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Messages - The Lord Slide Rule

Pages: 1 ... 91011 1213 ... 144
The Flood / Re: Your thoughts on electric cars
« on: October 19, 2015, 02:43:43 PM »
I doubt they'll become the standard and replace gas cars until battery technology is revolutionized. The lithium ion and I believe nickel metal hydride battery isn't really cutting it, so the overall chemistry needs reevaluated.
Batteries in their current state aren't efficient enough due to the recharge rate, and power output vs longevity.

Tesla makes a good performing EV though regardless. And I do hope gas cars are replaced eventually.
Actually the batteries are fine for most people's needs.
In the real world, EV's would need to meet everyone's needs, hence changing the standard. The fact is they don't, and there's literally no incentive to buy them when you can get a gas car for cheaper, that's more efficient, and better infrastructure. I could show a simple graph represting energy output of the common battery relative to gasoline and it wouldn't even be a contest.
>EV's would need to meet everyone's needs

Here's where we disagree. People that live and commute in a city/suburb of that city (ie. most people) have different needs than a person in a rural area(like me). Where as someone like Max or Charlie could probably get by with the battery life as it is now(as I understand it), I could not.

The Flood / Re: Your thoughts on electric cars
« on: October 19, 2015, 02:29:44 PM »
I doubt they'll become the standard and replace gas cars until battery technology is revolutionized. The lithium ion and I believe nickel metal hydride battery isn't really cutting it, so the overall chemistry needs reevaluated.
Batteries in their current state aren't efficient enough due to the recharge rate, and power output vs longevity.

Tesla makes a good performing EV though regardless. And I do hope gas cars are replaced eventually.
Actually the batteries are fine for most people's needs.

The Flood / Re: Your thoughts on electric cars
« on: October 19, 2015, 02:22:34 PM »

I doubt areas like mine will have the stations to support long-distance driving with electric cars for a long fucking time. Doesn't really get us off our fossil fuel use either unless we decide to finally restart a nation wide nuclear power program. That juice gotta come from somewhere, man.
I would love to see Solar Energy efficiency maximized. I know right now it's only 20% effective.

Agreed. Also using our real estate more effectively. There was a video a while back about converting roads to solar cells. While the technology is a ways off, we should be investing heavily in it.
>Solar road ways

Why bother making the roads, which we will be driving on, solar when we can just install solar panels alongside the roads? From an engineering perspective this seems less ludicrous.
Or install both on the sides and also have solar roadways. For the majority, roadways are actually pretty empty. especially when you get into really deep highways.
with the panels on the side maintenance is easy.

With them in the road that's roadwork which involves not only tons of electrical work but replacing the panels when they wearout, seeing as you'll be driving on them that'll be more often than normal panels. Also pretty sure the leds will cause the roads to use more power than they produce to be visible in the day time.

They *handwave that in the video

The Flood / Re: Your thoughts on electric cars
« on: October 19, 2015, 02:22:06 PM »

I doubt areas like mine will have the stations to support long-distance driving with electric cars for a long fucking time. Doesn't really get us off our fossil fuel use either unless we decide to finally restart a nation wide nuclear power program. That juice gotta come from somewhere, man.
Yeah, full electric won't be feasible for anyone living outside a major city until the infrastructure is in place to support it. At least in large countries like the US.

Then there's also those of us who just like to hear loud motors and smell gasoline. Mechanical linkage best linkage. Death to EFI. Give me carburetors or give me death!
Horse and buggy didn't completely die out, I doubt combustion engines will either. Although they'll be oddities further down the line.

I also doubt we'll stop racing and tuning them as a hobby.

The Flood / Re: Your thoughts on electric cars
« on: October 19, 2015, 02:20:01 PM »
How exactly do they make electricity? If its by burning coal, then whats the fucking point in the first place? If its solar, ocean current, wind generated - then fuck yeah electric cars!

Well right now it's by burning coal. That was part of the "infrastructure" that needs to be in place for it to be feasible.

The Flood / Re: Your thoughts on electric cars
« on: October 19, 2015, 02:18:47 PM »

I doubt areas like mine will have the stations to support long-distance driving with electric cars for a long fucking time. Doesn't really get us off our fossil fuel use either unless we decide to finally restart a nation wide nuclear power program. That juice gotta come from somewhere, man.
I would love to see Solar Energy efficiency maximized. I know right now it's only 20% effective.

