 

Was Paul Walker still smiling when the car lost control and that lamp post came up?

The Flood / Bring back Rocketman for mod in 2016.
« on: July 10, 2015, 06:50:10 AM »
Not only was he the mod we needed but he was also the mod we deserved. If it wasn't for him those Mongolians would have torn down our city firewall.

Gaming / Fallout 4 Interview: "We're Probably Doing Too Much"
« on: July 08, 2015, 05:26:28 AM »
I'm just going to link the URL since it's easier than pasting all that. Anyway apparently putting effort into a game is too much for current Bethesda to handle. I'm surprised nobody there has called a strike yet due to that or left the place and joined Bungie. By looking at Fallout 3 and Skyrim content wise I'm thinking when they say "too much" they are just adding around the same amount of content that Morrowind has.

The Flood / Fox News bimbo gets owned by Satanist.
« on: July 06, 2015, 01:09:53 PM »
It must have been hard for her to go up against his intelligence when he was using logic.

The Flood / What are some retarded laws about your state or area?
« on: July 06, 2015, 06:57:49 AM »
In PA I can walk into Walmart and buy an AR-15 but I can't buy beer from there due to us being in a type of probation. Those of you that are outside PA that might not know you can only buy alcohol in state stores or distributors. Outside Wegmans as far as I know there's no other grocery store type of place sells alcohol due to that law.

The other retarded law is that unless you have a permit you can't buy things like bottle rockets. If I lived in lets say New York I can come down to PA and buy them it's just that I can't live in PA and buy them. Here's an example of how dumb that law is. I can walk into a gun shop and buy an AK with a 75 round drum that fires FMJ rounds which go straight through a cop with just a clean record. But when it comes down to bottle rockets this state thinks it's too dangerous for us residents to own unless you have a permit. As far as I know nobody in lets say LA tried to rob a bank with bottle rockets and had a shootout with them against the cops.

The Flood / You guys have any tips on raising a doge?
« on: July 06, 2015, 05:45:16 AM »
Yesterday my mom ended up adopting a two year old puggle. She's already house trained and spaded so that stuff is taking care of. Any of you with doges got any good advice for newbs?   

The Flood / Did I go overkill on the router I got?
« on: June 30, 2015, 05:48:41 AM »
I ended up getting a NETGEAR Nighthawk X6 AC3200 Tri-Band Wi-Fi Router (R8000) due to the amount of use my wifi gets. I'm usually on my Xbox, my sister is watching Netflix and when my dad is down he uses it as well. I was going to get a Linksys WRT1900AC AC1900 but I seen this and the price wasn't all that more than it. It's almost twice as fast and the tri-band thing sounds good. Due to the amount of use like I said above to me this sounded like the better one to get. Did I go overkill though on getting this because to me this thing sounds more like something for a small building.

The Flood / What was the biggest mistake of your life so far?
« on: June 28, 2015, 07:36:01 PM »
It's no wonder why the Germans lost both World Wars.

inb4 your car is a piece of shit which is something I already know by now.

The Flood / Ferdinand GT3 RS AKA the greatest Porsche ever.
« on: June 28, 2015, 07:21:50 AM »


Star Ocean The Last Hope. The dialog in the game is bad and the game has its painful moments. The first time that AI girl with the pink hair made an appearance I turned off the 360 in shock. That game is worst than WataMote when it comes to cringe factor.

Record of Agarest War.

Gaming / What's your favorite mission in base GTA 4?
« on: June 27, 2015, 05:35:46 AM »
I'm guessing it's the bank heist one since it's the only one that stands out?   

Even if you have the money to I still think you would be retarded for spending half of what you payed for your system on a single game. Unless you're going to be selling it on Ebay I don't see any logical reason for spending that much on a single game fan or not. 

The Flood / Are you able to run away or fight back in your dreams?
« on: June 18, 2015, 07:43:28 PM »
For myself when it comes to getting away I rarely ever do it. When I try running it feels like my feet are bricks so I'm barley walking and it's the same when I'm on a bicycle. When it comes to cars I also end up in the backseat and I'm never able to get in the front seat.

For defending myself I don't have the strength to punch someone due to not being able to lift my arms or I just tap them. When it comes to guns I'm rarely able to fire them. Like punching I have the strength issue so I'm not able to pull the trigger. Most of the time the problem comes down to ammo which is I either don't have any or when I do I somehow fuck it up. When I try putting it in the mag I don't get the pattern right. For example in a dream I tried loading my AK mag and I ended up having rows two rounds wide going up. No matter how many times I retried I just can't get it right. For sizes I either have too big of rounds or they are just too small.   

Gaming / Any of you getting any good matches in the Gears 1 beta?
« on: June 18, 2015, 05:08:04 PM »
For myself I only had one good match and other than that the rest were shit. I constantly get matched up against an enemy team that is around or over level 15 and my team is lucky if there's someone above level 5. The matches start off where my team looses five lives withing the first minutes meanwhile the enemy team might only loose one withing that time frame. I ended up quitting every match simply because there's no point in staying in it when I know I'm not going to be doing anything. There's no point in staying in a match you know you have no hope of winning and there's going to be no fun to it. Any of you having any better luck with your matching?

