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Messages - The Lord Slide Rule

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« on: April 06, 2015, 04:00:19 PM »

The Flood / Re: The StarWars Animation is Finished
« on: April 06, 2015, 03:54:39 PM »
Why didn't the Rebel capital ships have any shields? A TIE flew right up to the bridge of one and blew it up with a couple shots.
Presumably their shields were depleted by the turbolaser barrage.

The Flood / I encountered an actual 9gagger today
« on: April 06, 2015, 03:49:26 PM »
Seriously dude, you're worse than Hitler.


But Walmart is shit.


The Flood / Re: >hanging out with mom
« on: April 06, 2015, 12:02:40 PM »
Jim, just fuck your mom already.

Serious / Re: Does anybody else here suffer from epistemic angst?
« on: April 06, 2015, 11:40:44 AM »
"What if I'm totally, obviously wrong but I don't realize it?

Yes, all the time.

The Flood / Re: I have an addiction to 9gag
« on: April 05, 2015, 05:17:36 PM »
You're addicted to cancer?

Danktriarchy. Where the dankest person is the leader, selected by RNG every day.
only correct answer

The Flood / Re: 100% true
« on: April 03, 2015, 10:08:58 PM »

The Flood / Re: 100% true
« on: April 03, 2015, 09:58:02 PM »
The quotes are unreal.
yeah they are

The Flood / Re: 100% true
« on: April 03, 2015, 09:55:42 PM »

That's because niggers are in priso-

I'm sensing a pattern.
i was saving this for later but it really hit home to me how privileged straight white men are.
Actually, I blame the victims of the shooting for not saying SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED and cc'ing their handgun in school to stop the shooter before he can kill anyone.
victime blaming. As long as it's not the straight white males faulty, everything's just peachy.
If you aren't capable of defending yourself then you have only yourself to blame.
so not having enough resources to fight a corrupt system is once again the victims fault?
Yes. Now quit bitching like an entitled African and pull yourself up by your goddamn bootstraps.
im not even going to respond to this bull.
>i don't like the truth so i'm going to call it bullshit

Okay, missy. Don't blame me when you're on welfare for the rest of your life.
i won't. I'll be too busy blaming the patriarchy you tard.


You need some metal in your life. \m/
any suggestions?

Slayer, Acid Bath, Shrum, Fear Factory, Five Finger Death Punch, Cannibal Corpse, Goatwhore, Tool, Lamb of god, Ministry, Maximum the Hormone (Maximum the Hormone is more rock than metal but it's some good headbanging material for Japanese shit) Rammstein, Slipknot, Motörhead, Mötley Crüe, Megadeth, Pantera, Mastodon, etc.
but acid bath is sludge shit, Cannibal corpse is cringey as fuck, Tool (barring undertow as an album) is prog rock, rammstein isn't that good, and Slipnot has three good songs.
>implying sludge is bad

Get the fuck out
But it is. Sludge wishes it could be stoner.
and stoner wishes it could be doom, but I don't care.
I've had bad trips to Electric Wizard, man.

DAS. Why do you consider sludge to be shit?
It just never did anything for me.

Like... yeah.

Well it did a lot for me. So... I don't understand why it didn't do a lot for you. What don't you like about it?
different tastes, I'm more into eyehategod and iron monkey, more hardcore  influenced stuff than acid bath.

The Flood / Re: 100% true
« on: April 03, 2015, 09:50:13 PM »

That's because niggers are in priso-

I'm sensing a pattern.
i was saving this for later but it really hit home to me how privileged straight white men are.
Actually, I blame the victims of the shooting for not saying SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED and cc'ing their handgun in school to stop the shooter before he can kill anyone.
victime blaming. As long as it's not the straight white males faulty, everything's just peachy.
If you aren't capable of defending yourself then you have only yourself to blame.
so not having enough resources to fight a corrupt system is once again the victims fault?
Yes. Now quit bitching like an entitled African and pull yourself up by your goddamn bootstraps.
im not even going to respond to this bull.
>i don't like the truth so i'm going to call it bullshit

Okay, missy. Don't blame me when you're on welfare for the rest of your life.
i won't. I'll be too busy blaming the patriarchy you tard.


