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Messages - Sαndtrap

Pages: 1 ... 567 89 ... 36
The Flood / Re: here it is--the OFFICIAL irony tiers list
« on: February 19, 2017, 12:47:49 AM »
Bane posting and depression memes are as far as I go, I really need to grab some more layers.

You should start by collecting onions.

The Flood / Re: I really love all you guys
« on: February 17, 2017, 06:57:18 PM »
The hell is pinging?
On mdma

If ya could stop doing drugs that'd be greaaaaaaat.

For you.

The Flood / Re: I really love all you guys
« on: February 17, 2017, 06:52:57 PM »
The hell is pinging?

The Flood / Re: Lol this place is still not dead
« on: February 17, 2017, 06:21:44 PM »
You didn't answer my question. Don't leave me hanging dude.

The Flood / Re: Girl is draining my warrior spirit smh
« on: February 17, 2017, 06:15:40 PM »
Yo momma draining my patience smh

Serious / Re: isnt it funny?
« on: February 17, 2017, 05:52:23 PM »
If we get deci, class, and icy to comment in this thread will we form the unholy pentagon of faggotry?

I need to know for reasons since I really just want to take part in riding a man meat train really badly right now.

Serious / Re: isnt it funny?
« on: February 17, 2017, 05:37:20 PM »
Similar folks with something in common tend to do that.

Serious / Re: Slippery slope is not a fallacy
« on: February 17, 2017, 05:28:13 PM »
May not be human yet but that shouldn't matter. The process of life already started and that makes it a living thing. It's already there. While something is considered alive you do your best to keep it that way unless it's in a state that requires you to put it out of misery.

We wouldn't need 90% of abortions if people weren't so loose with their legs or took some actual precautions during sex and this far liberal bullshit is backfiring because apparently to them living in a free and open society includes not owing up to your mistakes, using get out of jail free cards, and repeating the same mistake because you learned absolutely nothing the first time because nobody slapped you upside the head and told you like it was for fear upsetting the crowd that can't handle reality.

Fuck am I ever tired of this shit.
i hope you never use your backspace key



It's a complex multi faceted issue and that pissy little paragraph of mine could never cover even a quarter of all the sides. I'm just tired of seeing this shit swirl endlessly wherever I turn. Politics was never my thing. Normally I could go live in the bleakest corner of nowhere and enjoy my silence but that's not the case anymore.

Lefty is a slow typer so I don"t often have to backspace unless he gets too uppity. SUCK ON MY CAREFULLY CRAFTED WORDS BITCH.

Serious / Re: Slippery slope is not a fallacy
« on: February 17, 2017, 05:13:51 PM »
May not be human yet but that shouldn't matter. The process of life already started and that makes it a living thing. It's already there. While something is considered alive you do your best to keep it that way unless it's in a state that requires you to put it out of misery.

We wouldn't need 90% of abortions if people weren't so loose with their legs or took some actual precautions during sex and this far liberal bullshit is backfiring because apparently to them living in a free and open society includes not owing up to your mistakes, using get out of jail free cards, and repeating the same mistake because you learned absolutely nothing the first time because nobody slapped you upside the head and told you like it was for fear upsetting the crowd that can't handle reality.

Fuck am I ever tired of this shit.
wew lad

smug anime face

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: February 17, 2017, 11:21:30 AM »

Serious / Re: Slippery slope is not a fallacy
« on: February 17, 2017, 02:04:11 AM »
May not be human yet but that shouldn't matter. The process of life already started and that makes it a living thing. It's already there. While something is considered alive you do your best to keep it that way unless it's in a state that requires you to put it out of misery.

We wouldn't need 90% of abortions if people weren't so loose with their legs or took some actual precautions during sex and this far liberal bullshit is backfiring because apparently to them living in a free and open society includes not owing up to your mistakes, using get out of jail free cards, and repeating the same mistake because you learned absolutely nothing the first time because nobody slapped you upside the head and told you like it was for fear upsetting the crowd that can't handle reality.

Fuck am I ever tired of this shit.

The Flood / Re: If a trap has gone through the surgery...
« on: February 16, 2017, 11:53:28 AM »

Good enough spot to leave this.

