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Topics - Mattie G Indahouse

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Septagon / How do avatar sizes on this site work?
« on: October 18, 2015, 06:34:38 PM »
For my avatar you can see the image is larger than eggsalad's but for avatar size it is smaller.  So then how do I get mine to be the same size as what she has?

The Flood / Would this be considered murder or suicide?
« on: October 18, 2015, 09:56:20 AM »
I'm going to use the Tiphareans from Battle Angle Alita as an example. When they turn 19 their brain is replaced with a chip and their memories are copied to it which goes into their body. The brain goes to the incubator and the body that has the chip still goes on living as if nothing happened at all. So the brain is on a type of life support and their body goes on living the same life since the chip in it is a perfect clone of them.

My question is lets say the clone finds out what really happens when someone turns 19 and they manged to hack into the incubator to find the brain that was in their body. Since the brain is still alive the clone is able to cut it off which would result in brain death. So then would it be murder if they do cut the life support since they are a clone or would it be suicide due to them being a perfect copy of the brain which means they have the same type of thinking? Cutting off the life support in a way would be committing suicide due to them killing them self. Yes they are a clone of this brain but it would be like holding a gun up to your head. Whatever thought process you have during pulling the trigger would be used in thinking about cutting of the life support. 

Serious / For once something fucked up didn't happen in Florida.
« on: October 09, 2015, 05:15:30 AM »
Son Said He Felt 'Good' After Murdering His Mother and Cutting Out Her Heart: Reports
A California man charged with murdering his mother told police that killing her and desecrating her body felt “good,” according to reports. Omar Pettigen, 31, allegedly used a tomahawk that hung on the wall of his 64-year-old mother’s Monroe apartment to strike her on the head before shooting her in the back at least seven times and cutting open her chest to pick up her heart, according to court documents obtained by The New York Daily News.

He put the heart back in Nailah Pettigen’s body and then reportedly masturbated because “he needed to be with himself and needed a release after the event,” the documents apparently said. Omar Pettigen allegedly said the gruesome act felt “good” when he was arrested north of Oakland on Sunday, wrote.

His arrest came after police discovered the woman’s body in her blood-soaked bedroom, according to the News. They were performing a welfare check on the behest of Nailah Pettigen’s ex-husband. The former American High School math teacher “appeared to have been disemboweled,” the News wrote, noting she had been cut from her neck down to her cervix.

Omar Pettigen allegedly told detectives he comitted the act because his mother was killing herself with prescription painkillers, which he said she had become addicted to after hip and knee problems as well as surgery, the News wrote. He allegeldy told detectives that his mother was yelling at him and during the argument, she pointed a gun at him, which prompted him to grab a hammer off the bedroom wall to knock the gun out of her hand, wrote. He left the room and returned with the tomahawk.

He allegedly told police that after the gruesome killing, he left the home, had a few beers with friends and booked an airline ticket for Chicago, the News reported. Police said Omar Pettigen “did not show any signs of remorse,” the News said. “I asked how he felt about his actions and he said good,” a detective reportedly wrote.

Family members that the detective spoke with said the mother and son had not been getting along, going on to allegedly say "it is well known that the family has seen a change in Omar since he has returned from Morocco several months prior to the murder," the News reported. He was arraigned Tuesday on charges of murder and desecration of human remains and was ordered held without bail, the News wrote. That court appearance came one day after a candle light vigil was held by loved ones, including her former students and friends.

When it comes to ones like baseball, basketball, football, soccer or tennis. What about them keeps them entertaining to watch for lets say three years? To me they would get repetitive fast due to each game ending up in one of two ways. Either team A and team B are equal with each other or team A ends up rapping team B. The same would go for single player sports like tennis or fighting ones like boxing. Either both people are going to be equal or one person is greatly better than the other. To me watching some where each game setup is hardly going to change would get boring after one year. 

Gaming / Hey guys, checkout this awesome Battlefront gameplay.
« on: October 09, 2015, 04:39:09 AM »

I deserve to get banned for reminding people that this game almost came out.

Gaming / Which game has your favorite art style?
« on: October 03, 2015, 10:59:18 AM »
For myself it's XIII. I love the comic book look to it which is used great for the cut scenes and certain weapon kills. If you kill somebody by a knife throw to the head or a crossbow bolt you see three boxes to the side showing the kill in a comic like way.

Then after that it's Bound By Flame due to the scenery. To me it looks like the same art style that Telltales uses which looks great. For that village which is located in the swamp the developers did a great job on designing them. Instead of them blending in with the background they pop out at you. When you go inside the inn small things like the shingles stand out as well. 

The Flood / How did you end up liking/discovering the bands that you like?
« on: September 26, 2015, 07:05:12 PM »
For myself I discovered Tom Petty ATHB due to San Andreas(Running down a dream) and Back To The Barnyard(I won't back down.). When I looked up those two songs on YouTube I ended up listing to other songs of his or the band's in the links. For The Chameleons and ELO that was due to my dad and The Offspring was due to my uncle.



