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Messages - The Lord Slide Rule

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The Flood / Re: The human race is obsolete
« on: March 04, 2015, 12:16:59 AM »
And, er, sorry Deci, but they're absolutely right when they say humanity's niche is its ability to make tool. It's how we even out (and more so) the physical playing field with other predators.

But think about it. What if we didn't have this ability to create tools? How would you expect the human race to survive let alone adapt?
That's a terrible hypothetical...

How? Think of the possible outcomes. Everything in this universe is dictated by probability. That means there was a chance where humanity could have not adapted or not have been smart enough to have this ability to think ahead of other animals.
then it wouldn't have been humanity as we know it.

The fact remains that humans do have that ability.

The Flood / Re: The human race is obsolete
« on: March 04, 2015, 12:12:33 AM »
Why is this already at 6 pages?
because we suck

The Flood / Re: The human race is obsolete
« on: March 04, 2015, 12:06:05 AM »

The Flood / Re: The human race is obsolete
« on: March 04, 2015, 12:04:38 AM »
If there's one thing that really annoys me it's when people underestimate the tenacity and ingenuity of humans.

All we have are tenacity and ingenuity. We're fortunate that those make up for us being one of the weakest, slowest, least physically accustomed species among those at the upper portion of the food chain.
Why does being faster, stronger count for shit when those other abilities allowed us basic mastery over a most of the landmass on the planet?

Oh, that has little to do with how physically powerful we are, and more to do with humans fucking a hell of a lot more than most of the other large predators. Seriously, we breed like rabbits, except rabbits don't gang up on gorillas and hippos. Also, we don't run away when one of us is killed, we turn back and kill whatever took one of us down. Few other animals do that.

In short, we could drive them out, but they could never drive us out, even though they could kill us without much trouble if they turned and fought.

Again, try no man made weapons at all. We wouldn't win the fight.

Deci removing our ability to make and use tools is like removing a lion's claws and teeth or a falcons eyesight.

It's our natural advantage over other species.

How is it our natural advantage if what we create is artificial?
that's an arbitrary distinction and you know it

How so? Elaborate please.
Because our natural advantage is that we are smart enough to use what is around us to our advantage. The fact that what we make is "made by humans" does not take away from the fact that it is the way we evolved to deal with our surroundings.

The Flood / Re: The human race is obsolete
« on: March 03, 2015, 11:56:28 PM »
If there's one thing that really annoys me it's when people underestimate the tenacity and ingenuity of humans.

All we have are tenacity and ingenuity. We're fortunate that those make up for us being one of the weakest, slowest, least physically accustomed species among those at the upper portion of the food chain.
Why does being faster, stronger count for shit when those other abilities allowed us basic mastery over a most of the landmass on the planet?

Oh, that has little to do with how physically powerful we are, and more to do with humans fucking a hell of a lot more than most of the other large predators. Seriously, we breed like rabbits, except rabbits don't gang up on gorillas and hippos. Also, we don't run away when one of us is killed, we turn back and kill whatever took one of us down. Few other animals do that.

In short, we could drive them out, but they could never drive us out, even though they could kill us without much trouble if they turned and fought.

Again, try no man made weapons at all. We wouldn't win the fight.

Deci removing our ability to make and use tools is like removing a lion's claws and teeth or a falcons eyesight.

It's our natural advantage over other species.

How is it our natural advantage if what we create is artificial?
that's an arbitrary distinction and you know it

The Flood / Re: The human race is obsolete
« on: March 03, 2015, 11:55:51 PM »

...Because reproduction is the point of life?
Not really. There is no point to life except the subjective meanings we give it. a debate I've done before and have no inclination to get into again. I shouldn't have brought that up.

And we could still reproduce, most likely, just with less...squishiness.
Unless there's some way they can get a child's consent to be born, I'm not an advocate for reproduction. Especially when immortality makes it redundant.

Oh, you ascribe to Verby's line of thinking. I'm sorry, but that really is disappointing.

Fact is, there's literally nothing there before a child is born. No thought, no emotion, nothing. You're asking for nothing to give its consent. I'd describe it as being like asking an inanimate object for consent before you do something with it, but it's less than that. It's less than asking some plastic and circuitry for consent before building it into a computer. It's less than asking the chair you're sitting in for consent before sitting in it. It's less than asking a lightswitch for consent before you flip it.

If there was something to ask for consent before you do something to it, of course I would. But there isn't. The child-to-be does not exist before the egg gets fertilized and starts multiplying into a full human being. Something that does not exist cannot have rights or freedom of choice, because it does not exist.
this is why i asked you not to do this too yourself

The Flood / Re: The human race is obsolete
« on: March 03, 2015, 11:36:05 PM »
"Obsoletion" implies there is something to replace us that is more efficient or superior to us as we are.

Although I would enjoy knowing that the human race will come to an end soon, I disagree with your assessment.

The instant we can start uploading minds into robot bodies, the age of puny organics is at an end.

And on the day we can make that happen, Mr. Psychologist's trousers will be soaked.

