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Messages - Sαndtrap

Pages: 1234 56 ... 36
« on: March 04, 2017, 06:44:58 PM »

« on: March 04, 2017, 06:07:39 PM »

Never got into the series but like bacon said, it's nice to see a non-dissappointing game come out and have people enjoy it for once. I'm honestly kinda envious since that's not a feeling I'll likely ever know again.

The Flood / Re: Provolone vs Cheese Whiz
« on: March 03, 2017, 06:13:04 PM »
on celery master race?

The Flood / Re: What was the last book you read?
« on: March 03, 2017, 05:49:42 PM »
Creating a Website: The Missing Manual

Learning it so I can help fam. Interesting insights if you don't know jack about webpages.

Gaming / Re: I don't feel impressed by graphics anymore.
« on: March 03, 2017, 05:45:47 PM »
I liked studying all the effort put into what was made.

I think maybe you've miscategorized it. You're tired of photorealism. A lot of games out there strive for it and I think when some people mention graphics this is what they're mentioning in the background of their head. Notice that a lot of games are automatically considered as having "good graphics" the more photorealistic their style is. For a long time, games have strived to make things look more realistic and believable.

It mirrors the art community somewhat. There was a big trend and focus in realism. And then it petered out as it became an over-saturated style. I believe the same applies to games these days. Difference is, I don't think we've seen the explosion of variety that's possible yet.

That must mean there's a branch of satanist cars out there somewhere.

The Flood / Re: Who would win a gender war?
« on: March 03, 2017, 01:50:39 AM »
Fun fact while men are physically stronger, women have notablely higher pain tolerance and are more likely to survive life threatening injuries. In fact they're about 14% more likely to survive gunshot wounds than guys are.
Thats awesome

But we're only fisting bitches here

I do love a good fisting

The Flood / Re: Who would win a gender war?
« on: March 03, 2017, 01:48:34 AM »
Fun fact while men are physically stronger, women have notablely higher pain tolerance and are more likely to survive life threatening injuries. In fact they're about 14% more likely to survive gunshot wounds than guys are.

The Flood / Re: It's wednesday, you know what that means
« on: March 01, 2017, 10:22:47 PM »
If I eat toast will that count?

I got whatever strength there was from working, since I had something to occupy my mind rather than "wow fuck I hate exercising." Same with some of the healthier foods. I didn't find them the most appealing taste wise. But if given them I'd eat them since I know there's parts of the world were people would probably kill each other over them.

Life's gonna have bumps. Technically you could say that a portion of your life is spent at the expense of happiness anyway. Just so long as you don't go into red zones of excess you'll do fine.

I met a guy who was athletic as fuck in his late sixties. Healthy as could be for his age, could probably put most 20 year olds to shame. He still ended up here.

The Flood / Re: AYA
« on: March 01, 2017, 06:22:49 AM »
I'm always late.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: March 01, 2017, 06:21:22 AM »
i just realized, is there still a need for the spoiler tag

It's a spoiler to some people that
Gourdians is a bad game.

What was the packed-full, ugliest day of your life so far? Where everything that could go wrong did, the stress was high, and in general, if it wanted a piece out of you it showed up to take it?

The Flood / Re: *GAME OVER* SEP7ABOWL 2017 *GAME OVER*
« on: February 28, 2017, 06:51:14 PM »
Thanks for the laughs Fed.

Serious / Re: Should you care about things you can't control?
« on: February 28, 2017, 06:41:04 PM »
To an extent. Just because things happen that you can't control doesn't mean that next time it'll be the same case. I think there's a lot of things out there that can be controlled, with a few exceptions. It's just that most people aren't moved enough to really do what would be required to exert that control. It's important to care because if we don't believe we can control anything then we'll let everything else control us.

The Flood / Re: *GET HYPE* SEP7ABOWL 2017 *GET HYPE*
« on: February 27, 2017, 11:10:58 PM »
Apparently I fell into the party without knowing it. I'm hyped.
Since we're both in District 2 I'll try giving you a hand.

