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Messages - The Lord Slide Rule

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Seriously though, I'm not going to say the transition won't be a pain but full automation may be humanities first step into creating a post scarcity economy. . .well if we bring thermodynamics into things make that a near post-scarcity economy.

« on: October 28, 2014, 06:42:54 PM »
"Leftist countries like China"


That was the the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Ok, time for some facts because I just lost a shit ton of brain cells listening to that dude without any testicles.
About 44% of assessed stream miles, 64% of assessed lake acres, and 30% of assessed bay and estuarine square miles are not clean enough to support uses such as fishing and swimming.

A recent study of the nation's streams found that only 28% have healthy biological communities compared to best possible conditions in their region
More than 147.6 million people—47 percent of the nation—live where pollution levels are too often dangerous to breathe, an increase from last year's report. Despite that risk, some seek to weaken the Clean Air Act, the public health law that has driven the cuts in pollution since 1970.


>missing the point

Compare what's going on today in America to that of past America. Water is more cleaner, more trees are being planted, and animal populations have increased in America. Now compare America to China and you will see that America has cleaner air, water, etc, etc than China

There's literally no refuting that America has cleaned up it's act and if you actually think America was better in the past then just lol
Why are we comparing America to China in the first place? It's a fascist shithole run by a dictator. America is democratic.

It's well known China has the worst pollution in the world. But calling it a "leftist country" and comparing it to America as a "right wing" country is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. And what that woman meant with her sign, is that money is not worth destroying our planet. And then he goes on to assume she's uneducated and ignorant and rants for the rest of the video cherry picking facts to support his extremely ridiculous argument.

America is far better than it was in the past, but that doesn't mean there's isn't a lot to improve. The entire video is ridiculous, because nobody makes any of the points he was "countering".

If you think that man in the video is intelligent then FUCKING LOL.
If you watched the video, then you'd understand why we're using China as a comparison. China is a left-wing nation that utilizes socialism and communism

Lol wut? Socialism/Communism is on the left side of the spectrum whilst Capitalism/Republicanism is on the right. China follows the left ideology while America follows the right ideology. Tell me how that's stupid. Except anybody with an average/above average IQ understand that the environment is needed to ensure life, which is why you see capitalistic nations, like America, enforce policies to protect the enviroment and domestic logging companies plant 2-3 trees for every tree they cut down. On the flip-side, the left (communist/socialist) nations, like China, do nothing to curb pollution and such

There is of course more to be done to improve but the point is that America has been impriroving over decades and centuries while the same ideologies that the women promotes (the left) is what countries like China posses but are backwards in protecting the enviroment
I think it's pretty damn obvious I watched the video.

China is not communist. If anything, it's fascist. Not only that, it's also capitalist. The point is they're so fucking corrupt that they don't give a shit about polluting the environment.

You didn't read a single one of my links, did you? These trees that are being planted in the place of trees that have been around for years are susceptible to forest fires and several other problems. It's a shitty cop out to just cut everything down. Do yourself a favor and read my links.
China IS Communist. Sorry, but trying to twist the facts will not work in your favor. And how can it be capitalist when the entire economy is ruled by the government? Talk about contradictions. Corruption is what Communists do best. See, in nations that promote liberty and freedom, enviromental and living conditions stomp on that of communist nations

>facts show that trees are being planted far more than ever
>tries to move the goal posts and construct a loaded question

Oh Chally, why do I waste my time with you?
China isn't Communist. Educate yourself.

China is corrupt because people pay each other off. Companies aren't restricted or told not to pollute. They pollute wherever they want. All the officials in the government are bought and payed for.

Oh wow. Did you seriously understand that from what I said? These trees being planted are actually environmental hazards because they're susceptible to forest fires, which if you haven't noticed are getting more and more widespread and are bigger and longer lasting than before, due to climate change as well.

I don't know why you waste your time regurgitating the same old ignorant bullshit over and over.
China is Communist You educate yourself

Dear God, it's learning. We all know this Chally. But guess what, in proper Capitalistic societies, we enforce laws and regulate pollutants in the environment

Forest fires happen everywhere, so I guess just forget about planting trees huh? If you're going to complain, then pick something better to complain about
No it isn't. It's comical you think that's up for debate.

And China is corrupt so it doesn't enforce anything, although it is capitalist. Again, I don't even know why you're arguing this point when you aren't even in disagreement, you just have this raging boner for disagreeing with me.

