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Messages - Sαndtrap

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The Flood / Re: Arguing with older conservatives about legalizing pot
« on: December 06, 2016, 02:48:01 AM »
Okay well, uh

It's also really fuckin' easy to get weed right now

Yep. Build the wall, secure the border. Crack down on drug trafficking so we can focus on getting rid of the home grown stuff.
But why, nigga?

For what purpose, Master Chief?

Drugs are bad. Alcohol is bad. The only reason why prohibition didn't work is because they flipped a switch instead of easing the populace into it. Those in power werw also not entirely supportive of it. Values the country reflect from the values of our president.
no medical aid if you become addicted
Addicts need aid. If they were treated like ailing patients more so than criminals, a lot of them would be more open to try kicking their addiction.
If you get to that point, you can rot, suffer, and die for all I or anyone else should care.
Doctors mistreat many patients who are none-the-wiser allowing them to become addicted to synthetic opiods and benzodiazepines throughout this country. Are you suggesting these people, having been mistreated by the medical professionals they are supposed to be able to trust, deserve their suffering and possibly even death for having been lead to the point of addiction?

Key note, I said there's an exception to those who undergo the whole mess unwillingly.

As for those docs that perpetrate that crap? You take them out back, and you shoot them. No bullshit, no suspensions or pay cuts or short trips to prison.
I was busy replying when you posted that

A lot of people are lead into addiction with prescriptions first, and then end up on illicit substances to keep withdrawal away. Rationality and logic are set aside when addiction reaches a certain point.

I pity addicts, but I would never demonize them. It's a miserable existence and they have enough suffering for me to keep from hating or scorning them.

Keep in mind my idea wasn't fleshed out. It was a stray thought one day. I'm aware of all the complexities that come when you discuss drug addiction. There's more than one angle at play. Any sort of legal document would have to have exceptions for people who end up in situations as you describe.

And as for those docs, like I said, you shoot them and be done with it. Or, you put them in prison and you skip the parole. This touches on another problem today. While our medical care has indeed grown better than it was, it seems to have lost something along the way as well.

The Flood / Re: Arguing with older conservatives about legalizing pot
« on: December 06, 2016, 02:40:41 AM »
Okay well, uh

It's also really fuckin' easy to get weed right now

Yep. Build the wall, secure the border. Crack down on drug trafficking so we can focus on getting rid of the home grown stuff.
But why, nigga?

For what purpose, Master Chief?

Drugs are bad. Alcohol is bad. The only reason why prohibition didn't work is because they flipped a switch instead of easing the populace into it. Those in power werw also not entirely supportive of it. Values the country reflect from the values of our president.
no medical aid if you become addicted
Addicts need aid. If they were treated like ailing patients more so than criminals, a lot of them would be more open to try kicking their addiction.
If you get to that point, you can rot, suffer, and die for all I or anyone else should care.
Doctors mistreat many patients who are none-the-wiser allowing them to become addicted to synthetic opiods and benzodiazepines throughout this country. Are you suggesting these people, having been mistreated by the medical professionals they are supposed to be able to trust, deserve their suffering and possibly even death for having been lead to the point of addiction?

Key note, I said there's an exception to those who undergo the whole mess unwillingly.

As for those docs that perpetrate that crap? You take them out back, and you shoot them. No bullshit, no suspensions or pay cuts or short trips to prison.
God damn you niggas is crazy

Maybe so. But the same could be said of being too leniant.

The Flood / Re: Arguing with older conservatives about legalizing pot
« on: December 06, 2016, 02:33:11 AM »
Okay well, uh

It's also really fuckin' easy to get weed right now

Yep. Build the wall, secure the border. Crack down on drug trafficking so we can focus on getting rid of the home grown stuff.
But why, nigga?

For what purpose, Master Chief?

Drugs are bad. Alcohol is bad. The only reason why prohibition didn't work is because they flipped a switch instead of easing the populace into it. Those in power werw also not entirely supportive of it. Values the country reflect from the values of our president.
no medical aid if you become addicted
Addicts need aid. If they were treated like ailing patients more so than criminals, a lot of them would be more open to try kicking their addiction.
If you get to that point, you can rot, suffer, and die for all I or anyone else should care.
Doctors mistreat many patients who are none-the-wiser allowing them to become addicted to synthetic opiods and benzodiazepines throughout this country. Are you suggesting these people, having been mistreated by the medical professionals they are supposed to be able to trust, deserve their suffering and possibly even death for having been lead to the point of addiction?

Key note, I said there's an exception to those who undergo the whole mess unwillingly.

As for those docs that perpetrate that crap? You take them out back, and you shoot them. No bullshit, no suspensions or pay cuts or short trips to prison.

