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Messages - The Lord Slide Rule

Pages: 1 ... 104105106 107108 ... 144
So wait, did you mix the liquid from B back into A?

If so the ratio of soda to water in A should be approx. equal to the ratio of water to soda in B, no?

Serious / Re: What's your opinion of Nuclear Energy?
« on: November 14, 2014, 10:41:31 PM »
This is one of the only things that annoys me about the leftist parties here. I agree with almost totally when it comes to the Green Party, but for some damned reason they hate nuclear so much that it's beyond ridiculous.
In the same sense that the business republicans have to placate its religious base so they have votes, the Green Party does the same for its hippie base. I used to be opposed to nuclear power because I was told it was harmful, but I'm not entirely sure that's actually the case, at least not with the technological advancements of modern power plants (essentially I couldn't find any research that nuclear power had any serious drawbacks).

Ideally (but this is far in the future) we'd harness energy from solar panels in orbit around the sound and that way we wouldn't have to worry about where to put nuclear waste. Or maybe it would be better to convert heat energy into higher dense forms so we're at least recycling the energy, but I don't even know the basics of thermodynamics so I'm just going to stop that line of thought right there.
This is probably how we'll get energy to earth and surrounding stations, etc. in the coming centuries, should we last that long. Although this would have to wait until we have at least a pretty decent foothold in space.

Even then when operations move deeper into space nuclear will become more efficient.
Well if you put the nuclear reactors in space then there's no longer an issue of where to put the nuclear waste (aim it at the Sun). But there's a proximity to the Sun where it becomes more energy efficient to use solar instead of nuclear.

Yeah I was basically saying the reverse. When you get a certain distance out there solar kind of loses the efficiency it had before, especially w/ a large operation that needs a lot of energy.
Aren't the heaviest elements closest to the Sun though? I don't see the point in deep space mining.
Well yeah for the most part. Mercury would be rich in them for example, good luck trying to mine that place though.

The gas giants though would be a great source of hydrogen and it's isotopes(for fusion and other uses), their moons, the asteroid belt and such bodies also contain lots of untapped resources, iron, carbon, even water.

Even out at the distance of the belt you'd have to consider the size of the operation you wanna run which plays into how much energy it would need. The extent of the solar array you'd need would play a major role in deciding whether or not you use solar power.

This is off the top of my head though, I may sit down tomorrow and do some calculations if I get the chance.

Serious / Re: What's your opinion of Nuclear Energy?
« on: November 14, 2014, 10:17:40 PM »
This is one of the only things that annoys me about the leftist parties here. I agree with almost totally when it comes to the Green Party, but for some damned reason they hate nuclear so much that it's beyond ridiculous.
In the same sense that the business republicans have to placate its religious base so they have votes, the Green Party does the same for its hippie base. I used to be opposed to nuclear power because I was told it was harmful, but I'm not entirely sure that's actually the case, at least not with the technological advancements of modern power plants (essentially I couldn't find any research that nuclear power had any serious drawbacks).

Ideally (but this is far in the future) we'd harness energy from solar panels in orbit around the sound and that way we wouldn't have to worry about where to put nuclear waste. Or maybe it would be better to convert heat energy into higher dense forms so we're at least recycling the energy, but I don't even know the basics of thermodynamics so I'm just going to stop that line of thought right there.
This is probably how we'll get energy to earth and surrounding stations, etc. in the coming centuries, should we last that long. Although this would have to wait until we have at least a pretty decent foothold in space.

Even then when operations move deeper into space nuclear will become more efficient.
Well if you put the nuclear reactors in space then there's no longer an issue of where to put the nuclear waste (aim it at the Sun). But there's a proximity to the Sun where it becomes more energy efficient to use solar instead of nuclear.

Yeah I was basically saying the reverse. When you get a certain distance out there solar kind of loses the efficiency it had before, especially w/ a large operation that needs a lot of energy.

Serious / Re: ITT I learn you about some math: Gabriel's Horn
« on: November 14, 2014, 10:13:51 PM »
Pi isn't a finite volume. You're maths wrong.
Pi = ~3
3 =/= infinite number
rounding up don't count, butch.
Nigger, pi < 4.

4 is a finite value, therefor pi is a finite value. The number of digits doesn't make it not a finite value, just irrational.
The only thing irrational here right now is yourself.
Put that mirror down.