I'm complaining? More like I'm educating you on how these "measures" aren't enough. Fires burn down an entire forest when these trees are planted after cutting down the strong and old ones. Instead of planting hemp fields, we're destroying our planet because of some greedy fuckers.
It is. It's comical to see you deny it

I'm not arguing that China is corrupt, because that's not the point. The point is that China following leftist ideals, which people like Feinstein and anarchists love, are the ones causing a large part of pollution. Yet, despite people having a angsty hate for Capitalism, it's the Capitalistic nations that are cleaning and fixing shit. But you just have a knack for derailing and going off-topic

Trees are being planted. Again, in an effort to look smart you have to move the goal posts and go off-topic (like, when the hell were we ever talking about hemp??????). Bu I'll entertain you and say again, forest fires happen all the time and can happen anywhere
Hemp is a much more economically and ecologically sustainable alternative to wood for most uses.

« on: October 28, 2014, 06:40:47 PM »
that song was in the second video i ever watched on youtube

What was it?
some video from 2006 or 07 showing master chief in halo ce shooting the ground with a magnum and crouching as his armor changes color while that song is playing
It was one of the first videos I watched.

"All these smart people were Catholic."


Isaac Newton, one of my idols and beyond a genius, believed in alchemy.

The Flood / Re: NASA rocket exploded
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:59:18 PM »
Just for the update on CNN, also America is upping it's security for gov buildings.
upping it's security for gov buildings.



Dear god. . .

The Flood / Re: NASA rocket exploded
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:58:20 PM »
That was fucking impressive.

Wonder what went wrong.

The Flood / Re: Hey faggots
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:52:48 PM »
pls no triggers pls

If I can't live in an asteroid then I pick Mars.

The Flood / Re: Do you know how much GOD loves you?
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:35:42 PM »
I'm pretty aware of how little god loves me.
You confuse struggles and challenges to overcome with God not loving you. You don't face those because of a lack of love, but because the presence of love. You will grow and become stronger, or you will inspire others to do so or live another way, everything is connected.
Which god is this again, are we referring tot he Christian god?
>Jesus thread
>which God?
What do you think?
Oh. He doesn't exist. But okay.
You don't exist. Wow that was easy.
Except it is proven that I exist.
I'm pretty aware of how little god loves me.
You confuse struggles and challenges to overcome with God not loving you. You don't face those because of a lack of love, but because the presence of love. You will grow and become stronger, or you will inspire others to do so or live another way, everything is connected.
Which god is this again, are we referring tot he Christian god?
>Jesus thread
>which God?
What do you think?
Oh. He doesn't exist. But okay.
You don't exist. Wow that was easy.
Except there's proof that Nexus exists...
Excuse me, but as a follower of Solipsism I am insulted.

The Flood / Re: Do you know how much GOD loves you?
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:32:11 PM »
The thing that bothers me most about religion [Christianity in particular] is that no success is my own. All of the years of practice, training, and experience don't make me good at what I do; God does. It's not the coaches and teammates; it's God. It's not the teachers, tutors, and professors; it's God.

No, motherfucker. I worked hard for this shit. This is mine. You can't take it away from me.
I think you simply don't realize how it works.
>God creates everything
>People use what God created to do things for themselves and others
>People achieve things with what they created
>Thank God for allowing it all to be possible

Nobody is saying you didn't earn anything, nobody is saying that you or your teachers and friends and family didn't do anything to make whatever was achieved possible. All it is, is that God made it possible for it all to happen.

Sorry, but this argument always bugs me.
See, that's the problem. If God created everything, I am forever indebted to him for something he didn't have a hand in. It seems no different than the mob requiring business owners to pay "protection" fees. A portion of the business's earnings go to the mob even though the mob did nothing to earn it.
Except God isn't going to cripple you for not giving thanks to him. It's a courtesy, a humble acknowledgement, not a bill to pay.
So we're going to ignore the punishment of hell?
But Max, god lets you into heaven if you say you're sorry.

Unless you killed yourself over being in a bad situation that you had no help in.
Then fuck you.

If you kill someone and go to confession, say 3 hail marys and two our fathers and repent that way - If my understanding of catholic doctrine is correct you are forgiven those sins and can get into heaven if you have your last rites read.

If you commit suicide, you go to hell (Also according to catholic doctrine) as it's considered a mortal sin. This fails to take into account that it's not free will that leads people to choose suicide (In most cases) but is either a combination of an inescapable situation or mental illness.

So if the catholics are right, what kind of god punishes the weak and the ill but forgives the wicked?

There are many sects of Christianity that shouldn't even be called "Christianity".
There aren't even supposed to be denominations. That is cutting up "The Body of Christ". They all have their problems, some more than others.

Mhm, so what would the correct stance be then?
One is a penitent murderer and the other is a mentally ill person that commits suicide, who goes to heaven and who goes to hell?
You're selling this like an insurance policy.