The Flood / Re: I just had the worst fucking nightmare
« on: February 16, 2017, 11:46:53 AM »
I'll talk about the oldest bad dream I can remember. One of those ones that feels real all right. It was always really simple.

I was stuck to something. Always stuck in place. My mother was tied up to a chair and in front of her there was this massive rubber band mounted like a slingshot. The band would stretch back, then let go. Every time she got hit with the band it hurt. Every time the band would wind back up and let loose again and again. It'd just get worse and worse until I eventually woke up.

The Flood / Re: Nice try kikes
« on: February 16, 2017, 10:49:39 AM »
It's just like Fable

Perseverence was a shit skill to give to hammers tbh

>When you trying to sleep from a tortured existence but the burning in your veins and shivers wake you up every hour

>Turn on TV to try and kill time until you fall asleep again

> Can't go one fucking minute without seeing this shit somewhere


The Flood / Re: I just had the worst fucking nightmare
« on: February 16, 2017, 08:35:43 AM »
Last dream I could remember was in 09. Now it's just waking up and not knowing where I am for a bit.

It sucks. Last one I had was a good one too.

The Flood / Re: How the fuck did I take 4 huge shits today?
« on: February 16, 2017, 01:28:50 AM »
I didn't think I had it in me. I woke up, ate a steak. An hour or two later, I ate another steak. I was just laying in bed reading my book, and then I ate another steak. Then a while later, I ate another really big steak. I have no idea how my body is capable of eating so much steak product.

Turn the difficulty up to the max you can take it.

Look up info on what expert builds you can make.

Trust me. Playing through the game on the highest settings and reaching the beautiful outro music of the first game is like finishing a journey.

The Flood / Re: itt: we drop truth bombs
« on: February 16, 2017, 01:09:38 AM »
Guess that sorts it then. Hate the spring because it's endless overcast. Hate the summer because the skin is always burning. Hate the fall because it's all dead. Like the winter though.
but everything is dead in the winter, though

even more dead, in fact

Key difference. Fall is overcast and lifeless grey. All the colour is draining and rainfall makes a cold dampness that seeps into everything.

I want you to imagine looking out at a horizon that stretches for miles on end, save for sparse patches of trees. It is a perfectly clear day, with a bright blue sky and not a cloud in sight. Across this long horizon, there are dunes of snow. You can see the ripple patterns for miles. A soft wind blows and loose snow snakes across the surface in twisting curls.

It's -30c outside. Every last thing outside is still. The air itself is so cold that trees will crack and make a sound like gunfire. You're bundled up in gear that's thick and heavy, but soft. You feel like a fat marshmellow man. You step outside into this perfectly still, frozen world of white, completely shielded in your little bubble that feels like a space suit.

And I can't forget the last part. You take a deep breath of air and you feel that cool seep into your lungs.

The Flood / Re: itt: discuss why bisexuality is the ultimate redpill
« on: February 16, 2017, 12:59:30 AM »
All women are automatically bi since they sucked on the titty when they kids.

I don't social media and friends.

If it were me I wouldn't point anything out in the first place.

The Flood / Re: itt: we drop truth bombs
« on: February 16, 2017, 12:49:49 AM »
Guess that sorts it then. Hate the spring because it's endless overcast. Hate the summer because the skin is always burning. Hate the fall because it's all dead. Like the winter though.

Serious / Re: Be ashamed to die
« on: February 14, 2017, 06:48:11 PM »
I'll have another go since I've got time to kill.

Funny how people overlook the small things. For some reason the achievement has to be big, grand, and world changing almost immidiately to be considered an achievment. Probably because most people only see the short term and not the long one.

Couple days ago my family sent me a video. My little niece has been taking skating for a couple years now. She's moved up so quickly. When I was healthy, and even now, I help fund the expenses needed for her to keep going. It got me thinking at least.

She was the reason I pulled myself out of the dark place I was in years back. She was the reason I did a lot of things in my life. I saw an opportunity to help give somebody all the things I never had.

I can't say it for certain but I can hope. She's going to grow up sensible, smart, and caring. As stubborn as the rest of my family members. She's going to make somebody's life special and maybe one day she's going to have kids of her own that she's going to take care of and raise with the same values we gave her.

