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Messages - A Dumb Door

Pages: 12 3
The Flood / Re: Most embarrassing moment
« on: August 27, 2014, 02:07:34 AM »
Hard to know.the MOST embarrassing...

The Flood / Re: Wolves > Foxes
« on: August 27, 2014, 02:01:12 AM »
I am so conflicted. I lourve wolves to death. I am a wolf (figuratively speaking of course), and relate very much to them.

Foxes, on the other hand, are one of the only animals that goes around wearing stockings!

The Flood / Re: Rocketman's OFFICIAL Love/Hate Thread :)
« on: August 27, 2014, 01:57:38 AM »
You are an awesome person! You do great things, and you don't afraid of anything.

The Flood / Re: Groot vs Batman
« on: August 24, 2014, 06:58:26 AM »
I love Groot. I adore Groot. I lourve him like you wouldn't even BELIEVE...

Except that Batman has to deal with Poison Ivy and still makes it out on top.

Sorry, Groot, but Bat-AntiGroot-Spray wouldn't be that hard to make in comparison.

The Flood / Re: So I made a Twitter account AMA
« on: August 23, 2014, 10:45:50 PM »
I made one a while back to see what all the fuss was about. I followed like five people, posted a couple of tweets, conversed with like two people, and haven't touched it since.

So do I. Especially the part where you go into hardcore rage mode for like literally nothing.
You remind me vaguely of someone named T Bizzle from a previous forum I used to be on.

If I recall correctly, the kid was ~14 years old, loud, obnoxious, etc.

I'm not CALLING you those things, but your responses are almost exactly his kinds of responses whenever people would call him on that kind of thing.

My recommendation? If you are guilty, just take it in stride and change your attitude. If you're innocent, ignore this and don't bait the fighting. You're only proving their point more and more by replying in such an acidic manner. Prove yourself innocent or guilty in how you post on the threads. Don't spend your time worrying about this thread  or any others like it.

The Flood / Re: Why do we have a user that does nothing but get mad?
« on: August 23, 2014, 10:27:21 PM »
These threads are the reason I believe there needs to be more rules. Or the rules of current to be tighter.
I don't like more rules as I love free speech in forums, but there should be some more enforcement of blatant personal attacks like this. That's what the downvoting system is for. I don't support attention whoring, but I DEFINITELY oppose personal attacks. Even of attention whores. In the end, you're giving them exactly what they want, and you're creating a hostile environment for everyone else.

But then he wouldn't get the attention he's so desperately looking for.
I see no fault in that.

Want attention? Do something worthwhile and worth celebrating. Otherwise, post some nudes on a different site and let the comments roll in.

The Flood / Re: Why do we have a user that does nothing but get mad?
« on: August 23, 2014, 10:21:45 PM »
Here's a radical idea:

Everyone takes a step away from their computer, takes a deep breath, and calms down. If when you sit back down you're still fuming, take another minute and a few more breaths, rinse and repeat until you're over it.

Guys, this is an internet forum. We're here of our own free will to discuss, converse, socialize, and in every way have some fun. Infighting like this is not going to help anyone, nor is it going to get anything done. Have a problem with someone? PM Cheat or a moderator. Think the problem is more personal? PM the person directly. Downvote and move on. Ignore. If the problem is a REAL issue, and EVERYONE ignores a person who is trying to be an attention whore, their whoring becomes empty and doesn't mean anything.

It is only what you make it out to be. I don't know the conflict well enough to have an opinion here, and I'm not interested in how right or wrong anyone is. All I know is that this kind of childish play is bringing the whole forum to a low of nonsense. Cheat, I'd recommend getting rid of all personal attack threads and making any new attempts at making them a temporary bannable offense. Doesn't need to be long. Just like an hour or something to get the point across.

Since you clearly still don't have a good understanding of what baiting is, I'm not even going to bother taking your post seriously. Thanks anyway.
I agree with Cheat in this aspect for the most part. I'm fairly new here, and I don't know everything that has happened, but it sounds to me like you, Grapes, and Kiyo all need to be put in chairs, have buckets of ice water dumped on your head, and told to knock dis shit off. This kind of infighting is blatantly just attacking users directly. if you think a moderator is doing a poor job, and you think something really needs to be done about it, why not just PM Cheat? Or perhaps PM Kiyo and talk about how you think she is doing a poor job, and you want her to do better? Be civil about things. Seriously, y'all are actin' like children shouting for attention thinking that the one shouting the loudest will be the one heard when it's really just a big cacophonous roar that drowns itself out.

The Flood / Re: Groot > Shrek
« on: August 23, 2014, 10:12:27 PM »
Groot's a'ight.

Psh, casual. I still haven't gotten one.

The Flood / Re: Why do the Scottish wear kilts?
« on: August 23, 2014, 09:34:39 PM »
To be manly, of course.

How do you not see that as manly as FWUACK!?


bro that's not how it works
People can't go around nominating themselves.
*Grabs campaign flags and hats*


Door for Moderator 2014 let's do this

The Flood / Re: Take a motherfucking screenshot RIGHT NOW
« on: August 23, 2014, 06:35:13 PM »
lol aircraft

The Flood / Re: Take a motherfucking screenshot RIGHT NOW
« on: August 23, 2014, 06:32:32 PM »

For some reason I don't have an option to attach pictures.

Are members with bad karma not allowed to upload images? Because that's fucking bullshit and if we can bully users we dislike into having fewer posting privileges, I might just fucking leave.
[img­]http://put your image here[/img]

The Flood / Re: Take a motherfucking screenshot RIGHT NOW
« on: August 23, 2014, 06:14:47 PM »

Done. immediately control+v'd to imgur.

The Flood / Re: What web browser are you using?
« on: August 11, 2014, 07:30:20 PM »
Chrome master race here.

The Flood / Re: Master Chief vs Batman
« on: August 11, 2014, 03:00:08 AM »
But Chief has luck, aka plot armor...

What if they're related? Batman is Chief's great-great-great(-great)Grandpa.
Batman would not know this, being from the past, so it wouldn't influence him.

Also, the Justice League is comprised of demigods, gods, and other such beings so powerful they can hardly be comprehended by humans. Batman is just a rich kid with issues and he stands on par with all of them. Proof of awesome

The Flood / Re: Master Chief vs Batman
« on: August 11, 2014, 02:52:51 AM »
John, A.K.A., Master Chief, A.K.A. Spartan 117 is a military trained super soldier. He has been training since he was a young'un to be the ultimate fighting and killing machine. His bones are virtually unbreakable, his muscles are many times stronger than the average man, and his reflexes are near unmatched. He also has a major advantage in his MJOLNIR armor, a system so advanced that normal people can't even use it without pulverizing themselves to a pulp. He can take on whole armies against impossible odds and still come out on top.

Batman is Batman. End of story. He can simply apply bat-antichief-spray and win.

Pages: 12 3