On or in?
Long as I get to hollow it out and throw some engines on it, living in an asteroid would be pretty tight.

I'll teach you something about getting in deep.
pls no

The Flood / Re: Do you know how much GOD loves you?
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:22:51 PM »
The thing that bothers me most about religion [Christianity in particular] is that no success is my own. All of the years of practice, training, and experience don't make me good at what I do; God does. It's not the coaches and teammates; it's God. It's not the teachers, tutors, and professors; it's God.

No, motherfucker. I worked hard for this shit. This is mine. You can't take it away from me.
I think you simply don't realize how it works.
>God creates everything
>People use what God created to do things for themselves and others
>People achieve things with what they created
>Thank God for allowing it all to be possible

Nobody is saying you didn't earn anything, nobody is saying that you or your teachers and friends and family didn't do anything to make whatever was achieved possible. All it is, is that God made it possible for it all to happen.

Sorry, but this argument always bugs me.
See, that's the problem. If God created everything, I am forever indebted to him for something he didn't have a hand in. It seems no different than the mob requiring business owners to pay "protection" fees. A portion of the business's earnings go to the mob even though the mob did nothing to earn it.
Except God isn't going to cripple you for not giving thanks to him. It's a courtesy, a humble acknowledgement, not a bill to pay.
So we're going to ignore the punishment of hell?
But Max, god lets you into heaven if you say you're sorry.

Unless you killed yourself over being in a bad situation that you had no help in.
Then fuck you.

If you kill someone and go to confession, say 3 hail marys and two our fathers and repent that way - If my understanding of catholic doctrine is correct you are forgiven those sins and can get into heaven if you have your last rites read.

If you commit suicide, you go to hell (Also according to catholic doctrine) as it's considered a mortal sin. This fails to take into account that it's not free will that leads people to choose suicide (In most cases) but is either a combination of an inescapable situation or mental illness.

So if the catholics are right, what kind of god punishes the weak and the ill but forgives the wicked?

There are many sects of Christianity that shouldn't even be called "Christianity".
There aren't even supposed to be denominations. That is cutting up "The Body of Christ". They all have their problems, some more than others.

Mhm, so what would the correct stance be then?
One is a penitent murderer and the other is a mentally ill person that commits suicide, who goes to heaven and who goes to hell?

So they both go to hell?


On or in?
Long as I get to hollow it out and throw some engines on it, living in an asteroid would be pretty tight.

The Flood / Re: That's it, I can't take this anymore
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:13:15 PM »
nasty pls

The Flood / Re: Do you know how much GOD loves you?
« on: October 28, 2014, 04:54:37 PM »
What if the Mormons are the only ones that are right?

Dude, the Catholics have always been weird, don't blame us for them. Why anyone would expect a bunch of crazed Italians to get anything done right is beyond me.
Considering the Roman Catholics are the oldest branch and most denominations split from them, plus the fact they are more accepting of evolution as a whole and a Catholic priest first came up with the the big bang theory, I'd really argue otherwise. This is excluding their affinity for kids by the way.
Those denominations split because they were tired of the Catholic church's shit. They did plenty of stuff that didn't make sense to the faith, and so people split off. They were the people that said paying money would allow the Priests to get rid of your sins, they also sent a bunch of children on a crusade thinking God would be with them because they were just children. Like srsly.

I don't know how they're exactly more accepting of evolution than anyone else, but okay.
I know about the Protestant Reformation and why it happened. It doesn't change the fact that in many different denominations things have just been cherry picked so it coincides with their own ideology. Plus, you seem to forget that denominations where made just because the King couldn't have a son. No religion is exempt from bad actions, not saying it is exactly a religious fault, similar atrocities would probably still have happened without religion, just under a different name or power.

Anyhow, regarding the acceptance of evolution, it is mainly anecdotal on my belief, but more times then not, Catholics seem to agree with evolution, while protestants don't. Plus, looking at the U.S. which is primarily Protestant, you can see the anti-evolution belief in the country.

I'd say that's more of an American thing, the UK is/was primarily protestant and Evolution has been widely accepted and taught here for a long time now <.<
Please take Ham, the Hovinds and Banaman and Crocoduckboy. . .pls. We'll pay you.

Serious / Re: Discussion on Deism (not religion)
« on: October 28, 2014, 04:45:11 PM »
As an origins hypothesis it essentially solves nothing. Because instead of asking where the universe came from you're forced to ask where the clockmaker came from.
But if it's supernatural you don't really necessarily have to answer where it came from, considering it's supernatural. Maybe the laws of physics behave differently in a completely void Universe, and maybe that just might mean creating something from nothing.
Of course if it's supernatural the universe could could have sprung from a unicorn fart for all I know. Assuming the supernatural gets us nowhere.