I'm all for it if that means we don't have to reproduce anymore.

If we're immortal within the confines of our mechanical being, what use for offspring to we have?

...Because reproduction is the point of life? The one basic task we're born in order to accomplish? And we could still reproduce, most likely, just with less...squishiness. We're even working on the technology to feel through prosthetic limbs, though I'd imagine it'd be much more complex to enable sensations through a fully metal body.
pls, don't do this too yourself

The Flood / Re: The human race is obsolete
« on: March 03, 2015, 11:24:09 PM »

The Flood / Re: The human race is obsolete
« on: March 03, 2015, 11:22:52 PM »
If there's one thing that really annoys me it's when people underestimate the tenacity and ingenuity of humans.

All we have are tenacity and ingenuity. We're fortunate that those make up for us being one of the weakest, slowest, least physically accustomed species among those at the upper portion of the food chain.
Why does being faster, stronger count for shit when those other abilities allowed us basic mastery over a most of the landmass on the planet?

The Flood / Re: The human race is obsolete
« on: March 03, 2015, 11:17:18 PM »
If so, you need to unplug yourself from the matrix and wake up.

Jesus, Deci. . .

The Flood / Re: The human race is obsolete
« on: March 03, 2015, 10:59:27 PM »
This thread is bad and we should feel bad for being in it.

The Flood / Re: so what's everyone doing for spring break?
« on: March 03, 2015, 09:23:12 PM »
I'm gonna masturbate for 7 hours straight.
Only 7? You have the whole week.
I'll do it while driving. Where ever I end will be where I stay for the week.

The Flood / Re: so what's everyone doing for spring break?
« on: March 03, 2015, 09:03:02 PM »
I'm gonna masturbate for 7 hours straight.

The Flood / Re: >Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinigung
« on: March 03, 2015, 08:16:28 PM »

The Flood / Re: How sexist are you? Time to find out!
« on: March 03, 2015, 07:52:20 PM »
4.55 and 0.09

Do I win?

The Flood / Re: What should I buy from Amazon?
« on: March 03, 2015, 12:04:53 PM »
A 37 lb bag of sugarless gummy bears

Anyway, OT, so the guy's a looney, who cares? Crazy people do crazy shit. I mean it's asinine and all, but, like, fuck, it's fucking 2015. Yeah, homophobia is bad and all, but it's going down the drain fast in the west. The fact that we can all agree it's asinine is reason enough not to worry about it. This shit just turns into a circlejerk of disgust and it's really boring.
I almost considered making a post "in favor" for this reason

The Flood / Re: no mods online throw that boypussy
« on: March 03, 2015, 11:34:57 AM »

The Flood / Re: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
« on: March 03, 2015, 11:14:48 AM »
The internet was destroyed when they passed net neutrality.  Now the government is going to have full control and turn us into Kyrgyzstan or some shit.
can't tell if sarcasm

Are we talking canon? I don't even know if grey jedi exist in the updated canon.
Anything that isn't the movies and newer stuff released under Disney isn't canon.
Except the Clone Wars.
which probably needs to be thrown out too
No. Especially not after last night's episode of Rebels.
It was more from a stance of continuity than anything.

What're you buying?
The shirt/jacket of an East German strichtarn uniform, in the summer version.

Oh god somebody stop him.



it looks better than the other he was going to buy
It's the same fucking one, stupid CUNT.
really? The color looks different and the pocket construction seems different.

I didn't say it looked good.
Maybe if you didn't have gook eyes you'd know its the same one.

What're you buying?
The shirt/jacket of an East German strichtarn uniform, in the summer version.

Oh god somebody stop him.



it looks better than the other he was going to buy
It's the same fucking one, stupid CUNT.
really? The color looks different and the pocket construction seems different.

I didn't say it looked good.

What're you buying?
The shirt/jacket of an East German strichtarn uniform, in the summer version.

Oh god somebody stop him.



it looks better than the other he was going to buy

The Flood / Re: Speedtest thread
« on: March 03, 2015, 10:31:41 AM »
stay jelly faggots

lol even cheese potato has better internet than you
yeah I live in a pretty bad neighborhood and there's really no sign of any other ISP trying to compete here
do you live in detroit?
hell naw
>implying Florida isn't basically detroit w/ swamps

But I only have Ameribucks.

How would I go about purchasing this fine product?
does paypal convert currency for ebay?
dunno. It converted my Ameribucks to bongmunnies when I bought Elite: Dangerous.

But I only have Ameribucks.

How would I go about purchasing this fine product?

Serious / Re: How has Tim Berners-Lee not won a Nobel Prize?
« on: March 03, 2015, 10:21:29 AM »
Are there any Nobel styled prizes for Engineers? I know mathematicians have the Fields Medal (at least I suppose that's the closest they get to a Nobel type deal).

Are we talking canon? I don't even know if grey jedi exist in the updated canon.
Anything that isn't the movies and newer stuff released under Disney isn't canon.
Except the Clone Wars.
which probably needs to be thrown out too

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