Gaming / Who here has Elder Scrolls Online for the Xbone?
« on: June 15, 2015, 05:34:43 AM »
I ended up getting it yesterday and now I'm almost done installing it. Right now it's ready to play with a few percentage left. 

Am I going to die?

Players can issue revival commands to AI teammates or be resurrected by them.

Microsoft's upcoming sci-fi shooter Halo 5: Guardians will include a new feature never before seen in the franchise but commonplace in one of the company's other blockbuster series. Game Informer's July cover story on Halo 5 reveals that, in the game's co-op mode, players will be able to revive their fallen squadmates. This mechanic has been a staple of Gears of War since the first game. It's typically seen as a means to encourage players to work together instead of taking a lone wolf approach.

In Halo 5, you'll always have three companions. They are controlled either by other human players (online only, as there is no local split-screen) or by the computer. If you're playing alone and a teammate goes down, you can command a squadmate to save them; AI-controlled team members are also capable of reviving you.

Presumably, revives will only work if completed in a certain amount of time.

In previous Halo co-op campaigns, a fallen friend could only spawn back in when the area became "safe." Fans will no doubt recall how frustrating this could be in some situations, and the new revival system sounds like a nice solution.

Halo 5's online co-op mode requires Xbox Live Gold, despite an earlier report that said it wouldn't.

Game Informer's Halo 5 story also reveals that Cortana, an artificial intelligence who essentially "died" in the events of Halo 4, will play some role in Halo 5. She's depicted in the game, at least in the scene that Game Informer saw, as a silhouette on a rock. Microsoft previously teased that she would appear in some manner.

Separately, The Guardian has some additional Halo 5 details, including the fact that The Arbiter and Promethean enemies will return.

We're expecting a lot more Halo 5 news next week at E3, including the first details about an "epic" multiplayer mode that incorporates all aspects of the Halo sandbox for the first time. But for now, check out some recent Halo 5 stories below.
I'm glad Halo is getting a system like this. For myself I found it very annoying whatever progress you made gets lost when you died. At least with this you an keep on going. Since the system is like Gears of War when it comes to Legendary you might just die instead of going down since that's what Gears does on insane. 

Gaming / Are there any Gears of War race mods for Skyrim?
« on: June 08, 2015, 05:45:22 PM »
Like being able to play as a Berserker or General RAAM.

Gaming / What's your opinion on Super Mario 3D World?
« on: June 06, 2015, 06:49:56 PM »
So far I only completed world one but I'm loving what I'm playing. For the normal styled games I found them fun but I could never beat them. I either fell to my death a lot or I get killed by whatever. With this game on the other hand due to the way it is I find it a lot easier. I'm used to playing games that aren't side scrollers and the 3d perspective makes jumping across and avoiding things a lot easier to me. I like the open world expect to it which I find easier to play.

The Flood / "Five men at atomic ground zero."
« on: June 06, 2015, 06:25:04 PM »
If you watch the video it's cool how you see and hear the stages of the nuke going off. First you see the white light, then you hear the narrator talking about the heat, the video jumps up to the sky looking at the cloud and then the shock wave reaches the ground.


A young white Christian boy who briefly died on a surgeon’s operating table during a liver transplant this past weekend says he met Jesus Christ and he was African-American. Billy Landers, the son of a well-known KKK member in Mobile, Alabama, who was suffering from liver failure was technically dead for 3 minutes before being resuscitated. During that time the 13-year-old claims he visited the afterlife.

“It was all nigger,” he told WKRG news after the ordeal. “There were a few white people, but they were just entertaining the niggers, like playing basketball. There were lots of nigger angels watching them play basketball.” Landers said. “Jesus was a coon too. Jesus wasn’t white like Daddy says he is.”

“I asked my father ‘Why is Jesus a nigger?’ He couldn’t answer. I’d been taught that God and Jesus hate niggers. That God cursed them by turning their skin black. That they were ‘mud people.’”
Billy’s father said his son’s experience has not made him question white supremacy and an Anglo-Saxon Jesus.

“It’s kinda disturbing to me that he came back with stories of Black Folk Heaven,” he told reporters, “but clearly my son is suffering from some sort of schizophrenia or something. There’s no way Jesus is a nigger. I’m going to have my boy put on antipsychotics medications.”

Gaming / Did Halo get any changes to it when it went over to the 360?
« on: June 04, 2015, 05:43:28 AM »
By changes I'm talking about things that weren't able to be done on the Xbox due to system limitations. From what I'm seeing it seems like the only thing that has changed are graphics. For the campaign the levels seem to be the same sizes and they are just as linear as they were in 2001. For the enemies instead of fighting them in larger groups you are still fighting small groups of them like in 2001. For the player count instead of it increasing when it went over to the 360 it's still at 16.

To me the only time Halo got radical changes done to it were in those beta videos for Halo 3 and Reach. For Halo 3 you see some epic global battle and for Reach we seen far better space combat and there's that large ground battle. When it comes to the final game those things we seen didn't make it and we're still playing the same game since 2001.

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