Serious / Re: Discussion on Deism (not religion)
« on: October 28, 2014, 04:40:44 PM »
As an origins hypothesis it essentially solves nothing. Because instead of asking where the universe came from you're forced to ask where the clockmaker came from.

It's simply more epistemically economical not to assume a hypothetical that solves nothing.

The Flood / Re: Do you know how much GOD loves you?
« on: October 28, 2014, 04:34:07 PM »
The thing that bothers me most about religion [Christianity in particular] is that no success is my own. All of the years of practice, training, and experience don't make me good at what I do; God does. It's not the coaches and teammates; it's God. It's not the teachers, tutors, and professors; it's God.

No, motherfucker. I worked hard for this shit. This is mine. You can't take it away from me.
I think you simply don't realize how it works.
>God creates everything
>People use what God created to do things for themselves and others
>People achieve things with what they created
>Thank God for allowing it all to be possible

Nobody is saying you didn't earn anything, nobody is saying that you or your teachers and friends and family didn't do anything to make whatever was achieved possible. All it is, is that God made it possible for it all to happen.

Sorry, but this argument always bugs me.
See, that's the problem. If God created everything, I am forever indebted to him for something he didn't have a hand in. It seems no different than the mob requiring business owners to pay "protection" fees. A portion of the business's earnings go to the mob even though the mob did nothing to earn it.
Except God isn't going to cripple you for not giving thanks to him. It's a courtesy, a humble acknowledgement, not a bill to pay.
So we're going to ignore the punishment of hell?
But Max, god lets you into heaven if you say you're sorry.

Unless you killed yourself over being in a bad situation that you had no help in.
Then fuck you.

If you kill someone and go to confession, say 3 hail marys and two our fathers and repent that way - If my understanding of catholic doctrine is correct you are forgiven those sins and can get into heaven if you have your last rites read.

If you commit suicide, you go to hell (Also according to catholic doctrine) as it's considered a mortal sin. This fails to take into account that it's not free will that leads people to choose suicide (In most cases) but is either a combination of an inescapable situation or mental illness.

So if the catholics are right, what kind of god punishes the weak and the ill but forgives the wicked?
What if the Mormons are the only ones that are right?

Dude, the Catholics have always been weird, don't blame us for them. Why anyone would expect a bunch of crazed Italians to get anything done right is beyond me.
...but you're still all Christians.
Like that has ever stopped anyone from having different opinions?

There are Christians that believe Jesus was white, 6' tall, that the world was created 10,000 years ago and that every word some guys hundreds of years ago decided was okay is the very word of God himself.

Serious / Re: Would you like to live in the Republic of Meta?
« on: October 28, 2014, 04:20:25 PM »
I'd give it a go.

It's not like you can stop me from leaving if it sucks.

The Flood / Re: Music thread!
« on: October 28, 2014, 04:16:01 PM »

The Flood / Re: Do you know how much GOD loves you?
« on: October 28, 2014, 03:54:59 PM »
Just allow me to say this. God is like politics, if you bring it up there WILL be a debate "no if's and's or but's about it". Just something to think about when making a thread of this subject matter, no matter if you're religious or not.

An aside point. There's about as much evidence of God's love as there is of his existence. Call me skeptical.

The Flood / Re: Ryle's guide to flying
« on: October 28, 2014, 03:23:47 PM »
I might as well quit college. Ryle's got this shit down.

Tax Carbon emissions
How absolutely un-American.
even if it should probably be done

The Flood / Re: How are you today?
« on: October 28, 2014, 03:19:17 PM »

lmao, that was a tense error.
Ok, just making sure.

OT: I'm fine(If a bit sleepy).

The Flood / Re: How are you today?
« on: October 28, 2014, 03:15:50 PM »
was fine

You trying to tell us something OP?

The Flood / Re: It's 4:20pm and it's already dank.
« on: October 28, 2014, 03:12:39 PM »

Serious / Re: Dawn of a Dying World
« on: October 28, 2014, 03:07:20 PM »
I'm not entirely sure this belongs in Serious.

The Flood / Re: You reap what you sow
« on: October 28, 2014, 02:54:14 PM »
Concrete work isn't too bad.
I can see it being ridiculously frustrating in the kind of conditions OP will be dealing w/ it in.

The Flood / Re: Post a song you like and I'll tell you why it's shit
« on: October 28, 2014, 02:43:55 PM »

I am ready Jam Le Jaw Lard.

I thought the Roman Catholic Church already accepted Evolution and big bang. . .

Hell, big bang was theorized and the correct metric discovered by a Catholic Priest.

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