Agreed. Also using our real estate more effectively. There was a video a while back about converting roads to solar cells. While the technology is a ways off, we should be investing heavily in it.
>Solar road ways

Why bother making the roads, which we will be driving on, solar when we can just install solar panels alongside the roads? From an engineering perspective this seems less ludicrous.
Or install both on the sides and also have solar roadways. For the majority, roadways are actually pretty empty. especially when you get into really deep highways.
with the panels on the side maintenance is easy.

With them in the road that's roadwork which involves not only tons of electrical work but replacing the panels when they wearout, seeing as you'll be driving on them that'll be more often than normal panels. Also pretty sure the leds will cause the roads to use more power than they produce to be visible in the day time.

The Flood / Re: Your thoughts on electric cars
« on: October 19, 2015, 02:05:03 PM »

I doubt areas like mine will have the stations to support long-distance driving with electric cars for a long fucking time. Doesn't really get us off our fossil fuel use either unless we decide to finally restart a nation wide nuclear power program. That juice gotta come from somewhere, man.
I would love to see Solar Energy efficiency maximized. I know right now it's only 20% effective.

Agreed. Also using our real estate more effectively. There was a video a while back about converting roads to solar cells. While the technology is a ways off, we should be investing heavily in it.
>Solar road ways

Why bother making the roads, which we will be driving on, solar when we can just install solar panels alongside the roads? From an engineering perspective this seems less ludicrous.

The Flood / Re: Your thoughts on electric cars
« on: October 19, 2015, 02:01:57 PM »

I doubt areas like mine will have the stations to support long-distance driving with electric cars for a long fucking time. Doesn't really get us off our fossil fuel use either unless we decide to finally restart a nation wide nuclear power program. That juice gotta come from somewhere, man.
Yeah, full electric won't be feasible for anyone living outside a major city until the infrastructure is in place to support it. At least in large countries like the US.

Nice blog, faggot.

It's obviously Morgan Freeman.

You fucking ninnies

The Flood / Holy shit guys
« on: October 18, 2015, 01:31:28 AM »
Cheat is Groot

The Flood / Re: I saw somebody get shot tonight
« on: October 18, 2015, 01:28:51 AM »
That sucks. Glad you didn't get shot at least.

The Flood / Re: damn gurl, are you a white dwarf?
« on: October 16, 2015, 01:33:58 AM »
Ay gurl are your boobs named Betelgeuse and VY Canis Majoris? Because they're big but kind of asymmetrical

The Flood / Re: vocaroo thread: meme edition
« on: October 15, 2015, 10:42:40 PM »

The Flood / Re: Free Slash
« on: October 15, 2015, 10:33:10 PM »

The Flood / Re: Free Slash
« on: October 15, 2015, 10:21:43 PM »




the early anti cimex EPs are their most god tier material. I could never get into their full lengths.

oh shit you like poison idea too. you have good taste in punk.
thanks fam

The Flood / Re: Let's all get high
« on: October 15, 2015, 04:01:03 PM »
But I'm straight edge. . .oh wait, straight, I meant I'm straight and not gay.

The Flood / Re: Rainy Days
« on: October 15, 2015, 03:21:49 PM »
Homework. . .just like sunny days

The Flood / Re: furries must be in control of the comcast sports room
« on: October 15, 2015, 03:20:49 PM »
Bear benis

The Flood / Re: Fantastic Four might go back to Marvel... yay?
« on: October 15, 2015, 03:19:27 PM »
I'm kind of completely sick of superheroes tbh fam

The Flood / Re: R + L = J
« on: October 15, 2015, 03:12:20 PM »
δS/δq (t)=0

The Flood / Re: How I feel when I'm in stuck in traffic and running late
« on: October 15, 2015, 01:59:51 PM »
Leave early enough to arrive at your destination on time given reasonable expectations.

Easy peasy.

The Flood / Re: What do you think of the movie 'Sunshine'
« on: October 15, 2015, 01:29:25 PM »
I liked it. I don't think it deserves the hate it gets.

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