You need some metal in your life. \m/
any suggestions?

Slayer, Acid Bath, Shrum, Fear Factory, Five Finger Death Punch, Cannibal Corpse, Goatwhore, Tool, Lamb of god, Ministry, Maximum the Hormone (Maximum the Hormone is more rock than metal but it's some good headbanging material for Japanese shit) Rammstein, Slipknot, Motörhead, Mötley Crüe, Megadeth, Pantera, Mastodon, etc.
but acid bath is sludge shit, Cannibal corpse is cringey as fuck, Tool (barring undertow as an album) is prog rock, rammstein isn't that good, and Slipnot has three good songs.
>implying sludge is bad

Get the fuck out
But it is. Sludge wishes it could be stoner.
and stoner wishes it could be doom, but I don't care.
I've had bad trips to Electric Wizard, man.
Wizard is kind of both.

The Flood / Re: 100% true
« on: April 03, 2015, 09:47:27 PM »

That's because niggers are in priso-

I'm sensing a pattern.
i was saving this for later but it really hit home to me how privileged straight white men are.
Actually, I blame the victims of the shooting for not saying SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED and cc'ing their handgun in school to stop the shooter before he can kill anyone.
victime blaming. As long as it's not the straight white males faulty, everything's just peachy.
If you aren't capable of defending yourself then you have only yourself to blame.
so not having enough resources to fight a corrupt system is once again the victims fault?
Yes. Now quit bitching like an entitled African and pull yourself up by your goddamn bootstraps.
im not even going to respond to this bull.
>i don't like the truth so i'm going to call it bullshit

Okay, missy. Don't blame me when you're on welfare for the rest of your life.
i won't. I'll be too busy blaming the patriarchy you tard.


You need some metal in your life. \m/
any suggestions?

Slayer, Acid Bath, Shrum, Fear Factory, Five Finger Death Punch, Cannibal Corpse, Goatwhore, Tool, Lamb of god, Ministry, Maximum the Hormone (Maximum the Hormone is more rock than metal but it's some good headbanging material for Japanese shit) Rammstein, Slipknot, Motörhead, Mötley Crüe, Megadeth, Pantera, Mastodon, etc.
but acid bath is sludge shit, Cannibal corpse is cringey as fuck, Tool (barring undertow as an album) is prog rock, rammstein isn't that good, and Slipnot has three good songs.
>implying sludge is bad

Get the fuck out
But it is. Sludge wishes it could be stoner.
and stoner wishes it could be doom, but I don't care.

The Flood / Re: 100% true
« on: April 03, 2015, 09:44:40 PM »

That's because niggers are in priso-

I'm sensing a pattern.
i was saving this for later but it really hit home to me how privileged straight white men are.
Actually, I blame the victims of the shooting for not saying SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED and cc'ing their handgun in school to stop the shooter before he can kill anyone.
victime blaming. As long as it's not the straight white males faulty, everything's just peachy.
If you aren't capable of defending yourself then you have only yourself to blame.
so not having enough resources to fight a corrupt system is once again the victims fault?
Yes. Now quit bitching like an entitled African and pull yourself up by your goddamn bootstraps.
im not even going to respond to this bull.
>i don't like the truth so i'm going to call it bullshit

Okay, missy. Don't blame me when you're on welfare for the rest of your life.
i won't. I'll be too busy blaming the patriarchy you tard.


You need some metal in your life. \m/
any suggestions?

