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Messages - Sαndtrap

Pages: 1 ... 111213 1415 ... 36
Gaming / Re: I got Permabanned on Xbox Live AMA
« on: January 18, 2017, 06:29:06 PM »
Lemme guess. You made a mildly insulting salty comment to some random and they reported you.

What was the commit?

"Kill yourself"

Xbox justice squad wins again.

The Flood / Re: Adrenaline is crazy high rn
« on: January 18, 2017, 06:25:21 PM »
call the cops you fucking mong

That was at 2 o' clock last night. I was up when he made the post. I can only assume we'll have to wait and see what's up if anything.

Gaming / Re: I got Permabanned on Xbox Live AMA
« on: January 18, 2017, 02:27:26 AM »
Lemme guess. You made a mildly insulting salty comment to some random and they reported you.

The Flood / Re: Adrenaline is crazy high rn
« on: January 18, 2017, 02:07:27 AM »
Try some controlled breathing you junkie.

The Flood / Re: You're now your avatar
« on: January 18, 2017, 01:58:11 AM »
Two arrows in the torso, probably doesn't feel it. Has a kickin' hat.

I'm okay with it.

Real talk, I think the fact that we were based out of a gaming forum kind of seals our fate. We're gamers, but we're a niche splinter group that doesn't really have a home elsewhere.

The only base of people open to us would probably be other gamers. And they have no point in leaving their forums unless they undergo an exodus like we did.

Which is why I think we should engage in cyberwarfare and shut down rival gaming forums and invite the refugees here with open arms.

Gaming / Re: What's the best Halo game?
« on: January 17, 2017, 12:24:41 PM »
I'm gonna have to go with playtime invested as a measurment. I put a lot into CE but bar none Halo 2 took the cake.

We should advertise on dating sites.

The Flood / Re: Can I have sex with my drunk girlfriend while I'm sober?
« on: January 17, 2017, 01:31:27 AM »
Seriously, you guys would get laid more often if you listened to me than calling me a cuck because my wife cheated on me. After 42 years of life, 17 of which in a relationship, I really do know what makes chicks tick.

Accounting on what makes you who you are, you're gonna have an easier or harder time getting into a relationship, depending.

Plus, you ain't dealing with today's youth. You're dealing with people in your age range. Today's youth? That's a ballpark to navigate. Or a minefield.

The Flood / Re: Help I've Started Watching Anime
« on: January 17, 2017, 12:51:18 AM »
What about Inuyasha?
I unironically used to watch this in my youth

I know

Guilty as charged.


Twas an uncertain time in my youth.

I was being......experimental.

I'm on painkillers half the time and using one hand and I still type cleaner than you drunk goofs.

Come on guys, be proffessional about this shit!

The Flood / Re: There hasn't been any new pics of Bigfoot lately
« on: January 16, 2017, 07:06:27 PM »
It's okay he's just chilling with the Hendersons.

Boo fucking hoo, feminists are annoying. They deserve to be. Tens of thousands of years of oppression is far more "annoying" than feminism.

No they don't. Events in the past are not a justification and a reason to be an asshole. That counts for all human beings.

You want to bring the "You must be this oppressed" bar into this? Nevermind my own experiences. I have the stories of people who've gone through things far worse than me, done to them by their own species. Out of all the people I've met in my life, the nicest ones were the ones who had to go through so much pain, agony, abuse, and bullshit.

They understood the value of not perpetrating the same negative emotions and thoughts towards people because of the things they lived through. If you're sitting on your high horse advocating for being an asshole because of shit in your past then you really don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.

That's your own personal experience. While tragic, that's a single life. For your own sanity and comfort, it may be best to leave those memories behind.

But the female gender is more than one experience, it's 3.5 billion ones. And all of those lives have been affected by the patriarchal regime. You can't just drop a grudge that big, you can't just forget that collective memory.

If you're going to count experience here, then you may as well count all the men too since they get shafted in their own way. That so called patriachy didn't just effect women. And women aren't innocent either. Both men and women are, and were perpetrators of societal standards. Both to the same and opposite sex. That's why when the 60's and 70's came along, it was a cultural revolution, not just for women but for men as well.

You know what happens when you decide to go with a grudge? When you decide to carry on a level of hate for events that happened not to you personally but to your ancestors? The exact problem you have in the states right now with a growing number of black people who are so hostile.

The thing about grudges, is that people choose to hold them. That's all it is. It's a personal little excuse to validate a hatred that comes not from logic and reason, but a desperate attempt to legitimize irrationality on a certain subject or person, or group of people.
Women have been oppressed for literally all of recorded history, Africans haven't.