Serious / Re: What's your opinion of Nuclear Energy?
« on: November 14, 2014, 10:10:20 PM »
This is one of the only things that annoys me about the leftist parties here. I agree with almost totally when it comes to the Green Party, but for some damned reason they hate nuclear so much that it's beyond ridiculous.
In the same sense that the business republicans have to placate its religious base so they have votes, the Green Party does the same for its hippie base. I used to be opposed to nuclear power because I was told it was harmful, but I'm not entirely sure that's actually the case, at least not with the technological advancements of modern power plants (essentially I couldn't find any research that nuclear power had any serious drawbacks).

Ideally (but this is far in the future) we'd harness energy from solar panels in orbit around the sound and that way we wouldn't have to worry about where to put nuclear waste. Or maybe it would be better to convert heat energy into higher dense forms so we're at least recycling the energy, but I don't even know the basics of thermodynamics so I'm just going to stop that line of thought right there.
This is probably how we'll get energy to earth and surrounding stations, etc. in the coming centuries, should we last that long. Although this would have to wait until we have at least a pretty decent foothold in space.

Even then when operations move deeper into space nuclear will become more efficient.

Serious / Re: ITT I learn you about some math: Gabriel's Horn
« on: November 14, 2014, 10:02:09 PM »
Pi isn't a finite volume. You're maths wrong.
Pi = ~3
3 =/= infinite number
rounding up don't count, butch.
Nigger, pi < 4.

4 is a finite value, therefor pi is a finite value. The number of digits doesn't make it not a finite value, just irrational.

The Flood / Re: A Funny and True Story
« on: November 14, 2014, 06:55:59 PM »

The Flood / Re: A Funny and True Story
« on: November 14, 2014, 06:46:45 PM »
Snitches get britches.

The Flood / Re: So there's most of a dead deer in my garage...
« on: November 14, 2014, 06:38:46 PM »
I want some deer jerky.  >:(

Also Psy and Kiyo will love this thread <3
If someone eats meat they've got no right to complain about hunting. It's far more humane than grocery store meat.
Especially severing the head.

You'd be hard pressed to find a more humane way to treat an animal.
well, considering it was already dead when they started cutting it up,  that's already something not usually afforded when you are taken by most other predators.

And considering it was able to live ,for the most part, a natural life instead of the cramped quarters and shit conditions of factory farms. . .
That was what we call a joke.
I may be a tad autistic.

The Flood / Re: So there's most of a dead deer in my garage...
« on: November 14, 2014, 06:32:55 PM »

Derailment successful.

I don't much about leather upholstery.

The Flood / Re: So there's most of a dead deer in my garage...
« on: November 14, 2014, 06:29:33 PM »
I want some deer jerky.  >:(

Also Psy and Kiyo will love this thread <3
If someone eats meat they've got no right to complain about hunting. It's far more humane than grocery store meat.
Especially severing the head.

You'd be hard pressed to find a more humane way to treat an animal.
well, considering it was already dead when they started cutting it up,  that's already something not usually afforded when you are taken by most other predators.

And considering it was able to live ,for the most part, a natural life instead of the cramped quarters and shit conditions of factory farms. . .

The Flood / Re: So there's most of a dead deer in my garage...
« on: November 14, 2014, 06:16:00 PM »
I want some deer jerky.  >:(

Also Psy and Kiyo will love this thread <3
If someone eats meat they've got no right to complain about hunting. It's far more humane than grocery store meat.

Septagon / Re: Please make this the Serious banner.
« on: November 14, 2014, 05:49:41 PM »
Yes. Pls, god.

Serious / Re: Can we land SJWs on a comet next?
« on: November 14, 2014, 05:10:03 PM »
*considering sjw genocide*

The Flood / Re: Most Favorite Food?
« on: November 14, 2014, 04:49:38 PM »

The Flood / Re: i love all of you, i really do
« on: November 14, 2014, 04:44:57 PM »
I love you Ember, even though you're a dirty jew.

Serious / Re: Serious time (dreams I had)
« on: November 14, 2014, 04:43:11 PM »
Perhaps you should get a motorcycle,  fewer parking lot accidents that way maybe.

The Flood / Re: Hey Noelle
« on: November 14, 2014, 04:39:30 PM »

I believe the term is, "a good friend."

