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Messages - The Lord Slide Rule

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The Flood / Re: 6.5. inch dicks are the perfect size
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:30:19 PM »

I see my notoriously homosexual reputation proceeds me.
You're pretty gay, mang.

I have a feeling shits about to get real in Ferguson no matter what.

-Humans should be cloned and farmed for organs
-The US should adopt a few more socialistic properties to their economy but not too many too soon. It needs to be a slow transformation.
-When true AIs do come about they should be treated equally with humans and given the same rights.
-There should be at least one nuclear power plant for every large city in the world. More than that but baby steps.
-Suicides and assisted suicides are perfectly acceptable
-Free trade with every country.
-Castro was a hero and the US should have supported him.
-The US needs to be more imperialistic especially in Africa.
-The US owns Europe whether they like to admit it or not
-The EU needs to be tremendously reorganized, namely the rich countries need to stop letting the poor countries mooch off of them.
-I don't think NHS nor Obamacare are approaching universal healthcare properly.

That's all I got for now.
-not very economical, especially when we can just grow them in vitro or even print them
-not sure we'd need that many, but that's the spirit.

The Flood / Re: ITT: The worst kinds of people
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:20:18 PM »
obnoxious straight edge people

we get it, you dont drink or do drugs. no one fucking cares
almost as bad as obnoxious stoners
but dude, weed makes you feel OK w/ everything. . .unless of course it makes you paranoid. . .or nauseous. . .it's not for everyone.

The Flood / Re: ITT: The worst kinds of people
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:18:32 PM »
obnoxious straight edge people

we get it, you dont drink or do drugs. no one fucking cares
almost as bad as obnoxious stoners
ill assume that wasnt a personal attack and agree with you
nope, it's OK to smoke just as long you're not completely retarded about it.

The Flood / Re: ITT: The worst kinds of people
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:15:58 PM »
obnoxious straight edge people

we get it, you dont drink or do drugs. no one fucking cares
almost as bad as obnoxious stoners

Serious / Re: Anti-GG block list targets neutral David Pakman
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:15:20 PM »
Can't you keep all this gg shit in one thread like Camnator has to do with his police articles?
That's probably a good idea honestly. Like an archive. We can have a group of people contribute shit to it.

The Flood / Re: ITT: The worst kinds of people
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:12:04 PM »
-Those who constantly borrow your shit with no intention of ever getting their own. You allow them the first time, thinking it'll be only once they'll need it, but then it's constant. Then when you finally say no, they act as if you're the asshole.

-Control-freak hypocrites. You leave some dirty dishes out, they go apeshit crazy. They behead a pigeon, acts like it's a non-issue.

I realise now the worst people in my eyes. Unfortunately, these qualities have coagulated into a single person who lives in the next room to me...
kill them

If you support GMOs in any way, you're a fucking confirmed retard.
please try again when there isn't a near universal consensus that they are fine.
scroll to bottom and click that list of almost 2,000 studies

If you wanna talk about Monsanto's business model and abuse of policy then yeah.
Universal consensus doesn't mean shit. Generically modifying food to be more filling, or resist insects, or whatever, is inherently wrong. Talk to be when you're not brainwashed by the corporate conglomerate anymore.
it's inherently wrong? what the fuck does that even mean? I'm not even going to go into the general shittiness of that kind of assertion.

Letting people starve because you think genetically modified food is icky poses a bigger ethical problem.
Are you kidding me? It's not "icky", it's fucking poison. Giving people food that causes cancer, heart failure, and a shitload of other diseases in't a solution to hunger.
> mfw you never even clicked that link full of studies, all of which were performed by third parties and published in third party genetics, biology and agricultural journals
> mfw you have a far lower number of studies to point too, most of which have been shown to suffer from experimental inconsistency and bias

Who do you think has more money to pay off "researchers": the multi-billion dollar GMO industry, or the small percentage of awake Americans who oppose it? There's a reason GMOs are banned in nearly every first world country.
what you mean just like the green energy lobby does for the climate scientists?

The Green Energy lobby doesn't have nearly the amount of money that the GMO lobby does.
You don't think it be like it is, but it do.

Case in point, this study was funded by the fucking Koch's. If there was ever a scientific study where the person funding it wanted a certain outcome it's this one. Guess what? They confirmed global warming.

Here's your problem. You assume researchers go into research to become rich. Lol, no. If a scientifically minded person wants money they go into engineering.