And for some reason that longer time span gives them some magic bar to pass and a free pass to be assholes?

Also, I guess african women don't exist apparently.

That's your own personal experience. While tragic, that's a single life. For your own sanity and comfort, it may be best to leave those memories behind.

But the female gender is more than one experience, it's 3.5 billion ones. And all of those lives have been affected by the patriarchal regime. You can't just drop a grudge that big, you can't just forget that collective memory.

If you're going to count experience here, then you may as well count all the men too since they get shafted in their own way. That so called patriachy didn't just effect women. And women aren't innocent either. Both men and women are, and were perpetrators of societal standards. Both to the same and opposite sex. That's why when the 60's and 70's came along, it was a cultural revolution, not just for women but for men as well.

You know what happens when you decide to go with a grudge? When you decide to carry on a level of hate for events that happened not to you personally but to your ancestors? The exact problem you have in the states right now with a growing number of black people who are so hostile.

The thing about grudges, is that people choose to hold them. That's all it is. It's a personal little excuse to validate a hatred that comes not from logic and reason, but a desperate attempt to legitimize irrationality on a certain subject or person, or group of people.

If there's any way to artificially end your perioid, it's not safe or healthy. Periods are natural and fine, just extremely unpleasant. They're a testament to how women inherently have it harder than men, and claiming that it's all good because you can fuck with your body and not have periods is retarded.
Now you're just moving the goal post since I proved it can be negated. Bleeding from the vagina is minor inconvenience when you take into account the job roles limited to men.
LMAO cry me a river

meninists are the most annoying people

ever heard of the wage gap, glass ceiling, slut shaming, or misogyny? Keep whining about your petty MRA trivialties
I'm not a meninist I just believe that female suffering in the West is overstated.

>Slut Shaming

Free speech
kill yourself tbh

Not to derail the magic that this thread already is, and the fact that I know this is your sthick, but if I had to use an example of why first world feminism is ass, you make a good case for it class.

You make a good case for it in that you make issues a superiority thing. As if one group's issues take more precidence over another. And that's a damn big problem in modern feminism. They lean more towards superiority and less towards equality.
Men have been abusing their social power for millennia, god forbid I want to give women a turn.

Actually yeah. God forbid you want to give women a turn because fuck me they're no better when they're in power. The goal shouldn't be "Well you did that in the past so it gives me the right to be a cunt." The goal should be peace. Let the old bones stay buried and move onwards and forwards.
Funny you say that when all the "old bones" have benefitted YOU, and subjugated women.

This is you ^

Just because something happened in the past doesn't make it disappear

You wanna do that then?

Throughout my childhood and teenage years, I was fatty longhair the poster kid. And I was passive. Those three traits landed me getting dunked on, beaten up and mocked the hell out of. There were perpetrators of both sexes. Most guys did physical pain, girls did emotional pain.

Early adult years. My father told me face to face personally that I wouldn't amount to anything. I was nothing. Just a wimp, more or less. Still fat, quite tall, strength not matching my size.

Random people said things, either behind my back or to my face, insults, more of the same old same old. Few more fights here and there because of who I was.

I took a lot of shit for the way I was. And it never stopped even though I've made it this far. I can name you very little of society's standards and norms that ever benefitted me.

The things that I did mention, up above? Those were the result of stigmas carried by both men and women. Perpetrated by both and carried on by societal norms. Were I to meet any of those people today I'd have no ill will or bear any grudge. Those events are old bones in my past. They're done and gone. There'd be no point in me digging them up for the sake of something so petty.

I think it's fair to say that applying that to a lot of things in the past isn't a bad idea.

If there's any way to artificially end your perioid, it's not safe or healthy. Periods are natural and fine, just extremely unpleasant. They're a testament to how women inherently have it harder than men, and claiming that it's all good because you can fuck with your body and not have periods is retarded.
Now you're just moving the goal post since I proved it can be negated. Bleeding from the vagina is minor inconvenience when you take into account the job roles limited to men.
LMAO cry me a river

meninists are the most annoying people

ever heard of the wage gap, glass ceiling, slut shaming, or misogyny? Keep whining about your petty MRA trivialties
I'm not a meninist I just believe that female suffering in the West is overstated.

>Slut Shaming

Free speech
kill yourself tbh

Not to derail the magic that this thread already is, and the fact that I know this is your sthick, but if I had to use an example of why first world feminism is ass, you make a good case for it class.

