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Messages - The Lord Slide Rule

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Serious / Re: I absolutely despise humility and modesty
« on: October 15, 2014, 05:57:59 PM »
I'd argue that people like Richard Dawkins propagate the idea that people who don't have the same education or knowledge that they do are inferior, so I can't say I do not feel some sympathy for people who feel brow beaten by people because they are limited in their knowledge. They probably act that way because people like Dawkins make them afraid to challenge their opinions. I'm not saying it's right, but that's why the term "stupid question" exists.

And using the term "I don't know" is, by definition,exercising humility.

I'd say saying "I don't know" is just exercising honesty when faced with epistemic uncertainty.

*awaiting peer review and live demonstration*

Serious / Re: I absolutely despise humility and modesty
« on: October 15, 2014, 05:46:30 PM »
So you encourage people to brag?
Now, by no means am I advocating hubris or conceit.

The Flood / Re: Music thread!
« on: October 15, 2014, 05:34:14 PM »


The Flood / Re: A bunch of Star Wars VII concept art leaked
« on: October 15, 2014, 04:15:52 PM »
Now I can't help but wonder who Grave Robber is with Vader's helmet in those pics. Neat.
I know...even though Vader was cremated...this guy somehow found his helmet on Endor. Wonder how they're going to explain this.
Was Vader even cremated w/ the helmet? Did Luke even bother to grab it when he left Deathstar II?


The Flood / Re: 5 hours to kill at school. Halp.
« on: October 15, 2014, 04:13:32 PM »
"Kill at school" is probably one of the phrases the Department of Homeland Security and NSA monitors. OP is probably dead by now.

>mfw nsa
>not knowing the nsa already controls britbongistan

The Flood / Re: A bunch of Star Wars VII concept art leaked
« on: October 15, 2014, 04:06:55 PM »
Now I can't help but wonder who Grave Robber is with Vader's helmet in those pics. Neat.
I know...even though Vader was cremated...this guy somehow found his helmet on Endor. Wonder how they're going to explain this.
Was Vader even cremated w/ the helmet? Did Luke even bother to grab it when he left Deathstar II?

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing a comedian
« on: October 15, 2014, 04:03:49 PM »
Umm not now but I'm going to see Exodus, Suicidal Tendencies and The Tom and Kerry Band in concert in a few weeks.

 It's not about skepticism, it's not even an assertion. Its a silly fable, probably concerning Brahma or some other metagod of Indian origin.

On second thought it's actually about. . .

Serious / Re: Man down! Man down! Greece has been hit; suspected K.I.A.
« on: October 15, 2014, 02:34:25 PM »
Anyone remember when the Greeks used to get shit done?

No. .

What is this thread even about anymore. . .

For a few pages, Canadians. I needed to give out the Best Canadian award.
Expect topics to kinda vary
but Canadians are degenerates.

Serious / Re: How plausible is this statement?
« on: October 15, 2014, 02:16:07 PM »
If aliens have the ability to contact us we'd be dead, I think. Unless the aliens we encountered have evolved in unimaginable ways that make them very wise and philosophical.

Otherwise I'm pretty sure they'll just act like Europeans did when they found the New World.
*cough cough* wow signal *cough cough*

Nobody is entirely sure what that was. Could have been an as of yet undiscovered astrophysical phenomenon.
It's extremely unlikely for it to have been anything natural. We know the system where it originated from and there aren't any exploding stars or black holes, in fact the system is fairly stable.
I just find that jumping to the conclusion that it's an intelligent civilization merely because we can't explain it a tad too big of a leap. Call me a skeptic.

The Flood / Re: There is a spooky skeleton inside all of us.
« on: October 15, 2014, 02:13:21 PM »

i am made of extremely high quality military grade steel, aircraft aluminum, and bulletproof composites consisting of boron carbide bonded to kevlar

Talking to my atheist friends, I get the sense that they lean left because it goes against what their religious parents believe in.

The Flood / Re: Confession thread
« on: October 15, 2014, 02:01:08 PM »
I'm sometimes worry that I'm actually retarded but people are too polite to tell me so. :-[
You're retarded
But here's the problem how do I know you're not just being a dick or maybe you think its what I want to hear and are just being super nice?
You don't
And therein lies my dilemma.