That's be very handy of you.
I hope you can lend a hand if I'm ever in trouble

Together you and me will gain the upperhand

The Flood / Re: *GET HYPE* SEP7ABOWL 2017 *GET HYPE*
« on: February 27, 2017, 10:52:35 PM »
Apparently I fell into the party without knowing it. I'm hyped.
Since we're both in District 2 I'll try giving you a hand.

That's be very handy of you.

The Flood / Re: *GET HYPE* SEP7ABOWL 2017 *GET HYPE*
« on: February 27, 2017, 10:42:15 PM »
Apparently I fell into the party without knowing it. I'm hyped.

The Flood / Re: Going through a breakup, feel like shit
« on: February 27, 2017, 05:56:06 PM »


The Flood / Re: 🤔
« on: February 27, 2017, 05:48:29 PM »
What food would you buy a truckload of right now on the spot to eat until having a near death experience?

If you could elbow slam one person who would it be?

Favorite game character?

Would you seize the memes of production?

The Flood / Re: How much money would it take, to make you?..
« on: February 27, 2017, 05:35:34 PM »
If they're in a position to give 10 million then you bet that's the only amount I'll accept.

5, 23, 24, 25

Serious / Re: Where do you find yourself on this spectrum?
« on: February 27, 2017, 05:15:34 PM »
Can't give a straight answer. Depending on what scope I'm looking at I get different results.

The Flood / Re: Oscar's 2017 thread
« on: February 27, 2017, 12:45:53 AM »
Am I the only weirdo here who doesn't watch them?

The Flood / Re: First class is the best X-Men film
« on: February 27, 2017, 12:42:11 AM »
Memories fuzzy on the movies but I liked it. Magneto scene near the end of DoFP was pretty gnarly though.

The Flood / Re: yeah
« on: February 27, 2017, 12:30:15 AM »
In your opinion, what's your weirdest trait/quirk?

What's one place you'd like to see before you die?

Did you have a shit time throughout school?

Does skyrim belong to the nords?

The Flood / Re: Got Accepted
« on: February 26, 2017, 01:34:49 AM »
Grats. Don't let the drugs blow it.

The Flood / Re: Badda Bing
« on: February 26, 2017, 01:07:06 AM »
I'm walkin here

This touches on the subject except it deals with immigrants rather than illegals in my country. Been reading up. There's a lot of fast track programs used in some of the provinces of my country for immigrants to get them up and running.

I'm not neccessarily opposed to the aid but I can't help but notice how glaringly lopsided it is. A citizen born in my country or province would never, ever get that much help or that much leway from the government. In the span of less than a year an immigrant family can easily get access to what would take a regular citizen likely a small decade or two. And we can't really say that they work any harder than the other folks in my province or that they land higher paying jobs since most of the jobs in my province are shit tier.

The worst part is that the government directs all of these funds and efforts for immigrants and more often than not that investment is hardly returned since so much of those funds are sent to poorer countries where our currency is worth more.

I can understand wanting to help your family and I can get the humanitarian bleeding hearts but it gets ridiculous when an outsider can get access to all the goods, services and perks, when somebody born here basically gets shit on and told to fuck off.

The only comment I have when it comes to illegals and support programs is that again, I get the whole "provide for your family" deal and I can understand the humanitarian bleeding hearts to a degree. But why have a law if you're not going to properly enforce it?

It's somewhat hypocritical on my part since in some cases in the past I've broken the law in my province. The difference again, is that if I was caught I sure as fuck wouldn't expect my government to back me up and bail me out. I accept the charges that come with breaking a law.

This circles back to that whole lopsided care thing which pisses me off more and more these days. It's a crock of shit that any country, mine or the US, would throw a citizen to the wolves in favor of what's basically a gamble of a person who's a complete outsider, and in some cases, turns out to be just a leech showing up to take advantage of the well meaning, but niave people providing the care and benefits.