I probably won't ever see those kids. But down the line, long after I'm gone, my actions will still be there. I helped make one less dysfunctional family. One less person in the world who wasn't fucked up. And hopefully, through generations of people, my actions will carry on and be echoed by family. You don't have to be big or grand to achieve something worthwhile.

"Inspirational" quotes like that always seem to downplay or even shun something important yet small while raising the large up on a pedestal and saying "You're a failure if you don't reach this height." The world will never be full of heavy hitters and big achievers. If it was, they wouldn't be heavy hitters and big achievers anymore.

Some people out there just aren't going to end up on the high road. Silently implying that they aren't worth a damn if they're not on it is just another form of ego boosting and pointless flattery outside of reality.

The Flood / Re: Where is everyone?
« on: February 14, 2017, 06:16:46 PM »
I'm too busy giving all the nurses a finger gun with a creepy smile and fluttery eyebrows.

V day seems to bother me less as time goes on. If I stop and look at it, sure, I envy those that do have somebody. Especially ones that make it work.

I figure if there ever was a window of time for me to find somebody mine is closing. If I wasn't good enough before with all my baggage, I certainly won't be any better now with all the extra on board. Such is life I suppose. At least it's nice to see when a couple gets along.

Gaming / Re: Thanks Sony
« on: February 14, 2017, 02:16:41 PM »

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: February 14, 2017, 02:11:29 PM »
Making progress

Looks like a critter.

The Flood / Re: Nothing is off limits in art
« on: February 14, 2017, 12:01:13 PM »
Honestly, I feel that provocation in basketball is extremely important. I can’t stand it when moralizer refs try to step in and say “no, that’s a foul”. I don’t think there should be any limits in basketball, I think basketball should be a medium in which anyone can express the most vile things, and the most immoral and questionable or outright shocking. It’s just basketball, and basketball is the place for that in a society which limits people’s expression in their every day action through law. If you want to limit people’s every day actions through law, then limiting their basketball too is just an attempt at total subversion of the human will to that of the group. You can control people’s actions, but you can’t control people’s sports. Nothing in basketball is off limits, basketball is supposed to be and should be as provocative as possible.

I also think that one of the ways that people try to moralize hockey, is through moral dogmas, creating rules that are game taboo. This idea seems to trace back to J O H N M A D D E N, where in he described his utopia as one where he’d ban all judges and refs, because they could corrupt the minds of the fans. Basketballianism, and I believe to a large extent Football dogma, going back all the way to the time of J O H N M A D D E N, is responsible for the trend of reffing that we see in society these days. I believe everyone should read the 12,000,0 days of sodom, everyone should watch john wayne movies,  everyone should listen to teletubbies, I believe everyone should subvert culturally accepted rules. A society which accepts basketball nature is one which is better for everyone, fuck refs and order.

I have a problem with the idea of “refs and order”. It seems that the idea of subverting the human will to an established idea of rules and norms; in itself, aside from the idea of making certain things off limits because they feel it will corrupt fans; is problematic. The idea of creating rules and having people follow them presupposes that the person making the rules is the ultimate authority on what is good and what is bad. But who can be the ultimate ruler, who can be the ultimate arbitrator of what is good and what is bad? J O H N M A D D E N himself saw this as a problem, what is justice, what is good, can you find a truly wise person to lead a game? His solution to it was total subversion of the will, authoritarianism, a game completely under control.

That is where the idea becomes troublesome, because this subversion of people leads to the Basketballitarian dogma of  J O H N M A D D E N. A dogma is a rule which is arbitrarily stated can’t be said or done. But the human mind can’t be subverted by fouls, there’s no ultimately cohesive rule which can bind all of fans together. Because no one operates on any fundamental rules; and if there were any ultimately cohesive rules, fans would already be functioning under them; no one can really be expected to follow an arbitrary foul, outside of even provocative basketball. Not to mention, basketball without provocation is nothing but insipid, bland, moralizing pap. You might as well just watch baseball or golf, because there’s no good basketball which isn’t provocative in some way.

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