The sheer dissonance of your stance is that these studies are not funded by GMO lobby where as your studies are in almost all cases funded directly by anti-GMO conspiracy theorists.

If you support GMOs in any way, you're a fucking confirmed retard.
please try again when there isn't a near universal consensus that they are fine.
scroll to bottom and click that list of almost 2,000 studies

If you wanna talk about Monsanto's business model and abuse of policy then yeah.
Universal consensus doesn't mean shit. Generically modifying food to be more filling, or resist insects, or whatever, is inherently wrong. Talk to be when you're not brainwashed by the corporate conglomerate anymore.
it's inherently wrong? what the fuck does that even mean? I'm not even going to go into the general shittiness of that kind of assertion.

Letting people starve because you think genetically modified food is icky poses a bigger ethical problem.
Are you kidding me? It's not "icky", it's fucking poison. Giving people food that causes cancer, heart failure, and a shitload of other diseases in't a solution to hunger.
> mfw you never even clicked that link full of studies, all of which were performed by third parties and published in third party genetics, biology and agricultural journals
> mfw you have a far lower number of studies to point too, most of which have been shown to suffer from experimental inconsistency and bias

Who do you think has more money to pay off "researchers": the multi-billion dollar GMO industry, or the small percentage of awake Americans who oppose it? There's a reason GMOs are banned in nearly every first world country.
what you mean just like the green energy lobby does for the climate scientists?


If you support GMOs in any way, you're a fucking confirmed retard.
please try again when there isn't a near universal consensus that they are fine.
scroll to bottom and click that list of almost 2,000 studies

If you wanna talk about Monsanto's business model and abuse of policy then yeah.
Universal consensus doesn't mean shit. Generically modifying food to be more filling, or resist insects, or whatever, is inherently wrong. Talk to be when you're not brainwashed by the corporate conglomerate anymore.
it's inherently wrong? what the fuck does that even mean? I'm not even going to go into the general shittiness of that kind of assertion.

Letting people starve because you think genetically modified food is icky poses a bigger ethical problem.
Are you kidding me? It's not "icky", it's fucking poison. Giving people food that causes cancer, heart failure, and a shitload of other diseases isn't a solution to hunger.

Bitch, that glorified and sped up process of basic selective breeding, which farmers have been doing since the dawn of civilisation, has saved thousands, if not millions around the world from hunger and famine.
Selective breeding isn't what I'm talking about. I'm talking about chemicals, spraying, and actually changing the genetic makeup of the food with poisons.
GMOs cut down on the number of chemicals used on crops because they are made to be naturally resistant to pests and diseases. Less herbicides/pesticides=safer crops, go figure.

If you support GMOs in any way, you're a fucking confirmed retard.
please try again when there isn't a near universal consensus that they are fine.
scroll to bottom and click that list of almost 2,000 studies

If you wanna talk about Monsanto's business model and abuse of policy then yeah.
Universal consensus doesn't mean shit. Generically modifying food to be more filling, or resist insects, or whatever, is inherently wrong. Talk to be when you're not brainwashed by the corporate conglomerate anymore.
it's inherently wrong? what the fuck does that even mean? I'm not even going to go into the general shittiness of that kind of assertion.

Letting people starve because you think genetically modified food is icky poses a bigger ethical problem.
Are you kidding me? It's not "icky", it's fucking poison. Giving people food that causes cancer, heart failure, and a shitload of other diseases in't a solution to hunger.
> mfw you never even clicked that link full of studies, all of which were performed by third parties and published in third party genetics, biology and agricultural journals
> mfw you have a far lower number of studies to point too, most of which have been shown to suffer from experimental inconsistency and bias


The Flood / Re: ITT: The worst kinds of people
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:27:53 PM »
> being in this thread

I'm shitty too.

If you support GMOs in any way, you're a fucking confirmed retard.
please try again when there isn't a near universal consensus that they are fine.
scroll to bottom and click that list of almost 2,000 studies

If you wanna talk about Monsanto's business model and abuse of policy then yeah.
Universal consensus doesn't mean shit. Generically modifying food to be more filling, or resist insects, or whatever, is inherently wrong. Talk to be when you're not brainwashed by the corporate conglomerate anymore.
it's inherently wrong? what the fuck does that even mean? I'm not even going to go into the general shittiness of that kind of assertion.