Then again the US and Canada both have it in their histories to fuck their citizens and I guess that's not going to change any time soon.
What the hell are you talking about? What services?

I don't know much about Canada but you seem to be really exaggerating the results these services have for immigrants, especially paying bail and pardoning of crimes.

Again, I don't know anything about Canada. But I'd appreciate it if you could link an article, or statistics of some kind, anything at all.

I veered off on my points. The crime laws are the same for an immigrant vs born citizen. I was talking about broken illegal immigration laws in the last part.

I'll give a rough outline. Every province has different immigration programs and benefits so I'll stick to my in general province.

If you're immigrating to my province, you have access to several categories listed here.
No matter what you pick, all of them have base monetary benefits, but the difference comes in services designed to help. These services include housing and location finding, grants/loans to help start businessness and careers, and job search programs.

It's noted in this article, (couple years off) and the study it links to that while some groups of immigrants start out low, their income and earnings improve over time.
Canada's been upping it's game in supporting immigrants and refugees over the years because of the past statistics in earning gaps between immigrants vs born.
None of this I am opposed to in general but what I'm trying to say is that my province, at least, has reached a point were there are so many services designed to help immigrants and refugees that they're subtracting from born citizens and the services that are provided to help refugees aren't provided to born citizens.

If I wanted to buy or start a business or a home I'd have to do it by myself. I'd also have to navigate those markets on my own. I'd recieve very little help. Which is exactly what me and my mother did when we bought our old restaurant. We had to fight so much with the bank for the loan that we managed to get.

I know people don't like to count anecdotal evidence much, but I got to know an immigrant family that moved into the area when I was there. Within the span of one year they had a hell of a lot more than me and my mother. Better housing, brand spanking new vehicles, they were able to open up a competing restaurant, bought for the same price as ours, but they were able to refurbish it completely. For the timespan that they didn't have it, the dad worked a pretty shit tier job over at the pig mill.

I saw this happening more and more. Within a year immigrant families or just loners are easily able to outpace most average families in the area in what they gain. I'm all for helping people. But I'm not for creating a disparity.

And don't even get me started on the aboriginals. Government is pouring so much into immigrant programs and slashing others to do it and the aboriginal population is treated like absolute garbage and it's been getting worse over the years. If you lived here you'd see. If you lived here you wouldn't want to live here.
I think this may have to do more with incentives for people to move to your province in a government program to "get it up to speed".

All I know is when you move to America you're on your own. And very similar to a business visa for America (where you could set up a business in one of best cities in the world and not fucking Saskatchewan), here are the minimum entry requirements:
To meet the minimum entry criteria you must:
Have $500,000 (CAD) at minimum in Net Business and Personal Assets;
Have a minimum of three years of relevant business management or entrepreneurial experience gained in the past ten years; and,
Intend to invest a minimum of $300,000 (CAD) in Regina and Saskatoon or a minimum of $200,000 (CAD) in all other Saskatchewan communities.

And here's the outline for the rest:
There is a choice of three SINP categories you can apply to. You will also have to complete the federal application forms at the same time.

International Skilled Worker Category is for skilled workers abroad who want to work and live in Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan Experience Category is for foreign nationals who are currently living and working in Saskatchewan.
Entrepreneur Category is for entrepreneurs who plan to start a business in Saskatchewan.
Farm Category is for experienced farmers who plan to buy and operate a farm in Saskatchewan.

So if I'm a foreign national who has never worked or lived in Canada my options are to either have many hundreds of thousands of Canadian dollars to invest in your country, or to have already gone through the higher education system, graduated, and ideally have some years of experience in my respective field.

I'm not seeing anything here that says "free ride".

I did find myself an article talking about that too. Thought I posted it in there. Anyway, that deal is backfiring somewhat as well. Wealthier people from abroad supposedly aren't holding up their end of the investment so to speak. Rich people aside I never said the whole thing was freebie. But I do notice the disparity in services provided.

