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Messages - The Lord Slide Rule

Pages: 1 ... 585960 6162 ... 144
Serious / Re: We're winning #GG
« on: March 03, 2015, 09:39:20 AM »
For all those into this argument, I have a question; has the game industry actually gotten any better since it started?
a lot of game "journalism" outlets have updated their ethics policies. People are also becoming more aware of the cozy relationships between these outlets and publishers which is part of the problem w/ the game industry.

The Flood / Re: Just fucking failed my theory test
« on: March 03, 2015, 09:31:49 AM »
>tfw you've failed practical test 4 times, 3 times at the same junction
hello spongebob

The Flood / Re: Match our spin with the retro thrusters
« on: March 03, 2015, 09:28:41 AM »
My KSP experience is finally going to come in handy!
>tfw I can never build anything as good as this ;-;
>not breaking the game to build reactionless kraken drives


The Flood / Re: Just fucking failed my theory test
« on: March 03, 2015, 09:17:43 AM »
Theory test?
it's a general driving exam you need to pass before you can get a license. They ask you questions about road safety and just other type of questions about driving. It's pretty much common sense. The hazard perception test is a first person view of a drivers seat and you're supposed to click whenever you see a hazard on screen.
ok, we have something like that but we take for the learners permit

The Flood / Re: if you don't like The Beastie Boys you suck
« on: March 03, 2015, 09:16:41 AM »
Got drunk at a friends party and played Sabotage for everyone. Probably would've  sounded like shit if we were sober but it was fun as hell.

The Flood / Re: I'm a bit confused by the Gotham TV series
« on: March 03, 2015, 09:12:05 AM »
Who cares? Looks boring as fuck, honestly. Anything that isn't HBO on TV usually isn't worth my time.
It's actually pretty good.

Penguin is by far the best character so far. Gordon's partner Harvey is great too.

I just find anything in Gotham City not associated with directly with Batman to be yawn. GCPD included.
It is directly related to Batman, considering the overarching plot is the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne, and Bruce is a main character.


I mean if it doesn't star Batman I don't really care for it.
Your loss, homo.
I've never actually watched it. Is it styled after crime drama?
It's basically a crime show (one that's not terrible) with Batman villains.
could be pretty interesting

or it could be pretty bad

The Flood / Re: Just fucking failed my theory test
« on: March 03, 2015, 09:09:08 AM »
Theory test?

The Flood / Re: I'm a bit confused by the Gotham TV series
« on: March 03, 2015, 09:08:27 AM »
Who cares? Looks boring as fuck, honestly. Anything that isn't HBO on TV usually isn't worth my time.
It's actually pretty good.

Penguin is by far the best character so far. Gordon's partner Harvey is great too.

I just find anything in Gotham City not associated with directly with Batman to be yawn. GCPD included.
It is directly related to Batman, considering the overarching plot is the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne, and Bruce is a main character.


I mean if it doesn't star Batman I don't really care for it.
Your loss, homo.
I've never actually watched it. Is it styled after crime drama?

The Flood / Re: no mods online throw that boypussy
« on: March 03, 2015, 08:50:51 AM »
Why are you all so gay
do you hhave a problem with it homophobe?
fags go to hell

Go back to Tumblr you limp dick faggot.
>not realising that lofe ironically makes autistic posts

dammit Barracuda

The Flood / Re: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
« on: March 03, 2015, 08:31:44 AM »
Jokes about retard sex make you hate the Internet?

Someone is no fun.

Go back to Tumblr you limp dick faggot.
>not realising that lofe ironically makes autistic posts
ironic sperg is still sperg

The Flood / Re: I'm a bit confused by the Gotham TV series
« on: March 03, 2015, 08:28:57 AM »
It's supposed to mirror Batman:TAS in that there are a lot of anachronistic elements.
this, it's supposed to be ambiguous

The Flood / Re: >spring boob squire pants
« on: March 02, 2015, 10:19:46 PM »


nah, I want to be dumped into a volcano

The fact that Rocket doesn't get bothered by the troll attempts irks me for some reason.
You can't deny, the man is patient.

Got a little question for the theologians here <.<

Why does the old testament god demand blood sacrifices and why does the new testament god not? Or am I missing something here?
This fedora tipper can answer that.

Jesus was apparently supposed to be the sacrifice to end sacrifices.

Not sure why god had to have us kill him so we could stop slaughtering our farm animals tho.
Oh I see, this deity is one bloodthirsty fellow <.<

I might have to reappraise my religious beliefs a little now.

>tfw jesus is khorne
I didn't want to say it incase LC is lurking around here with a boltpistol.