The Flood / Re: Arguing with older conservatives about legalizing pot
« on: December 06, 2016, 02:25:55 AM »
Okay well, uh

It's also really fuckin' easy to get weed right now

Yep. Build the wall, secure the border. Crack down on drug trafficking so we can focus on getting rid of the home grown stuff.
But why, nigga?

For what purpose, Master Chief?

Drugs are bad. Alcohol is bad. The only reason why prohibition didn't work is because they flipped a switch instead of easing the populace into it. Those in power werw also not entirely supportive of it. Values the country reflect from the values of our president.
no medical aid if you become addicted
Addicts need aid. If they were treated like ailing patients more so than criminals, a lot of them would be more open to try kicking their addiction.

Of course, then they have to deal with doctors putting them on suboxone, methadone, and benzodiazpines, only to have them become addicted those medications instead.

Call it harsh but I'm sorry. People sign up willingly for drugs when they know damn well what the cost will be. In this day and age there's programs and information and a million reasons why not to delve into the world of drugs. If you walk through that door willingly then as far as I'm concerned, you forfeit aid or remorse.

The only exception to this I hold is for people who become addicted unwillingly, as there's scummy mother fuckers out there that do that to people.

The Flood / Re: Arguing with older conservatives about legalizing pot
« on: December 06, 2016, 02:08:10 AM »
Okay well, uh

It's also really fuckin' easy to get weed right now

Yep. Build the wall, secure the border. Crack down on drug trafficking so we can focus on getting rid of the home grown stuff.
But why, nigga?

For what purpose, Master Chief?

Drugs are bad. Alcohol is bad. The only reason why prohibition didn't work is because they flipped a switch instead of easing the populace into it. Those in power werw also not entirely supportive of it. Values the country reflect from the values of our president.

You know that people will forever be contrary right? There's no possible way to get 100% consensus from people in anything. I pondered something on drugs a while back.

Set up a system where all drugs are technically legal once you reach legal age, not unlike alcohol. With an exception. You show up at an office and sign a legally binding contract that you take full responsability for your actions and drug use, and thereby accept that you will recieve no medical aid if you become addicted or injured due to your drug use.

It's not a fully fleshed out thought. But I think it's one that could appease two sides as oppossed to having to fight one over the other.

Serious / Re: Pizzagate
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:56:27 AM »
It's bullshit, to be blunt.
High-powered individuals involved in some kind of sick paedophile ring?

It's probably happening, even if 4chan got the details wrong.

Let's all not forget Toronto's mayor anytime soon. It wasn't kids at least.

Serious / Re: Pizzagate
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:50:30 AM »
It's bullshit, to be blunt.

It's comedy, to be cynical.

The Flood / Re: Arguing with older conservatives about legalizing pot
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:49:20 AM »
Okay well, uh

It's also really fuckin' easy to get weed right now

Yep. Build the wall, secure the border. Crack down on drug trafficking so we can focus on getting rid of the home grown stuff.
But why, nigga?

For what purpose, Master Chief?

"To give the Mexicans back their drugs."

The Flood / Re: Arguing with older conservatives about legalizing pot
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:43:17 AM »
It's not like people are gonna be blowing their hits into your face at the movies.
do you know people

I think in most cases the people who do stuff like that end up getting their shit slapped around to varying degrees.

The Flood / Re: You can't make this shit up
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:02:35 AM »
Type in caucasian inventor instead and you'll get more mixed results.

I feel like I'm the only person around who can watch stuff and appreciate what aspects I did enjoy without brushing off  the less than stellar bits.

Does everybody have a need to go to the extreme ends these days? It always seems to be "10/10 would lick god's polished nutsack because this movie is it" or, "-100/10 this movie suppossedly appeals to some internet memester crowd"

I understand giving reviews but good lord people have a stick up their ass about movies lately. Same with games.

You have a realistic sense of what's important?


It's a new development for me. Not that I was ever super uppity on the subject before, but lately, I can't really seem to find a valid reason to either critisize something with so much vitrol or openly dick ride ride something into the sunset.

When I watch a movie these days I look at the moments I did enjoy. I go over the concept they tried to flesh out, either successfully or not. I look at the shots and the work that went into making it, and all the actors filling in their parts to the letter.

Such a complicated piece of work to pull together, even if it's arguably "bad" is brushed off so easily today, or praised far too much.

I skim the hell out of your posts loaf because I don't have the stomach to read through your mangled writing. But I've gotta thank you for providing some form of activity to me. I skim but I do pick up bits and pieces.

You've a notable reputation as being some breed of sub-troll and I can't for the life of me ever take much of what you say in any serious capacity. But you keep the reading fresh.

