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Messages - The Lord Slide Rule

Pages: 1 ... 353637 3839 ... 144
The Flood / Re: Time lapse of every nuclear explosion since 1945
« on: May 05, 2015, 06:03:33 PM »
We won

The Flood / Re: The ISSpresso is ready!
« on: May 05, 2015, 06:02:04 PM »
8-year old fantasies inbound
Nigga we gonna assplore the cosmos.
Cause that should be our focus with all of the shit going on on planet Earth.
kill yourself
"hurr instead of helping the world become a better place, let's send 300 people to MARS!!!!"
>implying that the technology needed for that endeavor won't help make the world a better place
>implying technology originally created for astronautical purposes hasn't and still doesn't help make the world a better place
> implying understanding the rest of our solar system doesnt help us understand earth so we can take better care of it
> implying that throwing all our money at something as vague as "let's make the world a better place" and singing kumbaya will actually get us anywhere
> implying that most of the money spent on space exploration isn't in fact spent on earth creating jobs

kill yourself
What I read: "hur lets go to space and evry problem wil magicaly fix isself XDDDD"
"les all hol hans and sin kumbaya an the worl wil be fix"
>unironically proposing an interstellar space program

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

The Flood / Re: The ISSpresso is ready!
« on: May 05, 2015, 05:59:45 PM »
8-year old fantasies inbound
Nigga we gonna assplore the cosmos.
Cause that should be our focus with all of the shit going on on planet Earth.
kill yourself
"hurr instead of helping the world become a better place, let's send 300 people to MARS!!!!"
>implying that the technology needed for that endeavor won't help make the world a better place
>implying technology originally created for astronautical purposes hasn't and still doesn't help make the world a better place
> implying understanding the rest of our solar system doesnt help us understand earth so we can take better care of it
> implying that throwing all our money at something as vague as "let's make the world a better place" and singing kumbaya will actually get us anywhere
> implying that most of the money spent on space exploration isn't in fact spent on earth creating jobs

kill yourself
What I read: "hur lets go to space and evry problem wil magicaly fix isself XDDDD"
"les all hol hans and sin kumbaya an the worl wil be fix"

Serious / Re: If you can't speak English, you shouldn't be voting
« on: May 05, 2015, 05:43:53 PM »

The Flood / Re: The ISSpresso is ready!
« on: May 05, 2015, 05:42:36 PM »
8-year old fantasies inbound
Nigga we gonna assplore the cosmos.
Cause that should be our focus with all of the shit going on on planet Earth.
kill yourself
"hurr instead of helping the world become a better place, let's send 300 people to MARS!!!!"
>implying that the technology needed for that endeavor won't help make the world a better place
>implying technology originally created for astronautical purposes hasn't and still doesn't help make the world a better place
> implying understanding the rest of our solar system doesnt help us understand earth so we can take better care of it
> implying that throwing all our money at something as vague as "let's make the world a better place" and singing kumbaya will actually get us anywhere
> implying that most of the money spent on space exploration isn't in fact spent on earth creating jobs

kill yourself

The Flood / Re: The ISSpresso is ready!
« on: May 05, 2015, 05:32:40 PM »
8-year old fantasies inbound
Nigga we gonna assplore the cosmos.
Cause that should be our focus with all of the shit going on on planet Earth.
kill yourself

The Flood / Re: I've been pretty MIA, missed me?
« on: May 05, 2015, 12:29:57 AM »
Ew, it's the psychology major.

Away, foul beast!

Oh hi Meta!
Why are you against psychology majors?
The inferiority of psychology of a social science compared to economics.
social "science"


Isn't this what is known as a deepity?

The Flood / Re: >take final exam online
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:52:46 PM »
Did you cheat?

The Flood / Re: Why aren't you for nuclear power usage?
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:43:52 PM »
The best energy alternative would involve anti-matter reactors. But since they exist only in theory;- there is no best energy alternative. Nuclear power is LITERALLY the best power we can have at the moment (fusion not fission).
fusion is a long way from providing anyone w/ power unless of course you believe the stuff coming out of the skunkworks now.

The Flood / Re: Post-meta unironic memeing
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:01:26 PM »
Does this thread count?

Now we're beginning to ask the right questions friendo! (=^.^=) How deep those the rabbit hole go? ~~ x

memeswithinmemeswithinmemeswithinmemeswithinmemes withinmemeswithinmemeswithinmemeswithinmemes. . .

The Flood / Re: Post-meta unironic memeing
« on: May 01, 2015, 06:37:48 PM »
Does this thread count?

Um desty. . .this isn't a serious post is it?
it's 200% serious you idiot
it's hard to tell w/ you because 90% of your posts are incoherent

Um desty. . .this isn't a serious post is it?

The Flood / Re: Is music the most powerful medium?
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:24:33 AM »
I wouldn't say it's the most powerful.

The most accessible maybe, even when the style of music itself isn't, we carry libraries of it in our pockets for crying out loud.

Edit:let me clarify, I wouldn't say it's the most powerful simply because literature has had a greater effect on history by my reckoning

meh I'm not sure why you would want to do that but ok.
You better edit this shit.
fukin kek

The Flood / Re: What's your view on fur
« on: April 30, 2015, 09:47:00 PM »
My cat has it

The Flood / Re: Animals with weird fucking eyes
« on: April 30, 2015, 07:40:26 PM »

The Flood / Re: I live in Baltimore AMA
« on: April 30, 2015, 06:29:43 PM »
What is there to do in Baltimore for fun?
rioting and looting seems like the popular thing now

The Flood / Re: Shills Among Us
« on: April 30, 2015, 06:19:11 PM »

Both cus I'm not an inflexible shit.

The Flood / Re: which members here would you consider memes?
« on: April 30, 2015, 05:59:02 PM »
They're called memebers

stop encouraging women to starve themselves

The only correct response is,"stop being a heifer, you heifer".

The Flood / Re: The cost of raising a child.
« on: April 30, 2015, 05:10:07 PM »
You know, I tried weed twice over the weekend and nothing happened man, friends must have picked up shitty weed.

But yes, I will believe my own lie

*sips tea*

May the booty be with you.

I actually didn't get high the first couple of times either, and it was good stuff.
It'd be the 3rd time now, tried it a few months back, felt drunk but nothing amazing, why Cam why does your lifeblood not effect me q__q

*sips tea*
stop smoking dirt fgt

The Flood / Re: I wish I would've had a mother like this
« on: April 29, 2015, 07:24:02 PM »
Dude he was trying to get involved in rioting and looting he 100% deserved to have his ass beat. If not by his mom then by someone else.

Gaming / Re: Your reaction to me3's ending?
« on: April 29, 2015, 07:19:29 PM »
Oh. . .

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