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Messages - A Dumb Door

Pages: 123
The Flood / Re: How would you guys feel about starting one of these?
« on: August 11, 2014, 02:02:11 AM »
Take my thread for example.
I attempted a search for these, but did not find them with the search function. Might I have a link for source material?

EDIT: Hurr durr, nevermind, just noticed it got bumped to front page.

The Flood / Re: Rule Change Feedback
« on: August 11, 2014, 01:59:52 AM »
You're fine. There's been a bit of back and forth about the rules being too restricting versus the fear of what would happen if they were too lax. I'm just trying to get a feel for something that would work the best for everyone. There are, unfortunately, members here who would abuse the freedom to post NSFW content; and IP bans are only an obstacle to them.

And you're spot on about how new we are. Sep7agon hasn't even been up a month yet.
Once again, no offense, but it really feels this way. Somehow, I've gotten a pretty good knack for knowing how forums, once made, will progress, since I've been a part of so many empires that have risen and fallen. My resume includes: Teh L9, J4LR, Flood V2, Sapphire, and many other smaller ones. I've been a founding member of many groups. The discussion and especially allowance of mature content is always quite a scary thing. I might just be bringing it up too soon and scaring away the members who are hesitant about becoming invested so soon to begin with.

Honestly, some groups handle it better than others, and I've been on both sides of the spectrum. J4LR and Teh L9 mostly treated it like cooties and stayed very infantile for the most part toward it. Flood V2 and Sapphire quickly jumped toward allowing it with restrictions, and it became a problem for the more immature members since they didn't restrict it enough. The MLP group treated it like the plague for the most part and allowed discussion, but no actual content (similar to here).

The best example of what you could hope to achieve is something like what Reddit has got going in terms of its general system. The users are mature enough such that if the content is posted just to go, "OOH! Gawk at this!' it gets downvoted into oblivion for being stupid, while genuine discussion is allowed. NSFW content has a more mature air in its allowance. Sure, stupidity still occurs. Reddit is a HUGE place, for every intelligent user there are about a hundred blubbering idiots. That said, content is still handled maturely by the community, and that's the important part. The community dictates the content.

As previously stated, this group might just be too young for it right now. It is possible you guys just have not developed that closely knit feel for each other and mutual sense of direction, in which case it would be better to postpone this discussion for a few months or even a year.

The Flood / How would you guys feel about starting one of these?
« on: August 11, 2014, 01:52:23 AM »
I kind of missed the days when Lord Snakie and Texas Ben had these games going, so how would you guys feel about starting one up here?

The Flood / Re: Rule Change Feedback
« on: August 11, 2014, 01:34:38 AM »
Wow, I just realized how out of context this sounds like a horrible thing... So allow me to put it into context.

NSFW content reaches across great leaps and bounds. Upon looking at the rules, I fear it is a bit too easy to accidentally post something against the rules and get banned without realizing it. If there were the rule that questionable content be put in a spoiler, it would allow for more freedom without compromising the current discussion.

I don't say to let up on all NSFW content because I'm sitting in the background going, "'ey guize! moar pronz for us all!" There exist sites for that kind of discussion already, and the last thing that I would want is a site like this becoming that. Instead, what I'm leaning more toward is opening a channel for some additional content to be allowed to be discussed.

I know, the prospect is quite frightening. What if when we do this, all that everyone posts is gore? What if when this is allowed, everyone just posts pronz, and nothing else?

If that is what happens, then the community here has some serious flaws beyond just censorship. I get that has a lot to contend with because of their high user count, but last I saw, there were ~170 members here. I'm not saying that we should be looking upon NSFW content with eyes of glory, but what if a liveleak video comes out with a horrendous topic at heart? Would I be unable to link to it? Or should I be allowed to post it and discuss it with an NSFW tag?

If this forum does not want this, I understand, I'm a newcomer, who am I to even begin suggesting that you guys change up your tempo? I just figured that if this kind of thing were allowed in OP's and properly tagged and such that it would allow for some mature discussion here and there. I know that fun and games on forums make them great to be on, but it was a thought I was mulling over in my head.

I don't mean this in any way offensively, but I can definitely tell in the air that this forum is new. I didn't have to really look too hard to guess that you guys probably haven't even been huge for even half a year yet. I don't look down upon you for it, but as a community, it is possible that eventually you may wish to discuss more mature topics at some point. The spoiler and NSFW tag system to allow OP's to have this would allow for that eventually.

Once again though, as I said, this is only me throwing ideas around. I'm a newcomer and don't intend to destroy what you guys have got here.

The Flood / Re: Best Gif/Picture Thread! (SFW ONLY)
« on: August 10, 2014, 10:00:10 PM »

The Flood / Tonematrix
« on: August 10, 2014, 09:54:59 PM »

The Flood / Re: Only communicate with smileys ITT
« on: August 10, 2014, 09:47:38 PM »

The Flood / Re: who likes threads?
« on: August 10, 2014, 09:41:10 PM »

The Flood / Re: Most recognizable users on the Flood?
« on: August 10, 2014, 06:51:05 PM »
Well we did have that but many people got annoyed by how hard it was to scroll through a thread. It didn't bother me but to each his own.
Doesn't make much sense to me, but like I said, five. Maybe just two would work, or something.

The Flood / Re: Welcome to the Salty Spitoon
« on: August 10, 2014, 06:47:17 PM »
I once stared at a barnacle that was so ugly that everyone died...

I merely blinked...

The Flood / Re: Most recognizable users on the Flood?
« on: August 10, 2014, 06:42:37 PM »
Would also be nice if possible to have quote trees up to at least five... Kind of weird to quote someone and JUST get their text, no previous quotes. Less conversation record.

The Flood / Re: Most recognizable users on the Flood?
« on: August 10, 2014, 05:35:28 PM »
Would love to have the reply button at the bottom of each post again. :S

The Flood / Re: Most recognizable users on the Flood?
« on: August 10, 2014, 05:30:05 PM »
I thought so. Good to have you back.
In a way, it's good to BE back. At the same time, I'm mostly just browsing right now. Taking a look at this forum to see how true to form it really is, etc. There are a few things I'd change if I had the power, but it's not my forum.

The Flood / Re: Most recognizable users on the Flood?
« on: August 10, 2014, 05:24:02 PM »
Dude when did you leave?
I don't have an exact date of when I left, but I haven't been on for probably a few months before today.

The Flood / Re: The world
« on: August 10, 2014, 05:10:51 PM »

The Flood / Re: Most recognizable users on the Flood?
« on: August 10, 2014, 05:07:03 PM »
Dumb Door? Last I saw you was... a long while ago.
Recently took a look at after a long period of dormancy, someone told me to check this place out, so here I find myself, amidst a sea of possible activities and things to do, I appear before a great threshold. One showing me layouts of old, and allowing me to reminisce in the oddest of ways. So, what's up, guys? What's new? What's old? Treat me as new here. How's it all goin'?

The Flood / Re: Most recognizable users on the Flood?
« on: August 10, 2014, 05:03:43 PM »
Wait is this the real Dumb Door holy shit.

The Flood / Re: Most recognizable users on the Flood?
« on: August 10, 2014, 05:00:33 PM »
I'm horribly sorry to say this, but I don't recognize all that many people here. Maybe it's because your usernames aren't the same as on, but I don't really recognize a lot of people. Or perhaps my memory is just that far gone, or perhaps I haven't seen the entire member list yet...

Pages: 123