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Messages - The Lord Slide Rule

Pages: 1 ... 133134135 136137 ... 144
Ok, I admit, I'm bigoted against the soft sciences.

You don't include Psychology in that do you? >.>

*sharpens axe*

Just askin', no reason.
It's certainly harder than social science/sociology. If I'm not mistaken psychology has really started applying results from neuroscience, correct?

*dodges axe*

Wait a minute, I thought we hadn't quite figured out nuclear fusion yet. How is it powering warships?

Fusion's the one that has an above 100% efficiency, right?
We use Fission Reactors for power, not fusion. And we can fusion, just not for an extended period of time, and it's not self sustaining at the moment.

And 100% efficiency relative to what? It's more efficient than fission.

No, apparently over 100% (you get more than what you put in - how exactly that works I've no idea. I'm assuming it means self sustaining like the Sun). Remember seeing it on a BBC technology documentary...was a while ago though when fusion was limited to small scale scientific tests and the reactor chamber would disintegrate slightly with each use. Haven't heard much of it being used commercially or for military purposes since now.

You don't get more than what is put in in the sense that you are violating energy conservation.

When hydrogen isotopes bond to form helium they release a certain amount of energy based on the equation E=mc^2(although it's not a 100% conversion like a matter-antimatter reaction would be). When those isotopes are free(not bonded) they possess more total mass than they do after they bond, when they bond the extra mass is converted into the energy that comes out. However you have to put in a little energy in order to get them to actually bond. This energy is smaller than what is released but the trick is in applying it in a way that is as efficient as possible so less is wasted.


> being "good" at pseudoscience

Scored the highest on my Chem 2 midterm, bitch.
sociology isn't pseudoscience m8
(especially hilarious when you find out a small section of academics want to be able to bypass peer review)
(deals mainly w/ postmodernism which heavily influences sociological theory)
(i disagree w/ Turner's assertion concerning politics. I think it's more probably due to group think and the development of "echo chambers" among sociological academics)


. . .
Ok, I admit, I'm bigoted against the soft sciences.

> being "good" at pseudoscience

Scored the highest on my Chem 2 midterm, bitch.

The Flood / Re: The Sep7agon Awards(BEST WEEB????)
« on: October 16, 2014, 11:27:31 AM »
This is officially the gayest thread on the Flood. I expected RC's spam thread to get that but the weebs have sealed the deal.

The Flood / Re: The Sep7agon Awards(BEST WEEB????)
« on: October 16, 2014, 12:43:08 AM »
Weebs are degenerates.

Serious / Re: BREAKING NEWS: Ebola has breached into Texas
« on: October 15, 2014, 10:10:42 PM »

Is this The fucking Stand?

I'm expecting Flagg to show up soon.

Serious / Re: BREAKING NEWS: Ebola has breached into Texas
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:56:49 PM »
Beck said there’s a real danger, and that Ebola mutates with each person who gets it.

I take it becktard is an expert on ebola?

Serious / Re: BREAKING NEWS: Ebola has breached into Texas
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:52:33 PM »
Maybe they sent her to Atlanta because they figure there aren't any morons there that'll send her home to infect her family.

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:48:02 PM »

Not gonna lie, if she did this to me, I'd eat her out.
I'd give a swift punch too the muff.

The Flood / Re: Apply to become my side bitch
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:32:37 PM »

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:29:17 PM »

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: October 15, 2014, 08:52:27 PM »
I have a feeling that Deci is actually a master ruseman and we all fell for it.
God, I hope so. . .

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: October 15, 2014, 08:09:21 PM »
the mother load of shitposts
dont fracking insult my posts
Have you tried not being gay?

The Flood / Re: mcdonalds is going out of business
« on: October 15, 2014, 08:08:15 PM »
gasai is a blackie

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:58:01 PM »
the mother load of shitposts

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:48:09 PM »

How much will it cost and how long will it last?

The Flood / Re: Why does Shia Labeouf look like a total paper bag?
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:26:14 PM »
His only hope is to take the Nick Cage route and become somewhat unhinged and take whatever role is offered to him no matter how shitty.

The Flood / Re: lolol guize lets raid those fgts in the Serious forum :^)
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:24:23 PM »
*launches flood to srs lenny missile at meta*

 '( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Serious / Re: Sam Harris doing his thang.
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:16:21 PM »
I'm sure he got a lot of shit from the left for that.

Serious / Re: How plausible is this statement?
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:14:23 PM »
I guess you could say I am but only in relation to the rest of the forum. There are hardly any science heads on the forum save for a small few who don't discuss things enough.
My interests aren't nearly constant enough to allow me to partake, regardless. I remember being interested in atomic chemistry, and I was pretty good at it, a few years ago in school. Same with astrophysics.

To the uninitiated, science doesn't offer many avenues of discussion.
True that. I'm taking undergraduate physics classes and I know I'm just scratching the surface.

Serious / Re: I absolutely despise humility and modesty
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:07:19 PM »
Perhaps he could have worded it better to be more clear.
I did quite clearly say:

However, modesty and humility in this manner - the debasement of one's self to nothing more than a lost puppy searching in the light of something greater, be that God or not - I find really quite irritating and, seriously, fuc­king repulsive.

It seemed straight forward too me but sometimes people see a certain word and just kind of "boop"(that's a turning off sound).

The Flood / Re: I need to stop posting in Serious
« on: October 15, 2014, 06:13:57 PM »
shitposting central vs butthurt over religious bait
The first sounds  more entertaining.

Why do you think I spend most of the time here?

Serious / Re: I absolutely despise humility and modesty
« on: October 15, 2014, 06:11:09 PM »
I'd argue that people like Richard Dawkins propagate the idea that people who don't have the same education or knowledge that they do are inferior, so I can't say I do not feel some sympathy for people who feel brow beaten by people because they are limited in their knowledge. They probably act that way because people like Dawkins make them afraid to challenge their opinions. I'm not saying it's right, but that's why the term "stupid question" exists.

And using the term "I don't know" is, by definition,exercising humility.

I'd say saying "I don't know" is just exercising honesty when faced with epistemic uncertainty.
Saying "I don't know" is stating I am limited in my knowledge and understanding of this subject.

By definition, it is exercising humility.

I think op is referring to a categorically different kind of "humility".

Where you can call saying "I don't know" when you actually don't know something humility it is also just being honest. Whereas the type of "humility" op is referring too can almost be taken to mean "I don't know and I don't care to know" and playing it off as being humble, it's almost disingenuous in a way.

Perhaps he could have worded it better to be more clear.

The Flood / Re: I need to stop posting in Serious
« on: October 15, 2014, 06:04:09 PM »
shitposting central vs butthurt over religious bait

Serious / Re: I absolutely despise humility and modesty
« on: October 15, 2014, 05:58:47 PM »
So you encourage people to brag?
Now, by no means am I advocating hubris or conceit.
Your profile pic is perfect for this post
Why thank you.

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