Gaming / Could a human combat form activate the Halo array?
« on: September 18, 2015, 07:19:54 AM »
As we seen in Halo 2 and 3 humans are able to activate the array which is something a non-human can't do besides the Forerunners. But what about a flood infected human? Would they still be able to do it since they still have human DNA or would the human either being controlled by an infection form or being infected by flood spores prevent that from happening?

Also when did the hunters go from being a single organism like an elite to a colony of worms? I know in the Halo CE book a rocket ended up going through a hunters spine which means they weren't a collection of worms back when that was writing. The spine also can't be that back plate the Halo 3 and after hunters have since those weren't modeled on the hunters yet.

The Flood / Nuking Japan may have been a bad idea.(Monster like fish.)
« on: September 17, 2015, 06:32:07 AM »

Fisherman reels in SUPER-FISH off the coast of Japan near Fukushima plant
Visibly straining as he holds it aloft, a Japanese fisherman grimaces as he proudly displays a terrifyingly large fish caught in the waters off Japan. With a gaping mouth large enough to swallow a small child, this creature - believed to be a wolffish - would not look out of place in a science fiction film. The massive catch was reeled in by Hirasaka Hiroshi, a fisherman who has made a career of landing and then eating unusual fish. Caught off the coast of the island of Hokkaido, he said: 'It was worth flying to [Hokkaido] twice within three months. This guy is super cool,' the Daily Star reported.

Located just north of the mainland, Hirasaka said he landed the massive catch in the island's waters near Russia's coast.

Wolffish commonly live in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. As deep sea dwellers, they feed on smallers creatures along the ocean floor.

The creature has developed a reputation due to its size and fearsome appearance and one type of the species featured on the Animal Planet series River Monsters. Normally growing to about 1.2m in length, the wolffish Hirasaka caught measured close to two metres, The Sun reported. The catch may also add substance to Japanese fishermen's concerns over the effects the Fukushima nuclear accident is having on local fish populations.

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant meltdown was triggered by an 8.9 magnitude earthquake in 2011. The earthquake knocked out nuclear plant's cooling system, causing three reactor cores to melt and spew radiation into the ocean. The earthquake - which claimed the lives of 18,500 people - caused what was the largest nuclear disaster since the Chernobyl meltdown in 1986. In the years since, fish have been caught in the waters nearby with as much as 2,500 times the legal safe radiation limit.

For myself I would replace the save feature for whatever game and replace it with the one that Fallout and the Elder Scrolls uses. To me anything else is just shit and a pain depending on how it's down. With Pokemon you can save whenever you like, but you only have one save slot which is retarded. For check points you have no freedom of wherever you like to save and there are times you might have fucked yourself in one. If that's the case you may have to restart the whole level. Then there's games like Star Ocean the Last Hope which has a shitty setup. For the areas there are save points but they are stupidly spread out. For some areas you actually have to travel for around an hour just to get to the next one. If you end up dying that hour you made progressing was for nothing. What makes it even worse is that the area you have to travel are loaded with enemies.

The Flood / Osama bin Laden should be made a saint.
« on: September 11, 2015, 04:47:00 AM »
14 years ago for the first time in history he made it rain men! HALLELUJAH!

The Flood / ITT we post bad jokes.
« on: September 10, 2015, 08:13:44 PM »
How many Holocaust survivors does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None because the Holocaust didn't happen.

What's the difference between Max Klinger and Noelle?
Klinger never got discharged for wearing dresses.
inb4 what's small and white?
The OP's dick.

We're going to be partying so hard that by the next day we will feel like we had a load of steel coming crashing down on us.


"Regarding the recently announced Star Wars Battlefront Beta, our servers will use a skill-based matchmaking system to pair players together. Players just need to fire up the beta and select what game mode they want to play.”

Original story is as follows.

"Regarding the recently announced Star Wars Battlefront Beta, our servers will use a skill-based matchmaking system to pair players together. Players just need to fire up the beta and select what game mode they want to play.”

Developer DICE confirmed the news via EA's community manager, Sledgehammer70, on the game's Subreddit page, stating that while a server browser will not be available it will use a "new skill-based matchmaking system" to match online players.  This moves away from server set-ups in games like Battlefield 4, where players can select from a variety of servers providing different maps, modes, player numbers, and the ability to find active games with their friends.

"I want to have specific, favourite servers with communities I know etc.," said one fan on the Subreddit page. "I want to have servers with one map only. Matchmaking won't offer me that."

We've reached out to EA for comment and will update just as soon as we know more.

Gaming / Do you role play in RPGs?
« on: September 07, 2015, 04:58:16 PM »
For myself the only game I remotely did it in was San Andreas. What I did was I wore the cop uniform and I pretended to be a cop by driving around in a portal car and when I seen a cop chasing someone I went after them. The other thing I did was I got a semi and I drove around like a trucker. Besides those two thing I simply played RPGs normally which is doing the story or fucking around. The reason why is because I don't have the attention span to role play in the same ways people do for games like Skyrim. To me role playing as a normal NPC in Skyrim would be boring or being a hunter and selling the pelts would get old fast.