Slayer, Acid Bath, Shrum, Fear Factory, Five Finger Death Punch, Cannibal Corpse, Goatwhore, Tool, Lamb of god, Ministry, Maximum the Hormone (Maximum the Hormone is more rock than metal but it's some good headbanging material for Japanese shit) Rammstein, Slipknot, Motörhead, Mötley Crüe, Megadeth, Pantera, Mastodon, etc.
but acid bath is sludge shit, Cannibal corpse is cringey as fuck, Tool (barring undertow as an album) is prog rock, rammstein isn't that good, and Slipnot has three good songs.
>implying sludge is bad

Get the fuck out

The Flood / Re: 100% true
« on: April 03, 2015, 09:33:34 PM »

That's because niggers are in priso-

I'm sensing a pattern.
i was saving this for later but it really hit home to me how privileged straight white men are.
Actually, I blame the victims of the shooting for not saying SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED and cc'ing their handgun in school to stop the shooter before he can kill anyone.
victime blaming. As long as it's not the straight white males faulty, everything's just peachy.
If you aren't capable of defending yourself then you have only yourself to blame.
so not having enough resources to fight a corrupt system is once again the victims fault?
Yes. Now quit bitching like an entitled African and pull yourself up by your goddamn bootstraps.
im not even going to respond to this bull.
>i don't like the truth so i'm going to call it bullshit

Okay, missy. Don't blame me when you're on welfare for the rest of your life.
i won't. I'll be too busy blaming the patriarchy you tard.
Ah, I remember my first patriarchy meeting. My dad invited me, I'm sure that's how all men are made into great patriarchs. There was so much food, cooked by women as it should be. Free blow jobs from the many slave wimminz in the facility.

It was a great time, everyone should go.

The Flood / Re: 100% true
« on: April 03, 2015, 09:09:50 PM »

...100% Tru?.....
shut up and get out if you're not going to continue to the discussion.
there's a discussion?

The Flood / Re: 100% true
« on: April 03, 2015, 08:59:46 PM »

That's because niggers are in priso-

I'm sensing a pattern.
i was saving this for later but it really hit home to me how privileged straight white men are.
I thought this was a joke.

like feminism

The Flood / Re: 100% true
« on: April 03, 2015, 08:56:36 PM »
That's because niggers are in priso-

I'm sensing a pattern.

The Flood / Re: Psy, I need your help!
« on: April 03, 2015, 08:24:48 PM »

Chug that shit


It's like Africa  isn't fucked enough as it is.
Islam has existed in Africa since the times of Muhammed. In fact, Muhammed himself had to take refuge in Ethiopia at one point of his life since people who believed in Islam were being killed in Mecca.
I know. Africa would be fucked up enough as it is w/o it.

The Flood / Re: Just came back from the doctor.
« on: April 03, 2015, 07:26:16 PM »

I just went to the doctor's yesterday.  It was.. good.
*stares suspiciously*
What was so "good" about it?
the doctor diddled him.

or. . .he diddled the doctor.

The Flood / Re: I really hate ugly people
« on: April 03, 2015, 07:16:05 PM »
I'm so immaculately awesome that loaf would love me even if I was ugly.

The Flood / Re: Oh thanks brown truck man
« on: April 03, 2015, 07:11:47 PM »

The Flood / Re: Why is Chinese food so expensive?
« on: April 03, 2015, 07:10:09 PM »
Chinese buffets, these places don't have quality food, nor are the pricey, however they won't set you back like the more authentic restaurants.
Most Chinese buffets I've eaten in are quality incarnated in my honest white opinion.
Chinese buffets
white opinion
And into the trash it goes.
shouldn't you be mowing my lawn?

dunt ban me pls

The Flood / Re: So A Monster Stole My Nigger At Work Today.
« on: April 03, 2015, 07:01:40 PM »

Is cheat black?
He's dark enough to form a singularity.
english pls
he's blacker than a coal mine

at night

at the bottom of the ocean

The Flood / Re: I found Mr. P
« on: April 03, 2015, 07:00:16 PM »