Letting people starve because you think genetically modified food is icky poses a bigger ethical problem.

If you support GMOs in any way, you're a fucking confirmed retard.
please try again when there isn't a near universal consensus that they are fine.
scroll to bottom and click that list of almost 2,000 studies

If you wanna talk about Monsanto's business model and abuse of policy then yeah.

And because I'm quite obviously the most intelligent person here, if you disagree with me, you're wrong.

- Paedophilia isn't immoral.
- The Iraq War was good.
- Radical Muslims are probably some of the most dangerous people on the planet.
- The government caused the Depression and the Recession.
- Every single drug should be legalised.
- Mental illnesses don't really exist.
- It could, hypothetically, be ethical to kill people for their opinions.
- Collateral damage is more morally troubling than torture.
- Minimum wage should be abolished.
- Corporation taxes should be abolished.
- Adaptation is a better course of action for dealing with global warming.
- People shouldn't have to work for welfare.
- Immigration is almost universally good, and the process should be made much easier.
- I believe in European exceptionalism.
- Interest rates are a stupid way of looking at monetary policy.
- GM foods and nuclear energy are preferable to the status quo.
- Socialism is inevitable.

Agree? Disagree? What're yours?
-Having the attraction isn't, necessarily. acting on it can be.
-eh, whatever the case we're never leaving that part of the world
-nothing quite as dangerous as a wacko that believes he has a divine duty to kill you
-I can maybe agree w/ this, ever read Larry Niven's Known Space? There is a thing that can be abused to cause direct pleasure to the brain, it actually created a Darwinian selection effect in humans for self-control.
-if by that you mean there is always a physical affliction?  Our minds are a product of a physical system, that's not really controversial, nor should it be.
-their both pretty shitty, but yeah collateral damage poses the biggest ethical issue.
-at this point it's the only course of action, that and geo-engineering, risky but. . .you know, terraforming.
-within reason
-exceptionally lucky?
-monetary policy is boring
-automation is a powerful driver for it

The Flood / Re: 6.5. inch dicks are the perfect size
« on: November 24, 2014, 02:29:08 PM »

You do realize that that chart was made to sell men w/ penor insecurities a product that probably doesn't work, right?

The Flood / Re: Do you think Bill Cosby is innocent?
« on: November 24, 2014, 02:22:31 PM »
It's doesn't matter how many allegations are made, if that's all they have then don't expect it to hold up in court.

Trial by tabloid is one of the more obnoxious aspects of our culture.

Serious / Re: Need a paper topic about control and influence
« on: November 24, 2014, 12:58:19 PM »
I didn't mean to sound like I was shoving you off. :-\
 Give me a little and I can probably get you a run down along w/ some source material.

Serious / Re: Need a paper topic about control and influence
« on: November 24, 2014, 12:03:55 PM »
Control theory.

Got any resources more reliable than the Wikipedia page?
I was joking. Unless of course you'd like to do a paper on control and reaction management through physical feedback.

Serious / Re: Need a paper topic about control and influence
« on: November 24, 2014, 12:01:05 PM »
Control theory.

The Flood / Re: Now that Comms Officer is back
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:58:26 AM »

The Flood / Re: New monitor, AMA
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:55:59 AM »

> my brain every time I see "monitor"

So pretty, I can't tell if it's a lacy or a perentie
I wouldn't know. I've never owned any reptiles much bigger than a gecko.

« on: November 24, 2014, 11:52:05 AM »
I read somewhere that babies, even after they leave the womb, possess total enlightenment, which they lose as the world imposes on them.

This is the face of an enlightened individual.

The Flood / Re: New monitor, AMA
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:50:06 AM »

> my brain every time I see "monitor"

The Flood / Re: New monitor, AMA
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:33:27 AM »
How do you feel about your promotion leaving you with the ugliest default colour profile and font?

The Flood / Re: Jurassic World Teaser Trailer
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:29:49 AM »
I can't take Jurassic park seriously after that video of the harmonica...

The Flood / Re: Jurassic World Teaser Trailer
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:28:22 AM »
I don't see the trouble w/ splicing. It's played a major plot point in the book and first movie, of course they'd take it a step further.

I don't see the problem with going full Crichton either.
They're back on Nublar, right?


There's a giant "restricted" area on the island too so...
I heard rumors some visitors were going to stumble on the ruins of the old park and discover wild raptors, sounds like that's probably true.

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