You make a good case for it in that you make issues a superiority thing. As if one group's issues take more precidence over another. And that's a damn big problem in modern feminism. They lean more towards superiority and less towards equality.
Men have been abusing their social power for millennia, god forbid I want to give women a turn.

Actually yeah. God forbid you want to give women a turn because fuck me they're no better when they're in power. The goal shouldn't be "Well you did that in the past so it gives me the right to be a cunt." The goal should be peace. Let the old bones stay buried and move onwards and forwards.

If there's any way to artificially end your perioid, it's not safe or healthy. Periods are natural and fine, just extremely unpleasant. They're a testament to how women inherently have it harder than men, and claiming that it's all good because you can fuck with your body and not have periods is retarded.
Now you're just moving the goal post since I proved it can be negated. Bleeding from the vagina is minor inconvenience when you take into account the job roles limited to men.
LMAO cry me a river

meninists are the most annoying people

ever heard of the wage gap, glass ceiling, slut shaming, or misogyny? Keep whining about your petty MRA trivialties
I'm not a meninist I just believe that female suffering in the West is overstated.

>Slut Shaming

Free speech
kill yourself tbh

Not to derail the magic that this thread already is, and the fact that I know this is your sthick, but if I had to use an example of why first world feminism is ass, you make a good case for it class.

You make a good case for it in that you make issues a superiority thing. As if one group's issues take more precidence over another. And that's a damn big problem in modern feminism. They lean more towards superiority and less towards equality.

The Flood / Re: If Darth Vader and Ben Kenobi where to fuse
« on: January 16, 2017, 11:01:10 AM »

The Flood / Re: Why do y'all post so little?
« on: January 16, 2017, 10:48:28 AM »
Don't really know what to say most of the time. I prefer just listening to everybody talk.
I used to be like that but then I realized can't be a lurker and simultaneously complain about the forum dying.

I don't complain about the forum dying.
But I do

Ever think about that one day this place'll die anyway? Cheat has a sudden heart attack and the funds stop coming in from his offshore account. People dying off/leaving with age. Wonder who'll be the last man standing?
probably loaf, posting his blogs until the last minute

If experience tells me anything it'll be the guy you don't expect.

I'd look worse as a woman than I do as a guy so no.

The Flood / Re: Why do y'all post so little?
« on: January 16, 2017, 10:37:59 AM »
Don't really know what to say most of the time. I prefer just listening to everybody talk.
I used to be like that but then I realized can't be a lurker and simultaneously complain about the forum dying.

I don't complain about the forum dying.
But I do

Ever think about that one day this place'll die anyway? Cheat has a sudden heart attack and the funds stop coming in from his offshore account. People dying off/leaving with age. Wonder who'll be the last man standing?

The Flood / Re: Why do y'all post so little?
« on: January 16, 2017, 10:34:45 AM »
Eh, I'm willing to give this place a second chance, but at that same note I don't want to go back to my old shitposting habits. I just don't have much to talk about.

What'd ya leave for the first time?
Depressed, sick of the site's hostility, ect.

Dunno if you're gonna find the place less hostile than the first time around. But being in the dumps makes you more vulnerable to things. So at least that's out of the way hopefully.

The Flood / Re: Why do y'all post so little?
« on: January 16, 2017, 10:27:57 AM »
Eh, I'm willing to give this place a second chance, but at that same note I don't want to go back to my old shitposting habits. I just don't have much to talk about.

What'd ya leave for the first time?

The Flood / Re: Why do y'all post so little?
« on: January 16, 2017, 10:18:09 AM »
Don't really know what to say most of the time. I prefer just listening to everybody talk.
I used to be like that but then I realized can't be a lurker and simultaneously complain about the forum dying.

I don't complain about the forum dying.

I do however expect that one day it will die.

The Flood / Re: Do you see yourself as an SJW, feminist or creationist?
« on: January 16, 2017, 10:17:04 AM »
I draw certain aspects out of two of those but I won't ever claim their titles.

Modern and first world feminists alongside sjws are taking worse and worse turns in their trends to the point where they've become opposite reflections of what their original movements stood for and they're folding in on themselves.

And being a creationist is just silly.

The Flood / Re: Why do y'all post so little?
« on: January 16, 2017, 10:12:31 AM »
Don't really know what to say most of the time. I prefer just listening to everybody talk.

The Flood / Re: Guess the originator of the quote
« on: January 16, 2017, 12:04:15 AM »
Don't make me hunt down the largest wall of text.


More like Premium Dissapointment.

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