The Flood / Re: Confession thread
« on: October 14, 2014, 11:26:57 PM »
I'm sometimes worry that I'm actually retarded but people are too polite to tell me so. :-[
You're retarded
But here's the problem how do I know you're not just being a dick or maybe you think its what I want to hear and are just being super nice?

The Flood / Re: Confession thread
« on: October 14, 2014, 11:22:44 PM »
I'm sometimes worry that I'm actually retarded but people are too polite to tell me so. :-[

The Flood / Re: Confession thread
« on: October 14, 2014, 11:08:04 PM »

I dont have anything to confess
that statement alone leads me to believe you have a lot of shit on your plate.
Cant think of anything.

What about the twin living next to your spleen?

Serious / Re: How plausible is this statement?
« on: October 14, 2014, 10:58:25 PM »
If aliens have the ability to contact us we'd be dead, I think. Unless the aliens we encountered have evolved in unimaginable ways that make them very wise and philosophical.

Otherwise I'm pretty sure they'll just act like Europeans did when they found the New World.
*cough cough* wow signal *cough cough*

Nobody is entirely sure what that was. Could have been an as of yet undiscovered astrophysical phenomenon.

The Flood / Re: Confession thread
« on: October 14, 2014, 10:33:16 PM »
Raw plz, implying you actually have a job.

Serious / Re: How would you kill yourself?
« on: October 14, 2014, 09:38:23 PM »
-Shot out of a cannon
-adrift in space

The Flood / Re: There is a spooky skeleton inside all of us.
« on: October 14, 2014, 09:05:13 PM »
But what if I'm an octopus?

The Flood / Re: what a steal
« on: October 14, 2014, 09:02:22 PM »
Oh my god this
I'm a risk analyst for a major insurance firm, so when my wife and I were planning a birthday party for our seven-year-old, Crispin, my mind naturally turned to liabilities. We'd settled on the theme of a "backyard carnival", complete with a swing set, a trampoline, merry-go-round, and a giant Slip `n Slide. So I carefully inspected the equipment for safety. It all seemed sound.

We have a home on a bluff overlooking the ocean. As it happened, on the day of the party our neighbors were trimming their fichus trees. We heard the sound of their wood chipper buzzing occasionally from the other side of our tall hedge. It was a little irritating, but not disruptive.

The party started off wonderfully. A clown we'd hired made balloon animals, Crispin eagerly opened his presents, and all the children enjoyed cake and fruit punch. The weather was mild, the skies clear. It seemed a perfect day.

Then we brought out the Slip `n Slide.

The problem with water slides is what we in the trade call "distributed water deficiency zones", or in layman's terms, dry spots. If a child hits one of these, it can put the brakes on the fun, and send them sliding down a path of medical claims--contusions, concussions, lacerations, abrasions, whiplash, back rash, and disc impaction. And that's just for starters. From there, it's a slippery slope toward major litigation.

To avoid even the remote possibility of such injuries, I invested in this 55 gallon drum of water soluble personal lubricant--the idea being that the children could enjoy the slide in complete safety, then wash off in the hose before their parents came to retrieve them. With that in mind, I dipped each child into the vat before allowing them to cue up for the slide.

The Slip `n Slide itself performed admirably, as did the lubricant. That, in fact, was the problem. Due to the slight downhill gradient of our yard, the children built up so much speed that they skidded across the lawn and into a retaining wall at the other end of our property, with sufficient force that I had to put an end to the activity.

I endeavored to roll up the mat--no easy task, as the lawn surrounding the slide was itself now lubricated, and I struggled to maintain my footing. When I looked up from my labor, I grasped for the first time the scope of the liabilities I had unleashed--a horde of extremely well-lubricated seven-year-olds, hyped up on sugar and desperate for fun.

I saw young Eliza Gimmelman climb onto the trampoline. She began jumping, but the pad soon became so slick that she lost all control. Her wild flailing unfortunately fell into harmonic synchronization with the motion of the springs, propelling her ever higher, until she soared above the trampoline's safety enclosure, over the hedge and into the neighbor's yard. There came a ghastly grinding sound, and I could tell from the crimson plume that followed, it would be a total loss.