Septagon / We should take the shit posters on this site...
« on: September 05, 2015, 11:48:26 AM »
inb4 a certain weeabo comes in here crying because of this thread and reports it because they're a bitch.

For the Glory Hole them park commercial in San Andreas I thought it was a park where you actually dug holes. <.<

For my grandpa I confused his actions in WW2 with Cotton Hill. I knew he was in WW2 but somehow I thought he killed fitty men just like Cotton. Latter on when I started watching the show again I realized Cotton was the one who killed fitty men, not my grandpa. 

It's IGNorant, wrong and there's no place for it in real life or on the internet.
Just like niggers.

The Flood / Do you find being white hard at times?
« on: August 23, 2015, 05:59:04 PM »
For myself there are times where I have moments were being white is hard. For example today at Walmart I seen a nice looking 70's Mustang that I would love to have. I could have simply waited for the driver to show up and beat him down for his keys but I didn't. After I got done checking it out I walked away to go into the store to buy things instead of stealing them. Now I'm still driving around in my A4 because the white in me has common sense not to commit a serous crime.

Gaming / Do you go out of your way to get achievements/trophies?
« on: August 22, 2015, 07:40:39 PM »
For myself when I was younger I did which latter on went to trying to get one everyday for something to do and now I get them randomly through playing. Now that I'm older I don't see the point of going out of my way trying to get something that doesn't do anything. At the end of the day you can unlock every single one for a game and having them is no different from not having them so I stopped trying to get something that's pointless. If they unlocked things like characters or weapons I would but for the games I played they don't do anything besides change a number. In Halo 3 you did get armor but armor doesn't do anything and you hardly see it so for me there's no point of getting them for that.

What also makes them pointless to me is that for Xbox you can block people from seeing what games you played so to me that defeats the purpose of having them. If you're somebody that unlocks them for fun it kills the point of that when you can't compare yours to someones else due to that block feature.

I was just wondering.

The Flood / Your reminder that this DBZ dub exists.
« on: August 18, 2015, 05:41:59 AM »

So what's the worse dub you know of for a TV show, movie or game? For myself I have to go with this black guy dub. Not only does the voice not match the guys body but it doesn't sound black.

The Flood / I have come here to chew bubblegum and shit post.
« on: August 17, 2015, 05:49:35 PM »
And I'm all out of bubblegum.

The Flood / "2,000-HP American Hypercar Uncovered For The First Time"
« on: August 13, 2015, 07:48:05 PM »

Last year, we brought you news of a supposed “American hypercar.” It is called the Trion Nemesis, and is claimed to make 2000 horsepower, but at the time all we had was a set of specs, and some pretty computer renderings. Well it appears the Nemesis is finally here for real. Sort of.

It may no longer be vaporware, but it would be hard to call the model of the Trion Nemesis an actual runner. It is more of an in-real-life proof of the concept drawings. Supercar owner gained access to this private event in California where the Nemesis was shown. Here’s what the car looks like:

It certainly has striking appearance, backed by staggering stats. The car is said to make 2,000 horsepower, derived from a twin-turbo 5.0-liter V8. That power is said to give it a 0-60 time of just 2.8 seconds, on its way to a claimed top speed of 290 mph. All this power and speed will come with an astonishing price of $1.6 million to 2.2 million for a limited edition model.

But if that is too rich for your blood, or you don’t think you can handle the two grand in horsepower, Trion is going to offer a Nemesis N1-GT with a mere 1,400 horsepower. There will also be an open top model—both will be cheaper than the 2,000-horsepower model.

Gaming / Any of you know how to instill mods for Fallout 2?
« on: August 13, 2015, 06:13:50 PM »

I've been trying to go by what the links are saying but I'm still blind at what to do. I'm hoping someone here knows how it's done so I can get more detailed instructions. The mod I'm trying to do is this one.

The Flood / "Better dead than red."
« on: August 12, 2015, 05:30:43 AM »
I take it it's better to be dead than to be a Republican?

The Flood / I have a question about Loki.
« on: August 11, 2015, 05:05:34 AM »
Why didn't he transform himself into a mare that couldn't get pregnant like by not having a womb? That right there would have saved him a lot of face and nobody would have known what happened to him.

Gaming / I have a question for those of you that beat Fallout 1.
« on: August 09, 2015, 06:25:10 AM »
Did you manged to do it without loosing any followers? I was wondering because not being able to give them armor like in the second game greatly hinders them latter on. Right now I'm at the LA vault and I lost the women with the green mohawk to those robots on the third floor. Unless I send them home I don't see any other way not to loose anybody to the mutants at their bases. Sure you could use a rocket launcher or grenades on groups but the mutants still have powerful weapons that can fuck them up. All it takes is a mutant at close range with a minigun to blast them. 

Praise the Master! Praise the Holy Flame! Praise the Vineyard of Life! Whee!

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