You know, the kind person you hang around with as much as possible?
Yes, but it's crêpey
mmmm crepes

Serious / Re: Serious time (dreams I had)
« on: November 14, 2014, 04:33:56 PM »

I cringe when I think about how into that show I was. :-\
shut up it's a good show

I cringe when I think about how into that show I was when I was a kid. :-\

The Flood / Re: Brothers of Sep7agon
« on: November 14, 2014, 03:19:31 PM »
3 Years older, 1 foot taller :/
I call him "Gigantor"
You seem like a pretty tall dude too. Your brother must be a lanky mofo.
I'm 5' 9", but yeah my brother is practically a human pole. Skinny and tall.
Well, I was off.

you manlet
Average =\= manlet

The Flood / Re: Brothers of Sep7agon
« on: November 14, 2014, 02:49:43 PM »
3 Years older, 1 foot taller :/
I call him "Gigantor"
You seem like a pretty tall dude too. Your brother must be a lanky mofo.
I'm 5' 9", but yeah my brother is practically a human pole. Skinny and tall.
Well, I was off.

you manlet


Serious / Re: ITT I learn you about some math: Gabriel's Horn
« on: November 14, 2014, 11:36:44 AM »
Pi isn't a finite volume. You're maths wrong.

Are you trying to claim that pi isn't constant? Because it certainly is. Just because it's irrational doesn't mean it isn't a finite volume.
Then what's the final decimal of Pi?

Are you seriously trying to make the argument that non terminating numbers are infinite in value?
This thread makes me want to do a series of threads where I *try to help clear up some mathematical misconceptions the non-math plebs have.

Although I'm not sure how many views it'd get.

I'm down for it. You and Turkey Math-ifying the Serious forums would be spectacular
Tbh turkey'd probably be more suitable for it, not only is he better at math than me, I'm also not much of a thread maker, but I'm willing to give a shot.

I'm not huge on making threads, either. When I made this thread I was thinking something similar; if people responded well, I'd post more stuff later. Not sure what to cover next though.
I'm kind of hoping you might get into some higher math. Although like you said I'm not sure how many views that'd get, it's ultimately up to you.

I was considering doing one over misconceptions about irrationals, what w/ Assassin's comment and all.

Serious / Re: ITT I learn you about some math: Gabriel's Horn
« on: November 14, 2014, 11:05:00 AM »
Pi isn't a finite volume. You're maths wrong.

Are you trying to claim that pi isn't constant? Because it certainly is. Just because it's irrational doesn't mean it isn't a finite volume.
Then what's the final decimal of Pi?

Are you seriously trying to make the argument that non terminating numbers are infinite in value?
This thread makes me want to do a series of threads where I *try to help clear up some mathematical misconceptions the non-math plebs have.

Although I'm not sure how many views it'd get.

I'm down for it. You and Turkey Math-ifying the Serious forums would be spectacular
Tbh turkey'd probably be more suitable for it, not only is he better at math than me, I'm also not much of a thread maker, but I'm willing to give a shot.
I've been thinking of doing something like that for law stuff, but not much time or motivation.
Sounds interesting, will be looking forward to it should you ever decide to do it.

The Flood / Re: You're at a party and this guy slaps your date's ass
« on: November 14, 2014, 10:48:01 AM »
Slap his ass back
Finally, I was beginning to become disappointed in the flood.

Serious / Re: ITT I learn you about some math: Gabriel's Horn
« on: November 14, 2014, 10:43:44 AM »
Pi isn't a finite volume. You're maths wrong.

Are you trying to claim that pi isn't constant? Because it certainly is. Just because it's irrational doesn't mean it isn't a finite volume.
Then what's the final decimal of Pi?

Are you seriously trying to make the argument that non terminating numbers are infinite in value?
This thread makes me want to do a series of threads where I *try to help clear up some mathematical misconceptions the non-math plebs have.

Although I'm not sure how many views it'd get.

I'm down for it. You and Turkey Math-ifying the Serious forums would be spectacular
Tbh turkey'd probably be more suitable for it, not only is he better at math than me, I'm also not much of a thread maker, but I'm willing to give a shot.

Serious / Re: ITT I learn you about some math: Gabriel's Horn
« on: November 14, 2014, 10:34:21 AM »
Pi isn't a finite volume. You're maths wrong.

Are you trying to claim that pi isn't constant? Because it certainly is. Just because it's irrational doesn't mean it isn't a finite volume.
Then what's the final decimal of Pi?

Are you seriously trying to make the argument that non terminating numbers are infinite in value?
This thread makes me want to do a series of threads where I *try to help clear up some mathematical misconceptions the non-math plebs have.

Although I'm not sure how many views it'd get.

The Flood / Re: Have you been touched by Flying Spaghetti Monster today?
« on: November 14, 2014, 09:49:33 AM »
He hath toucheth me with his noodly appendage.

Ye and he sayeth unto thee,  "Behold mine saucy balls and rejoice for the destruction of thine enemies and thine own salvation is nigh."

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