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Messages - Engrapadora

Pages: 1 ... 345 67
My uni actually had to send out a mass email explaining personal hygeien to these turban fuckers.

Post the text of it here.
Dear Patrons and Students,


My uni actually had to send out a mass email explaining personal hygeien to these turban fuckers.

Post the text of it here.

The Flood / Re: Wake up people!
« on: October 14, 2015, 02:21:47 PM »

The only form of consent I can think of is if the animal starts the interaction first

But even then
They have no way of telling us if they change their mind or not
This is the line of thinking that has engrapa talking above about sex with toddlers being okay if they start it.

We're talking about consent
Not whether it's right or wrong

Besides sex with animals is wrong
That's a given

Sex with animals is natural, healthy, food fo the soul, legal in many places, and completely right.

The Flood / Re: Somebody once told me
« on: October 14, 2015, 02:29:09 AM »

The Flood / Re: Somebody once told me
« on: October 14, 2015, 02:04:55 AM »

Somebody once told me if you wanna fuck a pony
I should get a filly into my bed
She was looking kind of young, had no marking on her bum
And a horn on the front of her forehead

Well I won't stop thrustin till my nuts start bustin
Get them while they're young, naive and still trustin
Knew I was making an awful mess
My brain says "no" but my cock says "yes"

Old 'nuff to pee, old 'nuff for me
So what's wrong with fucking the fillies?
You'll never know if you don't try
Rutting into those little white thighs

Go on, it's okay now, don't need to be afraid
Hey now, you're a fiddler, get your fuck on, get laid
Those delectable foals
Only stupid chumps like 'em old

Moon's a cool place and they say it gets colder
Beauty they say's in the eye o' the beholder
The celestial guards beg to differ
Judging by the "wanted" sign starring my picture

When I get caught, I know I'm gettin flayed
But I'll be damned if I'm stopping anyway
I've got an itch for little white horse
That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored

[Chorus x2]

Somebody once asked "was it worth it for the ass?
Even the scandal, banishment and disgrace?"
I said "Well, for Sweetie Belle
I could do a couple years in hell
for just another sniff of that mane"

Well I won't stop thrustin till my nuts start bustin
Get them while they're young, naive and still trustin
Knew I was making an awful mess
My brain says "no" but my cock says "yes"

Old 'nuff to pee, old 'nuff for me
So what's wrong with fucking the fillies?
You'll never know if you don't try
Rutting into those little white thighs


Those delectable foals
Only stupid chumps like 'em old

The Flood / Re: How to make your own fleshlight
« on: October 14, 2015, 02:01:49 AM »
One time I made one with two sponges, a rubber band, some plastic wrap, and a solo cup. You fold the plastic wrap and put it between the sponges, then jam them into the cup and fold the loose plastic ends over the sides of the cup and hold them there with the rubber band. Put in plenty of lube and go to town on it.

I got off, but it wasn't actually any better than masturbating, so not really worth it. Fortunately the plastic wrap contained all the mess so I just put the sponges back in the kitchen and no one ever noticed.

The Flood / Re: empathy is pointless
« on: October 14, 2015, 01:44:31 AM »

If you enjoy it, you belong in prison or a mental institution.
You can't imprison someone for something that someone else did to them, unless you're advocating for Sharia law.
No, but you can have them institutionalized for being a pedophile.


If you enjoy it, you belong in prison or a mental institution.
You can't imprison someone for something that someone else did to them, unless you're advocating for Sharia law.

The Flood / Re: Wake up people!
« on: October 14, 2015, 01:37:35 AM »
Those aren't friends, they're freaks.
An arbitrary distinction based on your personal opinions.
Not just mine. Every sane person's.

Sanity is an artificial construct of the gangster computer god.

The Flood / Re: Wake up people!
« on: October 14, 2015, 01:34:34 AM »
Those aren't friends, they're freaks.
An arbitrary distinction based on your personal opinions.

Still waiting for your answer to find out whether your position is internally inconsistent or you think sex with toddlers is okay.
If they initiate something, you may as well.
Holy shit man

You have to be trolling at this point
The scope is limited but there are conceivable situations where it could apply, such as if you are incapacitated or the toddler is exceptionally forceful.

If you are raped, you are not considered a perpetrator.
If the exact same rape plays out, but you happen to enjoy it, you are still not a perpetrator.
If the exact same rape plays out, but you happen to enjoy it, and the rapist happens to be a toddler, how can you be blamed?

The Flood / Re: Wake up people!
« on: October 14, 2015, 01:24:18 AM »
So you're saying you have no friends IRL. Because people who admit they fuck horses are generally pretty disliked.