Twins Jeremy and Mason Lafferty were on the swing set. Having attained the swings' full range of motion, they were apparently having difficulty holding on. At that point, the swings became human catapults. Mason separated on the backswing, arcing over the roof of our home toward the street beyond. I surmised from the screeching tires, car horns and screams of horror that he was also unrecoverable. A terrified Jeremy soon lost his grip as well, sailing forward over the bluff, and plummeting 300 feet down into the ice-cold, shark-infested waters of the San Francisco Bay. An open claim, but not promising.

The rest of the children were clinging to the merry-go-round. Having just witnessed the violent deaths of at least two of their playmates, they were no longer in the mood for fun. However, the lubricant had dripped from their glistening bodies into the central cog, allowing it to spin far faster than it was designed to, and this, likely combined with other factors--their relative weight distribution, the slight incline of the ground--caused their motion to become self-sustaining, and the centrifugal force built upon itself until they became a blurry, screaming disk of human suffering. Then they began to fly off like cannon balls.

Martin Duckworth was the first to go, causing significant structural damage to our greenhouse. Lisa Aurelio shattered a line of ceramic garden gnomes, and Ethan Green slammed into our Audi Q7 so hard it had to be written off--as, tragically, did he. Several other children left what looked like gingerbread man indentations in the siding of our home. It was terrifying.

When the wheel finally came to a stop, there was only one child aboard. As luck would have it, it was our own beloved Crispin, huddled in the center of the merry-go-round, weeping. My wife ran to him and hugged him with all the might of a relieved, traumatized parent. A little too hard, as it turned out. Lubricated as he was, he shot from her arms like a wet bar of soap, up fifteen feet in the air, landed on the trampoline, and then soared, in a half-gainer, over the hedge, into the wood chipper.

Since then, I've asked myself a thousand times, is there anything I could have done differently? But in the end, no actuary table could have predicted this bloodbath. I can only conclude that this was an act of God. And that, to me, is truly terrifying. Because we're not covered for that.

It's not so much to do with a state of post-scarcity as it is with all of the jobs being automated. You can't have the means of supply owned privately without a labour force, and capitalism becomes a ridiculous structure in such a society.

In saying that, the rate of technological advancement won't necessarily abolish scarcity any time soon, but it'll certainly induce abundance.

Although I don't think anybody here is advocating communism. I don't want to live without a government.

Oh,no doubt capitalism will become unfeasible, possibly in the near future, due to the fact that a certain scarcity has to be maintained for it to be a viable model. Anything producing an overabundance would gum that right up. Totally agree on that.

Perhaps I'm mistaken in assuming a gift society must be anarchistic?

Serious / Re: How plausible is this statement?
« on: October 14, 2014, 07:27:26 PM »

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 07:24:02 PM »
I.........I think I killed this thread.......


I'm obviously not the best of people to be putting my 2 cents into this but. . .

Wouldn't a fully communistic gift society(a voluntary one seeing as the final stage of a communist society is anarchistic) either have to wait until we develop a post scarcity state or we somehow reduce ourselves back down to small hunter gatherer communes?

The former being for all intents and purposes probably unobtainable and the latter being(as far as I'm concerned) undesirable I don't see a fully communistic society becoming feasible any time soon(unless, once again, we fuck up royally).

I await education.

The Flood / Re: >I was only nine years old
« on: October 14, 2014, 05:03:28 PM »
Be glad your mom didn't encourage it and you ended up wanting to a art major loser.

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 05:00:21 PM »
Guys....guys listen...i have a confession to make too...
You absorbed your twin in the womb and now he lives next to your spleen and communicates via kicking it occasionally.

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:10:10 PM »
You're only adding to all the drama with this thread. You're an attention whore. You have to make your opinion known. You have to make your own thread. You want people to know that this is your take on it, and that you are important enough that people should care. The sad truth is no one should care. The only way to stop something to make it irrelevant, and this is the opposite of that. GG on you're thread though. You sure are making the problem stop.
Ignoring a problem, does not always solve the problem.
On the internet it mostly does. Especially forum drama.  And that is all it is, senseless forum drama. Not even harassment.
It would work, but only if everyone is willing to let it go. Although, certain users can't, that is why ignoring the problem wouldn't work here.

let it go.
If I may make a suggestion, I say we all break down in song.


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