The Flood / Re: My Statistics Professor Was Arrested...
« on: December 05, 2016, 11:07:16 PM »
Maybe it's just me. I find it odd that you can see the "this person's got issues" look through eyes alone.

Human fascination with eyes has never made sense

She's in jail for fucking a 16 year old
Plus she doesn't have makeup on

It's nothing

I can give you that on account of the fact that she's in prison. Most people don't usually give a smile for mugshots. And if they do, then they usually have that case of crazy eyes. Go figure.

I feel like I'm the only person around who can watch stuff and appreciate what aspects I did enjoy without brushing off  the less than stellar bits.

Does everybody have a need to go to the extreme ends these days? It always seems to be "10/10 would lick god's polished nutsack because this movie is it" or, "-100/10 this movie suppossedly appeals to some internet memester crowd"

I understand giving reviews but good lord people have a stick up their ass about movies lately. Same with games.

The Flood / Re: My Statistics Professor Was Arrested...
« on: December 05, 2016, 10:54:51 PM »
Maybe it's just me. I find it odd that you can see the "this person's got issues" look through eyes alone.

Cumming into his world and screaming covered in somebody else's blood?

Sounds like you stumbled onto the set of a Serbian Film.

As if I were reading a "For Dummies" book, can you explain to me what Nier is about? I vaugely remember a Nier game out on the last console gen.

The Flood / Re: Suppose the Destiny fanbase will have an exodus one day?
« on: December 05, 2016, 12:05:50 AM »
I don't really get a sense of dread from staying in one place for an extended period of time. I've been on YouTube for ten years, and I'll be there for ten more. So what?

I can't show much humor in the text. I find it more of an interesting notion to ponder. Funny to think about where everybody here might be in a decade.

Charlie's in what, late 30's to mid 40's? A decade will put him up in his 50's or so. All the 20 kids will be 30. Ender would be past Das's age preference.

The Flood / Suppose the Destiny fanbase will have an exodus one day?
« on: December 04, 2016, 11:57:08 PM »
Stray thought here. Suppose in 10 years or so when Bungie starts a new series do you figure the Destiny folks will have their turn at getting swept under the rug?

Even more of a truly nightmarish thought, what if in the span of 10 years, we're all still mostly here?

There's a reason why I've never resorted to depression helpers through the years. Those sorts of drugs don't solve your problems that create the depression in the first place. They more or less take a piece of duct tape and patch the hole. As you know, duct tape eventually falls off and the hole is still there.

However, at the same time, everybody's different. Patching the hole with duct tape can allow some people to cross over the hole to the other side of the gap and into something better, to a point where they no longer need the duct tape roll.

Serious / Re: Why abortion should be legal
« on: December 04, 2016, 11:16:06 PM »
I can't give a definitive answer on the "legal or no" deal. It creates a lot of issues one way or the other.

The only time I consider abortion to be neccessary is if the baby is life threatening to the mother's survival. It's better to have mum still around than a kid missing mum from the equation.

So what about rape cases? I realize that I can't personally fathom the trauma of rape unless I've experienced it. Even less so, I can't fathom what would go on in the head of a mother who went ahead and had the kid anyway. Everytime she looked at the offspring, it would be a calling card back to that event.

But I understand my own responsability as a father. I would do my best to raise that kid to be ten times better than the person who fathered them. The child themselves, even being a product of rape, inherently has done nothing wrong themselves to be deserving of being aborted.

And most important, I understand that ultimately, I've no right to impose a law that dictates what other people can choose on this issue. I can't make that choice for them. They should be allowed to choose freely.

However, personally, I think there's a lot more standard abortion cases for "unwanted kids" than there are for rape cases. This issue itself fundamentally comes down to how modern day society treats sex and relationships. Replace these values with better ones and there'll be much less abortion cases for "accidental" kids.

The Flood / Re: Real Talk: Why is everything so fucked?
« on: December 04, 2016, 10:47:52 PM »
I'm probably too late to the chorus here. In case I'm not, pull up a chair and listen to me ramble for a bit. I've something for you to consider. It's not the magic button to your problems. And in hindsight, it's a very risky rope to walk.

I've been in your hole before. All the way down at the bottom to the point where the only colour or meaning I could see was death. The short end to the story is that I was just a couple seconds away from letting go of the rails to my hometown's radio tower and a thought stopped me.

I started thinking about my family and friend. My family's always been "bumpy." Somewhat loose, somewhat scattered, slightly volatile. All facing some kind of difficulties. I started thinking about what would happen to them after I'd jumped from the tower.

My mother getting the news from a police officer early in the morning as she opened up her restaurant for work. The guilt all of my family members would feel for not seeing what I concealed from them. The pain of any of them trying to explain to my little niece who'd already grown attached to me, what I'd done.