But fuck yeah, God is actually Khorne :D
this makes sense

Got a little question for the theologians here <.<

Why does the old testament god demand blood sacrifices and why does the new testament god not? Or am I missing something here?
This fedora tipper can answer that.

Jesus was apparently supposed to be the sacrifice to end sacrifices.

Not sure why god had to have us kill him so we could stop slaughtering our farm animals tho.
Oh I see, this deity is one bloodthirsty fellow <.<

I might have to reappraise my religious beliefs a little now.

>tfw jesus is khorne

Got a little question for the theologians here <.<

Why does the old testament god demand blood sacrifices and why does the new testament god not? Or am I missing something here?
This fedora tipper can answer that.

Jesus was apparently supposed to be the sacrifice to end sacrifices.

Not sure why god had to have us kill him so we could stop slaughtering our farm animals tho.

The Flood / Re: Attention all STEM majors
« on: March 02, 2015, 07:52:53 PM »
STEM is love, STEM is life. Secondclass won't get a job after graduation, and neither will lolVerbatim. They will most likely be working at KMart like me, a Cinnabon's if they're lucky.
Secondclass said he was STEM. Not like it matters we'll all be jobless bums in due time.

The Flood / Re: Kid Songs
« on: March 02, 2015, 07:29:34 PM »
99 bottle of beer on the wall 99 bottle of beer, you take one down pass it around 98 bottles of bear on the wall

my dad used to sing that all the time before he gave my mom a present
A black eye?

The old fart on KOTOR.

Jolee Bindo?

Or Kreia from KOTOR 2?

Jolee is who I was thinking of. I actually quite like him.

>the EU is not canon
>most of the elaborate Jedi philosophy is from the EU

Qui Gon Jinn was a Grey Jedi.
I though he was only labeled gray by the Council because he wasn't good at following orders.

The old fart on KOTOR.

God, for whatever reason, decided to create things that were sinful.

At the time of Creation, humans were not sinful. They were perfect, undefiled. And God didn't create sin itself. Sin's creation came when Lucifer rebelled against God out of jealousy. That desire to be above God, was where sin came into the picture. That desire.

Humanity was perfect, sinless, then they chose to sin. That's why humanity is now sinful by nature: because the very first 2 people sinned, and sin stains deep.

However, we must still seek forgiveness for ours sins.

...why? If Jesus' death was to absolve us of our sins, why must we still seek forgiveness?

Jesus didn't take humanities' sins and erase them. What He actually did, was make a way, open a door.
Salvation is a gift yes, but it's also a choice on your part. You are not forced to make Christ your savior, you are not forced to live in Fellowship with Him.

Jesus gave us the choice of eternal life. And even afterward, we must seek forgiveness daily. Seek renewing. Because we sin daily, we mess up our clean slate over and over, but over and over Christ offers that endless forgiveness.
How do you believe in this bullshit dude? I mean damn, say it out loud and listen to what you're saying, then read some factual stuff about our origins and realize were just advanced animals.

Let me just summarize very easily:

sin = separation from God

If humanity is sinful, it is separated

Christ = redemption from sin

Through Christ, there is no more separation from God. He opens that pathway up for any who choose it.

If you weren't raised in the Church and never really were around it, I could see why it sounds odd to some degree.
But it makes sense if you explain it in a simplistic fashion.
I was raised in the church.

This is my original point

>god wants to do something("bridge the gap")
>why does god need a blood sacrifice to do it?

He's literally the wellspring. Why does it seem like he has to meet a requirement in a reality that he is the originator of?

I'm gonna leave you alone after this, seems like there are enough people bothering you.

God, for whatever reason, decided to create things that were sinful.

At the time of Creation, humans were not sinful. They were perfect, undefiled. And God didn't create sin itself. Sin's creation came when Lucifer rebelled against God out of jealousy. That desire to be above God, was where sin came into the picture. That desire.

Humanity was perfect, sinless, then they chose to sin. That's why humanity is now sinful by nature: because the very first 2 people sinned, and sin stains deep.

However, we must still seek forgiveness for ours sins.

...why? If Jesus' death was to absolve us of our sins, why must we still seek forgiveness?

Jesus didn't take humanities' sins and erase them. What He actually did, was make a way, open a door.

This sounds like God is playing by someone else's rules, like he had to meet a prerequisite before he could get us allowed back in.

Just what it sounds like.

The Flood / Re: Attention all STEM majors
« on: March 02, 2015, 05:46:16 PM »
lol at non-STEM folks taking the STEM master race crap seriously.
You realize some people really think that, right?
I'm sure, but I'm pretty sure most of it here is just bait.

Midgy for example, I don't even know if he's actually doing a STEM major.

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