This touches on the subject except it deals with immigrants rather than illegals in my country. Been reading up. There's a lot of fast track programs used in some of the provinces of my country for immigrants to get them up and running.

I'm not neccessarily opposed to the aid but I can't help but notice how glaringly lopsided it is. A citizen born in my country or province would never, ever get that much help or that much leway from the government. In the span of less than a year an immigrant family can easily get access to what would take a regular citizen likely a small decade or two. And we can't really say that they work any harder than the other folks in my province or that they land higher paying jobs since most of the jobs in my province are shit tier.

The worst part is that the government directs all of these funds and efforts for immigrants and more often than not that investment is hardly returned since so much of those funds are sent to poorer countries where our currency is worth more.

I can understand wanting to help your family and I can get the humanitarian bleeding hearts but it gets ridiculous when an outsider can get access to all the goods, services and perks, when somebody born here basically gets shit on and told to fuck off.

The only comment I have when it comes to illegals and support programs is that again, I get the whole "provide for your family" deal and I can understand the humanitarian bleeding hearts to a degree. But why have a law if you're not going to properly enforce it?

It's somewhat hypocritical on my part since in some cases in the past I've broken the law in my province. The difference again, is that if I was caught I sure as fuck wouldn't expect my government to back me up and bail me out. I accept the charges that come with breaking a law.

This circles back to that whole lopsided care thing which pisses me off more and more these days. It's a crock of shit that any country, mine or the US, would throw a citizen to the wolves in favor of what's basically a gamble of a person who's a complete outsider, and in some cases, turns out to be just a leech showing up to take advantage of the well meaning, but niave people providing the care and benefits.

Then again the US and Canada both have it in their histories to fuck their citizens and I guess that's not going to change any time soon.
What the hell are you talking about? What services?

I don't know much about Canada but you seem to be really exaggerating the results these services have for immigrants, especially paying bail and pardoning of crimes.

Again, I don't know anything about Canada. But I'd appreciate it if you could link an article, or statistics of some kind, anything at all.

I veered off on my points. The crime laws are the same for an immigrant vs born citizen. I was talking about broken illegal immigration laws in the last part.

I'll give a rough outline. Every province has different immigration programs and benefits so I'll stick to my in general province.

If you're immigrating to my province, you have access to several categories listed here.
No matter what you pick, all of them have base monetary benefits, but the difference comes in services designed to help. These services include housing and location finding, grants/loans to help start businessness and careers, and job search programs.

It's noted in this article, (couple years off) and the study it links to that while some groups of immigrants start out low, their income and earnings improve over time.
Canada's been upping it's game in supporting immigrants and refugees over the years because of the past statistics in earning gaps between immigrants vs born.
None of this I am opposed to in general but what I'm trying to say is that my province, at least, has reached a point were there are so many services designed to help immigrants and refugees that they're subtracting from born citizens and the services that are provided to help refugees aren't provided to born citizens.

If I wanted to buy or start a business or a home I'd have to do it by myself. I'd also have to navigate those markets on my own. I'd recieve very little help. Which is exactly what me and my mother did when we bought our old restaurant. We had to fight so much with the bank for the loan that we managed to get.

I know people don't like to count anecdotal evidence much, but I got to know an immigrant family that moved into the area when I was there. Within the span of one year they had a hell of a lot more than me and my mother. Better housing, brand spanking new vehicles, they were able to open up a competing restaurant, bought for the same price as ours, but they were able to refurbish it completely. For the timespan that they didn't have it, the dad worked a pretty shit tier job over at the pig mill.

I saw this happening more and more. Within a year immigrant families or just loners are easily able to outpace most average families in the area in what they gain. I'm all for helping people. But I'm not for creating a disparity.

And don't even get me started on the aboriginals. Government is pouring so much into immigrant programs and slashing others to do it and the aboriginal population is treated like absolute garbage and it's been getting worse over the years. If you lived here you'd see. If you lived here you wouldn't want to live here.

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