Can you blame him? Why would you want to be a meatbag with an expiry date? I'd rather be a rust bucket that can get new parts to fight atrophy.
Well no, but I prefer having some humanity than being a cold automaton. That's why I prefer the cyborg way instead of going full robot.
well why not become a synthetic? Have soft warm tissue on the outside and all the hardware underneath. Like a more human version of the geth.
No, it wouldn't be me. At least with the cyborg I still have my true human side while still having kickass augmentations.
what do you mean it wouldn't be you? Are we personified by our physical attributes or who we are spiritually and mentally? I like to think of our bodies as a vessel for us to be in, like avatars so it wouldn't bother me at all.
It is a vessel, but its MY vessel and I would like to keep it or at least parts of it. And also because of the reasons placed in the edit of my previous post.
i guess. If I got to choose how I appeared as a synthetic I'd feel as much ownership over myself as I do now. I don't think I'd feel like I've been displaced. Have you ever played a game and made your character how you wanted and felt an attachment to it? That's kinda how I'd feel about it. I don't see why you couldn't reproduce with someone else you felt romantically attached to btw. The whole process might be different but the outcome of having an offspring that different and yet the alike to you would still be there.
Where's the fun in that?
3.? ? ?
4. Nookie

The Flood / Re: I found Mr. P
« on: April 03, 2015, 06:53:29 PM »

Can you blame him? Why would you want to be a meatbag with an expiry date? I'd rather be a rust bucket that can get new parts to fight atrophy.
Well no, but I prefer having some humanity than being a cold automaton. That's why I prefer the cyborg way instead of going full robot.
well why not become a synthetic? Have soft warm tissue on the outside and all the hardware underneath. Like a more human version of the geth.
No, it wouldn't be me. At least with the cyborg I still have my true human side while still having kickass augmentations.
what do you mean it wouldn't be you? Are we personified by our physical attributes or who we are spiritually and mentally? I like to think of our bodies as a vessel for us to be in, like avatars so it wouldn't bother me at all.
It is a vessel, but its MY vessel and I would like to keep it or at least parts of it. And also because of the reasons placed in the edit of my previous post.
i guess. If I got to choose how I appeared as a synthetic I'd feel as much ownership over myself as I do now. I don't think I'd feel like I've been displaced. Have you ever played a game and made your character how you wanted and felt an attachment to it? That's kinda how I'd feel about it. I don't see why you couldn't reproduce with someone else you felt romantically attached to btw. The whole process might be different but the outcome of having an offspring that different and yet the alike to you would still be there.
Where's the fun in that?
3.? ? ?
4. Nookie

The Flood / Re: I found Mr. P
« on: April 03, 2015, 06:48:58 PM »

Can you blame him? Why would you want to be a meatbag with an expiry date? I'd rather be a rust bucket that can get new parts to fight atrophy.
Well no, but I prefer having some humanity than being a cold automaton. That's why I prefer the cyborg way instead of going full robot.
well why not become a synthetic? Have soft warm tissue on the outside and all the hardware underneath. Like a more human version of the geth.
No, it wouldn't be me. At least with the cyborg I still have my true human side while still having kickass augmentations.
what do you mean it wouldn't be you? Are we personified by our physical attributes or who we are spiritually and mentally? I like to think of our bodies as a vessel for us to be in, like avatars so it wouldn't bother me at all.
It is a vessel, but its MY vessel and I would like to keep it or at least parts of it. And also because of the reasons placed in the edit of my previous post.
i guess. If I got to choose how I appeared as a synthetic I'd feel as much ownership over myself as I do now. I don't think I'd feel like I've been displaced. Have you ever played a game and made your character how you wanted and felt an attachment to it? That's kinda how I'd feel about it. I don't see why you couldn't reproduce with someone else you felt romantically attached to btw. The whole process might be different but the outcome of having an offspring that different and yet the alike to you would still be there.


The Flood / Re: What's your favourite Lemon quote?
« on: April 03, 2015, 06:34:34 PM »
Slash isn't angry, belligerent is Meta's schtick. Lemon and challenger just enjoy fucking w/ people.

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