That's actually almost the opposite of what I said, but believe what you like I guess.
You said you started a club for horse fetishists. That's literally the same thing as saying you have no friends or family, lol.
Actually it means that I have horse fetishist friends.

The Flood / Re: Wake up people!
« on: October 14, 2015, 01:21:35 AM »
So you're saying you have no friends IRL. Because people who admit they fuck horses are generally pretty disliked.

That's actually almost the opposite of what I said, but believe what you like I guess.

Why am I even arguing about this lol

You're fucking a horse. You're watching horse porn. You're literally the definition of a degenerate.
I've ascended beyond your level.
Still waiting for your answer to find out whether your position is internally inconsistent or you think sex with toddlers is okay.

It's possible to do it properly but you need to be very careful as it's on shakier ground than animal sex. Adult animals have clear mating signals and behaviors that are understood to indicate consent, while there are not necessarily such universal signals from toddlers. This means that initiating the contact is dubious. But if they initiate something, you may as well. Not really my thing though.

The Flood / Re: Wake up people!
« on: October 14, 2015, 01:16:25 AM »
Do your parents know that you have a fetish for being an edgelord on the Internet? You should really consider making some friends.
lmao the salt is real
Don't worry, some day you'll see the light.
you still didn't answer my question faggot

Have you told anyone about your disgusting fetish IRL? I'm guessing no. But why not, if it's nothing to be ashamed of?
I literally made a fan club for it, though it's now disbanded due to the fact that no one had time to run it properly.

Why am I even arguing about this lol

You're fucking a horse. You're watching horse porn. You're literally the definition of a degenerate.
I've ascended beyond your level.

The Flood / Re: Wake up people!
« on: October 14, 2015, 01:10:35 AM »
Do your parents know that you have a fetish for being an edgelord on the Internet? You should really consider making some friends.
lmao the salt is real
Don't worry, some day you'll see the light.

Animals can't consent, genius.
Except they can. Quite frequently they're even the ones to initiate sexual activities.
"Yeah your honor, my dog was giving me a smile and wagging his tail so that's why I started having sex with him. He totally consented to it"

If you actually watched horse porn, you would know that it generally happens more like,

"Yeah your honor, my stallion jumped on me and mounted me."
"Yeah your honor, my mare pinned me against the wall with her ass while winking her vag and gushing fluids like a fire hose, while also displaying multiple well documented and understand mating behaviors."

The Flood / Re: Wake up people!
« on: October 14, 2015, 01:06:53 AM »
No one likes you. Here, and in real life.

do your parents know you have a fetish for having sex with horses? Lmaoo

Do your parents know that you have a fetish for being an edgelord on the Internet? You should really consider making some friends tbqph* fam**.

*Editor's note: tbqph = "To be quite perfectly honest"
**Editor's note: fam = "family"

Animals can't consent, genius.
Except they can. Quite frequently they're even the ones to initiate sexual activities.

Just give them a Bad Dragon catalog to choose from for their fifth birthday, and they should be able to figure things out from there.
This should be a test to see if your kid needs to be put down or not

Agreed. If they don't choose one of the anatomically correct horse vag/cock toys, you should be highly concerned.
No, if they don't scream and burn the catalog immediately, it's time for euthanasia.

You have a mental illness.
that's rich coming from the guy who literally fucks animals

There is literally nothing wrong with BESTiality.
Other than the fact you're raping an animal?

It's not rape if the animal consents.

Just give them a Bad Dragon catalog to choose from for their fifth birthday, and they should be able to figure things out from there.
This should be a test to see if your kid needs to be put down or not

Agreed. If they don't choose one of the anatomically correct horse vag/cock toys, you should be highly concerned.
No, if they don't scream and burn the catalog immediately, it's time for euthanasia.

You have a mental illness.
that's rich coming from the guy who literally fucks animals

There is literally nothing wrong with BESTiality.

Just give them a Bad Dragon catalog to choose from for their fifth birthday, and they should be able to figure things out from there.
This should be a test to see if your kid needs to be put down or not

Agreed. If they don't choose one of the anatomically correct horse vag/cock toys, you should be highly concerned.
No, if they don't scream and burn the catalog immediately, it's time for euthanasia.

You have a mental illness.

The Flood / Re: Wake up people!
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:57:44 AM »
No one likes you. Here, and in real life.

Just give them a Bad Dragon catalog to choose from for their fifth birthday, and they should be able to figure things out from there.
This should be a test to see if your kid needs to be put down or not

Agreed. If they don't choose one of the anatomically correct horse vag/cock toys, you should be highly concerned.

The Flood / Wake up people!
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:56:20 AM »

Can't you see that you're being controlled?

Just give them a Bad Dragon catalog to choose from for their fifth birthday, and they should be able to figure things out from there.

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