I stopped and thought about people in general. I myself reached this point in my life due to my interactions with people in my early life. Part of my state of misery was caused by them. But I realized that in my actions, I myself would create untold misery and I couldn't accept that. I did not want to be a reflection of all the ugly people who helped create me, in a sense.

And that was my idea. Forget about my troubles. Forget about the pain and discomfort I was in, because people all around me where suffering to some degree. Some lesser than me, and some more so. I thought, why not take all the awful things that had been dumped on me, and reverse them? Not for my sake, but for the people I cared about? Why not try to make a difference? Why not take all that negative and reflect it outwards into something positive for as many people as I could?

This line of thinking, and effort I undertook is the main reason why I'm still around today. It came with it's own cost. I still had no identity. And I didn't care about myself. Eventually, that turned into self hatred for myself and what I was. The help that I offered to others was never enough, and more or less, I slipped into another bout of deep depression. But my ideal remained strong.

I eventually learned to get over hating myself. And I've done a lot of changing over the years. And through it, that ideal is still there. It's been modified somewhat. But the core value remains the same. Take all the misery around you, all the misery in you, and make it a positive influence as much as you can on those around you.

Your sister's in the hospital? Your friend's losing a grip on things? You've been revived from your own death attempt? Get up from your grave and help them. That's why you're still here. To make sure that they don't have to suffer as you have. And you have it in your power to help them. In helping them, you help yourself.

The Flood / Re: dang I used to be cringy
« on: December 04, 2016, 10:17:15 PM »
You think that's bad?

One time I found a piece of paper on which I tried to spell my own name with crayons.

The Flood / Re: Anything noteworthy to talk about tonight?
« on: December 04, 2016, 01:13:11 AM »
I need to get laid


Dude if I bust a nut now, it'd probably come out as dust

Should I wack it tho

Go ahead matey. I can hook ya up to a real nice place where they've got hitmen for hire. 50% discount on your first hired hit.

The Flood / Re: Anything noteworthy to talk about tonight?
« on: December 04, 2016, 12:58:41 AM »
I met a guy named Glasscock, a few days ago.

I get the feeling that his nationality isn't from the north american region.

The Flood / Anything noteworthy to talk about tonight?
« on: December 04, 2016, 12:50:07 AM »
I think it's gonna be a long night.

The Flood / Re: What are you nigz giving/receiving for Christmas?
« on: December 04, 2016, 12:20:27 AM »
I'm unable to shop since I'm stuck toa bed. The shitbucket computer I have access to isn't particularily powerful. But I did come up with a plan earlier in the year. In my spare time I've been writing happy birthday and merry christmas cards to cover every single year to my loved ones even if I die. They won't have a single year without my best wishes.

There's a lot to discuss on this subject too. There's cultural implications, just like Caddy brought up.

It might be somewhat offtopic, but I suppose there may be some merit in it. I notice a disparity in generations today. Even among my own, and in younger people. I'm gonna sound like an old fuck here, and I understand why. The environment I've lived in, more or less instills a redneck macho-esque line of thinking to part of my thoughts.

Growing up, I learned that I have to tough things out. That there's no dodging the responsabilites that come with being who and what I am. And when I look at today's growing culture trends elsewhere, I see less and less of these values that I carry in myself.

And I see some of the issues that it's created in modern youth and has spilled all the way up into politics even. The redneck part of my thoughts would label it as encouraging weakness. But, I can see the other side of the fence. Looking back at the older generations, they were inflexable and too rigid in their values. They got shit done and didn't so much as flinch to hardship. But it was that rigid, solidness to them that also lead to downsides.

It's an extremely fine line to walk. Right now, I'd wager a fair chunk of society is too soft. And the further you lean in that direction the more problems it's going to cause. How euthenasia is implemented in society is a heavy factor to consider.

Fair to say that I'm divided on the subject. Shorthand explanation is euthanasia is up on the table for specific cases. I'm not of the ability to judge or define those conditions however. Every person is different, and therefore a complex formula of reasons for being what they are.

I am under the impression however, that there is only so much that help given to someone can do. A person has to want that help, and not only that, but seriously want to alter themselves if they expect positive changes. If they don't, then all the help given in the world will not fix them or make even a dent.

Euthinasia should be considered carefully. I think, especially so in the corners of the world that border on the north. There's a phenomenon in the north all across the world that seems to be more of a common occurence than down in more hospitable areas.

Cluster suicides ring any bells psyche? The communities in the north can be fragile. I'd hate to imagine cluster euthenasia becoming a thing if it wasn't implemented without discretion.

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